objdiff-cli diff & report changes, support .splitmeta object section

- Add `objdiff-cli report changes` for diffing two reports
- Unify some click-to-highlight logic between CLI and GUI
- Load .splitmeta section for extra object metadata (original virtual addr, etc)
- More work on objdiff-cli diff
This commit is contained in:
Luke Street 2024-02-28 21:44:53 -07:00
parent 28348606bf
commit 39a13f4d36
11 changed files with 1018 additions and 406 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -2977,6 +2977,7 @@ dependencies = [

View File

@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ publish = false
build = "build.rs"
crossterm = "0.27.0"
anyhow = "1.0.80"
argp = "0.3.0"
crossterm = "0.27.0"
enable-ansi-support = "0.2.1"
log = "0.4.20"
objdiff-core = { path = "../objdiff-core", features = ["all"] }
rayon = "1.8.1"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.111"
supports-color = "3.0.0"
time = { version = "0.3.31", features = ["formatting", "local-offset"] }
tracing = "0.1.40"
tracing-attributes = "0.1.27"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.18", features = ["env-filter"] }
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.111"
rayon = "1.8.1"

View File

@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ use crossterm::{
use event::KeyModifiers;
use objdiff_core::{
diff::display::{display_diff, DiffText},
diff::display::{display_diff, DiffText, HighlightKind},
obj::{ObjInfo, ObjInsArgValue, ObjInsDiffKind, ObjSection, ObjSectionKind, ObjSymbol},
obj::{ObjInfo, ObjInsDiffKind, ObjSectionKind, ObjSymbol},
use crate::util::term::crossterm_panic_handler;
@ -32,33 +33,71 @@ use crate::util::term::crossterm_panic_handler;
/// Diff two object files.
#[argp(subcommand, name = "diff")]
pub struct Args {
#[argp(option, short = '1')]
/// Target object file
target: PathBuf,
target: Option<PathBuf>,
#[argp(option, short = '2')]
/// Base object file
base: PathBuf,
base: Option<PathBuf>,
#[argp(option, short = 'p')]
/// Project directory
project: Option<PathBuf>,
#[argp(option, short = 'u')]
/// Unit name within project
unit: Option<String>,
#[argp(option, short = 's')]
/// Function symbol to diff
symbol: String,
pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> {
let mut target = obj::elf::read(&args.target)
.with_context(|| format!("Loading {}", args.target.display()))?;
let mut base =
obj::elf::read(&args.base).with_context(|| format!("Loading {}", args.base.display()))?;
let config = diff::DiffObjConfig::default();
diff::diff_objs(&config, Some(&mut target), Some(&mut base))?;
let left_sym = find_function(&target, &args.symbol);
let right_sym = find_function(&base, &args.symbol);
let max_len = match (left_sym, right_sym) {
(Some((_, l)), Some((_, r))) => l.instructions.len().max(r.instructions.len()),
(Some((_, l)), None) => l.instructions.len(),
(None, Some((_, r))) => r.instructions.len(),
(None, None) => bail!("Symbol not found: {}", args.symbol),
let (target_path, base_path, project_config) =
match (&args.target, &args.base, &args.project, &args.unit) {
(Some(t), Some(b), _, _) => (Some(t.clone()), Some(b.clone()), None),
(_, _, Some(p), Some(u)) => {
let Some((project_config, project_config_info)) =
else {
bail!("Project config not found in {}", p.display())
let mut project_config = project_config.with_context(|| {
format!("Reading project config {}", project_config_info.path.display())
let Some(object) = project_config.objects.iter_mut().find(|obj| obj.name() == u)
else {
bail!("Unit not found: {}", u)
let target_path = object.target_path.clone();
let base_path = object.base_path.clone();
(target_path, base_path, Some(project_config))
_ => bail!("Either target and base or project and unit must be specified"),
let mut state = FunctionDiffUi {
clear: true,
redraw: true,
size: (0, 0),
click_xy: None,
left_highlight: HighlightKind::None,
right_highlight: HighlightKind::None,
skip: 0,
y_offset: 2,
per_page: 0,
max_len: 0,
symbol_name: args.symbol.clone(),
left_sym: None,
right_sym: None,
reload_time: time::OffsetDateTime::now_local()?,
@ -69,175 +108,26 @@ pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> {
state.size = terminal_size()?;
let mut clear = true;
let mut redraw = true;
let mut skip = 0;
let mut click_xy = None;
let mut highlight = HighlightKind::None;
let (mut sx, mut sy) = terminal_size()?;
loop {
let y_offset = 2;
let per_page = sy as usize - y_offset;
if redraw {
let mut w = stdout().lock();
if clear {
crossterm::queue!(w, Clear(ClearType::All))?;
MoveTo(0, 0),
MoveTo(0, 1),
PrintStyledContent(" ".repeat(sx as usize).underlined()),
MoveTo(0, 1),
PrintStyledContent("TARGET ".underlined()),
MoveTo(sx / 2, 0),
PrintStyledContent("Last built: 18:24:20".with(Color::White)),
MoveTo(sx / 2, 1),
PrintStyledContent("BASE ".underlined()),
if let Some(percent) = right_sym.and_then(|(_, s)| s.match_percent) {
format!("{:.2}%", percent).with(match_percent_color(percent)).underlined()
if skip > max_len - per_page {
skip = max_len - per_page;
let mut new_highlight = None;
if let Some((_, symbol)) = left_sym {
let h = print_sym(
&mut w,
y_offset as u16,
sx / 2 - 1,
&mut highlight,
if let Some(h) = h {
new_highlight = Some(h);
let reload = loop {
if state.redraw {
if state.redraw {
if let Some((_, symbol)) = right_sym {
let h = print_sym(
&mut w,
sx / 2,
y_offset as u16,
&mut highlight,
if let Some(h) = h {
new_highlight = Some(h);
match state.handle_event(event::read()?) {
FunctionDiffResult::Break => break false,
FunctionDiffResult::Continue => {}
FunctionDiffResult::Reload => break true,
if let Some(new_highlight) = new_highlight {
highlight = new_highlight;
redraw = true;
click_xy = None;
clear = false;
continue; // Redraw now
} else {
redraw = false;
click_xy = None;
clear = true;
match event::read()? {
if matches!(event.kind, KeyEventKind::Press | KeyEventKind::Repeat) =>
match event.code {
// Quit
KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') => break,
// Page up
KeyCode::PageUp => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page);
redraw = true;
// Page up (shift + space)
KeyCode::Char(' ') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::SHIFT) => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page);
redraw = true;
// Page down
KeyCode::Char(' ') | KeyCode::PageDown => {
skip += per_page;
redraw = true;
KeyCode::Char('f') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
skip += per_page;
redraw = true;
KeyCode::Char('b') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page);
redraw = true;
KeyCode::Char('d') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
skip += per_page / 2;
redraw = true;
KeyCode::Char('u') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page / 2);
redraw = true;
// Scroll down
KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => {
skip += 1;
redraw = true;
// Scroll up
KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(1);
redraw = true;
// Scroll to start
KeyCode::Char('g') => {
skip = 0;
redraw = true;
// Scroll to end
KeyCode::Char('G') => {
skip = max_len;
redraw = true;
_ => {}
Event::Mouse(event) => match event.kind {
MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => {
skip += 3;
redraw = true;
MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => {
skip = skip.saturating_sub(3);
redraw = true;
MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) => {
click_xy = Some((event.column, event.row));
redraw = true;
_ => {}
Event::Resize(x, y) => {
sx = x;
sy = y;
redraw = true;
_ => {}
if reload {
} else {
@ -247,148 +137,384 @@ pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> {
fn find_function<'a>(obj: &'a ObjInfo, name: &str) -> Option<(&'a ObjSection, &'a ObjSymbol)> {
fn find_function(obj: &ObjInfo, name: &str) -> Option<ObjSymbol> {
for section in &obj.sections {
if section.kind != ObjSectionKind::Code {
for symbol in &section.symbols {
if symbol.name == name {
return Some((section, symbol));
return Some(symbol.clone());
fn print_sym<W>(
w: &mut W,
symbol: &ObjSymbol,
sx: u16,
mut sy: u16,
max_sx: u16,
max_sy: u16,
skip: usize,
highlight: &mut HighlightKind,
struct FunctionDiffUi {
clear: bool,
redraw: bool,
size: (u16, u16),
click_xy: Option<(u16, u16)>,
) -> Result<Option<HighlightKind>>
W: Write,
let base_addr = symbol.address as u32;
let mut new_highlight = None;
for ins_diff in symbol.instructions.iter().skip(skip) {
let mut sx = sx;
if ins_diff.kind != ObjInsDiffKind::None && sx > 2 {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx - 2, sy))?;
let s = match ins_diff.kind {
ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => "< ",
ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => "> ",
_ => "| ",
crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(s.with(Color::DarkGrey)))?;
left_highlight: HighlightKind,
right_highlight: HighlightKind,
skip: usize,
y_offset: usize,
per_page: usize,
max_len: usize,
symbol_name: String,
target_path: Option<PathBuf>,
base_path: Option<PathBuf>,
project_config: Option<ProjectConfig>,
left_sym: Option<ObjSymbol>,
right_sym: Option<ObjSymbol>,
reload_time: time::OffsetDateTime,
enum FunctionDiffResult {
impl FunctionDiffUi {
fn draw(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut w = stdout().lock();
if self.clear {
crossterm::queue!(w, Clear(ClearType::All))?;
let format = time::format_description::parse("[hour]:[minute]:[second]").unwrap();
let reload_time = self.reload_time.format(&format).unwrap();
MoveTo(0, 0),
MoveTo(0, 1),
PrintStyledContent(" ".repeat(self.size.0 as usize).underlined()),
MoveTo(0, 1),
PrintStyledContent("TARGET ".underlined()),
MoveTo(self.size.0 / 2, 0),
PrintStyledContent(format!("Last reload: {}", reload_time).with(Color::White)),
MoveTo(self.size.0 / 2, 1),
PrintStyledContent("BASE ".underlined()),
if let Some(percent) = self.right_sym.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.match_percent) {
format!("{:.2}%", percent).with(match_percent_color(percent)).underlined()
self.per_page = self.size.1 as usize - self.y_offset;
let max_skip = self.max_len.saturating_sub(self.per_page);
if self.skip > max_skip {
self.skip = max_skip;
let mut left_highlight = None;
if let Some(symbol) = &self.left_sym {
let h = self.print_sym(
&mut w,
(0, self.y_offset as u16),
(self.size.0 / 2 - 1, self.size.1),
if let Some(h) = h {
left_highlight = Some(h);
let mut right_highlight = None;
if let Some(symbol) = &self.right_sym {
let h = self.print_sym(
&mut w,
(self.size.0 / 2, self.y_offset as u16),
if let Some(h) = h {
right_highlight = Some(h);
if let Some(new_highlight) = left_highlight {
if new_highlight == self.left_highlight {
if self.left_highlight != self.right_highlight {
self.right_highlight = self.left_highlight.clone();
} else {
self.left_highlight = HighlightKind::None;
self.right_highlight = HighlightKind::None;
} else {
self.left_highlight = new_highlight;
self.redraw = true;
self.click_xy = None;
self.clear = false;
} else if let Some(new_highlight) = right_highlight {
if new_highlight == self.right_highlight {
if self.left_highlight != self.right_highlight {
self.left_highlight = self.right_highlight.clone();
} else {
self.left_highlight = HighlightKind::None;
self.right_highlight = HighlightKind::None;
} else {
self.right_highlight = new_highlight;
self.redraw = true;
self.click_xy = None;
self.clear = false;
} else {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx, sy))?;
display_diff(ins_diff, base_addr, |text| -> Result<()> {
let mut label_text;
let mut base_color = match ins_diff.kind {
ObjInsDiffKind::None | ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch | ObjInsDiffKind::ArgMismatch => {
ObjInsDiffKind::Replace => Color::DarkCyan,
ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => Color::DarkRed,
ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => Color::DarkGreen,
let mut pad_to = 0;
let mut highlight_kind = HighlightKind::None;
match text {
DiffText::Basic(text) => {
label_text = text.to_string();
DiffText::BasicColor(s, idx) => {
label_text = s.to_string();
base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()];
DiffText::Line(num) => {
label_text = format!("{num} ");
base_color = Color::DarkGrey;
pad_to = 5;
DiffText::Address(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{:x}:", addr);
pad_to = 5;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr);
DiffText::Opcode(mnemonic, op) => {
label_text = mnemonic.to_string();
if ins_diff.kind == ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch {
base_color = Color::Blue;
pad_to = 8;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Opcode(op);
DiffText::Argument(arg, diff) => {
label_text = arg.to_string();
if let Some(diff) = diff {
base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[diff.idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()]
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Arg(arg.clone());
DiffText::BranchTarget(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{addr:x}");
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr);
DiffText::Symbol(sym) => {
let name = sym.demangled_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&sym.name);
label_text = name.clone();
base_color = Color::White;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Symbol(name.clone());
DiffText::Spacing(n) => {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(n as u16))?;
sx += n as u16;
return Ok(());
DiffText::Eol => {
sy += 1;
return Ok(());
let len = label_text.len();
if sx >= max_sx {
return Ok(());
let highlighted = highlight == &highlight_kind;
if let Some((cx, cy)) = click_xy {
if cx >= sx && cx < sx + len as u16 && cy == sy {
if highlighted {
new_highlight = Some(HighlightKind::None);
} else {
new_highlight = Some(highlight_kind);
label_text.truncate(max_sx as usize - sx as usize);
let mut content = label_text.with(base_color);
if highlighted {
content = content.on_dark_grey();
crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(content))?;
sx += len as u16;
if pad_to > len {
let pad = (pad_to - len) as u16;
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(pad))?;
sx += pad;
if sy >= max_sy {
self.redraw = false;
self.click_xy = None;
self.clear = true;
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> FunctionDiffResult {
match event {
if matches!(event.kind, KeyEventKind::Press | KeyEventKind::Repeat) =>
match event.code {
// Quit
KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') => return FunctionDiffResult::Break,
// Page up
KeyCode::PageUp => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(self.per_page);
