Roll third_party/shaderc/ 6216d098d..8d081127e (11 commits)
$ git log 6216d098d..8d081127e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-02-09 quaresma.jose cmake: add option to skip build the examples (#1170)
2021-02-01 dneto Fix typo
2021-01-28 dneto Improve file+line parsing from Glslang messages
2021-01-18 rharrison Deprecate WebGPU SPIRV support (#1167)
2021-01-06 rharrison Roll 4 dependencies (#1165)
2020-12-09 rharrison Start shaderc v2020.5
2020-12-09 rharrison Finalize v2020.4
2020-12-09 rharrison Updated CHANGES
2020-12-09 rharrison Rolling 5 dependencies (#1161)
2020-12-07 dneto Update SPIRV-Tools, SPIRV-Headers, glslang with raytracing fixes
2020-11-12 dneto copyright check: Exclude .venv in source tree
Roll third_party/vulkan-deps/ c493c6112..0d42e8392 (141 commits)
$ git log c493c6112..0d42e8392 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-02-17 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 92d379bab456 to 6f1f6775f35b (1 revision)
2021-02-17 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from bae17e820438 to 92d379bab456 (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from c79edd260c2b to 05cda81aba8c (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f9eec56cc82f to 74aa762a95df (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 6302c649ca95 to f9eec56cc82f (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 6952dfcc1df5 to 88ea55de928a (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 97e718edc638 to 6302c649ca95 (2 revisions)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 47bbe90d54c8 to 97e718edc638 (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from c62432713f23 to 47bbe90d54c8 (1 revision)
2021-02-16 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 5789e3eed9bc to bae17e820438 (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from b0f8a0c3abb9 to 51b86c1a2b77 (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 6ab923c69df7 to b0f8a0c3abb9 (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from a66ceba27225 to c5678a03db38 (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 05a1a07f700f to 5789e3eed9bc (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 8f5ab50fb832 to 05a1a07f700f (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 4741bbaa641d to 8f5ab50fb832 (1 revision)
2021-02-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Headers from ec2db85225ab to 1d99b835ec3c (1 revision)
2021-02-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 7de10e83093e to c62432713f23 (1 revision)
2021-02-12 jmadill Update commit message script to write as strings.
2021-02-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from e02e6f73e68c to 7de10e83093e (1 revision)
2021-02-12 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 4afd69177258 to 6ab923c69df7 (1 revision)
2021-02-11 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from cfa1dadb1e62 to c79edd260c2b (1 revision)
2021-02-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 01c9ae9b47e5 to e02e6f73e68c (1 revision)
2021-02-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from d1bfbcd594d6 to 01c9ae9b47e5 (1 revision)
2021-02-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from ff6a9e31358a to a66ceba27225 (2 revisions)
2021-02-10 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f0c96f40c79d to cfa1dadb1e62 (1 revision)
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from a03938051ff6 to 6952dfcc1df5 (1 revision)
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 7b727b773d50 to d1bfbcd594d6 (1 revision)
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 64ffe55c3bf6 to 7b727b773d50 (2 revisions)
2021-02-09 jmadill Add script for formatting commit messages.
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 6fcd515be5b3 to ff6a9e31358a (1 revision)
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 386b4fcb28e5 to 4afd69177258 (1 revision)
2021-02-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from b2c81e3615bf to 64ffe55c3bf6 (3 revisions)
2021-02-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from db287d4ad474 to b2c81e3615bf (1 revision)
2021-02-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 264cce03f6e4 to db287d4ad474 (2 revisions)
2021-02-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 047a6b59c90b to 264cce03f6e4 (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 6ee1006a4ec9 to 047a6b59c90b (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 773871cc7e99 to 6ee1006a4ec9 (2 revisions)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 3ad7e5fcc0ee to f0c96f40c79d (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 2292623a4339 to 773871cc7e99 (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 4b8c885ffebf to 2292623a4339 (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f11f74348158 to 3ad7e5fcc0ee (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from c91a25af13e1 to f11f74348158 (1 revision)
2021-02-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from d68ee750eb0b to 4b8c885ffebf (1 revision)
2021-02-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from e3025c6cdeba to d68ee750eb0b (2 revisions)
2021-02-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 1c3d365b1008 to e3025c6cdeba (1 revision)
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 5c4f421121c4 to 386b4fcb28e5 (1 revision)
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from fd5cc6962213 to 6fcd515be5b3 (1 revision)
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 5f585ae240dd to 1c3d365b1008 (1 revision)
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 669dfd5ce67f to 5f585ae240dd (1 revision)
2021-01-22 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f37547c73a98 to 968659aee8af (1 revision)
2021-01-21 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 9b4e82efb482 to 6abdde3ce511 (1 revision)
2021-01-20 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 1bd539b9bfc4 to f37547c73a98 (1 revision)
