231 lines
5.8 KiB
231 lines
5.8 KiB
struct QuicksortObject {
int numbers[10];
static QuicksortObject obj = (QuicksortObject)0;
static float4 x_GLF_FragCoord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static float4 x_GLF_pos = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
cbuffer cbuffer_x_34 : register(b0, space0) {
uint4 x_34[1];
static float4 frag_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static float4 gl_Position = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
void swap_i1_i1_(inout int i, inout int j) {
int temp = 0;
const int x_239 = i;
const int x_241 = obj.numbers[x_239];
temp = x_241;
const int x_242 = i;
const int x_243 = j;
const int x_245 = obj.numbers[x_243];
obj.numbers[x_242] = x_245;
const int x_247 = j;
obj.numbers[x_247] = temp;
int performPartition_i1_i1_(inout int l, inout int h) {
int pivot = 0;
int i_1 = 0;
int j_1 = 0;
int param = 0;
int param_1 = 0;
int param_2 = 0;
int param_3 = 0;
const int x_251 = h;
const int x_253 = obj.numbers[x_251];
pivot = x_253;
const int x_254 = l;
i_1 = (x_254 - 1);
const int x_256 = l;
j_1 = x_256;
[loop] while (true) {
const int x_261 = j_1;
const int x_262 = h;
if ((x_261 <= (x_262 - 1))) {
} else {
const int x_268 = obj.numbers[j_1];
if ((x_268 <= pivot)) {
i_1 = (i_1 + 1);
param = i_1;
param_1 = j_1;
swap_i1_i1_(param, param_1);
j_1 = (j_1 + 1);
param_2 = (i_1 + 1);
const int x_282 = h;
param_3 = x_282;
swap_i1_i1_(param_2, param_3);
return (i_1 + 1);
void quicksort_() {
int l_1 = 0;
int h_1 = 0;
int top = 0;
int stack[10] = (int[10])0;
int p = 0;
int param_4 = 0;
int param_5 = 0;
l_1 = 0;
h_1 = 9;
top = -1;
const int x_288 = (top + 1);
top = x_288;
stack[x_288] = l_1;
const int x_292 = (top + 1);
top = x_292;
stack[x_292] = h_1;
[loop] while (true) {
if ((top >= 0)) {
} else {
const int x_302 = top;
top = (x_302 - 1);
const int x_305 = stack[x_302];
h_1 = x_305;
const int x_306 = top;
top = (x_306 - 1);
const int x_309 = stack[x_306];
l_1 = x_309;
param_4 = l_1;
param_5 = h_1;
const int x_312 = performPartition_i1_i1_(param_4, param_5);
p = x_312;
if (((p - 1) > l_1)) {
const int x_320 = (top + 1);
top = x_320;
stack[x_320] = l_1;
const int x_324 = (top + 1);
top = x_324;
stack[x_324] = (p - 1);
if (((p + 1) < h_1)) {
const int x_335 = (top + 1);
top = x_335;
stack[x_335] = (p + 1);
const int x_340 = (top + 1);
top = x_340;
stack[x_340] = h_1;
void main_1() {
int i_2 = 0;
float2 uv = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 color = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
x_GLF_FragCoord = ((x_GLF_pos + float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * float4(128.0f, 128.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
i_2 = 0;
[loop] for(; (i_2 < 10); i_2 = (i_2 + 1)) {
obj.numbers[i_2] = (10 - i_2);
const int x_104 = i_2;
const int x_107 = obj.numbers[i_2];
const int x_110 = obj.numbers[i_2];
obj.numbers[x_104] = (x_107 * x_110);
const float4 x_116 = x_GLF_FragCoord;
const float2 x_119 = asfloat(x_34[0].xy);
uv = (float2(x_116.x, x_116.y) / x_119);
color = float3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
const int x_122 = obj.numbers[0];
const float x_125 = color.x;
color.x = (x_125 + float(x_122));
const float x_129 = uv.x;
if ((x_129 > 0.25f)) {
const int x_134 = obj.numbers[1];
const float x_137 = color.x;
color.x = (x_137 + float(x_134));
const float x_141 = uv.x;
if ((x_141 > 0.5f)) {
const int x_146 = obj.numbers[2];
const float x_149 = color.y;
color.y = (x_149 + float(x_146));
const float x_153 = uv.x;
if ((x_153 > 0.75f)) {
const int x_158 = obj.numbers[3];
const float x_161 = color.z;
color.z = (x_161 + float(x_158));
const int x_165 = obj.numbers[4];
const float x_168 = color.y;
color.y = (x_168 + float(x_165));
const float x_172 = uv.y;
if ((x_172 > 0.25f)) {
const int x_177 = obj.numbers[5];
const float x_180 = color.x;
color.x = (x_180 + float(x_177));
const float x_184 = uv.y;
if ((x_184 > 0.5f)) {
const int x_189 = obj.numbers[6];
const float x_192 = color.y;
color.y = (x_192 + float(x_189));
const float x_196 = uv.y;
if ((x_196 > 0.75f)) {
const int x_201 = obj.numbers[7];
const float x_204 = color.z;
color.z = (x_204 + float(x_201));
const int x_208 = obj.numbers[8];
const float x_211 = color.z;
color.z = (x_211 + float(x_208));
const float x_215 = uv.x;
const float x_217 = uv.y;
if ((abs((x_215 - x_217)) < 0.25f)) {
const int x_224 = obj.numbers[9];
const float x_227 = color.x;
color.x = (x_227 + float(x_224));
const float3 x_231 = normalize(color);
frag_color = float4(x_231.x, x_231.y, x_231.z, 1.0f);
gl_Position = x_GLF_pos;
struct main_out {
float4 frag_color_1;
float4 gl_Position;
struct tint_symbol_1 {
float4 x_GLF_pos_param : TEXCOORD0;
struct tint_symbol_2 {
float4 frag_color_1 : TEXCOORD0;
float4 gl_Position : SV_Position;
main_out main_inner(float4 x_GLF_pos_param) {
x_GLF_pos = x_GLF_pos_param;
const main_out tint_symbol_4 = {frag_color, gl_Position};
return tint_symbol_4;
tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) {
const main_out inner_result = main_inner(tint_symbol.x_GLF_pos_param);
tint_symbol_2 wrapper_result = (tint_symbol_2)0;
wrapper_result.frag_color_1 = inner_result.frag_color_1;
wrapper_result.gl_Position = inner_result.gl_Position;
return wrapper_result;
C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x000001D05546D140(130,7-22): warning X3550: array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable, forcing loop to unroll
C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x000001D05546D140(129,12-45): error X3531: can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute