tint/transform: Don't hoist textures / samplers
in the PromoteSideEffectsToDecl transform Fixed: tint:1739 Change-Id: Iaa5a6e086708a6bba601c59962042650829795f6 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/107683 Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <amaiorano@google.com> Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -281,11 +281,15 @@ class DecomposeSideEffects::CollectHoistsState : public StateBase {
if (var_user->ConstantValue()) {
if (var_user->ConstantValue()) {
return false;
return false;
// Don't hoist read-only variables as they cannot receive
// Don't hoist read-only variables as they cannot receive side-effects.
// side-effects.
if (var_user->Variable()->Access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
if (var_user->Variable()->Access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
return false;
return false;
// Don't hoist textures / samplers as they can't be placed into a let, nor
// can they have side effects.
if (var_user->Variable()->Type()->IsAnyOf<sem::Texture, sem::Sampler>()) {
return false;
return true;
return true;
@ -4081,5 +4081,54 @@ fn f() {
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(PromoteSideEffectsToDeclTest, TextureSamplerParameter) {
auto* src = R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var T : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(1) var S : sampler;
var<private> P : vec2<f32>;
fn side_effects() -> vec2<f32> {
P += vec2(1.0);
return P;
fn f(t : texture_2d<f32>, s : sampler) -> vec4<f32> {
return textureSample(t, s, side_effects());
fn m() -> vec4<f32>{
return f(T, S);
auto* expect = R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var T : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(1) var S : sampler;
var<private> P : vec2<f32>;
fn side_effects() -> vec2<f32> {
P += vec2(1.0);
return P;
fn f(t : texture_2d<f32>, s : sampler) -> vec4<f32> {
let tint_symbol = side_effects();
return textureSample(t, s, tint_symbol);
fn m() -> vec4<f32> {
return f(T, S);
DataMap data;
auto got = Run<PromoteSideEffectsToDecl>(src, data);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
} // namespace
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::transform
} // namespace tint::transform
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// flags: --transform robustness,multiplaner_external_texture
@group(0) @binding(0) var t : texture_external;
@group(0) @binding(1) var outImage : texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>;
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn main() {
var red : vec4<f32> = textureLoad(t, vec2<i32>(10, 10));
textureStore(outImage, vec2<i32>(0, 0), red);
var green : vec4<f32> = textureLoad(t, vec2<i32>(70, 118));
textureStore(outImage, vec2<i32>(1, 0), green);
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
struct GammaTransferParams {
float G;
float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;
float E;
float F;
uint padding;
struct ExternalTextureParams {
uint numPlanes;
uint doYuvToRgbConversionOnly;
float3x4 yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
GammaTransferParams gammaDecodeParams;
GammaTransferParams gammaEncodeParams;
float3x3 gamutConversionMatrix;
Texture2D<float4> ext_tex_plane_1 : register(t2, space0);
cbuffer cbuffer_ext_tex_params : register(b3, space0) {
uint4 ext_tex_params[11];
Texture2D<float4> t : register(t0, space0);
RWTexture2D<float4> outImage : register(u1, space0);
float3 gammaCorrection(float3 v, GammaTransferParams params) {
const bool3 cond = (abs(v) < float3((params.D).xxx));
const float3 t_1 = (sign(v) * ((params.C * abs(v)) + params.F));
const float3 f = (sign(v) * (pow(((params.A * abs(v)) + params.B), float3((params.G).xxx)) + params.E));
return (cond ? t_1 : f);
float4 textureLoadExternal(Texture2D<float4> plane0, Texture2D<float4> plane1, int2 coord, ExternalTextureParams params) {
float3 color = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if ((params.numPlanes == 1u)) {
color = plane0.Load(int3(coord, 0)).rgb;
} else {
color = mul(params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix, float4(plane0.Load(int3(coord, 0)).r, plane1.Load(int3(coord, 0)).rg, 1.0f));
if ((params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0u)) {
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaDecodeParams);
color = mul(color, params.gamutConversionMatrix);
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaEncodeParams);
return float4(color, 1.0f);
float3x4 tint_symbol_2(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_1 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_2 = ((offset + 32u)) / 4;
return float3x4(asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset / 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_1 / 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_2 / 4]));
GammaTransferParams tint_symbol_4(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_3 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_4 = ((offset + 4u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_5 = ((offset + 8u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_6 = ((offset + 12u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_7 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_8 = ((offset + 20u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_9 = ((offset + 24u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_10 = ((offset + 28u)) / 4;
const GammaTransferParams tint_symbol_8 = {asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_3 / 4][scalar_offset_3 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_4 / 4][scalar_offset_4 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_5 / 4][scalar_offset_5 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_6 / 4][scalar_offset_6 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_7 / 4][scalar_offset_7 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_8 / 4][scalar_offset_8 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_9 / 4][scalar_offset_9 % 4]), buffer[scalar_offset_10 / 4][scalar_offset_10 % 4]};
return tint_symbol_8;
float3x3 tint_symbol_6(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_11 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_12 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_13 = ((offset + 32u)) / 4;
return float3x3(asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_11 / 4].xyz), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_12 / 4].xyz), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_13 / 4].xyz));
ExternalTextureParams tint_symbol(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_14 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_15 = ((offset + 4u)) / 4;
const ExternalTextureParams tint_symbol_9 = {buffer[scalar_offset_14 / 4][scalar_offset_14 % 4], buffer[scalar_offset_15 / 4][scalar_offset_15 % 4], tint_symbol_2(buffer, (offset + 16u)), tint_symbol_4(buffer, (offset + 64u)), tint_symbol_4(buffer, (offset + 96u)), tint_symbol_6(buffer, (offset + 128u))};
return tint_symbol_9;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main() {
int2 tint_tmp;
t.GetDimensions(tint_tmp.x, tint_tmp.y);
float4 red = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp((10).xx, (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp) - (1u).xx))), tint_symbol(ext_tex_params, 0u));
int2 tint_tmp_1;
outImage.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_1.x, tint_tmp_1.y);
outImage[clamp((0).xx, (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_1) - (1u).xx)))] = red;
int2 tint_tmp_2;
t.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_2.x, tint_tmp_2.y);
float4 green = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp(int2(70, 118), (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_2) - (1u).xx))), tint_symbol(ext_tex_params, 0u));
int2 tint_tmp_3;
outImage.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_3.x, tint_tmp_3.y);
outImage[clamp(int2(1, 0), (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_3) - (1u).xx)))] = green;
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
struct GammaTransferParams {
float G;
float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;
float E;
float F;
uint padding;
struct ExternalTextureParams {
uint numPlanes;
uint doYuvToRgbConversionOnly;
float3x4 yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
GammaTransferParams gammaDecodeParams;
GammaTransferParams gammaEncodeParams;
float3x3 gamutConversionMatrix;
Texture2D<float4> ext_tex_plane_1 : register(t2, space0);
cbuffer cbuffer_ext_tex_params : register(b3, space0) {
uint4 ext_tex_params[11];
Texture2D<float4> t : register(t0, space0);
RWTexture2D<float4> outImage : register(u1, space0);
float3 gammaCorrection(float3 v, GammaTransferParams params) {
const bool3 cond = (abs(v) < float3((params.D).xxx));
const float3 t_1 = (sign(v) * ((params.C * abs(v)) + params.F));
const float3 f = (sign(v) * (pow(((params.A * abs(v)) + params.B), float3((params.G).xxx)) + params.E));
return (cond ? t_1 : f);
float4 textureLoadExternal(Texture2D<float4> plane0, Texture2D<float4> plane1, int2 coord, ExternalTextureParams params) {
float3 color = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if ((params.numPlanes == 1u)) {
color = plane0.Load(int3(coord, 0)).rgb;
} else {
