472 lines
18 KiB
472 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
from common import Name
import common
import wire_cmd
import json
def is_native_method(method):
return method.return_type.category == "natively defined" or \
any([arg.type.category == "natively defined" for arg in method.arguments])
def link_object(obj, types):
def make_method(json_data):
arguments = common.linked_record_members(json_data.get('args', []), types)
return common.Method(Name(json_data['name']), types[json_data.get('returns', 'void')], arguments)
methods = [make_method(m) for m in obj.json_data.get('methods', [])]
obj.methods = [method for method in methods if not is_native_method(method)]
obj.native_methods = [method for method in methods if is_native_method(method)]
# Compute the built object type for builders
if obj.is_builder:
for method in obj.methods:
if method.name.canonical_case() == "get result":
obj.built_type = method.return_type
assert(obj.built_type != None)
def link_structure(struct, types):
struct.members = common.linked_record_members(struct.json_data['members'], types)
# Sort structures so that if struct A has struct B as a member, then B is listed before A
# This is a form of topological sort where we try to keep the order reasonably similar to the
# original order (though th sort isn't technically stable).
# It works by computing for each struct type what is the depth of its DAG of dependents, then
# resorting based on that depth using Python's stable sort. This makes a toposort because if
# A depends on B then its depth will be bigger than B's. It is also nice because all nodes
# with the same depth are kept in the input order.
def topo_sort_structure(structs):
for struct in structs:
struct.visited = False
struct.subdag_depth = 0
def compute_depth(struct):
if struct.visited:
return struct.subdag_depth
max_dependent_depth = 0
for member in struct.members:
if member.type.category == 'structure':
max_dependent_depth = max(max_dependent_depth, compute_depth(member.type) + 1)
struct.subdag_depth = max_dependent_depth
struct.visited = True
return struct.subdag_depth
for struct in structs:
result = sorted(structs, key=lambda struct: struct.subdag_depth)
for struct in structs:
del struct.visited
del struct.subdag_depth
return result
def parse_json(json):
category_to_parser = {
'bitmask': common.BitmaskType,
'enum': common.EnumType,
'native': common.NativeType,
'natively defined': common.NativelyDefined,
'object': common.ObjectType,
'structure': common.StructureType,
types = {}
by_category = {}
for name in category_to_parser.keys():
by_category[name] = []
for (name, json_data) in json.items():
if name[0] == '_':
category = json_data['category']
parsed = category_to_parser[category](name, json_data)
types[name] = parsed
for obj in by_category['object']:
link_object(obj, types)
for struct in by_category['structure']:
link_structure(struct, types)
for category in by_category.keys():
by_category[category] = sorted(by_category[category], key=lambda typ: typ.name.canonical_case())
by_category['structure'] = topo_sort_structure(by_category['structure'])
for struct in by_category['structure']:
return {
'types': types,
'by_category': by_category
import re, os, sys
from collections import OrderedDict
kExtraPythonPath = '--extra-python-path'
# Try using an additional python path from the arguments if present. This
# isn't done through the regular argparse because PreprocessingLoader uses
# jinja2 in the global scope before "main" gets to run.
if kExtraPythonPath in sys.argv:
path = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(kExtraPythonPath) + 1]
sys.path.insert(1, path)
import jinja2
# A custom Jinja2 template loader that removes the extra indentation
# of the template blocks so that the output is correctly indented
class PreprocessingLoader(jinja2.BaseLoader):
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def get_source(self, environment, template):
path = os.path.join(self.path, template)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise jinja2.TemplateNotFound(template)
mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
with open(path) as f:
source = self.preprocess(f.read())
return source, path, lambda: mtime == os.path.getmtime(path)
blockstart = re.compile('{%-?\s*(if|for|block)[^}]*%}')
blockend = re.compile('{%-?\s*end(if|for|block)[^}]*%}')
def preprocess(self, source):
lines = source.split('\n')
# Compute the current indentation level of the template blocks and remove their indentation
result = []
indentation_level = 0
for line in lines:
# The capture in the regex adds one element per block start or end so we divide by two
# there is also an extra line chunk corresponding to the line end, so we substract it.
numends = (len(self.blockend.split(line)) - 1) // 2
indentation_level -= numends
line = self.remove_indentation(line, indentation_level)
# Manually perform the lstrip_blocks jinja2 env options as it available starting from 2.7
# and Travis only has Jinja 2.6
if line.lstrip().startswith('{%'):
line = line.lstrip()
numstarts = (len(self.blockstart.split(line)) - 1) // 2
indentation_level += numstarts
return '\n'.join(result) + '\n'
def remove_indentation(self, line, n):
for _ in range(n):
if line.startswith(' '):
line = line[4:]
elif line.startswith('\t'):
line = line[1:]
assert(line.strip() == '')
return line
FileRender = namedtuple('FileRender', ['template', 'output', 'params_dicts'])
FileOutput = namedtuple('FileOutput', ['name', 'content'])
def do_renders(renders, template_dir):
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=PreprocessingLoader(template_dir), trim_blocks=True, line_comment_prefix='//*')
outputs = []
for render in renders:
params = {}
for param_dict in render.params_dicts:
content = env.get_template(render.template).render(**params)
outputs.append(FileOutput(render.output, content))
return outputs
import argparse, sys
def as_varName(*names):
return names[0].camelCase() + ''.join([name.CamelCase() for name in names[1:]])
def as_cType(name):
if name.native:
return name.concatcase()
return 'dawn' + name.CamelCase()
def as_cppType(name):
if name.native:
return name.concatcase()
return name.CamelCase()
def decorate(name, typ, arg):
if arg.annotation == 'value':
return typ + ' ' + name
elif arg.annotation == 'const*':
return typ + ' const * ' + name
elif arg.annotation == 'const*const*':
return 'const ' + typ + '* const * ' + name
def annotated(typ, arg):
name = as_varName(arg.name)
return decorate(name, typ, arg)
def as_cEnum(type_name, value_name):
assert(not type_name.native and not value_name.native)
return 'DAWN' + '_' + type_name.SNAKE_CASE() + '_' + value_name.SNAKE_CASE()
def as_cppEnum(value_name):
assert(not value_name.native)
if value_name.concatcase()[0].isdigit():
return "e" + value_name.CamelCase()
return value_name.CamelCase()
def as_cMethod(type_name, method_name):
assert(not type_name.native and not method_name.native)
return 'dawn' + type_name.CamelCase() + method_name.CamelCase()
def as_MethodSuffix(type_name, method_name):
assert(not type_name.native and not method_name.native)
return type_name.CamelCase() + method_name.CamelCase()
def as_cProc(type_name, method_name):
assert(not type_name.native and not method_name.native)
return 'dawn' + 'Proc' + type_name.CamelCase() + method_name.CamelCase()
def as_frontendType(typ):
if typ.category == 'object':
if typ.is_builder:
return typ.name.CamelCase() + '*'
return typ.name.CamelCase() + 'Base*'
elif typ.category in ['bitmask', 'enum']:
return 'dawn::' + typ.name.CamelCase()
elif typ.category == 'structure':
return as_cppType(typ.name)
return as_cType(typ.name)
def cpp_native_methods(types, typ):
methods = typ.methods + typ.native_methods
if typ.is_builder:
methods.append(common.Method(Name('set error callback'), types['void'], [
common.RecordMember(Name('callback'), types['builder error callback'], 'value', False, False),
common.RecordMember(Name('userdata1'), types['callback userdata'], 'value', False, False),
common.RecordMember(Name('userdata2'), types['callback userdata'], 'value', False, False),
return methods
def c_native_methods(types, typ):
return cpp_native_methods(types, typ) + [
common.Method(Name('reference'), types['void'], []),
common.Method(Name('release'), types['void'], []),
def js_native_methods(types, typ):
return cpp_native_methods(types, typ)
def debug(text):
def get_renders_for_targets(api_params, wire_json, targets):
base_params = {
'enumerate': enumerate,
'format': format,
'len': len,
'debug': debug,
'Name': lambda name: Name(name),
'as_annotated_cType': lambda arg: annotated(as_cType(arg.type.name), arg),
'as_annotated_cppType': lambda arg: annotated(as_cppType(arg.type.name), arg),
'as_cEnum': as_cEnum,
'as_cppEnum': as_cppEnum,
'as_cMethod': as_cMethod,
'as_MethodSuffix': as_MethodSuffix,
'as_cProc': as_cProc,
'as_cType': as_cType,
'as_cppType': as_cppType,
'as_varName': as_varName,
'decorate': decorate,
renders = []
c_params = {'native_methods': lambda typ: c_native_methods(api_params['types'], typ)}
cpp_params = {'native_methods': lambda typ: cpp_native_methods(api_params['types'], typ)}
if 'dawn_headers' in targets:
renders.append(FileRender('api.h', 'dawn/dawn.h', [base_params, api_params, c_params]))
renders.append(FileRender('apicpp.h', 'dawn/dawncpp.h', [base_params, api_params, cpp_params]))
renders.append(FileRender('apicpp_traits.h', 'dawn/dawncpp_traits.h', [base_params, api_params, cpp_params]))
if 'libdawn' in targets:
additional_params = {'native_methods': lambda typ: cpp_native_methods(api_params['types'], typ)}
renders.append(FileRender('api.c', 'dawn/dawn.c', [base_params, api_params, c_params]))
renders.append(FileRender('apicpp.cpp', 'dawn/dawncpp.cpp', [base_params, api_params, cpp_params]))
if 'mock_dawn' in targets:
renders.append(FileRender('mock_api.h', 'mock/mock_dawn.h', [base_params, api_params, c_params]))
