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//* Copyright 2017 The NXT Authors
//* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//* You may obtain a copy of the License at
//* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//* limitations under the License.
#include "Wire.h"
#include "WireCmd.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
namespace nxt {
namespace wire {
//* Client side implementation of the API, will serialize everything to memory to send to the server side.
namespace client {
class Device;
2017-05-10 13:07:36 +00:00
void PrintBuilderError(nxtBuilderErrorStatus status, const char* message, nxtCallbackUserdata, nxtCallbackUserdata) {
std::cout << "Got a builder error " << status << ": " << message << std::endl;
struct BuilderCallbackData {
void Call(nxtBuilderErrorStatus status, const char* message) {
if (canCall && callback != nullptr) {
canCall = true;
callback(status, message, userdata1, userdata2);
2017-05-10 13:07:36 +00:00
//* For help with development, prints all builder errors by default.
nxtBuilderErrorCallback callback = PrintBuilderError;
nxtCallbackUserdata userdata1 = 0;
nxtCallbackUserdata userdata2 = 0;
bool canCall = true;
//* All non-Device objects of the client side have:
//* - A pointer to the device to get where to serialize commands
//* - The external reference count
//* - An ID that is used to refer to this object when talking with the server side
struct ObjectBase {
ObjectBase(Device* device, uint32_t refcount, uint32_t id)
:device(device), refcount(refcount), id(id) {
Device* device;
uint32_t refcount;
uint32_t id;
BuilderCallbackData builderCallback;
{% for type in by_category["object"] if not type.name.canonical_case() == "device" %}
struct {{type.name.CamelCase()}} : ObjectBase {
using ObjectBase::ObjectBase;
{% endfor %}
//* TODO(cwallez@chromium.org): Do something with objects before they are destroyed ?
//* - Call still uncalled builder callbacks
template<typename T>
class ObjectAllocator {
struct ObjectAndSerial {
ObjectAndSerial(std::unique_ptr<T> object, uint32_t serial)
: object(std::move(object)), serial(serial) {
std::unique_ptr<T> object;
uint32_t serial;
ObjectAllocator(Device* device) : device(device) {
// ID 0 is nullptr
objects.emplace_back(nullptr, 0);
ObjectAndSerial* New() {
uint32_t id = GetNewId();
T* result = new T(device, 1, id);
auto object = std::unique_ptr<T>(result);
if (id >= objects.size()) {
assert(id == objects.size());
objects.emplace_back(std::move(object), 0);
} else {
assert(objects[id].object == nullptr);
//* TODO(cwallez@chromium.org): investigate if overflows could cause bad things to happen
objects[id].object = std::move(object);
return &objects[id];
void Free(T* obj) {
objects[obj->id].object = nullptr;
T* GetObject(uint32_t id) {
if (id >= objects.size()) {
return nullptr;
return objects[id].object.get();
uint32_t GetSerial(uint32_t id) {
if (id >= objects.size()) {
return 0;
return objects[id].serial;
uint32_t GetNewId() {
if (freeIds.empty()) {
return currentId ++;
uint32_t id = freeIds.back();
return id;
void FreeId(uint32_t id) {
// 0 is an ID reserved to represent nullptr
uint32_t currentId = 1;
std::vector<uint32_t> freeIds;
std::vector<ObjectAndSerial> objects;
Device* device;
//* The client wire uses the global NXT device to store its global data such as the serializer
//* and the object id allocators.
class Device : public ObjectBase {
Device(CommandSerializer* serializer)
: ObjectBase(this, 1, 1),
{% for type in by_category["object"] if not type.name.canonical_case() == "device" %}
{% endfor %}
serializer(serializer) {
void* GetCmdSpace(size_t size) {
return serializer->GetCmdSpace(size);
{% for type in by_category["object"] if not type.name.canonical_case() == "device" %}
ObjectAllocator<{{type.name.CamelCase()}}> {{type.name.camelCase()}};
{% endfor %}
nxtDeviceErrorCallback errorCallback = nullptr;
nxtCallbackUserdata errorUserdata;
CommandSerializer* serializer = nullptr;
//* Implementation of the client API functions.
