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// Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn/native/metal/BackendMTL.h"
#include "dawn/common/CoreFoundationRef.h"
#include "dawn/common/GPUInfo.h"
#include "dawn/common/Log.h"
#include "dawn/common/NSRef.h"
#include "dawn/common/Platform.h"
#include "dawn/common/SystemUtils.h"
#include "dawn/native/Instance.h"
#include "dawn/native/MetalBackend.h"
#include "dawn/native/metal/BufferMTL.h"
#include "dawn/native/metal/DeviceMTL.h"
#import <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include "dawn/common/IOKitRef.h"
#include <vector>
namespace dawn::native::metal {
namespace {
struct PCIIDs {
uint32_t vendorId;
uint32_t deviceId;
struct Vendor {
const char* trademark;
uint32_t vendorId;
const Vendor kVendors[] = {
{"AMD", gpu_info::kVendorID_AMD}, {"Apple", gpu_info::kVendorID_Apple},
{"Radeon", gpu_info::kVendorID_AMD}, {"Intel", gpu_info::kVendorID_Intel},
{"Geforce", gpu_info::kVendorID_Nvidia}, {"Quadro", gpu_info::kVendorID_Nvidia}};
// Find vendor ID from MTLDevice name.
MaybeError GetVendorIdFromVendors(id<MTLDevice> device, PCIIDs* ids) {
uint32_t vendorId = 0;
const char* deviceName = [device.name UTF8String];
for (const auto& it : kVendors) {
if (strstr(deviceName, it.trademark) != nullptr) {
vendorId = it.vendorId;
if (vendorId == 0) {
return DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR("Failed to find vendor id with the device");
// Set vendor id with 0
*ids = PCIIDs{vendorId, 0};
return {};
// Extracts an integer property from a registry entry.
uint32_t GetEntryProperty(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef name) {
uint32_t value = 0;
// Recursively search registry entry and its parents for property name
// The data should release with CFRelease
CFRef<CFDataRef> data = AcquireCFRef(static_cast<CFDataRef>(IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(
entry, kIOServicePlane, name, kCFAllocatorDefault,
kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents)));
if (data == nullptr) {
return value;
// CFDataGetBytePtr() is guaranteed to return a read-only pointer
value = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(CFDataGetBytePtr(data.Get()));
return value;
// Queries the IO Registry to find the PCI device and vendor IDs of the MTLDevice.
// The registry entry correponding to [device registryID] doesn't contain the exact PCI ids
// because it corresponds to a driver. However its parent entry corresponds to the device
// itself and has uint32_t "device-id" and "registry-id" keys. For example on a dual-GPU
// MacBook Pro 2017 the IORegistry explorer shows the following tree (simplified here):
// - PCI0@0
// | - AppleACPIPCI
// | | - IGPU@2 (type IOPCIDevice)
// | | | - IntelAccelerator (type IOGraphicsAccelerator2)
// | | - PEG0@1
// | | | - IOPP
// | | | | - GFX0@0 (type IOPCIDevice)
// | | | | | - AMDRadeonX4000_AMDBaffinGraphicsAccelerator (type IOGraphicsAccelerator2)
// [device registryID] is the ID for one of the IOGraphicsAccelerator2 and we can see that
// their parent always is an IOPCIDevice that has properties for the device and vendor IDs.
MaybeError API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13))
GetDeviceIORegistryPCIInfo(id<MTLDevice> device, PCIIDs* ids) {
// Get a matching dictionary for the IOGraphicsAccelerator2
CFRef<CFMutableDictionaryRef> matchingDict =
AcquireCFRef(IORegistryEntryIDMatching([device registryID]));
if (matchingDict == nullptr) {
return DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR("Failed to create the matching dict for the device");
// IOServiceGetMatchingService will consume the reference on the matching dictionary,
// so we don't need to release the dictionary.
