Add memory synchronization tests - multiple write then multiple read
The change adds multiple write then multiple read tests for gpu memory synchronization test. It covers all common usages: write into storage buffers, then read the data as vertices, indices, and uniforms. The different usages are done via separate buffers, and one mixed buffer via two tests. I added two uniform buffers/usages in these two tests. I will replace one uniform buffer by readonly storage buffer later. Then all readonly usages will be covered. So it is also useful to verify the upcoming implementation on backend for readonly storage buffer. BUG=dawn:275 Change-Id: Ifbe086f55064e7b26cfc42ebc9c56edaf7e9d5a7 Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: Yunchao He <> Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ TEST_P(GpuMemorySyncTests, ComputePassToRenderPass) {
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8(2, 0, 0, 255), renderPass.color, 0, 0);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8(2, 0, 0, 255), renderPass.color, 0, 0);
DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(GpuMemorySyncTests, D3D12Backend, MetalBackend, OpenGLBackend, VulkanBackend);
class StorageToUniformSyncTests : public DawnTest {
class StorageToUniformSyncTests : public DawnTest {
void CreateBuffer() {
void CreateBuffer() {
@ -440,10 +442,314 @@ TEST_P(StorageToUniformSyncTests, ReadAfterWriteWithDifferentQueueSubmits) {
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kRed, renderPass.color, 0, 0);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kRed, renderPass.color, 0, 0);
DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(GpuMemorySyncTests, D3D12Backend, MetalBackend, OpenGLBackend, VulkanBackend);
constexpr int kRTSize = 8;
constexpr int kVertexBufferStride = 4 * sizeof(float);
class MultipleWriteThenMultipleReadTests : public DawnTest {
wgpu::Buffer CreateZeroedBuffer(uint64_t size, wgpu::BufferUsage usage) {
wgpu::BufferDescriptor srcDesc;
srcDesc.size = size;
srcDesc.usage = usage;
wgpu::Buffer buffer = device.CreateBuffer(&srcDesc);
std::vector<uint8_t> zeros(size, 0);
buffer.SetSubData(0, size,;
return buffer;
// Write into a few storage buffers in compute pass. Then read that data in a render pass. The
// readonly buffers in render pass include vertex buffer, index buffer, and uniform buffer. Data to
// be read in all of these buffers in render pass depend on the write operation in compute pass.
TEST_P(MultipleWriteThenMultipleReadTests, SeparateBuffers) {
// Create pipeline, bind group, and different buffers for compute pass.
wgpu::ShaderModule csModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, R"(
#version 450
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) buffer VBContents {
vec4 pos[4];
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) buffer IBContents {
ivec4 indices[2];
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 2) buffer UniformContents0 {
float color0;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 3) buffer UniformContents1 {
float color1;
void main() {
pos[0] = vec4(-1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[1] = vec4(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[2] = vec4(1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[3] = vec4(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
int dummy = 0;
indices[0] = ivec4(0, 1, 2, 0);
indices[1] = ivec4(2, 3, dummy, dummy);
color0 = 1.0;
color1 = 1.0;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl0 = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {
{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
{1, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
{2, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
{3, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
wgpu::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout0 = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl0);
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor cpDesc;
cpDesc.layout = pipelineLayout0;
cpDesc.computeStage.module = csModule;
cpDesc.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
wgpu::ComputePipeline cp = device.CreateComputePipeline(&cpDesc);
wgpu::Buffer vertexBuffer = CreateZeroedBuffer(
kVertexBufferStride * 4,
wgpu::BufferUsage::Vertex | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst);
wgpu::Buffer indexBuffer = CreateZeroedBuffer(
sizeof(int) * 4 * 2,
wgpu::BufferUsage::Index | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst);
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer0 =
CreateZeroedBuffer(sizeof(float), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage |
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer1 =
CreateZeroedBuffer(sizeof(float), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage |
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup0 = utils::MakeBindGroup(
device, bgl0,
{{0, vertexBuffer}, {1, indexBuffer}, {2, uniformBuffer0}, {3, uniformBuffer1}});
// Write data into storage buffers in compute pass.
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass0 = encoder.BeginComputePass();
pass0.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup0);
pass0.Dispatch(1, 1, 1);
// Create pipeline, bind group, and reuse buffers in render pass.
