
920 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
"_comment": [
"Copyright 2017 The NXT Authors",
"Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");",
"you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.",
"You may obtain a copy of the License at",
" http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0",
"Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software",
"distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,",
"See the License for the specific language governing permissions and",
"limitations under the License."
"bind group": {
"category": "object"
"bind group builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "bind group"
"name": "set layout",
"args": [
{"name": "layout", "type": "bind group layout"}
"name": "set usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "bind group usage"}
"name": "set buffer views",
"args": [
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "buffer views", "type": "buffer view", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"name": "set samplers",
"args": [
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "samplers", "type": "sampler", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"name": "set texture views",
"args": [
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "texture views", "type": "texture view", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"TODO": [
"When resource are added, add methods for setting the content of the bind group"
"bind group usage": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "frozen"},
{"value": 1, "name": "dynamic"}
"bind group layout": {
"category": "object"
"bind group layout builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "bind group layout"
"name": "set bindings type",
"args": [
{"name": "visibility", "type": "shader stage bit"},
{"name": "binding type", "type": "binding type"},
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"}
"binding type": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "uniform buffer"},
{"value": 1, "name": "sampler"},
{"value": 2, "name": "sampled texture"},
{"value": 3, "name": "storage buffer"}
"builder error status": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "success"},
{"value": 1, "name": "error", "TODO": "cwallez@chromium.org: recoverable errors like GPU OOM"},
{"value": 2, "name": "unknown"},
{"value": 3, "name": "context lost"}
"builder error callback": {
"category": "natively defined"
"buffer": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "create buffer view builder",
"returns": "buffer view builder"
"name": "set sub data",
"args": [
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "data", "type": "uint32_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"name": "transition usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "buffer usage bit"}
"name": "freeze usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "buffer usage bit"}
"buffer builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "buffer"
"name": "set allowed usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "buffer usage bit"}
"name": "set initial usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "buffer usage bit"}
"name": "set size",
"args": [
{"name": "size", "type": "uint32_t"}
"buffer usage bit": {
"category": "bitmask",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "none"},
{"value": 1, "name": "mapped"},
{"value": 2, "name": "transfer src"},
{"value": 4, "name": "transfer dst"},
{"value": 8, "name": "index"},
{"value": 16, "name": "vertex"},
{"value": 32, "name": "uniform"},
{"value": 64, "name": "storage"}
"buffer view": {
"category": "object"
"buffer view builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "buffer view"
"name": "set extent",
"args": [
{"name": "offset", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "size", "type": "uint32_t"}
"callback userdata": {
"category": "natively defined"
"char": {
"category": "native"
"command buffer": {
"category": "object"
"command buffer builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "command buffer"
"name": "begin render pass",
"args": [
{"name": "render pass", "type": "render pass"},
{"name": "framebuffer", "type": "framebuffer"}
"name": "advance subpass"
"name": "end render pass"
"name": "copy buffer to texture",
"args": [
{"name": "buffer", "type": "buffer"},
{"name": "buffer offset", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "texture", "type": "texture"},
{"name": "x", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "y", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "z", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "width", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "height", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "depth", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "level", "type": "uint32_t"}
"TODO": [
"Make pretty with Offset and Extents structures",
"Allow choosing the aspect (depth vs. stencil)?",
"Add these arguments too",
{"name": "row length", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "image height", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "dispatch",
"args": [
{"name": "x", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "y", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "z", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "draw arrays",
"args": [
{"name": "vertex count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "instance count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "first vertex", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "first instance", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "draw elements",
"args": [
{"name": "index count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "instance count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "first index", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "first instance", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set stencil reference",