color = mul(params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix, float4(plane0.Load(int3(coord, 0)).r, plane1.Load(int3(coord, 0)).rg, 1.0f));
if ((params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0u)) {
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaDecodeParams);
color = mul(color, params.gamutConversionMatrix);
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaEncodeParams);
return float4(color, 1.0f);
float3x4 tint_symbol_2(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_1 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_2 = ((offset + 32u)) / 4;
return float3x4(asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset / 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_1 / 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_2 / 4]));
GammaTransferParams tint_symbol_4(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_3 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_4 = ((offset + 4u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_5 = ((offset + 8u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_6 = ((offset + 12u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_7 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_8 = ((offset + 20u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_9 = ((offset + 24u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_10 = ((offset + 28u)) / 4;
const GammaTransferParams tint_symbol_8 = {asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_3 / 4][scalar_offset_3 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_4 / 4][scalar_offset_4 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_5 / 4][scalar_offset_5 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_6 / 4][scalar_offset_6 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_7 / 4][scalar_offset_7 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_8 / 4][scalar_offset_8 % 4]), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_9 / 4][scalar_offset_9 % 4]), buffer[scalar_offset_10 / 4][scalar_offset_10 % 4]};
return tint_symbol_8;
float3x3 tint_symbol_6(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_11 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_12 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_13 = ((offset + 32u)) / 4;
return float3x3(asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_11 / 4].xyz), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_12 / 4].xyz), asfloat(buffer[scalar_offset_13 / 4].xyz));
ExternalTextureParams tint_symbol(uint4 buffer[11], uint offset) {
const uint scalar_offset_14 = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
const uint scalar_offset_15 = ((offset + 4u)) / 4;
const ExternalTextureParams tint_symbol_9 = {buffer[scalar_offset_14 / 4][scalar_offset_14 % 4], buffer[scalar_offset_15 / 4][scalar_offset_15 % 4], tint_symbol_2(buffer, (offset + 16u)), tint_symbol_4(buffer, (offset + 64u)), tint_symbol_4(buffer, (offset + 96u)), tint_symbol_6(buffer, (offset + 128u))};
return tint_symbol_9;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main() {
int2 tint_tmp;
t.GetDimensions(tint_tmp.x, tint_tmp.y);
float4 red = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp((10).xx, (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp) - (1u).xx))), tint_symbol(ext_tex_params, 0u));
int2 tint_tmp_1;
outImage.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_1.x, tint_tmp_1.y);
outImage[clamp((0).xx, (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_1) - (1u).xx)))] = red;
int2 tint_tmp_2;
t.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_2.x, tint_tmp_2.y);
float4 green = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp(int2(70, 118), (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_2) - (1u).xx))), tint_symbol(ext_tex_params, 0u));
int2 tint_tmp_3;
outImage.GetDimensions(tint_tmp_3.x, tint_tmp_3.y);
outImage[clamp(int2(1, 0), (0).xx, int2((uint2(tint_tmp_3) - (1u).xx)))] = green;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#version 310 es
struct GammaTransferParams {
float G;
float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;
float E;
float F;
uint padding;
struct ExternalTextureParams {
uint numPlanes;
uint doYuvToRgbConversionOnly;
uint pad;
uint pad_1;
mat3x4 yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
GammaTransferParams gammaDecodeParams;
GammaTransferParams gammaEncodeParams;
mat3 gamutConversionMatrix;
layout(binding = 3, std140) uniform ext_tex_params_block_ubo {
ExternalTextureParams inner;
} ext_tex_params;
layout(rgba8) uniform highp writeonly image2D outImage;
vec3 gammaCorrection(vec3 v, GammaTransferParams params) {
bvec3 cond = lessThan(abs(v), vec3(params.D));
vec3 t_1 = (sign(v) * ((params.C * abs(v)) + params.F));
vec3 f = (sign(v) * (pow(((params.A * abs(v)) + params.B), vec3(params.G)) + params.E));
return mix(f, t_1, cond);
vec4 textureLoadExternal(highp sampler2D plane0_1, highp sampler2D plane1_1, ivec2 coord, ExternalTextureParams params) {
vec3 color = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if ((params.numPlanes == 1u)) {
color = texelFetch(plane0_1, coord, 0).rgb;
} else {
color = (vec4(texelFetch(plane0_1, coord, 0).r, texelFetch(plane1_1, coord, 0).rg, 1.0f) * params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix);
if ((params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0u)) {
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaDecodeParams);
color = (params.gamutConversionMatrix * color);
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaEncodeParams);
return vec4(color, 1.0f);
uniform highp sampler2D t_2;
uniform highp sampler2D ext_tex_plane_1_1;
void tint_symbol() {
vec4 red = textureLoadExternal(t_2, ext_tex_plane_1_1, clamp(ivec2(10), ivec2(0), ivec2((uvec2(uvec2(textureSize(t_2, 0))) - uvec2(1u)))), ext_tex_params.inner);
imageStore(outImage, clamp(ivec2(0), ivec2(0), ivec2((uvec2(uvec2(imageSize(outImage))) - uvec2(1u)))), red);
vec4 green = textureLoadExternal(t_2, ext_tex_plane_1_1, clamp(ivec2(70, 118), ivec2(0), ivec2((uvec2(uvec2(textureSize(t_2, 0))) - uvec2(1u)))), ext_tex_params.inner);
imageStore(outImage, clamp(ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0), ivec2((uvec2(uvec2(imageSize(outImage))) - uvec2(1u)))), green);
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
void main() {
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
template<typename T, size_t N>
struct tint_array {
const constant T& operator[](size_t i) const constant { return elements[i]; }
device T& operator[](size_t i) device { return elements[i]; }
const device T& operator[](size_t i) const device { return elements[i]; }
thread T& operator[](size_t i) thread { return elements[i]; }
const thread T& operator[](size_t i) const thread { return elements[i]; }
threadgroup T& operator[](size_t i) threadgroup { return elements[i]; }
const threadgroup T& operator[](size_t i) const threadgroup { return elements[i]; }
T elements[N];
struct GammaTransferParams {
/* 0x0000 */ float G;
/* 0x0004 */ float A;
/* 0x0008 */ float B;
/* 0x000c */ float C;
/* 0x0010 */ float D;
/* 0x0014 */ float E;
/* 0x0018 */ float F;
/* 0x001c */ uint padding;
struct ExternalTextureParams {
/* 0x0000 */ uint numPlanes;
/* 0x0004 */ uint doYuvToRgbConversionOnly;
/* 0x0008 */ tint_array<int8_t, 8> tint_pad;
/* 0x0010 */ float3x4 yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
/* 0x0040 */ GammaTransferParams gammaDecodeParams;
/* 0x0060 */ GammaTransferParams gammaEncodeParams;
/* 0x0080 */ float3x3 gamutConversionMatrix;
float3 gammaCorrection(float3 v, GammaTransferParams params) {
bool3 const cond = (fabs(v) < float3(params.D));
float3 const t_1 = (sign(v) * ((params.C * fabs(v)) + params.F));
float3 const f = (sign(v) * (pow(((params.A * fabs(v)) + params.B), float3(params.G)) + params.E));
return select(f, t_1, cond);
float4 textureLoadExternal(texture2d<float, access::sample> plane0, texture2d<float, access::sample> plane1, int2 coord, ExternalTextureParams params) {
float3 color = 0.0f;
if ((params.numPlanes == 1u)) {
color = float4(plane0.read(uint2(coord), 0)).rgb;
} else {
color = (float4(plane0.read(uint2(coord), 0)[0], float4(plane1.read(uint2(coord), 0)).rg, 1.0f) * params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix);
if ((params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0u)) {
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaDecodeParams);
color = (params.gamutConversionMatrix * color);
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaEncodeParams);
return float4(color, 1.0f);
kernel void tint_symbol(texture2d<float, access::sample> tint_symbol_1 [[texture(0)]], texture2d<float, access::sample> tint_symbol_2 [[texture(1)]], const constant ExternalTextureParams* tint_symbol_3 [[buffer(0)]], texture2d<float, access::write> tint_symbol_4 [[texture(2)]]) {
float4 red = textureLoadExternal(tint_symbol_1, tint_symbol_2, clamp(int2(10), int2(0), int2((uint2(uint2(tint_symbol_1.get_width(), tint_symbol_1.get_height())) - uint2(1u)))), *(tint_symbol_3));
tint_symbol_4.write(red, uint2(clamp(int2(0), int2(0), int2((uint2(uint2(tint_symbol_4.get_width(), tint_symbol_4.get_height())) - uint2(1u))))));
float4 green = textureLoadExternal(tint_symbol_1, tint_symbol_2, clamp(int2(70, 118), int2(0), int2((uint2(uint2(tint_symbol_1.get_width(), tint_symbol_1.get_height())) - uint2(1u)))), *(tint_symbol_3));
