
404 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <dolphin/gx.h>
#include <aurora/math.hpp>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "../internal.hpp"
#include "texture.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <cstring>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include <array>
#define M_PIF 3.14159265358979323846f
namespace GX {
constexpr u8 MaxLights = 8;
using LightMask = std::bitset<MaxLights>;
} // namespace GX
struct GXLightObj_ {
GXColor color;
float a0 = 1.f;
float a1 = 0.f;
float a2 = 0.f;
float k0 = 1.f;
float k1 = 0.f;
float k2 = 0.f;
float px = 0.f;
float py = 0.f;
float pz = 0.f;
float nx = 0.f;
float ny = 0.f;
float nz = 0.f;
static_assert(sizeof(GXLightObj_) <= sizeof(GXLightObj), "GXLightObj too small!");
constexpr float GX_LARGE_NUMBER = -1.0e+18f;
constexpr float GX_LARGE_NUMBER = -1048576.0f;
namespace aurora::gfx::gx {
constexpr u32 MaxTextures = GX_MAX_TEXMAP;
constexpr u32 MaxTevStages = GX_MAX_TEVSTAGE;
constexpr u32 MaxColorChannels = 4;
constexpr u32 MaxTevRegs = 4; // TEVPREV, TEVREG0-2
constexpr u32 MaxKColors = GX_MAX_KCOLOR;
constexpr u32 MaxTexMtx = 10;
constexpr u32 MaxPTTexMtx = 20;
constexpr u32 MaxTexCoord = GX_MAX_TEXCOORD;
constexpr u32 MaxVtxAttr = GX_VA_MAX_ATTR;
constexpr u32 MaxTevSwap = GX_MAX_TEVSWAP;
constexpr u32 MaxIndStages = GX_MAX_INDTEXSTAGE;
constexpr u32 MaxIndTexMtxs = 3;
constexpr u32 MaxVtxFmt = GX_MAX_VTXFMT;
constexpr u32 MaxPnMtx = (GX_PNMTX9 / 3) + 1;
template <typename Arg, Arg Default>
struct TevPass {
Arg a = Default;
Arg b = Default;
Arg c = Default;
Arg d = Default;
bool operator==(const TevPass& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
static_assert(std::has_unique_object_representations_v<TevPass<GXTevColorArg, GX_CC_ZERO>>);
static_assert(std::has_unique_object_representations_v<TevPass<GXTevAlphaArg, GX_CA_ZERO>>);
struct TevOp {
GXTevOp op = GX_TEV_ADD;
GXTevBias bias = GX_TB_ZERO;
GXTevScale scale = GX_CS_SCALE_1;
bool clamp = true;
u8 _p1 = 0;
u8 _p2 = 0;
u8 _p3 = 0;
bool operator==(const TevOp& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
struct TevStage {
TevPass<GXTevColorArg, GX_CC_ZERO> colorPass;
TevPass<GXTevAlphaArg, GX_CA_ZERO> alphaPass;
TevOp colorOp;
TevOp alphaOp;
GXTevKColorSel kcSel = GX_TEV_KCSEL_1;
GXTevKAlphaSel kaSel = GX_TEV_KASEL_1;
GXChannelID channelId = GX_COLOR_NULL;
GXTevSwapSel tevSwapRas = GX_TEV_SWAP0;
GXTevSwapSel tevSwapTex = GX_TEV_SWAP0;
GXIndTexStageID indTexStage = GX_INDTEXSTAGE0;
GXIndTexFormat indTexFormat = GX_ITF_8;
GXIndTexBiasSel indTexBiasSel = GX_ITB_NONE;
GXIndTexAlphaSel indTexAlphaSel = GX_ITBA_OFF;
GXIndTexMtxID indTexMtxId = GX_ITM_OFF;
GXIndTexWrap indTexWrapS = GX_ITW_OFF;
GXIndTexWrap indTexWrapT = GX_ITW_OFF;
bool indTexUseOrigLOD = false;
bool indTexAddPrev = false;
u8 _p1 = 0;
u8 _p2 = 0;
bool operator==(const TevStage& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
struct IndStage {
GXTexCoordID texCoordId;
GXTexMapID texMapId;
GXIndTexScale scaleS;
GXIndTexScale scaleT;
// For shader generation
struct ColorChannelConfig {
GXColorSrc matSrc = GX_SRC_REG;
GXColorSrc ambSrc = GX_SRC_REG;
GXDiffuseFn diffFn = GX_DF_NONE;
GXAttnFn attnFn = GX_AF_NONE;
bool lightingEnabled = false;
u8 _p1 = 0;
u8 _p2 = 0;
u8 _p3 = 0;
bool operator==(const ColorChannelConfig& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
// For uniform generation
struct ColorChannelState {
Vec4<float> matColor;
Vec4<float> ambColor;
GX::LightMask lightMask;
// Mat4x4 used instead of Mat4x3 for padding purposes
using TexMtxVariant = std::variant<std::monostate, Mat4x2<float>, Mat4x4<float>>;
struct TcgConfig {
GXTexGenType type = GX_TG_MTX2x4;
bool normalize = false;
u8 _p1 = 0;
u8 _p2 = 0;
u8 _p3 = 0;
bool operator==(const TcgConfig& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
struct FogState {
GXFogType type = GX_FOG_NONE;
float startZ = 0.f;
float endZ = 0.f;
float nearZ = 0.f;
float farZ = 0.f;
Vec4<float> color;
bool operator==(const FogState& rhs) const {
return type == rhs.type && startZ == rhs.startZ && endZ == rhs.endZ && nearZ == rhs.nearZ && farZ == rhs.farZ &&
color == rhs.color;
struct TevSwap {
GXTevColorChan red = GX_CH_RED;
GXTevColorChan green = GX_CH_GREEN;
GXTevColorChan blue = GX_CH_BLUE;
GXTevColorChan alpha = GX_CH_ALPHA;
bool operator==(const TevSwap& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !(*this == TevSwap{}); }
struct AlphaCompare {
GXCompare comp0 = GX_ALWAYS;
u32 ref0; // would be u8 but extended to avoid padding bytes
GXAlphaOp op = GX_AOP_AND;
GXCompare comp1 = GX_ALWAYS;
u32 ref1;
bool operator==(const AlphaCompare& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return comp0 != GX_ALWAYS || comp1 != GX_ALWAYS; }
struct IndTexMtxInfo {
aurora::Mat3x2<float> mtx;
s8 scaleExp;
bool operator==(const IndTexMtxInfo& rhs) const { return mtx == rhs.mtx && scaleExp == rhs.scaleExp; }
struct VtxAttrFmt {
GXCompCnt cnt;
GXCompType type;
u8 frac;
struct VtxFmt {
std::array<VtxAttrFmt, MaxVtxAttr> attrs;
struct PnMtx {
Mat4x4<float> pos;
Mat4x4<float> nrm;
static_assert(sizeof(PnMtx) == sizeof(Mat4x4<float>) * 2);
struct Light {
Vec4<float> pos{0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
Vec4<float> dir{0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
Vec4<float> color{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
Vec4<float> cosAtt{0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
Vec4<float> distAtt{0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
bool operator==(const Light& rhs) const {
return pos == rhs.pos && dir == rhs.dir && color == rhs.color && cosAtt == rhs.cosAtt && distAtt == rhs.distAtt;
static_assert(sizeof(Light) == 80);
struct AttrArray {
const void* data;
u32 size;
u8 stride;
Range cachedRange;
inline bool operator==(const AttrArray& lhs, const AttrArray& rhs) {
return == && lhs.size == rhs.size && lhs.stride == rhs.stride;
struct GXState {
std::array<PnMtx, MaxPnMtx> pnMtx;
u32 currentPnMtx;
Mat4x4<float> proj;
Mat4x4<float> origProj; // for GXGetProjectionv
GXProjectionType projType; // for GXGetProjectionv
FogState fog;
GXCullMode cullMode = GX_CULL_BACK;
GXBlendMode blendMode = GX_BM_NONE;
GXBlendFactor blendFacSrc = GX_BL_SRCALPHA;
GXBlendFactor blendFacDst = GX_BL_INVSRCALPHA;
GXLogicOp blendOp = GX_LO_CLEAR;
GXCompare depthFunc = GX_LEQUAL;
Vec4<float> clearColor{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
u32 dstAlpha; // u8; UINT32_MAX = disabled
AlphaCompare alphaCompare;
std::array<Vec4<float>, MaxTevRegs> colorRegs;
std::array<Vec4<float>, GX_MAX_KCOLOR> kcolors;
std::array<ColorChannelConfig, MaxColorChannels> colorChannelConfig;
std::array<ColorChannelState, MaxColorChannels> colorChannelState;
std::array<Light, GX::MaxLights> lights;
std::array<TevStage, MaxTevStages> tevStages;
std::array<TextureBind, MaxTextures> textures;
std::array<GXTlutObj_, MaxTextures> tluts;
std::array<TexMtxVariant, MaxTexMtx> texMtxs;
std::array<Mat4x4<float>, MaxPTTexMtx> ptTexMtxs;
std::array<TcgConfig, MaxTexCoord> tcgs;
std::array<GXAttrType, MaxVtxAttr> vtxDesc;
std::array<VtxFmt, MaxVtxFmt> vtxFmts;
std::array<TevSwap, MaxTevSwap> tevSwapTable{
std::array<IndStage, MaxIndStages> indStages;
std::array<IndTexMtxInfo, MaxIndTexMtxs> indTexMtxs;
std::array<AttrArray, GX_VA_MAX_ATTR> arrays;
bool depthCompare = true;
bool depthUpdate = true;
bool colorUpdate = true;
bool alphaUpdate = true;
u8 numChans = 0;
u8 numIndStages = 0;
u8 numTevStages = 0;
u8 numTexGens = 0;
bool stateDirty = true;
extern GXState g_gxState;
void shutdown() noexcept;
const TextureBind& get_texture(GXTexMapID id) noexcept;
static inline bool requires_copy_conversion(const GXTexObj_& obj) {
if (!obj.ref) {
return false;
if (obj.ref->isRenderTexture) {
return true;
switch (obj.ref->gxFormat) {
// case GX_TF_RGB565:
// case GX_TF_I4:
// case GX_TF_I8:
case GX_TF_C4:
case GX_TF_C8:
case GX_TF_C14X2:
return true;
return false;
static inline bool requires_load_conversion(const GXTexObj_& obj) {
if (!obj.ref) {
return false;
switch (obj.fmt) {
case GX_TF_I4:
case GX_TF_I8:
case GX_TF_C4:
case GX_TF_C8:
case GX_TF_C14X2:
case GX_TF_R8_PC:
return true;
return false;
static inline bool is_palette_format(u32 fmt) { return fmt == GX_TF_C4 || fmt == GX_TF_C8 || fmt == GX_TF_C14X2; }
struct TextureConfig {
u32 copyFmt = InvalidTextureFormat; // Underlying texture format
u32 loadFmt = InvalidTextureFormat; // Texture format being bound
bool renderTex = false; // Perform conversion
u8 _p1 = 0;
u8 _p2 = 0;
u8 _p3 = 0;
bool operator==(const TextureConfig& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
struct ShaderConfig {
GXFogType fogType;
std::array<GXAttrType, MaxVtxAttr> vtxAttrs;
// Mapping for indexed attributes -> storage buffer
std::array<GXAttr, MaxVtxAttr> attrMapping;
std::array<TevSwap, MaxTevSwap> tevSwapTable;
std::array<TevStage, MaxTevStages> tevStages;
u32 tevStageCount = 0;
std::array<ColorChannelConfig, MaxColorChannels> colorChannels;
std::array<TcgConfig, MaxTexCoord> tcgs;
AlphaCompare alphaCompare;
u32 indexedAttributeCount = 0;
std::array<TextureConfig, MaxTextures> textureConfig;
bool operator==(const ShaderConfig& rhs) const { return memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
constexpr u32 GXPipelineConfigVersion = 4;
struct PipelineConfig {
u32 version = GXPipelineConfigVersion;
ShaderConfig shaderConfig;
GXPrimitive primitive;
GXCompare depthFunc;
GXCullMode cullMode;
GXBlendMode blendMode;
GXBlendFactor blendFacSrc, blendFacDst;
GXLogicOp blendOp;
u32 dstAlpha;
bool depthCompare, depthUpdate, alphaUpdate, colorUpdate;
struct GXBindGroupLayouts {
WGPUBindGroupLayout uniformLayout;
WGPUBindGroupLayout samplerLayout;
WGPUBindGroupLayout textureLayout;
struct GXBindGroups {
BindGroupRef uniformBindGroup;
BindGroupRef samplerBindGroup;
BindGroupRef textureBindGroup;
// Output info from shader generation
struct ShaderInfo {
std::bitset<MaxTexCoord> sampledTexCoords;
std::bitset<MaxTextures> sampledTextures;
std::bitset<MaxKColors> sampledKColors;
std::bitset<MaxColorChannels / 2> sampledColorChannels;
std::bitset<MaxTevRegs> loadsTevReg;
std::bitset<MaxTevRegs> writesTevReg;
std::bitset<MaxTexMtx> usesTexMtx;
std::bitset<MaxPTTexMtx> usesPTTexMtx;
std::array<GXTexGenType, MaxTexMtx> texMtxTypes{};
u32 uniformSize = 0;
bool usesFog : 1 = false;
struct BindGroupRanges {
std::array<Range, GX_VA_MAX_ATTR> vaRanges{};
void populate_pipeline_config(PipelineConfig& config, GXPrimitive primitive) noexcept;
WGPURenderPipeline build_pipeline(const PipelineConfig& config, const ShaderInfo& info,
ArrayRef<WGPUVertexBufferLayout> vtxBuffers, WGPUShaderModule shader,
const char* label) noexcept;
ShaderInfo build_shader_info(const ShaderConfig& config) noexcept;
WGPUShaderModule build_shader(const ShaderConfig& config, const ShaderInfo& info) noexcept;
// Range build_vertex_buffer(const GXShaderInfo& info) noexcept;
Range build_uniform(const ShaderInfo& info) noexcept;
GXBindGroupLayouts build_bind_group_layouts(const ShaderInfo& info, const ShaderConfig& config) noexcept;
GXBindGroups build_bind_groups(const ShaderInfo& info, const ShaderConfig& config,
const BindGroupRanges& ranges) noexcept;
} // namespace aurora::gfx::gx