2021-01-20 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 56f8ed48efd5 to 1bd539b9bfc4 (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from e25db023c47a to 56f8ed48efd5 (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from c7ffe6890160 to ab73ad637606 (2 revisions)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from efecc309816c to c7ffe6890160 (2 revisions)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from fb6e414f76dc to efecc309816c (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 03e41cc0c2a8 to fb6e414f76dc (2 revisions)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 6886c4b57f10 to 03e41cc0c2a8 (3 revisions)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 10651a9c0bc2 to 6886c4b57f10 (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 5b7d68ca6b3f to 9b4e82efb482 (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 3de5cfe50ede to 5b7d68ca6b3f (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Headers from 9efc4a631161 to 684390cedbff (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 8383bd5d6f26 to e25db023c47a (1 revision)
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from ca3216a3a24f to 10651a9c0bc2 (1 revision)
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from fb2ab876edcd to ca3216a3a24f (2 revisions)
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from ee39b5db5f1d to 8383bd5d6f26 (1 revision)
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 9ba835885ffe to aed40d52837d (1 revision)
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 93a6c58d76e1 to 7c25ce965b92 (1 revision)
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from c86cec54abe6 to 93a6c58d76e1 (1 revision)
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 9150cd441f43 to ee39b5db5f1d (1 revision)
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from a5eaf2f44a5d to 9acb9ec31f5a (1 revision)
2021-01-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from b2cfc5d1ceca to 9150cd441f43 (1 revision)
2021-01-14 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 586c46b96b62 to fb2ab876edcd (1 revision)
2021-01-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 820179bf4689 to a5eaf2f44a5d (1 revision)
2021-01-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from cec658c11603 to b2cfc5d1ceca (1 revision)
2021-01-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f5dea94f6f15 to 586c46b96b62 (1 revision)
2021-01-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from a3b988fa5588 to c86cec54abe6 (1 revision)
2021-01-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 04b58c5bea3a to f5dea94f6f15 (1 revision)
2021-01-13 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 7bbe1a316419 to cec658c11603 (2 revisions)
2021-01-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from be70e017bff5 to a3b988fa5588 (1 revision)
2021-01-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 61a57c023e10 to 04b58c5bea3a (1 revision)
2021-01-12 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from c32277c0ba0d to 7bbe1a316419 (1 revision)
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from a7825740f316 to be70e017bff5 (1 revision)
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 645a15bbaa59 to 61a57c023e10 (1 revision)
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 46237b593c3f to 645a15bbaa59 (1 revision)
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f3ccb633dfd7 to c32277c0ba0d (1 revision)
2021-01-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f0634ebbb36f to 46237b593c3f (2 revisions)
2021-01-09 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 702c903f982d to 820179bf4689 (1 revision)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 04cf3fd95555 to f0634ebbb36f (1 revision)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from ebd3ea2ecbac to 04cf3fd95555 (2 revisions)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from ce18d1b8a563 to 702c903f982d (1 revision)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 0e5078dc0cfb to ce18d1b8a563 (1 revision)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 134a52003407 to 0e5078dc0cfb (1 revision)
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 234c65c0f32c to 134a52003407 (1 revision)
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from ad77ed7a8d52 to f3ccb633dfd7 (1 revision)
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 9f10caf9c4f3 to ebd3ea2ecbac (2 revisions)
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from cc435b55410a to 9f10caf9c4f3 (2 revisions)
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from aa005e8bd435 to ad77ed7a8d52 (1 revision)
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/shaderc third_party/vulkan-deps
Change-Id: I70784aee8bd05fefa51a475f9d58e0c8cb1b9f5c
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Roll build/ 3769c3b43..6fa63e6b1 (136 commits; 1 trivial rolls)
$ git log 3769c3b43..6fa63e6b1 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-02-04 thakis Revert "clang tot bots: Temporarily make -Warray-bounds not an error"
2021-02-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210203.2.1 to 0.20210204.0.1
2021-02-04 svenzheng Add strip_binary and strip_binary_chrome target
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210203.1.1 to 0.20210203.2.1
2021-02-03 bjoyce Add size info files to builds
2021-02-03 thakis clang tot bots: Temporarily make -Warray-bounds not an error
2021-02-03 thomasanderson [Linux Sysroot] Remove pipewire header workaround
2021-02-03 wez [fuchsia] Remove opt-out from RELR packing dynamic relocation segments.
2021-02-03 agrieve Android: Never sign .aab files
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210202.3.1 to 0.20210203.1.1
2021-02-03 aeubanks Reland again: Pin to LLVM's legacy pass manager
2021-02-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210202.2.1 to 0.20210202.3.1
2021-02-03 guterman Revert "Proof of concept for test selection via GN"
2021-02-03 thakis win toolchain: Remove assumption about relative path from setenv json file to toolchain root.
2021-02-02 findit-for-me Revert "Reland: Pin to LLVM's legacy pass manager"
2021-02-02 aeubanks Reland: Pin to LLVM's legacy pass manager
2021-02-02 wnwen Android: Add a build server for analysis tasks
2021-02-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210202.0.1 to 0.20210202.2.1
2021-02-02 grulja Remove PipeWire 0.2 from sysroot
2021-02-02 raphael.kubo.da.costa Make //build/linux compatible with Python 3.
2021-02-02 mheikal Android:Remove deprecated create_srcjar gn android_resources knob
2021-02-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210201.3.2 to 0.20210202.0.1
2021-02-02 fangzhoug Revert "Lacros: Flip OS_LINUX and OS_CHROMEOS on lacros."
2021-02-02 cduvall Avoid separate manifest for autofill_assistant in Trichrome
2021-02-02 steveroe [fuchsia] Switch from zstd to the Fuchsia SDK blobfs-compression utility.
2021-02-02 aeubanks Revert "Make optimize_max -Os when optimize_for_size"
2021-02-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210201.1.1 to 0.20210201.3.2
2021-02-02 findit-for-me Revert "Pin to LLVM's legacy pass manager"
2021-02-01 mheikal Reuse prepare_resources' generated R.txt files in java_library_impl
2021-02-01 aeubanks Pin to LLVM's legacy pass manager
2021-02-01 liaoyuke Lacros: Move binary size to a separate builder
2021-02-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210131.3.1 to 0.20210201.1.1
2021-02-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210131.2.1 to 0.20210131.3.1
2021-01-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210131.1.1 to 0.20210131.2.1
2021-01-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210130.3.1 to 0.20210131.1.1
2021-01-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210129.3.1 to 0.20210130.3.1
2021-01-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210129.2.1 to 0.20210129.3.1
2021-01-30 liaoyuke Lacros: Change builder name and move out of fyi
2021-01-30 ythjkt Lacros: Flip OS_LINUX and OS_CHROMEOS on lacros.
2021-01-30 cduvall Fix typo in
2021-01-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210129.0.1 to 0.20210129.2.1
2021-01-29 brucedawson Add an option to put full PDB paths in PE files
2021-01-29 denik Reland "Extend the targets of debug_fission with ThinLTO"
2021-01-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210128.2.2 to 0.20210129.0.1
2021-01-29 chonggu [Fuchsia] Enable code coverage for Cr-Fuchsia test targets.
2021-01-29 findit-for-me Revert "Roll src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/ d9040c75c..69897abe2 (1149 commits)"
2021-01-29 bpastene chromeos: Make the test runner and its tests py3-compatible.
2021-01-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210128.1.1 to 0.20210128.2.2
2021-01-28 dullweber Split grouped tests by Feature annotation
2021-01-28 aeubanks Make optimize_max -Os when optimize_for_size
2021-01-22 wnwen Android: Remove md5_check for
2021-01-22 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210121.3.1 to 0.20210122.1.1
2021-01-22 cwallez Use bytes in ExecLinkWrapper
2021-01-22 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210121.2.1 to 0.20210121.3.1
2021-01-22 bjoyce Fix test_log possibly being too large.
2021-01-22 agrieve Android: Plumb enabled_proguard_obfuscation to L8
2021-01-21 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210121.0.1 to 0.20210121.2.1
2021-01-21 wnwen Android: Add more java build configs to depfile
2021-01-21 steveroe [fuchsia] Exclude ICU component blobs from package size calculation.
2021-01-21 hans [build] Only apply thin_lto_enable_optimizations to select targets
2021-01-21 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210120.3.1 to 0.20210121.0.1
2021-01-21 liaoyuke Fix undefined gn variables in ebuild
2021-01-21 agrieve Add as data for llvm-symbolizer
2021-01-21 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210120.1.1 to 0.20210120.3.1
2021-01-20 agrieve Android: Add missing build edge for DFM build configs
2021-01-20 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210119.2.1 to 0.20210120.1.1
2021-01-20 ajgo Set enable_cet_shadow_stack for Windows x64
2021-01-20 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210119.1.1 to 0.20210119.2.1
2021-01-20 ythjkt Lacros: Remove complete-member-pointers flag from lacros.
2021-01-19 wnwen Android: Use fine-grain dependencies for desugar
2021-01-19 liaoyuke Reland "Lacros: create lacros tast test targets"
2021-01-19 hans build: Remove last leftover -enable-dse-memoryssa=false flag
2021-01-19 hans [build] Enable the ThinLTO cache also on Windows
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210118.3.1 to 0.20210119.1.1
2021-01-19 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210118.2.1 to 0.20210118.3.1
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210118.0.1 to 0.20210118.2.1
2021-01-18 pkotwicz [Build] Make Android Lint Tests Better Integration Tests
2021-01-18 thakis mac: Update hermetic Xcode to 12.3 and production SDK to 11.1.
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210117.3.1 to 0.20210118.0.1
2021-01-18 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210116.0.1 to 0.20210117.3.1
2021-01-17 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210115.2.1 to 0.20210116.0.1
2021-01-17 thakis mac: Don't use rsp files with libtool either
2021-01-16 denik Extend the targets of debug_fission with ThinLTO
2021-01-15 jamescook lacros: Enable the crosapi mojo interface in interactive_ui_tests
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210115.0.1 to 0.20210115.2.1
2021-01-15 wnwen Android: Use d8's desugar dependencies
2021-01-15 liaoyuke Revert "Lacros: create lacros tast test targets"
2021-01-15 liaoyuke Lacros: create lacros tast test targets
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210114.3.1 to 0.20210115.0.1
2021-01-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210114.1.1 to 0.20210114.3.1
2021-01-15 bjoyce Escape characters in uploaded summary.
2021-01-14 agrieve Use //third_party/jdk for apksigner
2021-01-14 steveroe [fuchsia] Make fuchsia size test pass or fail depending on package sizes.
2021-01-14 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210111.3.1 to 0.20210114.1.1
2021-01-14 jwata [build] remove unused Swarming xcode install scripts
2021-01-14 ythjkt Lacros: Remove deprecated gn/macro variable names.
2021-01-13 hans build: Remove leftover -enable-dse-memoryssa=false flag
2021-01-13 yukishiino Revert "Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210111.3.1 to 0.20210112.3.1"
2021-01-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210111.3.1 to 0.20210112.3.1
2021-01-12 ntfschr Android: print bundletool output
Roll buildtools/ 235cfe435..fc5af1ac7 (13 commits; 2 trivial rolls)
$ git log 235cfe435..fc5af1ac7 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-02-02 olaola Updating re-client tooling version to 0.19.3.
2021-01-29 findit-for-me Revert "Roll src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/ d9040c75c..69897abe2 (1149 commits)"
2021-01-27 peconn 🍱 Add example regex for Java test DEPS.
2021-01-26 twellington Update checkdeps trailing slash failure message
2021-01-26 dpranke Roll GN from d62642c9..55ad154c
2021-01-26 olaola Upgrading reclient version to 0.19.2.
2021-01-25 olaola Bugfix: download reclient binaries on Windows
2021-01-25 hans DEPS: Pull clang-format scripts from the new mirror
2021-01-21 msavigny Add third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts to remote inputs.
2021-01-20 msavigny Change the default execution strategy for reclient.
2021-01-15 dpranke Roll GN from 595e3be7..1b4a9dfc
Roll tools/clang/ b12d1c836..aecd85e06 (34 commits)
$ git log b12d1c836..aecd85e06 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-02-04 keishi Force include blink common/ dirs in the rewrite_raw_ptr_fields rewrite
2021-02-03 omerkatz heap: Fix clang plugin build
2021-02-03 keishi Exclude TargetProcess::base_address_ from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2021-02-03 keishi Exclude PlatformSharedMemoryMapping::base_ from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2021-02-03 omerkatz heap: Fix plugin bug for cppgc builds
2021-02-03 omerkatz heap: Update clang plugin for cppgc library
2021-02-03 keishi Revert "Treat CheckedPtr specially in FindBadConstructsConsumer"
2021-02-03 keishi Treat CheckedPtr specially in FindBadConstructsConsumer
2021-02-03 thakis clang build script: Try to unbreak build after NDK update
2021-02-01 keishi Add fields to ignore in rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2021-02-01 zequanwu Revert "Download and run from"
2021-02-01 glazunov [CheckedPtr] Update manual ignore list
2021-02-01 zequanwu Download and run from
2021-01-29 hans Update TranslationUnitGenerator.cpp for upstream change
2021-01-29 hans Fix clang's GetCommitDescription() on windows
2021-01-28 hans Fix Blink GC plugin after Clang API change
2021-01-28 hans Clang: the tip-of-tree version is now 13.0.0
2021-01-28 rnk Update blink GC plugin for Clang API change
2021-01-27 lukasza Fixing test expectations to match ToT behavior.
2021-01-27 lukasza Skip fields of a struct that is used in `reinterpret_cast`.
2021-01-23 bartekn Add MiraclePtr team to OWNERS of related files
2021-01-22 glazunov [BackupRefPtr] Support pointers past the end of allocation
2021-01-22 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-16548-gf1d5cbbd-1 : llvmorg-12-init-17251-g6de48655-1.
2021-01-20 keishi Exclude BigEndianWriter::ptr_ from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2021-01-20 keishi Fix BackupRefPtr 32bit builds
2021-01-19 hans mac: Update clang build script for the SDK 11.1 bump
2021-01-19 thakis clang roll script: Remove linux_chromium_chromeos_asan_rel_ng from cq bots.
2021-01-19 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-16296-g5e476061-2 : llvmorg-12-init-16548-gf1d5cbbd-1.