"args": [
{"name": "back reference", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "front reference", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set bind group",
"args": [
{"name": "group index", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "group", "type": "bind group"}
"name": "set index buffer",
"args": [
{"name": "buffer", "type": "buffer"},
{"name": "offset", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "format", "type": "index format"}
"name": "set push constants",
"TODO": [
"data should be void*",
"TODO Vulkan has an additional stage mask"
"args": [
{"name": "stage", "type": "shader stage bit"},
{"name": "offset", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "data", "type": "uint32_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"name": "set pipeline",
"args": [
{"name": "pipeline", "type": "pipeline"}
"notes": [
"Not specifying graphics or compute because we know from render pass"
"name": "set vertex buffers",
"args": [
{"name": "start slot", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "buffers", "type": "buffer", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"},
{"name": "offsets", "type": "uint32_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "count"}
"name": "transition buffer usage",
"args": [
{"name": "buffer", "type": "buffer"},
{"name": "usage", "type": "buffer usage bit"}
"name": "transition texture usage",
"args": [
{"name": "texture", "type": "texture"},
{"name": "usage", "type": "texture usage bit"}
"compare function": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "never"},
{"value": 1, "name": "less"},
{"value": 2, "name": "less equal"},
{"value": 3, "name": "greater"},
{"value": 4, "name": "greater equal"},
{"value": 5, "name": "equal"},
{"value": 6, "name": "not equal"},
{"value": 7, "name": "always"}
"device": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "create bind group builder",
"returns": "bind group builder"
"name": "create bind group layout builder",
"returns": "bind group layout builder"
"name": "create buffer builder",
"returns": "buffer builder"
"name": "create command buffer builder",
"returns": "command buffer builder"
"name": "create depth stencil state builder",
"returns": "depth stencil state builder"
"name": "create framebuffer builder",
"returns": "framebuffer builder"
"name": "create input state builder",
"returns": "input state builder"
"name": "create pipeline builder",
"returns": "pipeline builder"
"name": "create pipeline layout builder",
"returns": "pipeline layout builder"
"name": "create queue builder",
"returns": "queue builder"
"name": "create render pass builder",
"returns": "render pass builder"
"name": "create sampler builder",
"returns": "sampler builder"
"name": "create shader module builder",
"returns": "shader module builder"
"name": "create texture builder",
"returns": "texture builder"
"name": "copy bind groups",
"args": [
{"name": "start", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "count", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "source", "type": "bind group"},
{"name": "target", "type": "bind group"}
"name": "set error callback",
"args": [
{"name": "callback", "type": "device error callback"},
{"name": "userdata", "type": "callback userdata"}
"depth stencil state": {
"category": "object"
"depth stencil state builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "depth stencil state"
"name": "set depth enabled",
"args": [
{"name": "depth enabled", "type": "bool"}
"name": "set depth compare function",
"args": [
{"name": "depth compare function", "type": "compare function"}
"name": "set depth write",
"args" : [
{"name": "depth write mode", "type": "depth write mode"}
"name": "set stencil enabled",
"args": [
{"name": "stencil enabled", "type": "bool"}
"name": "set stencil operation",
"args": [
{"name": "face", "type": "face"},
{"name": "stencil failure operation", "type": "stencil operation"},
{"name": "depth failure operation", "type": "stencil operation"},
{"name": "stencil pass operation", "type": "stencil operation"}
"name": "set stencil compare function",
"args": [
{"name": "face", "type": "face"},
{"name": "stencil compare function", "type": "compare function"}
"name": "set stencil mask",
"args": [
{"name": "face", "type": "face"},
{"name": "read mask", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "write mask", "type": "uint32_t"}
"depth write mode": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "disabled"},
{"value": 1, "name": "enabled"}
"device error callback": {
"category": "natively defined"
"face": {
"category": "bitmask",
"values": [
{"value": 1, "name": "back"},
{"value": 2, "name": "front"},
{"value": 3, "name": "both"}
"filter mode": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name":"nearest"},
{"value": 1, "name":"linear"}
"framebuffer": {
"category": "object"
"framebuffer builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "framebuffer"
"name": "set render pass",
"args": [
{"name": "render pass", "type": "render pass"}
"name": "set dimensions",
"args": [
{"name": "width", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "height", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set attachment",
"args": [
{"name": "attachment slot", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "texture views", "type": "texture view"}
"index format": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "uint16"},
{"value": 1, "name": "uint32"}
"input state": {
"category": "object"
"input state builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "input state"
"name": "set attribute",
"args": [
{"name": "shader location", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "binding slot", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "format", "type": "vertex format"},
{"name": "offset", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set input",
"args": [
{"name": "binding slot", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "stride", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "step mode", "type": "input step mode"}
"input step mode": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "vertex"},
{"value": 1, "name": "instance"}
"pipeline": {
"category": "object"
"pipeline builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "pipeline"
"name": "set layout",
"args": [
{"name": "layout", "type": "pipeline layout"}
"name": "set subpass",
"args": [
{"name": "render pass", "type": "render pass"},
{"name": "subpass", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set stage",
"args": [
{"name": "stage", "type": "shader stage"},
{"name": "module", "type": "shader module"},
{"name": "entry point", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen"}
"name": "set input state",
"args": [
{"name": "input", "type": "input state"}
"name": "set depth stencil state",
"args": [
{"name": "input", "type": "depth stencil state"}
"pipeline layout": {
"category": "object"
"pipeline layout builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "pipeline layout"
"name": "set bind group layout",
"args": [
{"name": "group index", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "layout", "type": "bind group layout"}
"queue": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "submit",
"args": [
{"name": "num commands", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "commands", "type": "command buffer", "annotation": "const*", "length": "num commands"}
"queue builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "queue"
"render pass builder": {
"category": "object",
"TODO": {
"attachments": "Also need load op, store op, depth/stencil attachments and depth/stencil ops, and maybe usages for the implicit attachment transitions",
"subpasses": "Also need input attachments, resolve attachments, and preserve attachments"
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "render pass"
"name": "set attachment count",
"args": [
{"name": "attachment count", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "attachment set format",
"TODO": "Also need sample count",
"args": [
{"name": "attachment slot", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "format", "type": "texture format"}
"name": "set subpass count",
"args": [
{"name": "subpass count", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "subpass set color attachment",
"args": [
{"name": "subpass index", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "output attachment location", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "attachment slot", "type": "uint32_t"}
"render pass": {
"category": "object"
"sampler": {
"category": "object"
"sampler builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "sampler"
"name": "set filter mode",
"args": [
{"name": "mag filter", "type": "filter mode"},
{"name": "min filter", "type": "filter mode"},
{"name": "mipmap filter", "type": "filter mode"}
"shader module": {
"category": "object"
"shader module builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "shader module"
"name": "set source",
"args": [
{"name": "code size", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "code", "type": "uint32_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "code size"}
"shader stage": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "vertex"},
{"value": 1, "name": "fragment"},
{"value": 2, "name": "compute"}
"shader stage bit": {
"category": "bitmask",
"values": [
{"value": 1, "name": "vertex"},
{"value": 2, "name": "fragment"},
{"value": 4, "name": "compute"}
"stencil operation": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "keep"},
{"value": 1, "name": "zero"},
{"value": 2, "name": "replace"},
{"value": 3, "name": "invert"},
{"value": 4, "name": "increment clamp"},
{"value": 5, "name": "decrement clamp"},
{"value": 6, "name": "increment wrap"},
{"value": 7, "name": "decrement wrap"}
"texture": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "create texture view builder",
"returns": "texture view builder"
"name": "transition usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "texture usage bit"}
"name": "freeze usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "texture usage bit"}
"texture builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "texture"
"name": "set dimension",
"args": [
{"name": "dimension", "type": "texture dimension"}
"name": "set extent",
"args": [
{"name": "width", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "height", "type": "uint32_t"},
{"name": "depth", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set format",
"args": [
{"name": "format", "type": "texture format"}
"name": "set mip levels",
"args": [
{"name": "num mip levels", "type": "uint32_t"}
"name": "set allowed usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "texture usage bit"}
"name": "set initial usage",
"args": [
{"name": "usage", "type": "texture usage bit"}
"texture dimension": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "2D"}
"texture usage bit": {
"category": "bitmask",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "none"},
{"value": 1, "name": "transfer src"},
{"value": 2, "name": "transfer dst"},
{"value": 4, "name": "sampled"},
{"value": 8, "name": "storage"},
{"value": 16, "name": "color attachment"},
{"value": 32, "name": "depth stencil attachment"}
"texture view": {
"category": "object"
"texture view builder": {
"category": "object",
"methods": [
"name": "get result",
"returns": "texture view"
"texture format": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "r8 g8 b8 a8 unorm"}
"vertex format": {
"category": "enum",
"values": [
{"value": 0, "name": "float r32 g32 b32 a32"},
{"value": 1, "name": "float r32 g32 b32"},
{"value": 2, "name": "float r32 g32"}
"void": {
"category": "native"
"uint32_t": {
"category": "native"
"bool": {
"category": "native"