This reverts commit 61bc38fd52.
Reason for revert: Appears to have broken the Dawn->Chromium autoroller, which is now seeing Abseil linking issues on Mac and Linux.
Example failing roll:
Example error log:
Log Excerpt:
[802/31819] LINK ./dawn_unittests
FAILED: dawn_unittests
TOOL_VERSION=1650247560 ../../build/toolchain/apple/ -Wcrl,strippath,../../build/mac_files/xcode_binaries/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/strip -Wcrl,installnametoolpath,../../build/mac_files/xcode_binaries/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/install_name_tool ../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang++ -Werror -fuse-ld=lld -Wl,-fatal_warnings -Wl,--color-diagnostics -arch x86_64 -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,-dead_strip -nostdlib++ -isysroot ../../build/mac_files/xcode_binaries/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.11.0 -fprofile-instr-generate -Wl,-ObjC -rpath @executable_path/ -o "./dawn_unittests" "@./dawn_unittests.rsp"
ld64.lld: error: duplicate symbol: __ZN4absl15AsciiStrToLowerEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE
>>> defined in obj/third_party/dawn/third_party/gn/abseil-cpp/strings/ascii.o
>>> defined in obj/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/strings/ascii.o
ld64.lld: error: duplicate symbol: __ZN4absl15AsciiStrToUpperEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE
>>> defined in obj/third_party/dawn/third_party/gn/abseil-cpp/strings/ascii.o
>>> defined in obj/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/strings/ascii.o
ld64.lld: error: duplicate symbol: __ZN4absl26RemoveExtraAsciiWhitespaceEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE
>>> defined in obj/third_party/dawn/third_party/gn/abseil-cpp/strings/ascii.o
>>> defined in obj/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/strings/ascii.o
Original change's description:
> Enable gn check for all build targets.
> This CL removes the `check_targets` entry from the .gn file which
> will enable checking all targets. Two of the GN targets have had
> missing dependencies added.
> The `gn/abseil-cpp/` was referenced against the Chromium
> for abseil to make sure the `public_deps` and `deps`
> match in the two versions. The paths are re-written to match
> the Dawn paths.
> Bug: dawn:1372
> Change-Id: I371e17ec9647e6627429be5c81eb7985da3cc5b3
> Reviewed-on:
> Auto-Submit: Dan Sinclair <>
> Kokoro: Kokoro <>
> Reviewed-by: Brandon Jones <>
> Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
> Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
# Not skipping CQ checks because original CL landed > 1 day ago.
Bug: dawn:1372
Change-Id: I1ce6d62138cd99aa3a75c74eea0ac04ce5048b6b
Reviewed-by: Brandon Jones <>
Auto-Submit: Brandon Jones <>
Reviewed-by: Shrek Shao <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
This CL removes the `check_targets` entry from the .gn file which
will enable checking all targets. Two of the GN targets have had
missing dependencies added.
The `gn/abseil-cpp/` was referenced against the Chromium for abseil to make sure the `public_deps` and `deps`
match in the two versions. The paths are re-written to match
the Dawn paths.