2021-01-19 keishi Add chrome/install_static to manual-paths-to-ignore.txt
2021-01-18 hans Rebuild the clang package with a newer GCC version
2021-01-15 keishi Revert deletion of "const-char" filtering rule
2021-01-15 keishi Exclude fields being used with cbor decoder's ELEMENT() macro from rewrite_raw_ptr
2021-01-15 keishi Add win build detection to rewrite_raw_ptr_fields/
2021-01-14 ramyan [Project Code Inclusion] Remove use of blacklist
Created with:
roll-dep build buildtools tools/clang
Change-Id: I3d67c9321af24814c8d26ecd768c1821333dc4cc
Reviewed-by: Stephen White <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
$ git log d973acc12..947731113 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-01-18 elmindreda Update changelog and add credit
2019-06-14 laurent.aphecetche Cocoa: Fix install name for installed dylib
2021-01-18 elmindreda Simplify references in CMake if-statements
2021-01-17 elmindreda Cocoa: Unify CG display to NS screen mapping
2021-01-18 elmindreda Update changelog and add credit
2021-01-11 nevyn.jpg Cocoa: Use modern API to get display name
2021-01-18 elmindreda Cocoa: Fix duplicate monitor connection events
2020-12-08 elmindreda Cocoa: Fix menubar for unbundled apps on 10.15
2021-01-18 elmindreda Update changelog
2021-01-05 philiprideout Cocoa: Fix duplicate video mode detection
2021-01-03 elmindreda Update repo URL for Nuklear
2021-01-02 lukebayes Added 2 entries to the gitignores file.
2020-12-15 elmindreda Add credit
2020-12-10 66940640+ashishgamedev Fix indentation in internal.h
2020-12-14 me Fix minor typo: If if -> If.
2020-10-19 caramelli.devel Wayland: Move 96 DPI default to outputHandleMode
2020-07-23 luflosi Use switch statement instead of if-else-chain for cursor shapes
2020-11-19 elmindreda Add missing changelog issue number
2020-10-28 leonard.r.koenig Wayland: Fix destroying CSDs in the correct order
2020-10-18 elmindreda Cocoa: Fix ObjC being built as C with CMake 3.19
2020-10-12 elmindreda Add credit
2020-10-12 elmindreda Wayland: Simplify adding of protocol sources
2020-10-12 elmindreda Wayland: Fix indentation
2020-10-12 elmindreda Wayland: Scanner tool has input and output args
2020-10-12 elmindreda Wayland: Ensure paths are passed on in quoted form
2020-10-12 elmindreda Fix unquoted paths with variable references
2020-10-08 joel.winarske Wayland: Fix CMake binary dir when built as subdir
2020-10-07 elmindreda Win32: Filter out duplicate size events
2020-10-07 elmindreda Win32: Fix clang-cl interpreting -Wall as /Wall
2020-10-07 elmindreda Win32: Enable /W3 on VS for library sources
2020-10-07 elmindreda Remove ignored Clang compiler flag
2020-10-20 elmindreda Update changelog and add credit
2020-10-14 andy Fix macOS Print Screen
2020-10-14 caramelli.devel Wayland: Assume 96 DPI if physical size is <= 0
2020-10-05 elmindreda Add credit
2020-10-04 caramelli.devel Update test SPIR-V shader code
2020-09-29 elmindreda Update changelog and add credit
2020-09-29 Win32: Fix value for _WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE
2020-09-23 elmindreda Update changelog
2020-09-04 doug Win32: Update all monitor handles on config change
2020-10-03 caramelli.devel Wayland: Remove FindWaylandProtocols.cmake and FindXKBCommon.cmake (not used anymore)
2020-09-30 linkmauve Docs: Remove mentions of extra-cmake-modules
2020-09-30 linkmauve Wayland: Remove extra-cmake-modules from CI
2020-09-30 linkmauve Wayland: Remove extra trailing whitespace
2020-09-28 joel.winarske Wayland: Remove extra-cmake-modules dependency
2020-09-23 elmindreda Make unsupported versions of CMake fail early
2020-09-23 elmindreda Specify maximum version of CMake known to work
2020-09-22 elmindreda Update CODEOWNERS for move to SCSS
2020-09-18 luflosi Use consistent indentation for Doxygen custom stylesheet
2020-09-03 siavashserver Migrate to Sass for Doxygen custom stylesheets
2020-05-25 elmindreda Move more compiler workarounds to library setup
2020-05-25 elmindreda Only look for OSMesa module if building examples
2020-05-25 elmindreda Fix MinGW linker flag tests breaking later tests
2020-06-05 elmindreda Refresh Doxygen file with version 1.8.18
2020-05-21 elmindreda Null: Make platform more conformant
2020-06-02 elmindreda Wayland: Fix repeated keys reported to NULL window
2020-05-28 elmindreda Clarify docs on default GL header inclusion
2020-05-20 elmindreda Add feature available/implemented errors
2020-05-28 elmindreda Fix typo in header option macro docs
2020-05-22 lazylumpster+github Add statement to docs for glfwTerminate
2020-05-26 elmindreda Fix desktop GL header not always being suppressed
2020-05-25 ben135 Win32: Fix VS /W4 compile warnings
2020-05-25 luflosi Use the correct type in a for loop
2020-05-25 luflosi Replace %m conversion specifier with %s and strerror()
2020-04-19 corentin Use CALayer instead of NSView for EGLNativeWindowType