tint_symbol_4.write(green, uint2(clamp(int2(1, 0), int2(0), int2((uint2(uint2(tint_symbol_4.get_width(), tint_symbol_4.get_height())) - uint2(1u))))));
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
; Version: 1.3
; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
; Bound: 169
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
OpCapability ImageQuery
%25 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
OpName %ext_tex_plane_1 "ext_tex_plane_1"
OpName %ext_tex_params_block "ext_tex_params_block"
OpMemberName %ext_tex_params_block 0 "inner"
OpName %ExternalTextureParams "ExternalTextureParams"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 0 "numPlanes"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 1 "doYuvToRgbConversionOnly"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 2 "yuvToRgbConversionMatrix"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 3 "gammaDecodeParams"
OpName %GammaTransferParams "GammaTransferParams"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 0 "G"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 1 "A"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 2 "B"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 3 "C"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 4 "D"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 5 "E"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 6 "F"
OpMemberName %GammaTransferParams 7 "padding"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 4 "gammaEncodeParams"
OpMemberName %ExternalTextureParams 5 "gamutConversionMatrix"
OpName %ext_tex_params "ext_tex_params"
OpName %t "t"
OpName %outImage "outImage"
OpName %gammaCorrection "gammaCorrection"
OpName %v "v"
OpName %params "params"
OpName %textureLoadExternal "textureLoadExternal"
OpName %plane0 "plane0"
OpName %plane1 "plane1"
OpName %coord "coord"
OpName %params_0 "params"
OpName %color "color"
OpName %main "main"
OpName %red "red"
OpName %green "green"
OpDecorate %ext_tex_plane_1 DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %ext_tex_plane_1 Binding 2
OpDecorate %ext_tex_params_block Block
OpMemberDecorate %ext_tex_params_block 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 1 Offset 4
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 2 Offset 16
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 2 ColMajor
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 2 MatrixStride 16
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 3 Offset 64
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 1 Offset 4
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 2 Offset 8
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 3 Offset 12
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 4 Offset 16
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 5 Offset 20
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 6 Offset 24
OpMemberDecorate %GammaTransferParams 7 Offset 28
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 4 Offset 96
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 5 Offset 128
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 5 ColMajor
OpMemberDecorate %ExternalTextureParams 5 MatrixStride 16
OpDecorate %ext_tex_params NonWritable
OpDecorate %ext_tex_params DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %ext_tex_params Binding 3
OpDecorate %t DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %t Binding 0
OpDecorate %outImage NonReadable
OpDecorate %outImage DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %outImage Binding 1
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%3 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown
%_ptr_UniformConstant_3 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %3
%ext_tex_plane_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_3 UniformConstant
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%mat3v4float = OpTypeMatrix %v4float 3
%GammaTransferParams = OpTypeStruct %float %float %float %float %float %float %float %uint
%v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
%mat3v3float = OpTypeMatrix %v3float 3
%ExternalTextureParams = OpTypeStruct %uint %uint %mat3v4float %GammaTransferParams %GammaTransferParams %mat3v3float
%ext_tex_params_block = OpTypeStruct %ExternalTextureParams
%_ptr_Uniform_ext_tex_params_block = OpTypePointer Uniform %ext_tex_params_block
%ext_tex_params = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_ext_tex_params_block Uniform
%t = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_3 UniformConstant
%18 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 2 Rgba8
%_ptr_UniformConstant_18 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %18
%outImage = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_18 UniformConstant
%19 = OpTypeFunction %v3float %v3float %GammaTransferParams
%bool = OpTypeBool
%v3bool = OpTypeVector %bool 3
%_ptr_Function_v3float = OpTypePointer Function %v3float
%39 = OpConstantNull %v3float
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%59 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %3 %3 %v2int %ExternalTextureParams
%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
%76 = OpConstantNull %int
%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
%90 = OpConstantNull %uint
%void = OpTypeVoid
%108 = OpTypeFunction %void
%int_10 = OpConstant %int 10
%117 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_10 %int_10
%118 = OpConstantNull %v2int
%v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%125 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_1 %uint_1
%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
%_ptr_Uniform_ExternalTextureParams = OpTypePointer Uniform %ExternalTextureParams
%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
%133 = OpConstantNull %v4float
%int_70 = OpConstant %int 70
%int_118 = OpConstant %int 118
%149 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_70 %int_118
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%162 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_1 %76
%gammaCorrection = OpFunction %v3float None %19
%v = OpFunctionParameter %v3float
%params = OpFunctionParameter %GammaTransferParams
%23 = OpLabel
%37 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %39
%49 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %39
%55 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %39
%24 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 FAbs %v
%26 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 4
%27 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %26 %26 %26
%28 = OpFOrdLessThan %v3bool %24 %27
%31 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 FSign %v
%32 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 3
%33 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 FAbs %v
%34 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v3float %33 %32
%35 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 6
%40 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %35 %35 %35
%36 = OpFAdd %v3float %34 %40
%41 = OpFMul %v3float %31 %36
%42 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 FSign %v
%44 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 1
%45 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 FAbs %v
%46 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v3float %45 %44
%47 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 2
%50 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %47 %47 %47
%48 = OpFAdd %v3float %46 %50
%51 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 0
%52 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %51 %51 %51
%43 = OpExtInst %v3float %25 Pow %48 %52
%53 = OpCompositeExtract %float %params 5
%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %53 %53 %53
%54 = OpFAdd %v3float %43 %56
%57 = OpFMul %v3float %42 %54
%58 = OpSelect %v3float %28 %41 %57
OpReturnValue %58
%textureLoadExternal = OpFunction %v4float None %59
%plane0 = OpFunctionParameter %3
%plane1 = OpFunctionParameter %3
%coord = OpFunctionParameter %v2int
%params_0 = OpFunctionParameter %ExternalTextureParams
%67 = OpLabel
%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %39
%69 = OpCompositeExtract %uint %params_0 0
%71 = OpIEqual %bool %69 %uint_1
OpSelectionMerge %72 None
OpBranchConditional %71 %73 %74
%73 = OpLabel
%75 = OpImageFetch %v4float %plane0 %coord Lod %76
%77 = OpVectorShuffle %v3float %75 %75 0 1 2
OpStore %color %77
OpBranch %72
%74 = OpLabel
%78 = OpImageFetch %v4float %plane0 %coord Lod %76
%79 = OpCompositeExtract %float %78 0
%80 = OpImageFetch %v4float %plane1 %coord Lod %76
%82 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %80 %80 0 1
%83 = OpCompositeExtract %float %82 0
%84 = OpCompositeExtract %float %82 1
%86 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %79 %83 %84 %float_1
%87 = OpCompositeExtract %mat3v4float %params_0 2
%88 = OpVectorTimesMatrix %v3float %86 %87
OpStore %color %88
OpBranch %72
%72 = OpLabel
%89 = OpCompositeExtract %uint %params_0 1
%91 = OpIEqual %bool %89 %90
OpSelectionMerge %92 None
OpBranchConditional %91 %93 %92
%93 = OpLabel
%95 = OpLoad %v3float %color
%96 = OpCompositeExtract %GammaTransferParams %params_0 3
%94 = OpFunctionCall %v3float %gammaCorrection %95 %96
OpStore %color %94
%97 = OpCompositeExtract %mat3v3float %params_0 5