renders.append(FileRender('mock_api.cpp', 'mock/mock_dawn.cpp', [base_params, api_params, c_params]))
if 'dawn_native_utils' in targets:
frontend_params = [
'as_frontendType': lambda typ: as_frontendType(typ), # TODO as_frontendType and friends take a Type and not a Name :(
'as_annotated_frontendType': lambda arg: annotated(as_frontendType(arg.type), arg)
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_native/ValidationUtils.h', 'dawn_native/ValidationUtils_autogen.h', frontend_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_native/ValidationUtils.cpp', 'dawn_native/ValidationUtils_autogen.cpp', frontend_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_native/api_structs.h', 'dawn_native/dawn_structs_autogen.h', frontend_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_native/api_structs.cpp', 'dawn_native/dawn_structs_autogen.cpp', frontend_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_native/ProcTable.cpp', 'dawn_native/ProcTable.cpp', frontend_params))
if 'dawn_wire' in targets:
additional_params = wire_cmd.compute_wire_params(api_params, wire_json)
wire_params = [
'as_wireType': lambda typ: typ.name.CamelCase() + '*' if typ.category == 'object' else as_cppType(typ.name)
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/TypeTraits.h', 'dawn_wire/TypeTraits_autogen.h', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/WireCmd.h', 'dawn_wire/WireCmd_autogen.h', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/WireCmd.cpp', 'dawn_wire/WireCmd_autogen.cpp', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/WireServer.cpp', 'dawn_wire/WireServer.cpp', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/ApiObjects.h', 'dawn_wire/client/ApiObjects_autogen.h', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/ApiProcs.cpp', 'dawn_wire/client/ApiProcs_autogen.cpp', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/ApiProcs.h', 'dawn_wire/client/ApiProcs_autogen.h', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/ClientHandlers.cpp', 'dawn_wire/client/ClientHandlers_autogen.cpp', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/ClientPrototypes.inl', 'dawn_wire/client/ClientPrototypes_autogen.inl', wire_params))
renders.append(FileRender('dawn_wire/client/Device.h', 'dawn_wire/client/Device_autogen.h', wire_params))
return renders
def output_to_json(outputs, output_json):
json_root = {}
for output in outputs:
json_root[output.name] = output.content
with open(output_json, 'w') as f:
def output_depfile(depfile, output, dependencies):
with open(depfile, 'w') as f:
f.write(output + ": " + " ".join(dependencies))
def main():
allowed_targets = ['dawn_headers', 'libdawn', 'mock_dawn', 'dawn_wire', "dawn_native_utils"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = 'Generates code for various target for Dawn.',
formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
parser.add_argument('json', metavar='DAWN_JSON', nargs=1, type=str, help ='The DAWN JSON definition to use.')
parser.add_argument('--wire-json', default=None, type=str, help='The DAWN WIRE JSON definition to use.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--template-dir', default='templates', type=str, help='Directory with template files.')
parser.add_argument('-T', '--targets', required=True, type=str, help='Comma-separated subset of targets to output. Available targets: ' + ', '.join(allowed_targets))
parser.add_argument(kExtraPythonPath, default=None, type=str, help='Additional python path to set before loading Jinja2')
parser.add_argument('--output-json-tarball', default=None, type=str, help='Name of the "JSON tarball" to create (tar is too annoying to use in python).')
parser.add_argument('--depfile', default=None, type=str, help='Name of the Ninja depfile to create for the JSON tarball')
parser.add_argument('--expected-outputs-file', default=None, type=str, help="File to compare outputs with and fail if it doesn't match")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load and parse the API json file
with open(args.json[0]) as f:
loaded_json = json.loads(f.read())
api_params = parse_json(loaded_json)
targets = args.targets.split(',')
dependencies = [
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "common.py")
loaded_wire_json = None
if args.wire_json:
with open(args.wire_json) as f:
loaded_wire_json = json.loads(f.read())
renders = get_renders_for_targets(api_params, loaded_wire_json, targets)
# The caller wants to assert that the outputs are what it expects.
# Load the file and compare with our renders.
if args.expected_outputs_file != None:
with open(args.expected_outputs_file) as f:
expected = set([line.strip() for line in f.readlines()])
actual = set()
actual.update([render.output for render in renders])
if actual != expected:
print("Wrong expected outputs, caller expected:\n " + repr(list(expected)))
print("Actual output:\n " + repr(list(actual)))
return 1
outputs = do_renders(renders, args.template_dir)
# Output the tarball and its depfile
if args.output_json_tarball != None:
output_to_json(outputs, args.output_json_tarball)
dependencies += [args.template_dir + os.path.sep + render.template for render in renders]
dependencies.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "wire_cmd.py"))
output_depfile(args.depfile, args.output_json_tarball, dependencies)
if __name__ == '__main__':