IORef<io_registry_entry_t> acceleratorEntry =
AcquireIORef(IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDict.Detach()));
if (acceleratorEntry == IO_OBJECT_NULL) {
return DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR("Failed to get the IO registry entry for the accelerator");
// Get the parent entry that will be the IOPCIDevice
IORef<io_registry_entry_t> deviceEntry;
if (IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry(acceleratorEntry.Get(), kIOServicePlane,
deviceEntry.InitializeInto()) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
return DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR("Failed to get the IO registry entry for the device");
ASSERT(deviceEntry != IO_OBJECT_NULL);
uint32_t vendorId = GetEntryProperty(deviceEntry.Get(), CFSTR("vendor-id"));
uint32_t deviceId = GetEntryProperty(deviceEntry.Get(), CFSTR("device-id"));
*ids = PCIIDs{vendorId, deviceId};
return {};
MaybeError GetDevicePCIInfo(id<MTLDevice> device, PCIIDs* ids) {
// [device registryID] is introduced on macOS 10.13+, otherwise workaround to get vendor
// id by vendor name on old macOS
if (@available(macos 10.13, *)) {
auto result = GetDeviceIORegistryPCIInfo(device, ids);
if (result.IsError()) {
dawn::WarningLog() << "GetDeviceIORegistryPCIInfo failed: "
<< result.AcquireError()->GetFormattedMessage();
} else if (ids->vendorId != 0) {
return result;
return GetVendorIdFromVendors(device, ids);
MaybeError GetDevicePCIInfo(id<MTLDevice> device, PCIIDs* ids) {
*ids = PCIIDs{0, 0};
return {};
#error "Unsupported Apple platform."
DAWN_NOINLINE bool IsCounterSamplingBoundarySupport(id<MTLDevice> device)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0)) {
bool isBlitBoundarySupported =
[device supportsCounterSampling:MTLCounterSamplingPointAtBlitBoundary];
bool isDispatchBoundarySupported =
[device supportsCounterSampling:MTLCounterSamplingPointAtDispatchBoundary];
bool isDrawBoundarySupported =
[device supportsCounterSampling:MTLCounterSamplingPointAtDrawBoundary];
return isBlitBoundarySupported && isDispatchBoundarySupported && isDrawBoundarySupported;
// This method has seen hard-to-debug crashes. See crbug.com/dawn/1102.
// For now, it is written defensively, with many potentially unnecessary guards until
// we narrow down the cause of the problem.
DAWN_NOINLINE bool IsGPUCounterSupported(id<MTLDevice> device,
MTLCommonCounterSet counterSetName,
std::vector<MTLCommonCounter> counterNames)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(14.0)) {
NSPRef<id<MTLCounterSet>> counterSet = nil;
if (![device respondsToSelector:@selector(counterSets)]) {
dawn::ErrorLog() << "MTLDevice does not respond to selector: counterSets.";
return false;
NSArray<id<MTLCounterSet>>* counterSets = device.counterSets;
if (counterSets == nil) {
// On some systems, [device counterSets] may be null and not an empty array.
return false;
// MTLDevices counterSets property declares which counter sets it supports. Check
// whether it's available on the device before requesting a counter set.
// Note: Don't do for..in loop to avoid potentially crashy interaction with
// NSFastEnumeration.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < counterSets.count; ++i) {
id<MTLCounterSet> set = [counterSets objectAtIndex:i];
if ([set.name caseInsensitiveCompare:counterSetName] == NSOrderedSame) {
counterSet = set;
// The counter set is not supported.
if (counterSet == nil) {
return false;
if (![*counterSet respondsToSelector:@selector(counters)]) {
dawn::ErrorLog() << "MTLCounterSet does not respond to selector: counters.";
return false;
NSArray<id<MTLCounter>>* countersInSet = (*counterSet).counters;
if (countersInSet == nil) {
// On some systems, [MTLCounterSet counters] may be null and not an empty array.
return false;
// A GPU might support a counter set, but only support a subset of the counters in that
// set, check if the counter set supports all specific counters we need. Return false
// if there is a counter unsupported.
for (MTLCommonCounter counterName : counterNames) {
bool found = false;
// Note: Don't do for..in loop to avoid potentially crashy interaction with
// NSFastEnumeration.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < countersInSet.count; ++i) {
id<MTLCounter> counter = [countersInSet objectAtIndex:i];
if ([counter.name caseInsensitiveCompare:counterName] == NSOrderedSame) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
if (@available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, *)) {
// Check whether it can read GPU counters at the specified command boundary. Apple
// family GPUs do not support sampling between different Metal commands, because
// they defer fragment processing until after the GPU processes all the primitives
// in the render pass.
if (!IsCounterSamplingBoundarySupport(device)) {
return false;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
// The Metal backend's Adapter.
class Adapter : public AdapterBase {
Adapter(InstanceBase* instance, id<MTLDevice> device)
: AdapterBase(instance, wgpu::BackendType::Metal), mDevice(device) {
mName = std::string([[*mDevice name] UTF8String]);
PCIIDs ids;
if (!instance->ConsumedError(GetDevicePCIInfo(device, &ids))) {
mVendorId = ids.vendorId;
mDeviceId = ids.deviceId;
mAdapterType = wgpu::AdapterType::IntegratedGPU;
const char* systemName = "iOS ";
if ([device isLowPower]) {
mAdapterType = wgpu::AdapterType::IntegratedGPU;
} else {
mAdapterType = wgpu::AdapterType::DiscreteGPU;
const char* systemName = "macOS ";
#error "Unsupported Apple platform."
NSString* osVersion = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersionString];
mDriverDescription = "Metal driver on " + std::string(systemName) + [osVersion UTF8String];
// AdapterBase Implementation
bool SupportsExternalImages() const override {
// Via dawn::native::metal::WrapIOSurface
return true;
ResultOrError<Ref<DeviceBase>> CreateDeviceImpl(const DeviceDescriptor* descriptor) override {
return Device::Create(this, mDevice, descriptor);
MaybeError InitializeImpl() override { return {}; }
MaybeError InitializeSupportedFeaturesImpl() override {
// Check compressed texture format with deprecated MTLFeatureSet way.
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v1]) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily1_v1]) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily2_v1]) {
// Check compressed texture format with MTLGPUFamily
if (@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyMac1]) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple2]) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple3]) {
if (@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 14.0, *)) {
if (IsGPUCounterSupported(
*mDevice, MTLCommonCounterSetStatistic,
{MTLCommonCounterVertexInvocations, MTLCommonCounterClipperInvocations,
MTLCommonCounterClipperPrimitivesOut, MTLCommonCounterFragmentInvocations,
MTLCommonCounterComputeKernelInvocations})) {
if (IsGPUCounterSupported(*mDevice, MTLCommonCounterSetTimestamp,
{MTLCommonCounterTimestamp})) {
bool enableTimestampQuery = true;
// Disable timestamp query on < macOS 11.0 on AMD GPU because WriteTimestamp
// fails to call without any copy commands on MTLBlitCommandEncoder. This issue
// has been fixed on macOS 11.0. See crbug.com/dawn/545.
if (gpu_info::IsAMD(mVendorId) && !IsMacOSVersionAtLeast(11)) {
enableTimestampQuery = false;
if (enableTimestampQuery) {
if (@available(macOS 10.11, iOS 11.0, *)) {
if (@available(macOS 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)) {
// Uses newTextureWithDescriptor::iosurface::plane which is available
// on ios 11.0+ and macOS 11.0+
if (@available(macOS 10.11, iOS 11.0, *)) {
return {};
void InitializeVendorArchitectureImpl() override {
if (@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, *)) {
// According to Apple's documentation:
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/gpu_devices_and_work_submission/detecting_gpu_features_and_metal_software_versions
// - "Use the Common family to create apps that target a range of GPUs on multiple
// platforms.""
// - "A GPU can be a member of more than one family; in most cases, a GPU supports one
// of the Common families and then one or more families specific to the build target."
// So we'll use the highest supported common family as the reported "architecture" on
// devices where a deviceID isn't available.
