
714 lines
28 KiB

use std::{
collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context, Result};
use ppc750cl::{Ins, Opcode};
use crate::{
cfa::{FunctionInfo, SectionAddress},
executor::{ExecCbData, ExecCbResult, Executor},
vm::{section_address_for, BranchTarget, GprValue, StepResult, VM},
obj::{ObjInfo, ObjKind, ObjSection},
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct FunctionSlices {
pub blocks: BTreeMap<SectionAddress, Option<SectionAddress>>,
pub branches: BTreeMap<SectionAddress, Vec<SectionAddress>>,
pub function_references: BTreeSet<SectionAddress>,
pub jump_table_references: BTreeMap<SectionAddress, u32>,
pub prologue: Option<SectionAddress>,
pub epilogue: Option<SectionAddress>,
// Either a block or tail call
pub possible_blocks: BTreeMap<SectionAddress, Box<VM>>,
pub has_conditional_blr: bool,
pub has_rfi: bool,
pub finalized: bool,
pub has_r1_load: bool, // Possibly instead of a prologue
pub enum TailCallResult {
type BlockRange = Range<SectionAddress>;
fn next_ins(section: &ObjSection, ins: &Ins) -> Option<Ins> { disassemble(section, ins.addr + 4) }
type InsCheck = dyn Fn(&Ins) -> bool;
fn check_sequence(
section: &ObjSection,
ins: &Ins,
sequence: &[(&InsCheck, &InsCheck)],
) -> Result<bool> {
let mut found = false;
for &(first, second) in sequence {
if first(ins) {
if let Some(next) = next_ins(section, ins) {
if second(&next)
// Also check the following instruction, in case the scheduler
// put something in between.
|| (!next.is_branch() && matches!(next_ins(section, &next), Some(ins) if second(&ins)))
found = true;
fn check_prologue_sequence(section: &ObjSection, ins: &Ins) -> Result<bool> {
fn is_mflr(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// mfspr r0, LR
ins.op == Opcode::Mfspr && ins.field_rD() == 0 && ins.field_spr() == 8
fn is_stwu(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// stwu r1, d(r1)
ins.op == Opcode::Stwu && ins.field_rS() == 1 && ins.field_rA() == 1
fn is_stw(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// stw r0, d(r1)
ins.op == Opcode::Stw && ins.field_rS() == 0 && ins.field_rA() == 1
check_sequence(section, ins, &[(&is_stwu, &is_mflr), (&is_mflr, &is_stw)])
impl FunctionSlices {
pub fn end(&self) -> Option<SectionAddress> {
self.blocks.last_key_value().and_then(|(_, &end)| end)
pub fn start(&self) -> Option<SectionAddress> {
self.blocks.first_key_value().map(|(&start, _)| start)
pub fn add_block_start(&mut self, addr: SectionAddress) -> bool {
// Slice previous block.
if let Some((_, end)) = self.blocks.range_mut(..addr).next_back() {
if let Some(last_end) = *end {
if last_end > addr {
*end = Some(addr);
self.blocks.insert(addr, Some(last_end));
return false;
// Otherwise, insert with no end.
match self.blocks.entry(addr) {
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => false,
fn check_prologue(
&mut self,
section: &ObjSection,
addr: SectionAddress,
ins: &Ins,
) -> Result<()> {
fn is_lwz(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// lwz r1, d(r)
ins.op == Opcode::Lwz && ins.field_rD() == 1
if is_lwz(ins) {
self.has_r1_load = true;
return Ok(()); // Possibly instead of a prologue
if check_prologue_sequence(section, ins)? {
if let Some(prologue) = self.prologue {
if prologue != addr && prologue != addr - 4 {
bail!("Found duplicate prologue: {:#010X} and {:#010X}", prologue, addr)
} else {
self.prologue = Some(addr);
fn check_epilogue(
&mut self,
section: &ObjSection,
addr: SectionAddress,
ins: &Ins,
) -> Result<()> {
fn is_mtlr(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// mtspr LR, r0
ins.op == Opcode::Mtspr && ins.field_rS() == 0 && ins.field_spr() == 8
fn is_addi(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// addi r1, r1, SIMM
ins.op == Opcode::Addi && ins.field_rD() == 1 && ins.field_rA() == 1
fn is_or(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// or r1, rA, rB
ins.op == Opcode::Or && ins.field_rD() == 1
if check_sequence(section, ins, &[(&is_mtlr, &is_addi), (&is_or, &is_mtlr)])? {
if let Some(epilogue) = self.epilogue {
if epilogue != addr {
bail!("Found duplicate epilogue: {:#010X} and {:#010X}", epilogue, addr)
} else {
self.epilogue = Some(addr);
fn is_known_function(
known_functions: &BTreeMap<SectionAddress, FunctionInfo>,
addr: SectionAddress,
) -> Option<SectionAddress> {
if self.function_references.contains(&addr) {
return Some(addr);
if let Some((&fn_addr, info)) = known_functions.range(..=addr).next_back() {
if fn_addr == addr || info.end.is_some_and(|end| addr < end) {
return Some(fn_addr);
fn instruction_callback(
&mut self,
data: ExecCbData,
obj: &ObjInfo,
function_start: SectionAddress,
function_end: Option<SectionAddress>,
known_functions: &BTreeMap<SectionAddress, FunctionInfo>,
) -> Result<ExecCbResult<bool>> {
let ExecCbData { executor, vm, result, ins_addr, section, ins, block_start } = data;
// Track discovered prologue(s) and epilogue(s)
// HACK: ProDG sometimes uses LR as a storage register for int-to-float conversions
// To our heuristic, this looks like a prologue, so first check LR for the magic number.
if != GprValue::Constant(0x43300000) {
self.check_prologue(section, ins_addr, ins).with_context(|| {
format!("While processing {:#010X}: {:#?} {:#?}", function_start, self, vm.gpr)
self.check_epilogue(section, ins_addr, ins)
.with_context(|| format!("While processing {:#010X}: {:#?}", function_start, self))?;
if !self.has_conditional_blr && is_conditional_blr(ins) {
self.has_conditional_blr = true;
if !self.has_rfi && ins.op == Opcode::Rfi {
self.has_rfi = true;
// If control flow hits a block we thought may be a tail call,
// we know it isn't.
if self.possible_blocks.contains_key(&ins_addr) {
if let Some(fn_addr) = self.is_known_function(known_functions, ins_addr) {
if fn_addr != function_start {
"Control flow from {} hit known function {} (instruction: {})",
return Ok(ExecCbResult::End(false));
match result {
StepResult::Continue | StepResult::LoadStore { .. } => {
let next_address = ins_addr + 4;
// If we already visited the next address, connect the blocks and end
if executor.visited(section.address as u32, next_address)
|| self.blocks.contains_key(&next_address)
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(next_address));
self.branches.insert(ins_addr, vec![next_address]);
} else {
StepResult::Illegal => {
log::debug!("Illegal instruction @ {:#010X}", ins_addr);
StepResult::Jump(target) => match target {
| BranchTarget::Address(RelocationTarget::External)
| BranchTarget::JumpTable { address: RelocationTarget::External, .. } => {
// Likely end of function
let next_addr = ins_addr + 4;
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(next_addr));
// If this function has a prologue but no epilogue, and this
// instruction is a bctr, we can assume it's an unrecovered
// jump table and continue analysis.
if self.prologue.is_some() && self.epilogue.is_none() {
log::debug!("Assuming unrecovered jump table {:#010X}", next_addr);
self.branches.insert(ins_addr, vec![next_addr]);
if self.add_block_start(next_addr) {
executor.push(next_addr, vm.clone_for_return(), true);
BranchTarget::Return => {
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(ins_addr + 4));
BranchTarget::Address(RelocationTarget::Address(addr)) => {
// End of block
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(ins_addr + 4));
self.branches.insert(ins_addr, vec![addr]);
if addr == ins_addr {
// Infinite loop
} else if addr >= function_start
&& (matches!(function_end, Some(known_end) if addr < known_end)
|| matches!(self.end(), Some(end) if addr < end)
|| addr < ins_addr)
// If target is within known function bounds, jump
if self.add_block_start(addr) {
return Ok(ExecCbResult::Jump(addr));
} else if let Some(fn_addr) = self.is_known_function(known_functions, addr) {
ensure!(fn_addr != function_start); // Sanity check
} else if addr.section != ins_addr.section
// If this branch has zeroed padding after it, assume tail call.
|| matches!(section.data_range(ins_addr.address, ins_addr.address + 4), Ok(data) if data == [0u8; 4])
} else {
self.possible_blocks.insert(addr, vm.clone_all());
BranchTarget::JumpTable { address: RelocationTarget::Address(address), size } => {
// End of block
let next_address = ins_addr + 4;
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(next_address));
log::debug!("Fetching jump table entries @ {} with size {:?}", address, size);
let (entries, size) = uniq_jump_table_entries(
function_end.or_else(|| self.end()),
log::debug!("-> size {}: {:?}", size, entries);
if (entries.contains(&next_address) || self.blocks.contains_key(&next_address))
&& !entries.iter().any(|&addr| {
self.is_known_function(known_functions, addr)
.is_some_and(|fn_addr| fn_addr != function_start)
self.jump_table_references.insert(address, size);
let mut branches = vec![];
for addr in entries {
if self.add_block_start(addr) {
executor.push(addr, vm.clone_all(), true);
self.branches.insert(ins_addr, branches);
} else {
// If the table doesn't contain the next address,
// it could be a function jump table instead
.extend(entries.into_iter().map(|addr| (addr, vm.clone_all())));
StepResult::Branch(branches) => {
// End of block
self.blocks.insert(block_start, Some(ins_addr + 4));
let mut out_branches = vec![];
for branch in branches {
match {
BranchTarget::Address(RelocationTarget::Address(addr)) => {
let known = self.is_known_function(known_functions, addr);
if let Some(fn_addr) = known {
if fn_addr != function_start {
if {
} else {
if self.add_block_start(addr) {
executor.push(addr, branch.vm, true);
BranchTarget::JumpTable { address, size } => {
"Conditional jump table unsupported @ {:#010X} -> {:?} size {:#X?}",
_ => continue,
if !out_branches.is_empty() {
self.branches.insert(ins_addr, out_branches);
pub fn analyze(
&mut self,
obj: &ObjInfo,
start: SectionAddress,
function_start: SectionAddress,
function_end: Option<SectionAddress>,
known_functions: &BTreeMap<SectionAddress, FunctionInfo>,
vm: Option<Box<VM>>,
) -> Result<bool> {
if !self.add_block_start(start) {
return Ok(true);
let mut executor = Executor::new(obj);
executor.push(start, vm.unwrap_or_else(|| VM::new_from_obj(obj)), false);
let result =, |data| {
self.instruction_callback(data, obj, function_start, function_end, known_functions)
if matches!(result, Some(b) if !b) {
return Ok(false);
// Visit unreachable blocks
while let Some((first, _)) = self.first_disconnected_block() {
let vm = self.possible_blocks.remove(&first.start);
executor.push(first.end, vm.unwrap_or_else(|| VM::new_from_obj(obj)), true);
let result =, |data| {
self.instruction_callback(data, obj, function_start, function_end, known_functions)
if matches!(result, Some(b) if !b) {
return Ok(false);
// Visit trailing blocks
if let Some(known_end) = function_end {
'outer: loop {
let Some(mut end) = self.end() else {
log::warn!("Trailing block analysis failed @ {:#010X}", function_start);
loop {
if end >= known_end {
break 'outer;
// Skip nops
match disassemble(&obj.sections[end.section], end.address) {
Some(ins) => {
if !is_nop(&ins) {
_ => break,
end += 4;
executor.push(end, VM::new_from_obj(obj), true);
let result =, |data| {
if matches!(result, Some(b) if !b) {
return Ok(false);
// Sanity check
for (&start, &end) in &self.blocks {
ensure!(end.is_some(), "Failed to finalize block @ {start:#010X}");
pub fn can_finalize(&self) -> bool { self.possible_blocks.is_empty() }
pub fn finalize(
&mut self,
obj: &ObjInfo,
known_functions: &BTreeMap<SectionAddress, FunctionInfo>,
) -> Result<()> {
ensure!(!self.finalized, "Already finalized");
ensure!(self.can_finalize(), "Can't finalize");
match (self.prologue, self.epilogue, self.has_r1_load) {
(Some(_), Some(_), _) | (None, None, _) => {}
(Some(_), None, _) => {
// Likely __noreturn
(None, Some(e), false) => {
log::warn!("{:#010X?}", self);
bail!("Unpaired epilogue {:#010X}", e);
(None, Some(_), true) => {
// Possible stack setup
let Some(end) = self.end() else {
bail!("Can't finalize function without known end: {:#010X?}", self.start())
// TODO: rework to make compatible with relocatable objects
if obj.kind == ObjKind::Executable {
match (
(end.section, &obj.sections[end.section]),
obj.sections.at_address(end.address - 4),
) {
((section_index, section), Ok((other_section_index, _other_section)))
if section_index == other_section_index =>
// FIXME this is real bad
if !self.has_conditional_blr {
if let Some(ins) = disassemble(section, end.address - 4) {
if ins.op == Opcode::B {
if let Some(RelocationTarget::Address(target)) = ins
.and_then(|addr| section_address_for(obj, end - 4, addr))
if self.function_references.contains(&target) {
for branches in self.branches.values() {
if branches.len() > 1
&& branches.contains(
self.has_conditional_blr = true;
// MWCC optimization sometimes leaves an unreachable blr
// after generating a conditional blr in the function.