self.redraw = true;
// Page up (shift + space)
KeyCode::Char(' ') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::SHIFT) => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(self.per_page);
self.redraw = true;
// Page down
KeyCode::Char(' ') | KeyCode::PageDown => {
self.skip += self.per_page;
self.redraw = true;
// Page down (ctrl + f)
KeyCode::Char('f') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
self.skip += self.per_page;
self.redraw = true;
// Page up (ctrl + b)
KeyCode::Char('b') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(self.per_page);
self.redraw = true;
// Half page down (ctrl + d)
KeyCode::Char('d') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
self.skip += self.per_page / 2;
self.redraw = true;
// Half page up (ctrl + u)
KeyCode::Char('u') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(self.per_page / 2);
self.redraw = true;
// Scroll down
KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => {
self.skip += 1;
self.redraw = true;
// Scroll up
KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(1);
self.redraw = true;
// Scroll to start
KeyCode::Char('g') => {
self.skip = 0;
self.redraw = true;
// Scroll to end
KeyCode::Char('G') => {
self.skip = self.max_len;
self.redraw = true;
// Reload
KeyCode::Char('r') => {
self.redraw = true;
return FunctionDiffResult::Reload;
_ => {}
Event::Mouse(event) => match event.kind {
MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => {
self.skip += 3;
self.redraw = true;
MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => {
self.skip = self.skip.saturating_sub(3);
self.redraw = true;
MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) => {
self.click_xy = Some((event.column, event.row));
self.redraw = true;
_ => {}
Event::Resize(x, y) => {
self.size = (x, y);
self.redraw = true;
_ => {}
fn print_sym<W>(
w: &mut W,
symbol: &ObjSymbol,
origin: (u16, u16),
max: (u16, u16),
highlight: &HighlightKind,
) -> Result<Option<HighlightKind>>
W: Write,
let base_addr = symbol.address as u32;
let mut new_highlight = None;
let mut sy = origin.1;
for ins_diff in symbol.instructions.iter().skip(self.skip) {
let mut sx = origin.0;
if ins_diff.kind != ObjInsDiffKind::None && sx > 2 {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx - 2, sy))?;
let s = match ins_diff.kind {
ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => "< ",
ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => "> ",
_ => "| ",
crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(s.with(Color::DarkGrey)))?;
} else {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx, sy))?;
display_diff(ins_diff, base_addr, |text| -> Result<()> {
let mut label_text;
let mut base_color = match ins_diff.kind {
| ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch
| ObjInsDiffKind::ArgMismatch => Color::Grey,
ObjInsDiffKind::Replace => Color::DarkCyan,
ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => Color::DarkRed,
ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => Color::DarkGreen,
let mut pad_to = 0;
match text {
DiffText::Basic(text) => {
label_text = text.to_string();
DiffText::BasicColor(s, idx) => {
label_text = s.to_string();
base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()];
DiffText::Line(num) => {
label_text = format!("{num} ");
base_color = Color::DarkGrey;
pad_to = 5;
DiffText::Address(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{:x}:", addr);
pad_to = 5;
DiffText::Opcode(mnemonic, _op) => {
label_text = mnemonic.to_string();
if ins_diff.kind == ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch {
base_color = Color::Blue;
pad_to = 8;
DiffText::Argument(arg, diff) => {
label_text = arg.to_string();
if let Some(diff) = diff {
base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[diff.idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()]
DiffText::BranchTarget(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{addr:x}");
DiffText::Symbol(sym) => {
let name = sym.demangled_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&sym.name);
label_text = name.clone();
base_color = Color::White;
DiffText::Spacing(n) => {
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(n as u16))?;
sx += n as u16;
return Ok(());
DiffText::Eol => {
sy += 1;
return Ok(());
let len = label_text.len();
if sx >= max.0 {
return Ok(());
let highlighted = *highlight == text;
if let Some((cx, cy)) = self.click_xy {
if cx >= sx && cx < sx + len as u16 && cy == sy {
new_highlight = Some(text.into());
label_text.truncate(max.0 as usize - sx as usize);
let mut content = label_text.with(base_color);
if highlighted {
content = content.on_dark_grey();
crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(content))?;
sx += len as u16;
if pad_to > len {
let pad = (pad_to - len) as u16;
crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(pad))?;
sx += pad;
if sy >= max.1 {
fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut target = self
.map(|p| obj::elf::read(p).with_context(|| format!("Loading {}", p.display())))
let mut base = self
.map(|p| obj::elf::read(p).with_context(|| format!("Loading {}", p.display())))
let config = diff::DiffObjConfig::default();
diff::diff_objs(&config, target.as_mut(), base.as_mut())?;
let left_sym = target.as_ref().and_then(|o| find_function(o, &self.symbol_name));
let right_sym = base.as_ref().and_then(|o| find_function(o, &self.symbol_name));
self.max_len = match (&left_sym, &right_sym) {
(Some(l), Some(r)) => l.instructions.len().max(r.instructions.len()),
(Some(l), None) => l.instructions.len(),
(None, Some(r)) => r.instructions.len(),
(None, None) => bail!("Symbol not found: {}", self.symbol_name),
self.left_sym = left_sym;
self.right_sym = right_sym;
self.reload_time = time::OffsetDateTime::now_local()?;
pub const COLOR_ROTATION: [Color; 8] = [
@ -411,26 +537,3 @@ pub fn match_percent_color(match_percent: f32) -> Color {
pub enum HighlightKind {
impl PartialEq for HighlightKind {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(HighlightKind::None, HighlightKind::None) => false,
(HighlightKind::Opcode(a), HighlightKind::Opcode(b)) => a == b,
(HighlightKind::Arg(a), HighlightKind::Arg(b)) => a.loose_eq(b),
(HighlightKind::Symbol(a), HighlightKind::Symbol(b)) => a == b,
(HighlightKind::Address(a), HighlightKind::Address(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use std::{
io::{BufWriter, Write},
io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
@ -16,9 +16,24 @@ use objdiff_core::{
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator};
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Generate a report from a project.
/// Commands for processing NVIDIA Shield TV alf files.
#[argp(subcommand, name = "report")]
pub struct Args {
command: SubCommand,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum SubCommand {
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Generate a report from a project.
#[argp(subcommand, name = "generate")]
pub struct GenerateArgs {
#[argp(option, short = 'p')]
/// Project directory
project: Option<PathBuf>,
@ -30,7 +45,22 @@ pub struct Args {
deduplicate: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize)]
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// List any changes from a previous report.
#[argp(subcommand, name = "changes")]
pub struct ChangesArgs {
/// Previous report JSON file
previous: PathBuf,
/// Current report JSON file
current: PathBuf,
#[argp(option, short = 'o')]
/// Output JSON file
output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Report {
fuzzy_match_percent: f32,
total_size: u64,
@ -42,29 +72,46 @@ struct Report {
units: Vec<ReportUnit>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ReportUnit {
name: String,
match_percent: f32,
fuzzy_match_percent: f32,
total_size: u64,
matched_size: u64,
total_functions: u32,
matched_functions: u32,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
complete: Option<bool>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
module_name: Option<String>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
module_id: Option<u32>,
functions: Vec<ReportFunction>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ReportFunction {
name: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
demangled_name: Option<String>,
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none",
serialize_with = "serialize_hex",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_hex"
address: Option<u64>,
size: u64,
match_percent: f32,
fuzzy_match_percent: f32,
pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> {
match args.command {
SubCommand::Generate(args) => generate(args),
SubCommand::Changes(args) => changes(args),
fn generate(args: GenerateArgs) -> Result<()> {
let project_dir = args.project.as_deref().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("."));
log::info!("Loading project {}", project_dir.display());
@ -111,7 +158,7 @@ pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> {
report.units = units.into_iter().flatten().collect();
for unit in &report.units {
report.fuzzy_match_percent += unit.match_percent * unit.total_size as f32;
report.fuzzy_match_percent += unit.fuzzy_match_percent * unit.total_size as f32;
report.total_size += unit.total_size;
report.matched_size += unit.matched_size;
report.total_functions += unit.total_functions;
@ -180,7 +227,16 @@ fn report_object(
let config = diff::DiffObjConfig { relax_reloc_diffs: true };
diff::diff_objs(&config, target.as_mut(), base.as_mut())?;
let mut unit = ReportUnit { name: object.name().to_string(), ..Default::default() };
let mut unit = ReportUnit {
name: object.name().to_string(),
complete: object.complete,
module_name: target
.and_then(|o| o.split_meta.as_ref())
.and_then(|m| m.module_name.clone()),
module_id: target.as_ref().and_then(|o| o.split_meta.as_ref()).and_then(|m| m.module_id),
let obj = target.as_ref().or(base.as_ref()).unwrap();
for section in &obj.sections {
if section.kind != ObjSectionKind::Code {
@ -207,7 +263,7 @@ fn report_object(
unit.match_percent += match_percent * symbol.size as f32;
unit.fuzzy_match_percent += match_percent * symbol.size as f32;
unit.total_size += symbol.size;
if match_percent == 100.0 {
unit.matched_size += symbol.size;
@ -216,7 +272,8 @@ fn report_object(
name: symbol.name.clone(),
demangled_name: symbol.demangled_name.clone(),
size: symbol.size,
fuzzy_match_percent: match_percent,
address: symbol.virtual_address,
if match_percent == 100.0 {
unit.matched_functions += 1;
@ -225,9 +282,212 @@ fn report_object(
if unit.total_size == 0 {
unit.match_percent = 100.0;
unit.fuzzy_match_percent = 100.0;
} else {
unit.match_percent /= unit.total_size as f32;
unit.fuzzy_match_percent /= unit.total_size as f32;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Changes {
from: ChangeInfo,
to: ChangeInfo,
units: Vec<ChangeUnit>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ChangeInfo {
fuzzy_match_percent: f32,
total_size: u64,
matched_size: u64,
matched_size_percent: f32,
total_functions: u32,
matched_functions: u32,
matched_functions_percent: f32,
impl From<&Report> for ChangeInfo {
fn from(report: &Report) -> Self {
Self {
fuzzy_match_percent: report.fuzzy_match_percent,
total_size: report.total_size,
matched_size: report.matched_size,
matched_size_percent: report.matched_size_percent,
total_functions: report.total_functions,
matched_functions: report.matched_functions,
matched_functions_percent: report.matched_functions_percent,
impl From<&ReportUnit> for ChangeInfo {
fn from(value: &ReportUnit) -> Self {
Self {
fuzzy_match_percent: value.fuzzy_match_percent,
total_size: value.total_size,
matched_size: value.matched_size,
matched_size_percent: if value.total_size == 0 {
} else {
value.matched_size as f32 / value.total_size as f32 * 100.0
total_functions: value.total_functions,
matched_functions: value.matched_functions,
matched_functions_percent: if value.total_functions == 0 {
} else {
value.matched_functions as f32 / value.total_functions as f32 * 100.0
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ChangeUnit {
name: String,
from: Option<ChangeInfo>,
to: Option<ChangeInfo>,
functions: Vec<ChangeFunction>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ChangeFunction {
name: String,
from: Option<ChangeFunctionInfo>,
to: Option<ChangeFunctionInfo>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ChangeFunctionInfo {
fuzzy_match_percent: f32,
size: u64,
impl From<&ReportFunction> for ChangeFunctionInfo {
fn from(value: &ReportFunction) -> Self {
Self { fuzzy_match_percent: value.fuzzy_match_percent, size: value.size }
fn changes(args: ChangesArgs) -> Result<()> {
let previous = read_report(&args.previous)?;
let current = read_report(&args.current)?;
let mut changes = Changes {
from: ChangeInfo::from(&previous),
to: ChangeInfo::from(&current),
units: vec![],
for prev_unit in &previous.units {
let prev_unit_info = ChangeInfo::from(prev_unit);
let curr_unit = current.units.iter().find(|u| u.name == prev_unit.name);
let curr_unit_info = curr_unit.map(ChangeInfo::from);
let mut functions = vec![];
if let Some(curr_unit) = curr_unit {
for prev_func in &prev_unit.functions {
let prev_func_info = ChangeFunctionInfo::from(prev_func);
let curr_func = curr_unit.functions.iter().find(|f| f.name == prev_func.name);
let curr_func_info = curr_func.map(ChangeFunctionInfo::from);
if let Some(curr_func_info) = curr_func_info {
if prev_func_info != curr_func_info {
functions.push(ChangeFunction {
name: prev_func.name.clone(),
from: Some(prev_func_info),
to: Some(curr_func_info),
} else {
functions.push(ChangeFunction {
name: prev_func.name.clone(),
from: Some(prev_func_info),
to: None,
for curr_func in &curr_unit.functions {
if !prev_unit.functions.iter().any(|f| f.name == curr_func.name) {
functions.push(ChangeFunction {
name: curr_func.name.clone(),
from: None,
to: Some(ChangeFunctionInfo::from(curr_func)),
} else {
for prev_func in &prev_unit.functions {
functions.push(ChangeFunction {
name: prev_func.name.clone(),
from: Some(ChangeFunctionInfo::from(prev_func)),
to: None,
if !functions.is_empty() || !matches!(&curr_unit_info, Some(v) if v == &prev_unit_info) {
changes.units.push(ChangeUnit {
name: prev_unit.name.clone(),
from: Some(prev_unit_info),
to: curr_unit_info,
for curr_unit in &current.units {
if !previous.units.iter().any(|u| u.name == curr_unit.name) {
changes.units.push(ChangeUnit {
name: curr_unit.name.clone(),
from: None,
to: Some(ChangeInfo::from(curr_unit)),
functions: curr_unit
.map(|f| ChangeFunction {
name: f.name.clone(),