if (mDeviceId == 0) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyCommon3]) {
mArchitectureName = "common-3";
} else if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyCommon2]) {
mArchitectureName = "common-2";
} else if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyCommon1]) {
mArchitectureName = "common-1";
mVendorName = gpu_info::GetVendorName(mVendorId);
if (mDeviceId != 0) {
mArchitectureName = gpu_info::GetArchitectureName(mVendorId, mDeviceId);
enum class MTLGPUFamily {
ResultOrError<MTLGPUFamily> GetMTLGPUFamily() const {
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtldevice/detecting_gpu_features_and_metal_software_versions?language=objc
if (@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 10.13, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyMac2]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Mac2;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyMac1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Mac1;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple7]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple7;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple6]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple6;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple5]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple5;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple4]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple4;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple3]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple3;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple2]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple2;
if ([*mDevice supportsFamily:MTLGPUFamilyApple1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple1;
if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily2_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Mac2;
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Mac1;
if (@available(iOS 10.11, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily4_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple4;
if (@available(iOS 9.0, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily3_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple3;
if (@available(iOS 8.0, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily2_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple2;
if (@available(iOS 8.0, *)) {
if ([*mDevice supportsFeatureSet:MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily1_v1]) {
return MTLGPUFamily::Apple1;
return DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR("Unsupported Metal device");
MaybeError InitializeSupportedLimitsImpl(CombinedLimits* limits) override {
struct MTLDeviceLimits {
uint32_t maxVertexAttribsPerDescriptor;
uint32_t maxBufferArgumentEntriesPerFunc;
uint32_t maxTextureArgumentEntriesPerFunc;
uint32_t maxSamplerStateArgumentEntriesPerFunc;
uint32_t maxThreadsPerThreadgroup;
uint32_t maxTotalThreadgroupMemory;
uint32_t maxFragmentInputComponents;
uint32_t max1DTextureSize;
uint32_t max2DTextureSize;
uint32_t max3DTextureSize;
uint32_t maxTextureArrayLayers;
uint32_t minBufferOffsetAlignment;
uint32_t maxColorRenderTargets;
struct LimitsForFamily {
uint32_t MTLDeviceLimits::*limit;
ityp::array<MTLGPUFamily, uint32_t, 9> values;
// clang-format off
// https://developer.apple.com/metal/Metal-Feature-Set-Tables.pdf
// Apple Mac
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2
constexpr LimitsForFamily kMTLLimits[13] = {
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxVertexAttribsPerDescriptor, { 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxBufferArgumentEntriesPerFunc, { 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u, 31u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxTextureArgumentEntriesPerFunc, { 31u, 31u, 31u, 96u, 96u, 128u, 128u, 128u, 128u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxSamplerStateArgumentEntriesPerFunc, { 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u, 16u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxThreadsPerThreadgroup, { 512u, 512u, 512u, 1024u, 1024u, 1024u, 1024u, 1024u, 1024u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxTotalThreadgroupMemory, { 16352u, 16352u, 16384u, 32768u, 32768u, 32768u, 32768u, 32768u, 32768u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxFragmentInputComponents, { 60u, 60u, 60u, 124u, 124u, 124u, 124u, 124u, 124u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::max1DTextureSize, { 8192u, 8192u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::max2DTextureSize, { 8192u, 8192u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u, 16384u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::max3DTextureSize, { 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxTextureArrayLayers, { 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u, 2048u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::minBufferOffsetAlignment, { 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u, 256u, 256u }},
{&MTLDeviceLimits::maxColorRenderTargets, { 4u, 8u, 8u, 8u, 8u, 8u, 8u, 8u, 8u }},
// clang-format on
MTLGPUFamily mtlGPUFamily;
MTLDeviceLimits mtlLimits;
for (const auto& limitsForFamily : kMTLLimits) {
mtlLimits.*limitsForFamily.limit = limitsForFamily.values[mtlGPUFamily];
limits->v1.maxTextureDimension1D = mtlLimits.max1DTextureSize;
limits->v1.maxTextureDimension2D = mtlLimits.max2DTextureSize;
limits->v1.maxTextureDimension3D = mtlLimits.max3DTextureSize;
limits->v1.maxTextureArrayLayers = mtlLimits.maxTextureArrayLayers;
limits->v1.maxColorAttachments = mtlLimits.maxColorRenderTargets;
uint32_t maxBuffersPerStage = mtlLimits.maxBufferArgumentEntriesPerFunc;
maxBuffersPerStage -= 1; // One slot is reserved to store buffer lengths.