Bug: dawn:1372
Change-Id: I371e17ec9647e6627429be5c81eb7985da3cc5b3
Auto-Submit: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Brandon Jones <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
$ git log dcba3ac6b..5e83d8349 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2022-04-13 cwallez Reduce the length of subresource test names (#1164)
2022-04-13 cwallez zero_init: add constant zero to prevent driver unrolling loops. (#1163)
2022-04-13 jiawei.shao Add validation,resource_usages,texture,in_render_misc:* - Part II (#1161)
2022-04-13 jiawei.shao Add validation,resource_usages,texture,in_render_misc:* - Part I (#1157)
2022-04-11 enga Test view format reinterpretation (#1126)
2022-04-11 litherum Only 2D textures can be marked as render targets (#1155)
2022-04-08 cwallez operation,image_copy: Add support for depth16unorm (#1154)
2022-04-08 cwallez image_copy,mip_levels: reduce the mip level count. (#1151)
2022-04-08 cwallez depth_compare_func: Don't use 0.5 as depth16unorm rounds either way (#1152)
2022-04-08 cwallez Fix tests trying to copy aspects of depth-stencil textures. (#1146)
2022-04-08 cwallez depth_clip_clamp: only set stencilLoadOp and friends when needed. (#1153)
2022-04-08 cwallez Fix validation errors with depth/StencilLoad/StoreOp set when not allowed. (#1145)
2022-04-08 enga Shorten test and param lengths in resource_usages,texture,in_render_common:* (#1144)
2022-04-08 jiawei.shao Add validation,resource_usages,texture,in_render_common:* - Part V (#1150)
2022-04-06 cwallez val,buffer,create: Buffer sizes don't have to be multiple of 4. (#1140)
2022-04-06 cwallez image_copy: Ensure bufferOffset % 4 == 0 for depth-stencil. (#1139)
2022-04-06 jiawei.shao Add validation,resource_usages,texture,in_render_common:* - Part IV (#1132)
2022-04-05 enga Fix infinite recursion in CopyExternalImageToTexture.spec.ts (#1143)
2022-04-05 cwallez Use globalThis instead of self. (#1141)
2022-04-05 cwallez val/copyT2T,format_compat: Don't assume compressed is always 4x4 (#1134)
2022-04-05 cwallez Fix DSAttachment load/store ops being specified when disallowed. (#1136)
2022-04-05 cwallez Fix test of BGL binding limits to correctly check limits (#1137)
2022-04-04 cwallez Fix a validation error caused by WriteTexture bytesPerRow: t.width (#1133)
2022-04-04 cwallez Add unicode tests for entryPoint matching. (#1131)
2022-04-04 cwallez writeBuffer: an unaligned bufferOffset is a validation error. (#1129)
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/webgpu-cts
Change-Id: I048afcaf3d33bcd67401412bf235181013ebf6d2
Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Roll CTS to dcba3ac6b819abb0920e589ca1809ae5b5f87119
Update ts_sources.txt
Regenerate expectations
Change-Id: Ifa0cae3fa1abf9da9e4fbd63acf9cefe2683f50d
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
There's an implict dependency between including protobug and SPIR-V tools, as SPIR-V tools needs to know where protobuf lives.
Bug: dawn:1339
Change-Id: I22a95e44af5ae1cc39a9c3400bd319d86e434967
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Integrates Tint repo into Dawn
- Building docs for Tint is turned off, because it fails due to lack
of annotations in Dawn source files.
- Dawn CQ needs to be updated to run Tint specific tests
- Significant post-merge cleanup needed
Change-Id: I6c9714a0030934edd6c51f3cac4684dcd59d1ea3
- Format specific targets to have the hash in the target rule instead
of a variable.
- Only have the base part of the URL in a variable
- Use vulkan-deps instead of individual DEPS (spirv-tools,
spirv-headers & glslang)
Change-Id: I871a656e26050698da2c77f4f39fec94a9c4f8a4
Reviewed-by: David Neto <>
Auto-Submit: Ryan Harrison <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Harrison <>
Includes changes to third_party/gn/webgpu-cts/ to make the Node build work.
$ git log 90654f28f..87e74a93e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2022-03-17 kainino Bugfix for getTextureCopyLayout introduced in #1068 (#1077)
2022-03-17 gman Implement Basic Worker WebGPU Test (#1075)
2022-03-17 rharrison Implement tests for floating point arithmetic expressions (#1073)
2022-03-18 jiawei.shao Add validation,resource_usages,texture,in_render_common:* - Part II (#1070)
2022-03-16 gman Fix Spelling Errors (#1074)
2022-03-16 kainino float32BitsToNumber/numberToFloat32Bits
2022-03-10 kainino reifyOrigin3D
2022-03-10 kainino move generatePrettyTable to its own file (no changes)
2022-03-10 kainino floatBitsToNumber, floatBitsToNormalULPFromZero, signExtend
2022-03-10 kainino Add getSubTextureCopyLayout helper
2022-03-14 tojiro Add validation tests for various aspects of render bundle creation and usage.
