Add wire tests for passing arguments around

- Add test for passing value arguments as well as aarrays of them
- Add test for passing C string
- Rework Object array argument test to pass multiple objects
This commit is contained in:
Corentin Wallez 2017-05-17 15:08:32 +02:00 committed by Corentin Wallez
parent 1b7c5e3f70
commit c85b5c0640
1 changed files with 109 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -144,6 +144,79 @@ TEST_F(WireTests, ReleaseCalledOnRefCount0) {
// Test that the wire is able to send numerical values
TEST_F(WireTests, ValueArgument) {
nxtSamplerBuilder builder = nxtDeviceCreateSamplerBuilder(device);
nxtSamplerBuilder apiBuilder = api.GetNewSamplerBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreateSamplerBuilder(apiDevice))
// Test that the wire is able to send arrays of numerical values
static constexpr uint32_t testPushConstantValues[4] = {
bool CheckPushConstantValues(const uint32_t* values) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (values[i] != testPushConstantValues[i]) {
return false;
return true;
TEST_F(WireTests, ValueArrayArgument) {
nxtCommandBufferBuilder builder = nxtDeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(device);
nxtCommandBufferBuilderSetPushConstants(builder, NXT_SHADER_STAGE_BIT_VERTEX, 0, 4, testPushConstantValues);
nxtCommandBufferBuilder apiBuilder = api.GetNewCommandBufferBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(apiDevice))
EXPECT_CALL(api, CommandBufferBuilderSetPushConstants(apiBuilder, NXT_SHADER_STAGE_BIT_VERTEX, 0, 4, ResultOf(CheckPushConstantValues, Eq(true))));
// Test that the wire is able to send C strings
TEST_F(WireTests, CStringArgument) {
// Create shader module
nxtShaderModuleBuilder shaderModuleBuilder = nxtDeviceCreateShaderModuleBuilder(device);
nxtShaderModule shaderModule = nxtShaderModuleBuilderGetResult(shaderModuleBuilder);
nxtShaderModuleBuilder apiShaderModuleBuilder = api.GetNewShaderModuleBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreateShaderModuleBuilder(apiDevice))
nxtShaderModule apiShaderModule = api.GetNewShaderModule();
EXPECT_CALL(api, ShaderModuleBuilderGetResult(apiShaderModuleBuilder))
// Create pipeline
nxtPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder = nxtDeviceCreatePipelineBuilder(device);
nxtPipelineBuilderSetStage(pipelineBuilder, NXT_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT, shaderModule, "my entry point");
nxtPipelineBuilder apiPipelineBuilder = api.GetNewPipelineBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreatePipelineBuilder(apiDevice))
EXPECT_CALL(api, PipelineBuilderSetStage(apiPipelineBuilder, NXT_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT, apiShaderModule, StrEq("my entry point")));
// Test that the wire is able to send objects as value arguments
TEST_F(WireTests, ObjectAsValueArgument) {
// Create pipeline
nxtPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder = nxtDeviceCreatePipelineBuilder(device);
@ -170,18 +243,37 @@ TEST_F(WireTests, ObjectAsValueArgument) {
TEST_F(WireTests, OneObjectAsPointerArgument) {
// Create command buffer
nxtCommandBufferBuilder cmdBufBuilder = nxtDeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(device);
nxtCommandBuffer cmdBuf = nxtCommandBufferBuilderGetResult(cmdBufBuilder);
// GMock doesn't support lambdas in ResultOf, so we make a functor instead.
struct AreAPICmdBufs {
using result_type = bool;
using argument_type = const nxtCommandBuffer*;
bool operator() (const nxtCommandBuffer* cmdBufs) const {
return cmdBufs[0] == apiCmdBufs[0] && cmdBufs[1] == apiCmdBufs[1];
nxtCommandBuffer apiCmdBufs[2];
nxtCommandBufferBuilder apiCmdBufBuilder = api.GetNewCommandBufferBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(apiDevice))
// Test that the wire is able to send array of objects
TEST_F(WireTests, ObjectsAsPointerArgument) {
nxtCommandBuffer cmdBufs[2];
nxtCommandBuffer apiCmdBufs[2];
nxtCommandBuffer apiCmdBuf = api.GetNewCommandBuffer();
EXPECT_CALL(api, CommandBufferBuilderGetResult(apiCmdBufBuilder))
// Create two command buffers we need to use a GMock sequence otherwise the order of the
// CreateCommandBufferBuilder might be swapped since they are equivalent in term of matchers
Sequence s;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
nxtCommandBufferBuilder cmdBufBuilder = nxtDeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(device);
cmdBufs[i] = nxtCommandBufferBuilderGetResult(cmdBufBuilder);
nxtCommandBufferBuilder apiCmdBufBuilder = api.GetNewCommandBufferBuilder();
EXPECT_CALL(api, DeviceCreateCommandBufferBuilder(apiDevice))
apiCmdBufs[i] = api.GetNewCommandBuffer();
EXPECT_CALL(api, CommandBufferBuilderGetResult(apiCmdBufBuilder))
// Create queue
nxtQueueBuilder queueBuilder = nxtDeviceCreateQueueBuilder(device);
@ -195,17 +287,19 @@ TEST_F(WireTests, OneObjectAsPointerArgument) {
EXPECT_CALL(api, QueueBuilderGetResult(apiQueueBuilder))
// Submit command buffer
nxtQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &cmdBuf);
// Submit command buffer and check we got a call with both API-side command buffers
nxtQueueSubmit(queue, 2, cmdBufs);
EXPECT_CALL(api, QueueSubmit(apiQueue, 1, Pointee(apiCmdBuf)));
AreAPICmdBufs predicate;
predicate.apiCmdBufs[0] = apiCmdBufs[0];
predicate.apiCmdBufs[1] = apiCmdBufs[1];
EXPECT_CALL(api, QueueSubmit(apiQueue, 2, ResultOf(predicate, Eq(true))));
// - Test values work
// - Test multiple objects as value work
// - Object creation, then calls do nothing after error on builder
// - Object creation then error then create object, then should do nothing.
// - Device error gets forwarded properly