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec4 pos;
void main() {
gl_Position = pos;
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform uniformBuffer0 {
float color0;
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform uniformBuffer1 {
float color1;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = vec4(color0, color1, 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl1 = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {
{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
{1, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
wgpu::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl1);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor rpDesc(device);
rpDesc.layout = pipelineLayout;
rpDesc.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
rpDesc.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
rpDesc.primitiveTopology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip;
rpDesc.cVertexState.vertexBufferCount = 1;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cVertexBuffers[0].arrayStride = kVertexBufferStride;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cVertexBuffers[0].attributeCount = 1;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cAttributes[0].format = wgpu::VertexFormat::Float4;
rpDesc.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline rp = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&rpDesc);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup1 =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl1, {{0, uniformBuffer0}, {1, uniformBuffer1}});
// Read data in buffers in render pass.
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass1 = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass1.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
pass1.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, 0);
pass1.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup1);
pass1.DrawIndexed(6, 1, 0, 0, 0);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commandBuffer = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commandBuffer);
// Verify the rendering result.
int min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Write into a storage buffer in compute pass. Then read that data in buffer in a render pass. The
// buffer is composed of vertices, indices, and uniforms. Data to be read in the buffer in render
// pass depend on the write operation in compute pass.
TEST_P(MultipleWriteThenMultipleReadTests, OneBuffer) {
// Create pipeline, bind group, and a complex buffer for compute pass.
wgpu::ShaderModule csModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, R"(
#version 450
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Contents {
// Every single float (and every float in an array, and every single vec2, vec3, and
// every column in mat2/mat3, etc) uses the same amount of memory as vec4 (float4).
vec4 pos[4];
vec4 padding0[12];
ivec4 indices[2];
ivec4 padding1[14];
float color0;
float padding2[15];
float color1;
void main() {
pos[0] = vec4(-1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[1] = vec4(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[2] = vec4(1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
pos[3] = vec4(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
int dummy = 0;
indices[0] = ivec4(0, 1, 2, 0);
indices[1] = ivec4(2, 3, dummy, dummy);
color0 = 1.0;
color1 = 1.0;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl0 = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {
{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
wgpu::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout0 = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl0);
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor cpDesc;
cpDesc.layout = pipelineLayout0;
cpDesc.computeStage.module = csModule;
cpDesc.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
wgpu::ComputePipeline cp = device.CreateComputePipeline(&cpDesc);
struct Data {
float pos[4][4];
char padding0[256 - sizeof(float) * 16];
int indices[2][4];
char padding1[256 - sizeof(int) * 8];
float color0[4];
char padding2[256 - sizeof(float) * 4];
float color1[4];
wgpu::Buffer buffer = CreateZeroedBuffer(
sizeof(Data), wgpu::BufferUsage::Vertex | wgpu::BufferUsage::Index |
wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage |
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup0 = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl0, {{0, buffer, 0, sizeof(Data)}});
// Write various data (vertices, indices, and uniforms) into the buffer in compute pass.
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass0 = encoder.BeginComputePass();
pass0.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup0);
pass0.Dispatch(1, 1, 1);
// Create pipeline, bind group, and reuse the buffer in render pass.
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec4 pos;
void main() {
gl_Position = pos;
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform uniformBuffer0 {
float color0;
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform uniformBuffer1 {
float color1;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = vec4(color0, color1, 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl1 = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {
{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
{1, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
wgpu::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl1);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor rpDesc(device);
rpDesc.layout = pipelineLayout;
rpDesc.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
rpDesc.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
rpDesc.primitiveTopology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip;
rpDesc.cVertexState.vertexBufferCount = 1;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cVertexBuffers[0].arrayStride = kVertexBufferStride;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cVertexBuffers[0].attributeCount = 1;
rpDesc.cVertexState.cAttributes[0].format = wgpu::VertexFormat::Float4;
rpDesc.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline rp = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&rpDesc);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup1 =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl1,
{{0, buffer, offsetof(Data, color0), sizeof(float)},
{1, buffer, offsetof(Data, color1), sizeof(float)}});
// Read various data in the buffer in render pass.
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass1 = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass1.SetVertexBuffer(0, buffer);
pass1.SetIndexBuffer(buffer, offsetof(Data, indices));
pass1.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup1);
pass1.DrawIndexed(6, 1, 0, 0, 0);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commandBuffer = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commandBuffer);
// Verify the rendering result.
int min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kYellow, renderPass.color, max, max);
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ namespace utils {
BindingInitializationHelper(uint32_t binding, const wgpu::TextureView& textureView);
BindingInitializationHelper(uint32_t binding, const wgpu::TextureView& textureView);
BindingInitializationHelper(uint32_t binding,
BindingInitializationHelper(uint32_t binding,
const wgpu::Buffer& buffer,
const wgpu::Buffer& buffer,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t offset = 0,
uint64_t size);
uint64_t size = wgpu::kWholeSize);
wgpu::BindGroupBinding GetAsBinding() const;
wgpu::BindGroupBinding GetAsBinding() const;
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