2020-05-20 elmindreda Win32: Remove checks for pre-XP Windows
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Clarify function name and comment
2020-05-19 elmindreda Note removal of wl_shell support in release notes
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Clarify code flow for Clang static analysis
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Fix XKB events being passed on to core path
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Fix XKB state event bits being overwritten
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Remove duplicate XKB group initialization
2020-05-19 elmindreda X11: Fix XKB group event depending on state query
2020-05-19 elmindreda Add null platform to Travis CI
2020-04-15 63736956+gre-42 Correct sign in mat4x4_rotate_Y
2020-04-30 elmindreda Update community resource links
2020-05-04 elmindreda Disambiguate Vulkan support reference link
2020-04-30 elmindreda Cocoa: Fix call to NSWindow from non-main threads
2020-04-23 elmindreda X11: Improve non-XKB fallback for key mapping
2020-04-23 elmindreda X11: Add additional XKB key names for Right Alt
2020-03-31 elmindreda X11: Use XKB key name MENU for Menu key
2020-03-25 elmindreda X11: Check XKB key aliases in addition to names
2020-03-17 elmindreda X11: Fix X keycode ranges for XKB and core
2020-03-31 elmindreda Update changelog and add credit
2019-11-21 42585895+ZenulAbidin X11: Fix function keys mapped to GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN
2020-03-19 elmindreda X11: Improve window handle race condition
2020-03-16 elmindreda X11: Filter out Xlib errors from other connections
2020-01-22 elmindreda X11: Add support for XIM callbacks
2020-03-02 elmindreda Update linmath.h
2020-03-12 elmindreda Fix unclear language in build guide
2020-03-05 elmindreda Cocoa: Finish launching NSApp in glfwInit
2020-02-12 elmindreda Wayland: Remove unused link-time dependency
2020-02-06 elmindreda X11: Fix CJK IME input when locale CTYPE is "C"
2020-02-06 elmindreda WGL: Remove unused constants
2020-02-05 elmindreda Fix rendering race in offscreen example
2019-12-16 elmindreda X11: Make libX11 dynamically loaded
2020-01-24 elmindreda X11: Fix setting the clipboard string to itself
2020-02-10 elmindreda Put docs target in GLFW3 folder
2020-01-20 elmindreda Move more non-source template files to CMake dir
2020-02-06 linkmauve Mention that xdg-shell is mandatory on Wayland
Bug: dawn:447
Change-Id: I8f91688f562b55141a67e4e9bb4452afb6517bd0
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
Roll build/ 787a783b9..3769c3b43 (413 commits)
$ git log 787a783b9..3769c3b43 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-01-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210111.1.1 to 0.20210111.3.1
2021-01-11 sokcevic Use inclusive parameter names in PRESUBMIT
2021-01-11 agrieve Android: Remove android:debuggable in AndroidManifest.xml expectations
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210110.3.1 to 0.20210111.1.1
2021-01-11 jbudorick android: switch to vpython.
2021-01-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210110.2.1 to 0.20210110.3.1
2021-01-11 cduvall Check <queries> tag from DFM manifest when doing manifest verification
2021-01-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210110.1.1 to 0.20210110.2.1
2021-01-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210109.3.1 to 0.20210110.1.1
2021-01-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210109.2.1 to 0.20210109.3.1
2021-01-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210109.0.1 to 0.20210109.2.1
2021-01-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210108.2.1 to 0.20210109.0.1
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210108.1.1 to 0.20210108.2.1
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210107.3.1 to 0.20210108.1.1
2021-01-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210107.2.1 to 0.20210107.3.1
2021-01-07 liaoyuke Lacros: support --deploy-lacros in build/chromeos/
2021-01-07 guterman Proof of concept for test selection via GN
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210107.0.1 to 0.20210107.2.1
2021-01-07 bpastene chromeos: Add support for sharding Tast tests.
2021-01-07 smaier Fixing ProtectedMembersInFinalClass errorprone warnings
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210106.3.1 to 0.20210107.0.1
2021-01-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210106.1.1 to 0.20210106.3.1
2021-01-06 liaoyuke Lacros: Support --tast-vars in build/chromeos/
2021-01-06 wnwen Android: Use enable_bytecode_checks for D8 (reland)
2021-01-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210105.3.1 to 0.20210106.1.1
2021-01-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210105.2.1 to 0.20210105.3.1
2021-01-06 liaoyuke Add unit tests for build/chromeos/
2021-01-05 agrieve Android: Mark UnnecessaryParentheses ErrorProne check as undesirable.
2021-01-05 agrieve Android: Disable errorprone checks for generated files
2021-01-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210105.0.1 to 0.20210105.2.1
2021-01-05 agrieve Android: Add a way to apply errorprone suggested fixes
2021-01-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210104.3.1 to 0.20210105.0.1
2021-01-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210104.1.1 to 0.20210104.3.1
2021-01-04 thakis mac: Use `cp -l` instead of `cp -c` when available
2021-01-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210104.0.1 to 0.20210104.1.1
2021-01-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210103.2.1 to 0.20210104.0.1
2021-01-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210103.1.1 to 0.20210103.2.1
2021-01-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210102.3.1 to 0.20210103.1.1
2021-01-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210102.1.1 to 0.20210102.3.1
2021-01-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20210102.0.1 to 0.20210102.1.1
2021-01-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201231.3.1 to 0.20210102.0.1
2021-01-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201231.1.1 to 0.20201231.3.1
2021-01-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201230.3.1 to 0.20201231.1.1
2020-12-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201230.2.1 to 0.20201230.3.1
2020-12-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201230.0.1 to 0.20201230.2.1
2020-12-30 agrieve Android: Remove obsolete .build_config entry "owned_resource_srcjars"
2020-12-30 thakis mac: Simplify copy_bundle_data command.
2020-12-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201229.2.1 to 0.20201230.0.1
2020-12-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201229.1.1 to 0.20201229.2.1
2020-12-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201228.3.1 to 0.20201229.1.1
2020-11-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201108.3.1 to 0.20201109.0.1
2020-11-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201108.1.1 to 0.20201108.3.1
2020-11-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201108.0.1 to 0.20201108.1.1
2020-11-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201107.2.1 to 0.20201108.0.1
2020-11-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201107.0.1 to 0.20201107.2.1
2020-11-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201106.3.1 to 0.20201107.0.1
2020-11-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201106.2.1 to 0.20201106.3.1
2020-11-07 smaier Android resources: skipping 'skip' XML element
2020-11-06 ender Enable errorprone compile-time nullable checks.
2020-11-06 thakis mac/arm: Remove two toolchain workarounds.
2020-11-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201106.0.1 to 0.20201106.2.1
2020-11-06 agrieve Reland "Android: Check R8 output for references to missing symbols"
2020-11-06 wenbinzhang Revert "Android: Check R8 output for references to missing symbols"
2020-11-06 thakis build: Enable MemorySSA DSE with pinned clang.
2020-11-06 nbilling Suppress output from the dwp tool in link scripts.
2020-11-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201105.5.1 to 0.20201106.0.1
2020-11-06 agrieve Android: Check R8 output for references to missing symbols
2020-11-06 mark mac-arm64: Update toolchain to Xcode 12.2rc (12B5044c)
2020-11-06 huangs [Build] Rename GN template "android_resource_size_config" to "android_size_bot_config".
2020-11-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201105.2.1 to 0.20201105.5.1
2020-11-05 huangs [Build] Add size config JSON files and supports.
2020-11-05 sebmarchand Enable call-graph-profile-sort for PGO builds.
2020-11-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201105.0.1 to 0.20201105.2.1
2020-11-05 sdefresne [ios] Mark Chrome target as supporting "catalyst" in Xcode project
2020-11-05 sdefresne [ios] Use generic implementation of libvpx in "catalyst" environment
2020-11-05 arthursonzogni Revert "[WebLayer] Change the return type of Fragment.getActivity() to Activity."
2020-11-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201104.2.1 to 0.20201105.0.1
2020-11-04 dpranke Change actions to python2_actions as needed.
2020-11-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201104.1.1 to 0.20201104.2.1
2020-11-04 seantopping Re-enable AFDO profiles for Chromecast
2020-11-04 bpastene Remove cros_browser_sanity_test from all CrOS bots.
2020-11-04 thakis Remove a no-op conditional to fix a todo.
2020-11-04 agrieve Revert "Reland #2: Android: Use locally-build devil deps only when build_with_chromium=true"
2020-11-04 cwallez Fix `gn gen` with python3 and the Windows toolchain on a other drive.
2020-11-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201103.3.1 to 0.20201104.1.1
2020-11-04 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201103.2.1 to 0.20201103.3.1
2020-11-03 bjoyce Add chrome_junit_test shard experimental test suit.
2020-11-03 thakis android: Reorganize how arm_float_abi is set.
2020-11-03 wnwen Android: Fix build_utils output for python 2
2020-11-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201103.0.1 to 0.20201103.2.1
2020-11-03 agrieve Reland #2: Android: Use locally-build devil deps only when build_with_chromium=true
2020-11-03 agrieve Fix missing output when using use_debug_fission
2020-11-03 sdefresne [ios] Ensure bots can pretty print $root_build_dir/
2020-11-03 rmcelrath [WebLayer] Change the return type of Fragment.getActivity() to Activity.
2020-11-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201102.3.1 to 0.20201103.0.1
2020-11-03 mmenke Remove TCP/UDP echo modes from the SpawnedTestServer.
2020-11-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201102.1.1 to 0.20201102.3.1
2020-11-02 mbonadei Move arm_float_abi to a generic declare_arg.
2020-11-02 sdefresne [gn] Ensure bots correctly parse $root_build_dir/
2020-11-02 smaier Reland "Re-enabling aar .info file checker"
Roll buildtools/ 98881a129..235cfe435 (10 commits)
$ git log 98881a129..235cfe435 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-01-12 dpranke Roll GN from 0d67e272..595e3be7
2020-12-26 thakis Roll GN from 53d92014..0d67e272
2020-12-09 msavigny Add initial support for re-client to the chromium build.
2020-12-08 msavigny Move reclient binaries to src/buildtools.
2020-11-05 dpranke Roll GN from 843b5003..53d92014
2020-11-05 honglinyu Roll gn to 843b50030ce7ee1f86b8f1bf284ce8ca92985c3b
2020-11-04 dpranke Revert "Reland "Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5""
2020-11-03 dpranke Reland "Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5"
2020-11-03 dpranke Revert "Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5"
2020-11-03 rjascani Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5
Roll tools/clang/ eb065289a..b12d1c836 (36 commits)
$ git log eb065289a..b12d1c836 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-01-12 hans Build Clang with GCC 10.2.0 on Linux
2021-01-12 keishi Update namespace for TK_AsIs
2021-01-11 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-15676-g5c951623-1 : llvmorg-12-init-16296-g5e476061-1.
2021-01-07 jdoerrie [clang] Add StringPiece Rewriter Tool
2021-01-05 glazunov Exclude BigEndianWriter::end_ from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2021-01-05 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-12923-g6ee22ca6-1 : llvmorg-12-init-15676-g5c951623-1.
2020-12-21 thakis clang build/mac: Stop forcing Py2
2020-12-18 timvp Add fallback for Ninja path for clang compile DB
2020-12-07 hans Clang build scripts: LLVM 'master' is now 'main'
2020-12-03 bikineev blink_gc_plugin: Disallow only Optional GCed fields
2020-12-01 rnk Fix -Wsuggest-override warnings in clang plugin code
2020-11-29 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-12083-g94e4ec64-1 : llvmorg-12-init-12923-g6ee22ca6-1.
2020-11-26 keishi Add sandbox/win to rewrite_raw_ptr_fields ignore list
2020-11-20 aeubanks Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-11780-g6ef07111-1 : llvmorg-12-init-12083-g94e4ec64-1.
2020-11-18 keishi Exclude MemoryDumpProvider::name from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2020-11-18 keishi Exclude LabelManagerTest TestCase fields from rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2020-11-18 keishi Fix matcher for constructors via an implicit cast
2020-11-17 keishi Exclude logging.h in rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2020-11-17 keishi Exclude KeyedServiceBaseFactory::service_name_ in rewrite_raw_ptr_fields
2020-11-17 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-11462-g418f18c6-1 : llvmorg-12-init-11780-g6ef07111-1.
2020-11-17 thakis clang packager: Create "ld64.lld" symlinks
2020-11-17 thakis mac: Let clang updater pull mac packages on all hosts.
2020-11-16 keishi Add .get() to CheckedPtr when comparing with a std::string
2020-11-12 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-11060-g118c3f3c-1 : llvmorg-12-init-11462-g418f18c6-1.
2020-11-12 thakis clang: Update plugin test expectations after clang e7f3e2103c
2020-11-11 mark mac: Switch all architectures to the macOS 11.0 SDK and Xcode 12
2020-11-09 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-10666-gc9f69ee7-1 : llvmorg-12-init-11060-g118c3f3c-1.
2020-11-05 thakis Revert "Treat CheckedPtr specially in FindBadConstructsConsumer"
2020-11-05 keishi Add mini_installer and chrome_elf to rewrite_raw_ptr_fields ignore list
2020-11-05 keishi Treat CheckedPtr specially in FindBadConstructsConsumer
2020-11-04 thakis Bump system Xcode on ToTMac, ToTMac (dbg), ToTMacAsan, ToTMacCoverage from 11 to 12.
2020-11-04 thakis clang build script: Remove a workaround for an issue that's fixed upstream.
2020-11-04 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-5627-gf086e85e-3 : llvmorg-12-init-10666-gc9f69ee7-1.
2020-11-03 lukasza Emit constexpr-initialized fields as candidates for exclusion (vars).
2020-11-03 thakis clang: Only build arm64 iossim compiler-rt libs on the upload bots.
2020-11-02 sdefresne [ios] Build more architecture for clang runtime library
Created with:
roll-dep build buildtools tools/clang
Change-Id: Id4737ea3623ebd9d0f21b6a8c3b4a37fc4ab7dc2
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Stephen White <>