2022-03-16 rharrison Reduce instances of // prettier-ignore to improve readability (#1072)
2022-03-16 rharrison Implement `reverseBits` tests (#1071)
2022-03-16 jiawei.shao Change endPass to end in in_render_common.spec.ts (#1069)
2022-03-15 rharrison Reduce duplication of terms in builtin test strings (#1062)
2022-03-15 bclayton Add bitwise binary expression tests (#1064)
2022-03-15 rharrison Implement `countOneBits` tests (#1065)
2022-03-15 rharrison Remove test stubs for `isInfinite` and `isNormal` (#1063)
2022-03-16 shaobo.yan CTS: Color space conversion operation test for CopyToTexture (#1043)
2022-03-15 bclayton Fix limits of `log()` and `log2()` (#1060)
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/webgpu-cts
Change-Id: I135a115184602a56d8554287856761ca21c6dce2
Bug: chromium:1306640
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
These build files are not yet used, but intended to be included by a
build file in Chromium. The test expectations file will move here too,
allowing Dawn/Tint changes to adjust test expectations in the same CL.
Bug: chromium:1306640
Change-Id: Id0be5c155ec7c79252e724cd64e54d1ea9f3dbda
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Kai Ninomiya <>
Change-Id: I1fc58d50ba3999e3a9b6f4e30a0799be301893de
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
Don't build the Tint samples, because they require glslang.
Change-Id: I04ac6bb313fa8926bd161b91488d30c2c26ebb67
Bug: dawn:1217
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
We'll need this to build the GLSL backend in Dawn, since we don't want
glslang there.
Bug: tint:1217
Change-Id: Ied44ca89286c1d53a2e58a7083f0bfb859976770
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
$ git log 947731113..df8d7bc89 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-12-31 elmindreda Wayland: Clean up modifier key event handler
2021-12-31 elmindreda Wayland: Clean up key translation
2021-12-30 elmindreda Wayland: Fix text input not following key repeat
2021-12-30 elmindreda Wayland: Clean up key event handler
2021-12-30 elmindreda Wayland: Require xkbcommon 0.5.0 or greater
2021-12-30 elmindreda Wayland: Clean up text input
2021-12-30 elmindreda Clean up internal Unicode code point handling
2021-12-29 elmindreda Wayland: Implement key name support
2021-12-30 elmindreda Move UTF-8 encoding to shared code
2021-12-30 elmindreda Wayland: Fix keys reported as wrong or unknown key
2021-12-28 elmindreda Wayland: Fix GLFW_VISIBLE affecting full screen
2021-12-28 elmindreda Fix gamma test not checking for NULL return value
2021-12-28 elmindreda Wayland: Fix missing damage event on window show
2021-12-28 elmindreda Wayland: Fix window not visible after initial swap
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Remove window monitor array pre-alloc
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Remove superfluous initialize to NULL
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Move window title cloning to creation
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Gather framebuffer transparency logic
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Move surface creation function
2021-12-26 elmindreda Wayland: Fix repeated key not released on defocus
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Control key repeat via timerfd state
2021-12-26 elmindreda Wayland: Clean up event pump
2021-12-30 linkmauve Wayland: Use correct action on fallback decoration
2021-12-27 elmindreda Wayland: Document delayed window showing
2021-12-26 elmindreda Update docs for specific Vulkan surface extensions
2021-12-22 elmindreda X11: Fix sonames for loaded libraries on OpenBSD
2021-12-22 elmindreda Add hiding and showing to interactive window test
2020-07-12 jason Wayland: Fix window hiding
2021-12-22 elmindreda Wayland: Fix key repeat continuing when refocused
2021-12-22 elmindreda Wayland: Fix duplicate focus event on activation
2021-12-14 linkmauve EGL: Use EGL_EXT_present_opaque when available
2021-12-14 linkmauve Wayland: Continue poll() if timerfd can’t be read
2020-06-05 lattis Wayland: Set O_NONBLOCK on repeat timerfd
2021-12-09 elmindreda X11: Add extension header paths to CMake target
2021-12-08 elmindreda Fix initial windowed mode size for test
2021-12-05 59504965+InKryption Add missing errors section for glfwGetGamepadName
2021-12-01 elmindreda Win32: Handle content scale error on creation
2021-12-01 elmindreda Win32: Fix bad content scale on monitor disconnect
2021-11-30 elmindreda Formatting
2021-11-30 elmindreda Cleanup
2021-11-02 elmindreda Add credits and update changelog
2021-10-31 stephen X11: Fix undefined behavior in glfwSetWindowIcon
2021-11-15 stephen Fix docs calling GLFW_CONTEXT_REVISION a hint
2021-11-16 elmindreda Gather Null specific platform selection logic
2021-11-09 elmindreda Update comments for global mutable data
2021-10-28 luzpaz Fix source comment typo
2021-11-25 elmindreda Add credit
2021-11-22 59504965+InKryption Add missing error to glfwGetClipboardString docs
2021-11-22 elmindreda Add credit
2021-11-18 jeebjp Cocoa: Use MACH_PORT_NULL for default IOKit port
2021-07-14 elmindreda Add credit
2021-07-07 david.v.mckay realizing "as you would" is platform dependent
2021-07-07 david.v.mckay Clarify "as you would" for beginners.
2021-06-25 elmindreda Remove errors for gamepad element mismatch
2021-06-23 lazylumpster+github Consistent subsections in compile guide
2021-06-22 elmindreda Wayland: Fix missing constant on FreeBSD
2021-06-22 elmindreda Wayland: Fix case of epollshim find module name
2021-06-15 elmindreda Add missing changelog entry
2021-06-14 elmindreda Add notes on getting the HDC of a window on Win32
2021-06-09 elmindreda Fix some documentation URLs still using http:
2021-06-09 elmindreda Update IRC network to Libera.Chat
2021-06-09 elmindreda Add 'latest' branch to all CI builds
2021-06-09 elmindreda Move VS 2019 builds from AppVeyor to GH Actions
2021-06-07 elmindreda Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
2021-06-07 elmindreda Fix numeric conversion warnings in example
2021-05-14 elmindreda EGL: Fix creation of single-buffered windows
2021-05-14 elmindreda Move single/double-buffer filtering to backends
2021-05-13 elmindreda Skip initial buffer swap when single-buffered
2021-05-13 elmindreda Make GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER a window attribute
2021-05-13 elmindreda Make monitor and joystick names static strings
2021-05-13 elmindreda Remove claim that EGL is not supported on macOS
2021-05-12 elmindreda Clarify documentation for hints
2021-05-12 elmindreda Fix header version macro descriptions in docs
2021-04-20 elmindreda Win32: Always define UNICODE and _UNICODE
2021-04-16 elmindreda Win32: Fix macros being enabled for other backends
2021-04-22 elmindreda Fix description of video mode ordering in docs
2021-04-15 konstantin Fix hardcoded runtime destination in CMake install
2021-04-12 elmindreda Win32: Fix compilation with standalone LLVM
2021-04-12 elmindreda Replace GL_ARB_debug_output in comments
2021-04-12 elmindreda Replace GL_ARB_debug_output in context guide
2021-04-11 elmindreda Add Vulkan device presentation support to glfwinfo
2021-04-11 elmindreda Add window surface creation to glfwinfo
2020-12-10 elmindreda Fix grammar in MoltenVK support docs
2021-04-11 elmindreda Add GLFW_X11_XCB_VULKAN_SURFACE flag to glfwinfo
2020-12-10 elmindreda Add docs for GLFW_X11_XCB_VULKAN_SURFACE
2020-10-23 caramelli.devel Add GLFW_X11_XCB_VULKAN_SURFACE init hint
2020-10-12 elmindreda Update USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL for CMake 3.15
2021-03-21 elmindreda Fix implicit double-to-float in linmath.h
2021-03-19 elmindreda Add issue number to changelog
2021-03-19 elmindreda Remove deprecated Doxygen tag
2021-03-15 elmindreda Win32: Add warning when option will have no effect
2020-08-20 elmindreda Ignore cached state when setting window attributes
2021-03-10 elmindreda Update linmath.h
2021-03-09 elmindreda Win32: Add MinGW-w64 detection to version string
2021-03-08 elmindreda X11: Fix attribs not applied on leaving fullscreen
2021-02-17 elmindreda Update changelog
2021-02-09 elmindreda Wayland: Move DPI fallback work to output done
2021-01-20 elmindreda Win32: Fix content area rescaling on older systems
2021-01-19 elmindreda Win32: Fix full screen windows affected by scaling
2021-02-10 elmindreda Cocoa: Fix console apps getting a dock icon
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/glfw
Bug: dawn:1246
Change-Id: If6357019587d43bebc9eea79d8a5af0bf81d4734
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Add google benchmark to the DEPs.