{% for type in by_category["object"] %}
{% set Type = type.name.CamelCase() %}
{% for method in type.methods %}
{% set Suffix = as_MethodSuffix(type.name, method.name) %}
{{as_backendType(method.return_type)}} Client{{Suffix}}(
{{-as_backendType(type)}} self
{%- for arg in method.arguments -%}
, {{as_annotated_backendType(arg)}}
{%- endfor -%}
) {
Device* device = self->device;
wire::{{Suffix}}Cmd cmd;
//* Create the structure going on the wire on the stack and fill it with the value
//* arguments so it can compute its size.
//* Value objects are stored as IDs
{% for arg in method.arguments if arg.annotation == "value" %}
{% if arg.type.category == "object" %}
cmd.{{as_varName(arg.name)}} = {{as_varName(arg.name)}}->id;
{% else %}
cmd.{{as_varName(arg.name)}} = {{as_varName(arg.name)}};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
cmd.self = self->id;
//* The length of const char* is considered a value argument.
{% for arg in method.arguments if arg.length == "strlen" %}
cmd.{{as_varName(arg.name)}}Strlen = strlen({{as_varName(arg.name)}});
{% endfor %}
//* Allocate space to send the command and copy the value args over.
size_t requiredSize = cmd.GetRequiredSize();
auto allocCmd = reinterpret_cast<decltype(cmd)*>(device->GetCmdSpace(requiredSize));
*allocCmd = cmd;
//* In the allocated space, write the non-value arguments.
{% for arg in method.arguments if arg.annotation != "value" %}
{% set argName = as_varName(arg.name) %}
{% if arg.length == "strlen" %}
memcpy(allocCmd->GetPtr_{{argName}}(), {{argName}}, allocCmd->{{argName}}Strlen + 1);
{% elif arg.type.category == "object" %}
auto {{argName}}Storage = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(allocCmd->GetPtr_{{argName}}());
for (size_t i = 0; i < {{as_varName(arg.length.name)}}; i++) {
{{argName}}Storage[i] = {{argName}}[i]->id;
{% else %}
memcpy(allocCmd->GetPtr_{{argName}}(), {{argName}}, {{as_varName(arg.length.name)}} * sizeof(*{{argName}}));
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
//* For object creation, store the object ID the client will use for the result.
{% if method.return_type.category == "object" %}
auto* allocation = self->device->{{method.return_type.name.camelCase()}}.New();
{% if type.is_builder %}
//* We are in GetResult, so the callback that should be called is the
//* currently set one. Copy it over to the created object and prevent the
//* builder from calling the callback on destruction.
allocation->object->builderCallback = self->builderCallback;
self->builderCallback.canCall = false;
{% endif %}
allocCmd->resultId = allocation->object->id;
allocCmd->resultSerial = allocation->serial;
return allocation->object.get();
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if type.is_builder %}
void Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("set error callback"))}}({{Type}}* self,
nxtBuilderErrorCallback callback,
nxtCallbackUserdata userdata1,
nxtCallbackUserdata userdata2) {
self->builderCallback.callback = callback;
self->builderCallback.userdata1 = userdata1;
self->builderCallback.userdata2 = userdata2;
{% endif %}
{% if not type.name.canonical_case() == "device" %}
//* When an object's refcount reaches 0, notify the server side of it and delete it.
void Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("release"))}}({{Type}}* obj) {
obj->refcount --;
if (obj->refcount > 0) {
obj->builderCallback.Call(NXT_BUILDER_ERROR_STATUS_UNKNOWN, "Unknown");
wire::{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("destroy"))}}Cmd cmd;
cmd.objectId = obj->id;
size_t requiredSize = cmd.GetRequiredSize();
auto allocCmd = reinterpret_cast<decltype(cmd)*>(obj->device->GetCmdSpace(requiredSize));
*allocCmd = cmd;
void Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("reference"))}}({{Type}}* obj) {
obj->refcount ++;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
void ClientDeviceReference(Device* self) {
void ClientDeviceRelease(Device* self) {
void ClientDeviceSetErrorCallback(Device* self, nxtDeviceErrorCallback callback, nxtCallbackUserdata userdata) {
self->errorCallback = callback;
self->errorUserdata = userdata;
nxtProcTable GetProcs() {
nxtProcTable table;
{% for type in by_category["object"] %}
{% for method in native_methods(type) %}
table.{{as_varName(type.name, method.name)}} = reinterpret_cast<{{as_cProc(type.name, method.name)}}>(Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, method.name)}});
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
return table;
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
class Client : public CommandHandler {
Client(Device* device) : device(device) {
const uint8_t* HandleCommands(const uint8_t* commands, size_t size) override {
while (size > sizeof(ReturnWireCmd)) {
ReturnWireCmd cmdId = *reinterpret_cast<const ReturnWireCmd*>(commands);
bool success = false;
switch (cmdId) {
case ReturnWireCmd::DeviceErrorCallback:
success = HandleDeviceErrorCallbackCmd(&commands, &size);
{% for type in by_category["object"] if type.is_builder %}
case ReturnWireCmd::{{type.name.CamelCase()}}ErrorCallback:
success = Handle{{type.name.CamelCase()}}ErrorCallbackCmd(&commands, &size);
{% endfor %}
success = false;
if (!success) {
return nullptr;
if (size != 0) {
return nullptr;
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
return commands;
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
Device* device = nullptr;
//* Helper function for the getting of the command data in command handlers.
//* Checks there is enough data left, updates the buffer / size and returns
//* the command (or nullptr for an error).
template<typename T>
static const T* GetCommand(const uint8_t** commands, size_t* size) {
if (*size < sizeof(T)) {
return nullptr;
const T* cmd = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(*commands);
size_t cmdSize = cmd->GetRequiredSize();
if (*size < cmdSize) {
return nullptr;
*commands += cmdSize;
*size -= cmdSize;
return cmd;
bool HandleDeviceErrorCallbackCmd(const uint8_t** commands, size_t* size) {
const auto* cmd = GetCommand<ReturnDeviceErrorCallbackCmd>(commands, size);
if (cmd == nullptr) {
return false;
if (cmd->GetMessage()[cmd->messageStrlen] != '\0') {
return false;
if (device->errorCallback != nullptr) {
device->errorCallback(cmd->GetMessage(), device->errorUserdata);
return true;
{% for type in by_category["object"] if type.is_builder %}
{% set Type = type.name.CamelCase() %}
bool Handle{{Type}}ErrorCallbackCmd(const uint8_t** commands, size_t* size) {
const auto* cmd = GetCommand<Return{{Type}}ErrorCallbackCmd>(commands, size);
if (cmd == nullptr) {
return false;
if (cmd->GetMessage()[cmd->messageStrlen] != '\0') {
return false;
auto* builtObject = device->{{type.built_type.name.camelCase()}}.GetObject(cmd->builtObjectId);
uint32_t objectSerial = device->{{type.built_type.name.camelCase()}}.GetSerial(cmd->builtObjectId);
//* The object might have been deleted or a new object created with the same ID.
if (builtObject == nullptr || objectSerial != cmd->builtObjectSerial) {
return true;
builtObject->builderCallback.Call(static_cast<nxtBuilderErrorStatus>(cmd->status), cmd->GetMessage());
return true;
{% endfor %}
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
CommandHandler* NewClientDevice(nxtProcTable* procs, nxtDevice* device, CommandSerializer* serializer) {
auto clientDevice = new client::Device(serializer);
*device = reinterpret_cast<nxtDeviceImpl*>(clientDevice);
*procs = client::GetProcs();
2017-05-09 13:34:13 +00:00
return new client::Client(clientDevice);