526 lines
20 KiB
526 lines
20 KiB
warning: parameter 'dimInner' of 'mm_matMul_i1_i1_i1_' must be uniform
note: 'workgroupBarrier' must only be called from uniform control flow
note: reading from module-scope private variable 'dimInner_1' may result in a non-uniform value
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct Uniforms {
/* 0x0000 */ float tint_symbol;
/* 0x0004 */ int8_t tint_pad[12];
/* 0x0010 */ packed_int3 aShape;
/* 0x001c */ int8_t tint_pad_1[4];
/* 0x0020 */ packed_int3 bShape;
/* 0x002c */ int8_t tint_pad_2[4];
/* 0x0030 */ packed_int3 outShape;
/* 0x003c */ int8_t tint_pad_3[4];
/* 0x0040 */ int2 outShapeStrides;
struct ssbOut {
/* 0x0000 */ float result[1];
struct ssbA {
/* 0x0000 */ float A[1];
struct ssbB {
/* 0x0000 */ float B[1];
struct tint_array_wrapper_1 {
float arr[64];
struct tint_array_wrapper {
tint_array_wrapper_1 arr[64];
struct tint_array_wrapper_3 {
float arr[1];
struct tint_array_wrapper_2 {
tint_array_wrapper_3 arr[64];
bool coordsInBounds_vi2_vi2_(thread int2* const coord, thread int2* const shape) {
bool x_87 = false;
bool x_88_phi = false;
int2 const x_76 = *(coord);
bool const x_81 = all((x_76 >= int2(0, 0)));
x_88_phi = x_81;
if (x_81) {
int2 const x_84 = *(coord);
int2 const x_85 = *(shape);
x_87 = all((x_84 < x_85));
x_88_phi = x_87;
bool const x_88 = x_88_phi;
return x_88;
float mm_readA_i1_i1_(thread int* const row, thread int* const col, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_2, thread int* const tint_symbol_3, thread int* const tint_symbol_4, thread int* const tint_symbol_5, const device ssbA* const tint_symbol_6) {
int batchASize = 0;
int2 param_10 = 0;
int2 param_11 = 0;
float x_430 = 0.0f;
int const x_417 = (*(tint_symbol_2)).aShape[1];
int const x_419 = (*(tint_symbol_2)).aShape[2];
batchASize = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_417) * as_type<uint>(x_419)));
int const x_421 = *(row);
int const x_422 = *(col);
int const x_424 = *(tint_symbol_3);
int const x_425 = *(tint_symbol_4);
param_10 = int2(x_421, x_422);
param_11 = int2(x_424, x_425);
bool const x_429 = coordsInBounds_vi2_vi2_(&(param_10), &(param_11));
if (x_429) {
int const x_438 = *(tint_symbol_5);
int const x_439 = batchASize;
int const x_441 = *(row);
int const x_442 = *(tint_symbol_4);
int const x_445 = *(col);
float const x_448 = (*(tint_symbol_6)).A[as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_438) * as_type<uint>(x_439)))) + as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_441) * as_type<uint>(x_442))))))) + as_type<uint>(x_445)))];
x_430 = x_448;
} else {
x_430 = 0.0f;
float const x_450 = x_430;
return x_450;
float mm_readB_i1_i1_(thread int* const row_1, thread int* const col_1, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_7, thread int* const tint_symbol_8, thread int* const tint_symbol_9, thread int* const tint_symbol_10, const device ssbB* const tint_symbol_11) {
int batchBSize = 0;
int2 param_12 = 0;
int2 param_13 = 0;
float x_468 = 0.0f;
int const x_455 = (*(tint_symbol_7)).bShape[1];
int const x_457 = (*(tint_symbol_7)).bShape[2];
batchBSize = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_455) * as_type<uint>(x_457)));
int const x_459 = *(row_1);
int const x_460 = *(col_1);
int const x_462 = *(tint_symbol_8);
int const x_463 = *(tint_symbol_9);
param_12 = int2(x_459, x_460);
param_13 = int2(x_462, x_463);
bool const x_467 = coordsInBounds_vi2_vi2_(&(param_12), &(param_13));
if (x_467) {
int const x_475 = *(tint_symbol_10);
int const x_476 = batchBSize;
int const x_478 = *(row_1);
int const x_479 = *(tint_symbol_9);
int const x_482 = *(col_1);
float const x_485 = (*(tint_symbol_11)).B[as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_475) * as_type<uint>(x_476)))) + as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_478) * as_type<uint>(x_479))))))) + as_type<uint>(x_482)))];
x_468 = x_485;
} else {
x_468 = 0.0f;
float const x_487 = x_468;
return x_487;
int getOutputFlatIndex_vi3_(thread int3* const coords, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_12) {
int3 const x_99 = *(coords);
int const x_105 = (*(tint_symbol_12)).outShapeStrides[0];
int const x_107 = (*(tint_symbol_12)).outShapeStrides[1];
return int(dot(float3(x_99), float3(int3(x_105, x_107, 1))));
void setOutput_i1_f1_(thread int* const flatIndex, thread float* const value, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_13) {
int const x_95 = *(flatIndex);
float const x_96 = *(value);
(*(tint_symbol_13)).result[x_95] = x_96;
void setOutput_i1_i1_i1_f1_(thread int* const d0, thread int* const d1, thread int* const d2, thread float* const value_1, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_14, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_15) {
int flatIndex_1 = 0;
int3 param = 0;
int param_1 = 0;
float param_2 = 0.0f;
int const x_115 = *(d0);
int const x_116 = *(d1);
int const x_117 = *(d2);
param = int3(x_115, x_116, x_117);
int const x_120 = getOutputFlatIndex_vi3_(&(param), tint_symbol_14);
flatIndex_1 = x_120;
int const x_122 = flatIndex_1;
param_1 = x_122;
float const x_124 = *(value_1);
param_2 = x_124;
setOutput_i1_f1_(&(param_1), &(param_2), tint_symbol_15);
void mm_write_i1_i1_f1_(thread int* const row_2, thread int* const col_2, thread float* const value_2, thread int* const tint_symbol_16, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_17, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_18) {
int3 outCoord = 0;
int param_14 = 0;
int param_15 = 0;
int param_16 = 0;
float param_17 = 0.0f;
int const x_491 = *(tint_symbol_16);
int const x_492 = *(row_2);
int const x_493 = *(col_2);
outCoord = int3(x_491, x_492, x_493);
int const x_496 = *(tint_symbol_16);
param_14 = x_496;
int const x_498 = *(row_2);
param_15 = x_498;
int const x_500 = *(col_2);
param_16 = x_500;
float const x_502 = *(value_2);
param_17 = x_502;
setOutput_i1_i1_i1_f1_(&(param_14), &(param_15), &(param_16), &(param_17), tint_symbol_17, tint_symbol_18);
struct tint_array_wrapper_4 {
tint_array_wrapper_3 arr[1];
void mm_matMul_i1_i1_i1_(thread int* const dimAOuter, thread int* const dimInner, thread int* const dimBOuter, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_19, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_20, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_21, thread int* const tint_symbol_22, thread int* const tint_symbol_23, thread int* const tint_symbol_24, const device ssbA* const tint_symbol_25, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper* const tint_symbol_26, thread int* const tint_symbol_27, const device ssbB* const tint_symbol_28, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper_2* const tint_symbol_29, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_30) {
int tileRow = 0;
int tileCol = 0;
int globalRow = 0;
int globalCol = 0;
int numTiles = 0;
int innerRow = 0;
int innerCol = 0;
tint_array_wrapper_4 acc = {};
int tileColA = 0;
int tileRowB = 0;
int t = 0;
int innerRow_1 = 0;
int innerCol_1 = 0;
int inputRow = 0;
int inputCol = 0;
int param_3 = 0;
int param_4 = 0;
int innerRow_2 = 0;
int innerCol_2 = 0;
int inputRow_1 = 0;
int inputCol_1 = 0;
int param_5 = 0;
int param_6 = 0;
int k = 0;
int inner = 0;
tint_array_wrapper_3 BCached = {};
int innerRow_3 = 0;
float ACached = 0.0f;
int innerCol_3 = 0;
int innerRow_4 = 0;
int innerCol_4 = 0;
int param_7 = 0;
int param_8 = 0;
float param_9 = 0.0f;
uint const x_132 = (*(tint_symbol_19))[1];
tileRow = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_132)) * as_type<uint>(1)));
uint const x_137 = (*(tint_symbol_19))[0];
tileCol = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_137)) * as_type<uint>(1)));
uint const x_143 = (*(tint_symbol_20))[1];
globalRow = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_143)) * as_type<uint>(1)));
uint const x_148 = (*(tint_symbol_20))[0];
globalCol = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_148)) * as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_152 = *(dimInner);
numTiles = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>((as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_152) - as_type<uint>(1))) / 64)) + as_type<uint>(1)));
innerRow = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_163 = innerRow;
if ((x_163 < 1)) {
} else {
innerCol = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_171 = innerCol;
if ((x_171 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_177 = innerRow;
int const x_178 = innerCol;
acc.arr[x_177].arr[x_178] = 0.0f;
int const x_181 = innerCol;
innerCol = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_181) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_183 = innerRow;
innerRow = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_183) + as_type<uint>(1)));
uint const x_187 = (*(tint_symbol_19))[0];
tileColA = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_187)) * as_type<uint>(64)));
uint const x_192 = (*(tint_symbol_19))[1];
tileRowB = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>(x_192)) * as_type<uint>(1)));
t = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_201 = t;
int const x_202 = numTiles;
if ((x_201 < x_202)) {
} else {
innerRow_1 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_210 = innerRow_1;
if ((x_210 < 1)) {
} else {
innerCol_1 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_218 = innerCol_1;
if ((x_218 < 64)) {
} else {
int const x_221 = tileRow;
int const x_222 = innerRow_1;
inputRow = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_221) + as_type<uint>(x_222)));
int const x_225 = tileColA;
int const x_226 = innerCol_1;
inputCol = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_225) + as_type<uint>(x_226)));
int const x_233 = inputRow;
int const x_234 = inputCol;
int const x_235 = globalRow;
int const x_236 = innerRow_1;
int const x_238 = t;
int const x_240 = inputCol;
param_3 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_235) + as_type<uint>(x_236)));
param_4 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_238) * as_type<uint>(64)))) + as_type<uint>(x_240)));
float const x_244 = mm_readA_i1_i1_(&(param_3), &(param_4), tint_symbol_21, tint_symbol_22, tint_symbol_23, tint_symbol_24, tint_symbol_25);
(*(tint_symbol_26)).arr[x_233].arr[x_234] = x_244;
int const x_247 = innerCol_1;
innerCol_1 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_247) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_249 = innerRow_1;
innerRow_1 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_249) + as_type<uint>(1)));
innerRow_2 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_257 = innerRow_2;
if ((x_257 < 1)) {
} else {
innerCol_2 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_265 = innerCol_2;
if ((x_265 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_268 = tileRowB;
int const x_269 = innerRow_2;
inputRow_1 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_268) + as_type<uint>(x_269)));
int const x_272 = tileCol;
int const x_273 = innerCol_2;
inputCol_1 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_272) + as_type<uint>(x_273)));
int const x_278 = inputRow_1;
int const x_279 = inputCol_1;
int const x_280 = t;
int const x_282 = inputRow_1;
int const x_284 = globalCol;
int const x_285 = innerCol_2;
param_5 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_280) * as_type<uint>(64)))) + as_type<uint>(x_282)));
param_6 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_284) + as_type<uint>(x_285)));
float const x_289 = mm_readB_i1_i1_(&(param_5), &(param_6), tint_symbol_21, tint_symbol_23, tint_symbol_27, tint_symbol_24, tint_symbol_28);
(*(tint_symbol_29)).arr[x_278].arr[x_279] = x_289;
int const x_291 = innerCol_2;
innerCol_2 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_291) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_293 = innerRow_2;
innerRow_2 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_293) + as_type<uint>(1)));
k = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_302 = k;
if ((x_302 < 64)) {
} else {
inner = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_310 = inner;
if ((x_310 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_314 = inner;
int const x_315 = k;
int const x_316 = tileCol;
int const x_317 = inner;
float const x_320 = (*(tint_symbol_29)).arr[x_315].arr[as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_316) + as_type<uint>(x_317)))];
BCached.arr[x_314] = x_320;
int const x_322 = inner;
inner = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_322) + as_type<uint>(1)));
innerRow_3 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_330 = innerRow_3;
if ((x_330 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_333 = tileRow;
int const x_334 = innerRow_3;
int const x_336 = k;
float const x_338 = (*(tint_symbol_26)).arr[as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_333) + as_type<uint>(x_334)))].arr[x_336];
ACached = x_338;
innerCol_3 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_345 = innerCol_3;
if ((x_345 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_347 = innerRow_3;
int const x_348 = innerCol_3;
float const x_349 = ACached;
int const x_350 = innerCol_3;
float const x_352 = BCached.arr[x_350];
float const x_355 = acc.arr[x_347].arr[x_348];
acc.arr[x_347].arr[x_348] = (x_355 + (x_349 * x_352));
int const x_358 = innerCol_3;
innerCol_3 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_358) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_360 = innerRow_3;
innerRow_3 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_360) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_362 = k;
k = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_362) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_364 = t;
t = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_364) + as_type<uint>(1)));
innerRow_4 = 0;
while (true) {
int const x_372 = innerRow_4;
if ((x_372 < 1)) {
} else {
innerCol_4 = 0;
while (true) {
bool x_393 = false;
bool x_394_phi = false;
int const x_380 = innerCol_4;
if ((x_380 < 1)) {
} else {
int const x_382 = globalCol;
int const x_383 = innerCol_4;
int const x_385 = *(dimBOuter);
bool const x_386 = (as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_382) + as_type<uint>(x_383))) < x_385);
x_394_phi = x_386;
if (x_386) {
int const x_389 = globalRow;
int const x_390 = innerRow_4;
int const x_392 = *(dimAOuter);
x_393 = (as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_389) + as_type<uint>(x_390))) < x_392);
x_394_phi = x_393;
bool const x_394 = x_394_phi;
if (x_394) {
int const x_397 = globalRow;
int const x_398 = innerRow_4;
int const x_400 = globalCol;
int const x_401 = innerCol_4;
int const x_403 = innerRow_4;
int const x_404 = innerCol_4;
param_7 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_397) + as_type<uint>(x_398)));
param_8 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_400) + as_type<uint>(x_401)));
float const x_409 = acc.arr[x_403].arr[x_404];
param_9 = x_409;
mm_write_i1_i1_f1_(&(param_7), &(param_8), &(param_9), tint_symbol_24, tint_symbol_21, tint_symbol_30);
int const x_411 = innerCol_4;
innerCol_4 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_411) + as_type<uint>(1)));
int const x_413 = innerRow_4;
innerRow_4 = as_type<int>((as_type<uint>(x_413) + as_type<uint>(1)));