Implement a basic set of benchmarks for each of the writers and the WGSL parser.
Add build rules for CMake. GN build rules TODO.
Add a simple go tool (ported from Marl) to diff two benchmarks. Less
noisy than the one provided by google benchmark.
Bug: tint:1378
Change-Id: I73cf92c5d9fd2d3bfac8f264864fd774afbd5d01
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
The shared library build of Tint is currently broken with CMake, since
we set -fvisibility=hidden and do not export any of Tint's publicly
used APIs.
Change-Id: I63518fbd13e2adbf17aba79114c66d1567b8268b
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: James Price <>
Also delete vulkan.hpp that we don't use, and vulkan_fuchsia_extras that
have since then been upstreamed.
Also updates the fuchsia external import code to use the non-temp
Bug: dawn:221
Change-Id: I23e1bfedc5a18731be1e58d0bae1bddf6b0f45fa
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Currently enabling this build target requires a dependency on glslang, which Dawn does not provide.
Just disable this target while we figure how we want to tackle this.
Bug: tint:1217
Change-Id: I79f2ef6e1b007e69ad4aa0d40500b0d1c6a52d6f
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Stephen White <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Generate and validate all entry points individually.
This is required since GLSL has separate shader files, and
can only have a single "main" entry point.
Bug: tint:1217
Change-Id: Ie5cb510aaef3b7c8a7573f5fa9446815284afecb
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Set BUILD_TESTING to OFF, mainly so Abseil doesn't build its tests,
which aren't configured properly for sub-builds.
parties are built in the same directory as the rest of dawn.
Change-Id: I51a2c0887bfb42c1c21223c41bfcbd2816e34034
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Outer projects can just set() the option / setting before calling add_subdirectory() on Dawn.
Also provide a build directory for Dawn's third_party dependencies. Allows the outer project to specify a third_party directory that's out of the dawn tree.
Change-Id: I04c5f12b362ee9c9488b7b78a6aa5fa6f55dec98
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
glfw is used by several `src/utils/*.cpp` files, regardless of whether examples are being built or not.
Change-Id: Iba90fbf96e254979c72acf792af3cb86d889f5db
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Change-Id: Ie6be1301c3f2f9877a9dfb04ab5025559b90d926
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Stephen White <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Allow the third_party directory to be controlled by the outer sub-project.
Change-Id: I11030c75254c264c1955150bdf1983771b33b614
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
This reverts commit 020d69905e.
Reason for revert: Causing Dawn Skia roll build fails
Original change's description:
> Added Abseil as a third-party dependency
> Using the version in the Chromium repo in order to make use of the .gn
> files it contains.
> Doing so also appears to require us to switch where we pull googletest
> from so that the directory structure matches what the Abseil build
> config expects. Fortunately this doesn't seem to cause issues in our
> tests.
> Bug: dawn:563
> Change-Id: I55831ad33f282b3d8b03b67826fd2776e5602d89
> Reviewed-on:
> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
> Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
> Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
> Auto-Submit: Brandon Jones <>
# Not skipping CQ checks because original CL landed > 1 day ago.
Bug: dawn:563
Change-Id: I0fc4e5fc73ab9b0887591135ec01adde990edd6f
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Shrek Shao <>
Using the version in the Chromium repo in order to make use of the .gn
files it contains.
Doing so also appears to require us to switch where we pull googletest
from so that the directory structure matches what the Abseil build
config expects. Fortunately this doesn't seem to cause issues in our
Bug: dawn:563
Change-Id: I55831ad33f282b3d8b03b67826fd2776e5602d89
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Auto-Submit: Brandon Jones <>
Enabling particular fuzzers requires that certain other CMake options
are enabled. For example, enabling the SPIR-V Tools fuzzer requires
enabling the CMake option for building spirv-fuzz. This change uses the
FORCE parameter to force the CMake cache to be overridden in such cases.
The change also adds FORCE to other options where it seems appropriate,
and improves some doc strings associated with CMake options.
Fixes: tint:1024
Change-Id: Ia72ddc0b3af625bb21ff1cc1c7121185ec3908b6
Auto-Submit: Alastair Donaldson <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Vasyl Teliman <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Alastair Donaldson <>
This change implements a new fuzzer. It mutates a WGSL shader by traversing
the AST of a program and applying various transformations that might or might not
be semantics preserving.
Change-Id: I6b144bd1067444c3f0b815ba1a646aaf6e739b52
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Vasyl Teliman <>
Reviewed-by: Alastair Donaldson <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
This change adds a new tint fuzzer that uses SPIRV-Tools to fuzz SPIR-V binaries.
The fuzzer works on a corpus of SPIR-V shaders. For each shader from the corpus it uses
one of `spirv-fuzz`, `spirv-reduce` or `spirv-opt` to mutate and then runs the shader through
the Tint compiler in two steps:
- Converts the mutated shader to WGSL.
- Converts WGSL to some target language specified in the CLI arguments.
The list of all supported CLI arguments and their description is in the cli.h file.
Change-Id: I95c0741b78ccc600dd9a73c371d520bdf7814352
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Vasyl Teliman <>
Reviewed-by: David Neto <>
Reviewed-by: Alastair Donaldson <>
With all tests converted to WGSL we only use shaderc to assemble SPIRV
assembly to binary. shaderc requires glslang but we don't use it at all.
By using SPIRV-Tools directly to assemble SPIR-V, we can remove both the
shaderc and glslang dependencies.
Bug: dawn:572
Bug: chromium:1150045
Change-Id: I1588428dfb9478e7b724478bec662d002ee920e0
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
* Disable "undefined-var-template" in code, rather than in build files
* Add back some missing headers required when building in this context
* Make sure gtest/gmock do not override the default runtime library
Change-Id: I12c05943fc1d2dee4733ae70db7da026f67e0dad
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Antonio Maiorano <>
This reverts commit 9fdbb74072.
Reason for revert: The SPIRV-Cross GN files have a bug which is fixed upstream, but Skia is on an old version of SPIRV-Cross so they don't have the fix. So, the build fails when rolling Dawn into Skia complaining about unknown `-fno-exceptions` on the windows bots. Need Skia to either move to vulkan-deps, or roll their spirv-cross forward before this can re-land.
Original change's description:
> Use upstream SPIRV-Cross GN files.
> Previously spirv-cross didn't have its own sources files but this
> changed recently so we should use them. This will ultimately allow
> sharing targets between multiple components in Chromium.
> Bug: chromium:1179277
> Change-Id: Ib4bb1884b9ba9c4c3804e96d8adbb8905c60c9a3
> Reviewed-on:
> Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
> Reviewed-by: Peng Huang <>
> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
> Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Bug: chromium:1179277
Change-Id: If1003bafa7b35f502c08b2dab91dd3d416aab077
Commit-Queue: dan sinclair <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Auto-Submit: dan sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Previously spirv-cross didn't have its own sources files but this
changed recently so we should use them. This will ultimately allow
sharing targets between multiple components in Chromium.
Bug: chromium:1179277
Change-Id: Ib4bb1884b9ba9c4c3804e96d8adbb8905c60c9a3
Auto-Submit: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Peng Huang <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
This CL adds some override decorations for various destructors and turns
of Werror for the spirv-tools build.
Change-Id: I10ac72cfaee247334f6db2918230283b1f975955
Commit-Queue: dan sinclair <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Auto-Submit: dan sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
On Linux, ANGLE only builds a, while GLFW expects to find The fix is to force GLFW to load instead.
Bug: dawn:447
Change-Id: I4baa5b175a093b5b5d7a5c121085db3006c0e097
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
The next commit in vulkan-headers contains breaking changes that removes
the provisional ray-tracing extension and add the final version of it.
To ease the roll past that, we first roll just before the breaking
A smaller scale breaking change required rolling the Vulkan Validation
Layers at the same time.
Roll third_party/vulkan-headers/ ced848d69..30e70cbd9 (11 commits)
$ git log ced848d69..30e70cbd9 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-11-16 jdrouan Add GGP (Stadia) WSI platform support to vk_icd.h
2020-11-15 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.161
2020-11-08 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.160
2020-11-01 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.159
2020-10-18 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.158
2020-10-12 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.157
2020-10-12 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.157
2020-10-04 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.156
2020-09-28 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.155
2020-09-21 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.154
2020-09-06 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.153
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/vulkan-headers
Roll third_party/vulkan-validation-layers/ e8b96e86f..8756b1cb9 (498 commits)
$ git log e8b96e86f..8756b1cb9 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-11-25 mark threading: Check DevWaitIdle ext sync on all device queues
2020-11-25 s.fricke layers: Label VU 04563
2020-11-25 locke tests: Fix wrong descriptor type
2020-11-24 locke layers: Skip some CMD_TYPE
2020-11-23 mark tests: Add some checks for imageFormatMaybeLinear & 02259
2020-11-20 mark stateless: Calculate correct state for 02257, add 02259
2020-11-17 mark corechecks: Use named initializing for vuid structs
2020-11-17 mark drawdispatch: Use named initializing for DrawDispatch structs
2020-11-12 mark corechecks: Moved some #defines to static consts
2020-11-12 mark cmddraw: Align non-CF'd source
2020-11-19 locke layers: Attachment lifetime
2020-10-27 locke tests: Test protected, instance index, filter cubic
2020-10-26 locke layers: Validate filter cubic
2020-10-26 locke layers: Set enum for push constat byte state
2020-10-26 locke layers: Move validation for both image and sampler
2020-10-25 locke layers: Change map lastBound into array
2020-10-20 locke layers: Find Sampler in CmdBind
2020-10-23 locke layers: Validate maxMultiviewInstanceIndex
2020-11-18 locke layers: Save shared_ptr
2020-10-23 locke layers: Protected command buffer
2020-11-23 tony layers: Fix spirv-headers known good
2020-11-19 marky build: Fix clang warnings
2020-11-18 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.161 header
2020-11-16 jeremyg syncval: Use correct raster order for depth/stencil resolve
2020-11-16 mark lifetimes: Correct for non-device parent objects
2020-11-13 shannon build: Reconcile VUIDs for 1.2.160 header
2020-11-13 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.160 header
2020-11-16 locke tests: Using depth stencil image in both
2020-11-16 locke layers: VUID 02687 to 04584
2020-11-11 karl tests: Add test for destroyed buffer during draw validate
2020-11-11 karl layers: Remove duplicate handles from Descriptor subclasses
2020-11-16 mark repo: Update issue templates
2020-11-16 mark repo: Update issue templates
2020-11-13 pankratz layers: Removed duplicate type declaration
2020-11-13 mark scripts: Suppress warning for empty difflist
2020-11-12 mark scripts: Remove format checking shell scripts
2020-11-11 mark scripts: Add python format-checking script and update travis
2020-11-05 mark tests: Add oldSwapchain-from-different-device test
2020-11-09 mark threading: Make swapchain objects traceable to parent
2020-11-10 mark tests: Added specialuse extension BP tests
2020-11-10 mark practices: Add checking of specialuse extensions
2020-11-09 mark practices: Check for specialuse extensions and warn
2020-11-09 mark practices: Added specialuse extension table
2020-11-10 karl layers: Fix typedef and spelling
2020-11-09 jeremyg syncval: Convert enum SyncStageAccessFlags to a std::bitset
2020-11-09 jeremyg syncval: Change generated lookup tables to be const.
2020-11-06 marshall tests: Test queue retirement over timeline semaphores
2020-11-06 marshall layers: Fix queue retirement via waited-on timeline semaphores
2020-11-06 rgarcia layers: Check nullDescriptor when validating vertex attributes
2020-11-02 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.159 header
2020-04-07 jzulauf layers: Add support for fake device memory address
2020-04-07 locke syncval: Refactor Image encoder/generator
2020-04-06 jzulauf syncval: Cleanup/Refactor AccessContext
2020-04-03 jzulauf layers: Add range operator + and copy constructor
2020-03-20 jzulauf layers: Add subpass transition info to RP state
2020-04-03 jzulauf syncval: Clean up and bugfix Access state resolve
2020-03-25 locke syncval: Change offset generator to image generator
2020-03-17 locke syncval: Add default constructors for Encoders
2020-03-19 jzulauf syncval: Clean attachment first/last for RP creation
2020-03-18 jzulauf syncval: Add end renderpass access context resolve
2020-03-10 jzulauf syncval: Change hazard check to use resolved map.
2020-03-10 locke syncval: Add function name to hazard log messages
2020-03-04 locke tests: Test copy buffer image and blit hazards
2020-03-02 locke syncval: Add copy buffer image and blit entry points
2020-02-28 locke syncval: Use new generator in synchronization
2020-03-04 locke tests: Fix test synchronization errors
2020-03-02 locke syncval: Add dest image adjustment for compressed
2020-02-27 locke syncval: Add new RangeEncoder and RangeGenerator
2020-03-09 jzulauf syncval: Add context interface for detect/update
2020-02-21 jzulauf layers: Enhance Subpass DAG tree information
2020-02-10 jzulauf syncval: Adding race hazard support
2020-02-03 jzulauf syncval: Add logical stage extension to exec scope
2020-01-31 jzulauf sync: Add earlier/later stage maps to codegen
2020-01-23 jzulauf syncval: Add image layout transition hazard checks
2019-12-26 jzulauf tests: Add first image sync tests
2019-12-26 jzulauf syncval: Add image sync validation for CopyImage
2019-12-26 jzulauf tests: Add more flexible interface to VkImageObj
2019-12-18 jzulauf tests: Add testcases for buffer region copies
2019-09-30 jzulauf syncval: Init Sync Val Resource Hazard
2020-07-03 s.fricke tests: Add Protected Resource VUIDs
2020-07-03 s.fricke layers: Add Protected Resource VUIDs
2020-07-09 timvp build: Add a virtual dtor to AspectParameters
2020-07-08 jan-harald.fredriksen tests: Add VUID 04059
2020-07-08 jan-harald.fredriksen layers: Add VUID 04059
2020-07-09 s.fricke tests: Add YCbCr Swizzle VUIDs
2020-07-04 s.fricke layers: Add YCbCr Swizzle VUIDs
2020-07-09 tony layers: Remove leftover enum
2020-07-08 liyl chassis: Fix memory leaks
2020-07-02 lionel.g.landwerlin layers: fix image/view with modifier format feature storage
2020-07-06 shannon build: Fix VUID inconsistencies for 1.2.146 header
2020-07-06 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.146 header
2020-07-08 tony layers: Fix log message
2020-07-07 tony gpu: Fix enabling of required features
2020-07-07 tony tests: Add PhysicalDeviceFeatures to device profile api
2020-07-03 s.fricke layers: Move some sparse VU to stateless
2020-07-08 40687079+rumblehhh Update to use correct helper.cmake path
2020-07-02 s.fricke tests: Add VUID 02711
2020-07-01 s.fricke layers: Add VUID 02711
2020-07-06 mark objtracker: Don't report undestroyable objects
2020-07-01 mark threading: Audit VkDisplay, VkDisplayMode object handling
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/vulkan-validation-layers
Change-Id: Ie55286cecb8b7d0163a629968786195d211ea662
Bug: chromium:1153258
Change-Id: I0bb6a910c5a7d3f13731097abb1fe4b8de38c6d0
Commit-Queue: David Neto <>
Reviewed-by: David Neto <>