if self.has_conditional_blr
&& matches!(disassemble(section, end.address - 4), Some(ins) if !ins.is_blr())
&& matches!(disassemble(section, end.address), Some(ins) if ins.is_blr())
&& !known_functions.contains_key(&end)
log::trace!("Found trailing blr @ {:#010X}, merging with function", end);
self.blocks.insert(end, Some(end + 4));
// Some functions with rfi also include a trailing nop
if self.has_rfi
&& matches!(disassemble(section, end.address), Some(ins) if is_nop(&ins))
&& !known_functions.contains_key(&end)
log::trace!("Found trailing nop @ {:#010X}, merging with function", end);
self.blocks.insert(end, Some(end + 4));
_ => {}
self.finalized = true;
pub fn check_tail_call(
&mut self,
obj: &ObjInfo,
addr: SectionAddress,
function_start: SectionAddress,
function_end: Option<SectionAddress>,
known_functions: &BTreeMap<SectionAddress, FunctionInfo>,
vm: Option<Box<VM>>,
) -> TailCallResult {
// If jump target is already a known block or within known function bounds, not a tail call.
if self.blocks.contains_key(&addr) {
return TailCallResult::Not;
if let Some(function_end) = function_end {
if addr >= function_start && addr < function_end {
return TailCallResult::Not;
// If there's a prologue in the current function, not a tail call.
if self.prologue.is_some() {
return TailCallResult::Not;
// If jump target is before the start of the function, known tail call.
if addr < function_start {
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If the jump target is in a different section, known tail call.
if addr.section != function_start.section {
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If the jump target has 0'd padding before it, known tail call.
let target_section = &obj.sections[addr.section];
if matches!(target_section.data_range(addr.address - 4, addr.address), Ok(data) if data == [0u8; 4])
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If we're not sure where the function ends yet, mark as possible tail call.
// let end = self.end();
if function_end.is_none() {
return TailCallResult::Possible;
// If jump target is known to be a function, or there's a function in between
// this and the jump target, known tail call.
if self.function_references.range(function_start + 4..=addr).next().is_some()
|| known_functions.range(function_start + 4..=addr).next().is_some()
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If we haven't discovered a prologue yet, and one exists between the function
// start and the jump target, known tail call.
if self.prologue.is_none() {
let mut current_address = function_start;
while current_address < addr {
let ins = disassemble(target_section, current_address.address).unwrap();
match check_prologue_sequence(target_section, &ins) {
Ok(true) => {
"Prologue discovered @ {}; known tail call: {}",
return TailCallResult::Is;
Ok(false) => {}
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("Error while checking prologue sequence: {}", e);
return TailCallResult::Error(e);
current_address += 4;
// Perform CFA on jump target to determine more
let mut slices = FunctionSlices {
function_references: self.function_references.clone(),
if let Ok(result) =
slices.analyze(obj, addr, function_start, function_end, known_functions, vm)
// If analysis failed, assume tail call.
if !result {
log::warn!("Tail call analysis failed for {:#010X}", addr);
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If control flow jumps below the entry point, not a tail call.
let start = slices.start().unwrap();
if start < addr {
log::trace!("Tail call possibility eliminated: {:#010X} < {:#010X}", start, addr);
return TailCallResult::Not;
// If control flow includes another possible tail call, we know both are not tail calls.
if let Some(end) = slices.end() {
// TODO idk if wrapping this is right
let other_blocks = self
.range(start + 4..end)
.map(|(&addr, _)| addr)
if !other_blocks.is_empty() {
for other_addr in other_blocks {
log::trace!("Logically eliminating {:#010X}", other_addr);
// self.add_block_start(oth);
log::trace!("While analyzing {:#010X}", addr);
return TailCallResult::Not;
// If we discovered a function prologue, known tail call.
if slices.prologue.is_some() {
log::trace!("Prologue discovered; known tail call: {:#010X}", addr);
return TailCallResult::Is;
// If all else fails, try again later.
pub fn first_disconnected_block(&self) -> Option<(BlockRange, BlockRange)> {
let mut iter = self.blocks.iter().peekable();
loop {
let ((first_begin, first_end), (second_begin, second_end)) =
match (, iter.peek()) {
(Some((&b1s, &Some(b1e))), Some(&(&b2s, &Some(b2e)))) => {
((b1s, b1e), (b2s, b2e))
(Some(_), Some(_)) => continue,
_ => break None,
if second_begin > first_end {
break Some((first_begin..first_end, second_begin..second_end));
fn is_conditional_blr(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
ins.op == Opcode::Bclr && ins.field_BO() & 0b10100 != 0b10100
fn is_nop(ins: &Ins) -> bool {
// ori r0, r0, 0
ins.code == 0x60000000