
299 lines
13 KiB

//* Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
//* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//* You may obtain a copy of the License at
//* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//* limitations under the License.
#include "common/Log.h"
#include "dawn_wire/client/ApiObjects.h"
#include "dawn_wire/client/Client.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace dawn_wire { namespace client {
namespace {
//* Outputs an rvalue that's the number of elements a pointer member points to.
{% macro member_length(member, accessor) -%}
{%- if member.length == "constant" -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{% for type in by_category["object"] %}
DAWN_DECLARE_UNUSED bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, const {{as_cType(type.name)}} obj) {
return client == reinterpret_cast<const {{as_wireType(type)}}>(obj)->client;
DAWN_DECLARE_UNUSED bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, const {{as_cType(type.name)}} *const obj, uint32_t count = 1) {
ASSERT(count == 0 || obj != nullptr);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!ClientMatches(client, obj[i])) {
return false;
return true;
{% endfor %}
bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, WGPUChainedStruct const* chainedStruct);
{% for type in by_category["structure"] if type.may_have_dawn_object %}
DAWN_DECLARE_UNUSED bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, const {{as_cType(type.name)}}& obj) {
{% if type.extensible %}
if (!ClientMatches(client, obj.nextInChain)) {
return false;
{% endif %}
{% for member in type.members if member.type.may_have_dawn_object or member.type.category == "object" %}
{% if member.optional %}
if (obj.{{as_varName(member.name)}} != nullptr)
{% endif %}
if (!ClientMatches(client, obj.{{as_varName(member.name)}}
{%- if member.annotation != "value" and member.length != "strlen" -%}
, {{member_length(member, "obj.")}}
{%- endif -%})) {
return false;
{% endfor %}
return true;
DAWN_DECLARE_UNUSED bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, const {{as_cType(type.name)}} *const obj, uint32_t count = 1) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!ClientMatches(client, obj[i])) {
return false;
return true;
{% endfor %}
bool ClientMatches(const Client* client, WGPUChainedStruct const* chainedStruct) {
while (chainedStruct != nullptr) {
switch (chainedStruct->sType) {
{% for sType in types["s type"].values if sType.valid %}
{% set CType = as_cType(sType.name) %}
case {{as_cEnum(types["s type"].name, sType.name)}}: {
{% if types[sType.name.get()].may_have_dawn_object %}
if (!ClientMatches(client, reinterpret_cast<const {{CType}}*>(chainedStruct))) {
return false;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
case WGPUSType_Invalid:
<< "All objects may not be from the same client. "
<< "Unknown sType " << chainedStruct->sType << " ignored.";
chainedStruct = chainedStruct->next;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
//* Implementation of the client API functions.
{% for type in by_category["object"] %}
{% set Type = type.name.CamelCase() %}
{% set cType = as_cType(type.name) %}
{% for method in type.methods %}
{% set Suffix = as_MethodSuffix(type.name, method.name) %}
{% if Suffix in client_handwritten_commands %}
{% endif %}
{{as_cType(method.return_type.name)}} Client{{Suffix}}(
{{-cType}} cSelf
{%- for arg in method.arguments -%}
, {{as_annotated_cType(arg)}}
{%- endfor -%}
) {
{% if len(method.arguments) > 0 %}
bool sameClient = true;
auto self = reinterpret_cast<{{as_wireType(type)}}>(cSelf);
Client* client = self->client;
do {
{% for arg in method.arguments if arg.type.may_have_dawn_object or arg.type.category == "object" %}
{% if arg.optional %}
if ({{as_varName(arg.name)}} != nullptr)
{% endif %}
if (!ClientMatches(client, {{as_varName(arg.name)}}
{%- if arg.annotation != "value" and arg.length != "strlen" -%}
, {{member_length(arg, "")}}
{%- endif -%})) {
sameClient = false;
{% endfor %}
} while (false);
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!sameClient)) {
"All objects must be from the same device.");
{% if method.return_type.category == "object" %}
// Allocate an object without registering it on the server. This is backed by a real allocation on
// the client so commands can be sent with it. But because it's not allocated on the server, it will
// be a fatal error to use it.
auto self = reinterpret_cast<{{as_wireType(type)}}>(cSelf);
auto* allocation = self->client->{{method.return_type.name.CamelCase()}}Allocator().New(self->client);
return reinterpret_cast<{{as_cType(method.return_type.name)}}>(allocation->object.get());
{% elif method.return_type.name.canonical_case() == "void" %}
{% else %}
return {};
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
auto self = reinterpret_cast<{{as_wireType(type)}}>(cSelf);
{% if Suffix not in client_handwritten_commands %}
{{Suffix}}Cmd cmd;
//* Create the structure going on the wire on the stack and fill it with the value
//* arguments so it can compute its size.
cmd.self = cSelf;
//* For object creation, store the object ID the client will use for the result.
{% if method.return_type.category == "object" %}
auto* allocation = self->client->{{method.return_type.name.CamelCase()}}Allocator().New(self->client);
cmd.result = ObjectHandle{allocation->object->id, allocation->generation};
{% endif %}
{% for arg in method.arguments %}
cmd.{{as_varName(arg.name)}} = {{as_varName(arg.name)}};
{% endfor %}
//* Allocate space to send the command and copy the value args over.
{% if method.return_type.category == "object" %}
return reinterpret_cast<{{as_cType(method.return_type.name)}}>(allocation->object.get());
{% endif %}
{% else %}
return self->{{method.name.CamelCase()}}(
{%- for arg in method.arguments -%}
{%if not loop.first %}, {% endif %} {{as_varName(arg.name)}}
{%- endfor -%});
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
//* When an object's refcount reaches 0, notify the server side of it and delete it.
void Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("release"))}}({{cType}} cObj) {
{{Type}}* obj = reinterpret_cast<{{Type}}*>(cObj);
obj->refcount --;
if (obj->refcount > 0) {
DestroyObjectCmd cmd;
cmd.objectType = ObjectType::{{type.name.CamelCase()}};
cmd.objectId = obj->id;
void Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, Name("reference"))}}({{cType}} cObj) {
{{Type}}* obj = reinterpret_cast<{{Type}}*>(cObj);
obj->refcount ++;
{% endfor %}
namespace {
WGPUInstance ClientCreateInstance(WGPUInstanceDescriptor const* descriptor) {
return nullptr;
struct ProcEntry {
WGPUProc proc;
const char* name;
static const ProcEntry sProcMap[] = {
{% for (type, method) in c_methods_sorted_by_name %}
{ reinterpret_cast<WGPUProc>(Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, method.name)}}), "{{as_cMethod(type.name, method.name)}}" },
{% endfor %}
static constexpr size_t sProcMapSize = sizeof(sProcMap) / sizeof(sProcMap[0]);
} // anonymous namespace
WGPUProc ClientGetProcAddress(WGPUDevice, const char* procName) {
if (procName == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const ProcEntry* entry = std::lower_bound(&sProcMap[0], &sProcMap[sProcMapSize], procName,
[](const ProcEntry &a, const char *b) -> bool {
return strcmp(a.name, b) < 0;
if (entry != &sProcMap[sProcMapSize] && strcmp(entry->name, procName) == 0) {
return entry->proc;
// Special case the two free-standing functions of the API.
if (strcmp(procName, "wgpuGetProcAddress") == 0) {
return reinterpret_cast<WGPUProc>(ClientGetProcAddress);
if (strcmp(procName, "wgpuCreateInstance") == 0) {
return reinterpret_cast<WGPUProc>(ClientCreateInstance);
return nullptr;
std::vector<const char*> GetProcMapNamesForTesting() {
std::vector<const char*> result;
for (const ProcEntry& entry : sProcMap) {
return result;
static DawnProcTable gProcTable = {
{% for type in by_category["object"] %}
{% for method in c_methods(type) %}
Client{{as_MethodSuffix(type.name, method.name)}},
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
const DawnProcTable& GetProcs() {
return gProcTable;
}} // namespace dawn_wire::client