void main_1(const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_31, thread int* const tint_symbol_32, thread int* const tint_symbol_33, thread int* const tint_symbol_34, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_35, thread int* const tint_symbol_36, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_37, const device ssbA* const tint_symbol_38, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper* const tint_symbol_39, const device ssbB* const tint_symbol_40, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper_2* const tint_symbol_41, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_42) {
int param_18 = 0;
int param_19 = 0;
int param_20 = 0;
int const x_67 = (*(tint_symbol_31)).aShape[1];
*(tint_symbol_32) = x_67;
int const x_71 = (*(tint_symbol_31)).aShape[2];
*(tint_symbol_33) = x_71;
int const x_75 = (*(tint_symbol_31)).bShape[2];
*(tint_symbol_34) = x_75;
uint const x_505 = (*(tint_symbol_35))[2];
*(tint_symbol_36) = as_type<int>(x_505);
int const x_508 = *(tint_symbol_32);
param_18 = x_508;
int const x_510 = *(tint_symbol_33);
param_19 = x_510;
int const x_512 = *(tint_symbol_34);
param_20 = x_512;
mm_matMul_i1_i1_i1_(&(param_18), &(param_19), &(param_20), tint_symbol_37, tint_symbol_35, tint_symbol_31, tint_symbol_32, tint_symbol_33, tint_symbol_36, tint_symbol_38, tint_symbol_39, tint_symbol_34, tint_symbol_40, tint_symbol_41, tint_symbol_42);
void tint_symbol_1_inner(uint3 gl_LocalInvocationID_param, uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID_param, uint local_invocation_index, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper_2* const tint_symbol_43, threadgroup tint_array_wrapper* const tint_symbol_44, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_45, thread uint3* const tint_symbol_46, const constant Uniforms* const tint_symbol_47, thread int* const tint_symbol_48, thread int* const tint_symbol_49, thread int* const tint_symbol_50, thread int* const tint_symbol_51, const device ssbA* const tint_symbol_52, const device ssbB* const tint_symbol_53, device ssbOut* const tint_symbol_54) {
uint const i_1 = local_invocation_index;
uint const i_2 = (local_invocation_index % 1u);
(*(tint_symbol_43)).arr[i_1].arr[i_2] = float();
for(uint idx = local_invocation_index; (idx < 4096u); idx = (idx + 64u)) {
uint const i = (idx / 64u);
uint const i_1 = (idx % 64u);
(*(tint_symbol_44)).arr[i].arr[i_1] = float();
*(tint_symbol_45) = gl_LocalInvocationID_param;
*(tint_symbol_46) = gl_GlobalInvocationID_param;
main_1(tint_symbol_47, tint_symbol_48, tint_symbol_49, tint_symbol_50, tint_symbol_46, tint_symbol_51, tint_symbol_45, tint_symbol_52, tint_symbol_44, tint_symbol_53, tint_symbol_43, tint_symbol_54);
kernel void tint_symbol_1(const constant Uniforms* tint_symbol_59 [[buffer(0)]], const device ssbA* tint_symbol_64 [[buffer(2)]], const device ssbB* tint_symbol_65 [[buffer(3)]], device ssbOut* tint_symbol_66 [[buffer(1)]], uint3 gl_LocalInvocationID_param [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]], uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID_param [[thread_position_in_grid]], uint local_invocation_index [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]]) {
threadgroup tint_array_wrapper_2 tint_symbol_55;
threadgroup tint_array_wrapper tint_symbol_56;
thread uint3 tint_symbol_57 = 0u;
thread uint3 tint_symbol_58 = 0u;
thread int tint_symbol_60 = 0;
thread int tint_symbol_61 = 0;
thread int tint_symbol_62 = 0;
thread int tint_symbol_63 = 0;
tint_symbol_1_inner(gl_LocalInvocationID_param, gl_GlobalInvocationID_param, local_invocation_index, &(tint_symbol_55), &(tint_symbol_56), &(tint_symbol_57), &(tint_symbol_58), tint_symbol_59, &(tint_symbol_60), &(tint_symbol_61), &(tint_symbol_62), &(tint_symbol_63), tint_symbol_64, tint_symbol_65, tint_symbol_66);