%98 = OpLoad %v3float %color
%99 = OpMatrixTimesVector %v3float %97 %98
OpStore %color %99
%101 = OpLoad %v3float %color
%102 = OpCompositeExtract %GammaTransferParams %params_0 4
%100 = OpFunctionCall %v3float %gammaCorrection %101 %102
OpStore %color %100
OpBranch %92
%92 = OpLabel
%103 = OpLoad %v3float %color
%104 = OpCompositeExtract %float %103 0
%105 = OpCompositeExtract %float %103 1
%106 = OpCompositeExtract %float %103 2
%107 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %104 %105 %106 %float_1
OpReturnValue %107
%main = OpFunction %void None %108
%111 = OpLabel
%red = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function %133
%green = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function %133
%113 = OpLoad %3 %t
%114 = OpLoad %3 %ext_tex_plane_1
%123 = OpLoad %3 %t
%122 = OpImageQuerySizeLod %v2uint %123 %int_0
%126 = OpISub %v2uint %122 %125
%119 = OpBitcast %v2int %126
%115 = OpExtInst %v2int %25 SClamp %117 %118 %119
%129 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_ExternalTextureParams %ext_tex_params %uint_0
%130 = OpLoad %ExternalTextureParams %129
%112 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %textureLoadExternal %113 %114 %115 %130
OpStore %red %112
%135 = OpLoad %18 %outImage
%140 = OpLoad %18 %outImage
%139 = OpImageQuerySize %v2uint %140
%141 = OpISub %v2uint %139 %125
%137 = OpBitcast %v2int %141
%136 = OpExtInst %v2int %25 SClamp %118 %118 %137
%142 = OpLoad %v4float %red
OpImageWrite %135 %136 %142
%144 = OpLoad %3 %t
%145 = OpLoad %3 %ext_tex_plane_1
%153 = OpLoad %3 %t
%152 = OpImageQuerySizeLod %v2uint %153 %int_0
%154 = OpISub %v2uint %152 %125
%150 = OpBitcast %v2int %154
%146 = OpExtInst %v2int %25 SClamp %149 %118 %150
%155 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_ExternalTextureParams %ext_tex_params %uint_0
%156 = OpLoad %ExternalTextureParams %155
%143 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %textureLoadExternal %144 %145 %146 %156
OpStore %green %143
%159 = OpLoad %18 %outImage
%166 = OpLoad %18 %outImage
%165 = OpImageQuerySize %v2uint %166
%167 = OpISub %v2uint %165 %125
%163 = OpBitcast %v2int %167
%160 = OpExtInst %v2int %25 SClamp %162 %118 %163
%168 = OpLoad %v4float %green
OpImageWrite %159 %160 %168
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
struct GammaTransferParams {
G : f32,
A : f32,
B : f32,
C : f32,
D : f32,
E : f32,
F : f32,
padding : u32,
struct ExternalTextureParams {
numPlanes : u32,
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly : u32,
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix : mat3x4<f32>,
gammaDecodeParams : GammaTransferParams,
gammaEncodeParams : GammaTransferParams,
gamutConversionMatrix : mat3x3<f32>,
@group(0) @binding(2) var ext_tex_plane_1 : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> ext_tex_params : ExternalTextureParams;
@group(0) @binding(0) var t : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(1) var outImage : texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>;
fn gammaCorrection(v : vec3<f32>, params : GammaTransferParams) -> vec3<f32> {
let cond = (abs(v) < vec3<f32>(params.D));
let t = (sign(v) * ((params.C * abs(v)) + params.F));
let f = (sign(v) * (pow(((params.A * abs(v)) + params.B), vec3<f32>(params.G)) + params.E));
return select(f, t, cond);
fn textureLoadExternal(plane0 : texture_2d<f32>, plane1 : texture_2d<f32>, coord : vec2<i32>, params : ExternalTextureParams) -> vec4<f32> {
var color : vec3<f32>;
if ((params.numPlanes == 1)) {
color = textureLoad(plane0, coord, 0).rgb;
} else {
color = (vec4<f32>(textureLoad(plane0, coord, 0).r, textureLoad(plane1, coord, 0).rg, 1) * params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix);
if ((params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0)) {
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaDecodeParams);
color = (params.gamutConversionMatrix * color);
color = gammaCorrection(color, params.gammaEncodeParams);
return vec4<f32>(color, 1);
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn main() {
var red : vec4<f32> = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp(vec2<i32>(10, 10), vec2(0), vec2<i32>((vec2<u32>(textureDimensions(t)) - vec2(1)))), ext_tex_params);
textureStore(outImage, clamp(vec2<i32>(0, 0), vec2(0), vec2<i32>((vec2<u32>(textureDimensions(outImage)) - vec2(1)))), red);
var green : vec4<f32> = textureLoadExternal(t, ext_tex_plane_1, clamp(vec2<i32>(70, 118), vec2(0), vec2<i32>((vec2<u32>(textureDimensions(t)) - vec2(1)))), ext_tex_params);
textureStore(outImage, clamp(vec2<i32>(1, 0), vec2(0), vec2<i32>((vec2<u32>(textureDimensions(outImage)) - vec2(1)))), green);
Reference in New Issue