uint32_t baseMaxBuffersPerStage = limits->v1.maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage +
limits->v1.maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage +
ASSERT(maxBuffersPerStage >= baseMaxBuffersPerStage);
uint32_t additional = maxBuffersPerStage - baseMaxBuffersPerStage;
limits->v1.maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage += additional / 3;
limits->v1.maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage += additional / 3;
limits->v1.maxVertexBuffers += (additional - 2 * (additional / 3));
uint32_t baseMaxTexturesPerStage = limits->v1.maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage +
ASSERT(mtlLimits.maxTextureArgumentEntriesPerFunc >= baseMaxTexturesPerStage);
uint32_t additional =
mtlLimits.maxTextureArgumentEntriesPerFunc - baseMaxTexturesPerStage;
limits->v1.maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage += additional / 2;
limits->v1.maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage += (additional - additional / 2);
limits->v1.maxSamplersPerShaderStage = mtlLimits.maxSamplerStateArgumentEntriesPerFunc;
// Metal limits are per-function, so the layout limits are the same as the stage
// limits. Note: this should likely change if the implementation uses Metal argument
// buffers. Non-dynamic buffers will probably be bound argument buffers, but dynamic
// buffers may be set directly.
// Mac GPU families with tier 1 argument buffers support 64
// buffers, 128 textures, and 16 samplers. Mac GPU families
// with tier 2 argument buffers support 500000 buffers and
// textures, and 1024 unique samplers
limits->v1.maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout =
limits->v1.maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout =
// The WebGPU limit is the limit across all vertex buffers, combined.
limits->v1.maxVertexAttributes =
limits->v1.maxVertexBuffers * mtlLimits.maxVertexAttribsPerDescriptor;
limits->v1.maxInterStageShaderComponents = mtlLimits.maxFragmentInputComponents;
limits->v1.maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize = mtlLimits.maxTotalThreadgroupMemory;
limits->v1.maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup = mtlLimits.maxThreadsPerThreadgroup;
limits->v1.maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX = mtlLimits.maxThreadsPerThreadgroup;
limits->v1.maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY = mtlLimits.maxThreadsPerThreadgroup;
limits->v1.maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ = mtlLimits.maxThreadsPerThreadgroup;
limits->v1.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment = mtlLimits.minBufferOffsetAlignment;
limits->v1.minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment = mtlLimits.minBufferOffsetAlignment;
uint64_t maxBufferSize = Buffer::QueryMaxBufferLength(*mDevice);
// Metal has no documented limit on the size of a binding. Use the maximum
// buffer size.
limits->v1.maxUniformBufferBindingSize = maxBufferSize;
limits->v1.maxStorageBufferBindingSize = maxBufferSize;
// Using base limits for:
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/685):
// - maxBindGroups
// - maxVertexBufferArrayStride
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1448):
// - maxInterStageShaderVariables
return {};
NSPRef<id<MTLDevice>> mDevice;
// Implementation of the Metal backend's BackendConnection
Backend::Backend(InstanceBase* instance) : BackendConnection(instance, wgpu::BackendType::Metal) {
if (GetInstance()->IsBackendValidationEnabled()) {
setenv("METAL_DEVICE_WRAPPER_TYPE", "1", 1);
Backend::~Backend() = default;
std::vector<Ref<AdapterBase>> Backend::DiscoverDefaultAdapters() {
AdapterDiscoveryOptions options;
auto result = DiscoverAdapters(&options);
if (result.IsError()) {
return {};
return result.AcquireSuccess();
ResultOrError<std::vector<Ref<AdapterBase>>> Backend::DiscoverAdapters(
const AdapterDiscoveryOptionsBase* optionsBase) {
ASSERT(optionsBase->backendType == WGPUBackendType_Metal);
std::vector<Ref<AdapterBase>> adapters;
NSRef<NSArray<id<MTLDevice>>> devices = AcquireNSRef(MTLCopyAllDevices());
for (id<MTLDevice> device in devices.Get()) {
Ref<Adapter> adapter = AcquireRef(new Adapter(GetInstance(), device));
if (!GetInstance()->ConsumedError(adapter->Initialize())) {
// iOS only has a single device so MTLCopyAllDevices doesn't exist there.
#if defined(DAWN_PLATFORM_IOS)
Ref<Adapter> adapter =
AcquireRef(new Adapter(GetInstance(), MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()));
if (!GetInstance()->ConsumedError(adapter->Initialize())) {
return adapters;
BackendConnection* Connect(InstanceBase* instance) {
return new Backend(instance);
} // namespace dawn::native::metal