from: None,
to: Some(ChangeFunctionInfo::from(f)),
if let Some(output) = &args.output {
log::info!("Writing to {}", output.display());
let mut output = BufWriter::new(
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to create file {}", output.display()))?,
serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut output, &changes)?;
} else {
serde_json::to_writer_pretty(std::io::stdout(), &changes)?;
fn read_report(path: &Path) -> Result<Report> {
File::open(path).with_context(|| format!("Failed to open {}", path.display()))?,
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read report {}", path.display()))
fn serialize_hex<S>(x: &Option<u64>, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
where S: serde::Serializer {
if let Some(x) = x {
s.serialize_str(&format!("{:#x}", x))
} else {
fn deserialize_hex<'de, D>(d: D) -> Result<Option<u64>, D::Error>
where D: serde::Deserializer<'de> {
use serde::Deserialize;
let s = String::deserialize(d)?;
if s.is_empty() {
} else if !s.starts_with("0x") {
Err(serde::de::Error::custom("expected hex string"))
} else {
u64::from_str_radix(&s[2..], 16).map(Some).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ use std::panic;
pub fn crossterm_panic_handler() {
let original_hook = panic::take_hook();
panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| {
let _ = crossterm::execute!(
let _ = crossterm::terminal::disable_raw_mode();

View File

@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ pub enum DiffText<'a> {
#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum HighlightKind {
pub fn display_diff<E>(
ins_diff: &ObjInsDiff,
base_addr: u32,
@ -177,3 +187,31 @@ fn display_reloc<E>(
impl PartialEq<DiffText<'_>> for HighlightKind {
fn eq(&self, other: &DiffText) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(HighlightKind::Opcode(a), DiffText::Opcode(_, b)) => a == b,
(HighlightKind::Arg(a), DiffText::Argument(b, _)) => a.loose_eq(b),
(HighlightKind::Symbol(a), DiffText::Symbol(b)) => a == &b.name,
(HighlightKind::Address(a), DiffText::Address(b) | DiffText::BranchTarget(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
impl PartialEq<HighlightKind> for DiffText<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &HighlightKind) -> bool { other.eq(self) }
impl From<DiffText<'_>> for HighlightKind {
fn from(value: DiffText<'_>) -> Self {
match value {
DiffText::Opcode(_, op) => HighlightKind::Opcode(op),
DiffText::Argument(arg, _) => HighlightKind::Arg(arg.clone()),
DiffText::Symbol(sym) => HighlightKind::Symbol(sym.name.to_string()),
DiffText::Address(addr) | DiffText::BranchTarget(addr) => HighlightKind::Address(addr),
_ => HighlightKind::None,

View File

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::BTreeMap, fs, io::Cursor, path::Path};
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs, io::Cursor, path::Path};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context, Result};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use filetime::FileTime;
use flagset::Flags;
use object::{
elf, Architecture, Endianness, File, Object, ObjectSection, ObjectSymbol, RelocationKind,
RelocationTarget, SectionIndex, SectionKind, Symbol, SymbolKind, SymbolScope, SymbolSection,
elf, Architecture, File, Object, ObjectSection, ObjectSymbol, RelocationKind, RelocationTarget,
SectionIndex, SectionKind, Symbol, SymbolKind, SymbolScope, SymbolSection,
use crate::obj::{
split_meta::{SplitMeta, SPLITMETA_SECTION},
ObjArchitecture, ObjInfo, ObjReloc, ObjRelocKind, ObjSection, ObjSectionKind, ObjSymbol,
ObjSymbolFlagSet, ObjSymbolFlags,
@ -23,7 +24,12 @@ fn to_obj_section_kind(kind: SectionKind) -> Option<ObjSectionKind> {
fn to_obj_symbol(obj_file: &File<'_>, symbol: &Symbol<'_, '_>, addend: i64) -> Result<ObjSymbol> {
fn to_obj_symbol(
obj_file: &File<'_>,
symbol: &Symbol<'_, '_>,
addend: i64,
split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>,
) -> Result<ObjSymbol> {
let mut name = symbol.name().context("Failed to process symbol name")?;
if name.is_empty() {
log::warn!("Found empty sym: {symbol:?}");
@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ fn to_obj_symbol(obj_file: &File<'_>, symbol: &Symbol<'_, '_>, addend: i64) -> R
if obj_file.architecture() == Architecture::PowerPc {
demangled_name = cwdemangle::demangle(name, &Default::default());
// Find the virtual address for the symbol if available
let virtual_address = split_meta
.and_then(|m| m.virtual_addresses.as_ref())
.and_then(|v| v.get(symbol.index().0).cloned());
Ok(ObjSymbol {
name: name.to_string(),
@ -66,13 +76,14 @@ fn to_obj_symbol(obj_file: &File<'_>, symbol: &Symbol<'_, '_>, addend: i64) -> R
size_known: symbol.size() != 0,
diff_symbol: None,
instructions: vec![],
match_percent: None,
fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSection>> {
fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>, split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSection>> {
let mut result = Vec::<ObjSection>::new();
for section in obj_file.sections() {
if section.size() == 0 {
@ -83,6 +94,17 @@ fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSection>> {
let name = section.name().context("Failed to process section name")?;
let data = section.uncompressed_data().context("Failed to read section data")?;
// Find the virtual address for the section symbol if available
let section_symbol = obj_file.symbols().find(|s| {
s.kind() == SymbolKind::Section && s.section_index() == Some(section.index())
let virtual_address = section_symbol.and_then(|s| {
.and_then(|m| m.virtual_addresses.as_ref())
.and_then(|v| v.get(s.index().0).cloned())
result.push(ObjSection {
name: name.to_string(),
@ -92,6 +114,7 @@ fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSection>> {
index: section.index().0,
symbols: Vec::new(),
relocations: Vec::new(),
data_diff: vec![],
match_percent: 0.0,
@ -100,7 +123,11 @@ fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSection>> {
fn symbols_by_section(obj_file: &File<'_>, section: &ObjSection) -> Result<Vec<ObjSymbol>> {
fn symbols_by_section(
obj_file: &File<'_>,
section: &ObjSection,
split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>,
) -> Result<Vec<ObjSymbol>> {
let mut result = Vec::<ObjSymbol>::new();
for symbol in obj_file.symbols() {
if symbol.kind() == SymbolKind::Section {
@ -115,7 +142,7 @@ fn symbols_by_section(obj_file: &File<'_>, section: &ObjSection) -> Result<Vec<O
result.push(to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0)?);
result.push(to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0, split_meta)?);
@ -133,11 +160,11 @@ fn symbols_by_section(obj_file: &File<'_>, section: &ObjSection) -> Result<Vec<O
fn common_symbols(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSymbol>> {
fn common_symbols(obj_file: &File<'_>, split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>) -> Result<Vec<ObjSymbol>> {
.map(|symbol| to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0))
.map(|symbol| to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0, split_meta))
@ -145,6 +172,7 @@ fn find_section_symbol(
obj_file: &File<'_>,
target: &Symbol<'_, '_>,
address: u64,
split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>,
) -> Result<ObjSymbol> {
let section_index =
target.section_index().ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Unknown section index"))?;
@ -164,7 +192,7 @@ fn find_section_symbol(
return to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0);
return to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0, split_meta);
let (name, offset) = closest_symbol
.and_then(|s| s.name().map(|n| (n, s.address())).ok())
@ -180,6 +208,7 @@ fn find_section_symbol(
size_known: false,
flags: Default::default(),
addend: offset_addr as i64,
virtual_address: None,
diff_symbol: None,
instructions: vec![],
match_percent: None,
@ -190,6 +219,7 @@ fn relocations_by_section(
arch: ObjArchitecture,
obj_file: &File<'_>,
section: &ObjSection,
split_meta: Option<&SplitMeta>,
) -> Result<Vec<ObjReloc>> {
let obj_section = obj_file.section_by_index(SectionIndex(section.index))?;
let mut relocations = Vec::<ObjReloc>::new();
@ -259,11 +289,11 @@ fn relocations_by_section(
// println!("Reloc: {reloc:?}, symbol: {symbol:?}, addend: {addend:#X}");
let target = match symbol.kind() {
SymbolKind::Text | SymbolKind::Data | SymbolKind::Label | SymbolKind::Unknown => {
to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend)
to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend, split_meta)
SymbolKind::Section => {
ensure!(addend >= 0, "Negative addend in reloc: {addend}");
find_section_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend as u64)
find_section_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend as u64, split_meta)
kind => Err(anyhow!("Unhandled relocation symbol type {kind:?}")),
@ -298,6 +328,7 @@ fn line_info(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Option<BTreeMap<u64, u64>>> {
// DWARF 2+
#[cfg(feature = "dwarf")]
use std::borrow::Cow;
let dwarf_cow = gimli::Dwarf::load(|id| {
Ok::<_, gimli::Error>(
@ -307,8 +338,8 @@ fn line_info(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Option<BTreeMap<u64, u64>>> {
let endian = match obj_file.endianness() {
Endianness::Little => gimli::RunTimeEndian::Little,
Endianness::Big => gimli::RunTimeEndian::Big,
object::Endianness::Little => gimli::RunTimeEndian::Little,
object::Endianness::Big => gimli::RunTimeEndian::Big,
let dwarf = dwarf_cow.borrow(|section| gimli::EndianSlice::new(section, endian));
let mut iter = dwarf.units();
@ -344,17 +375,35 @@ pub fn read(obj_path: &Path) -> Result<ObjInfo> {
Architecture::Mips => ObjArchitecture::Mips,
_ => bail!("Unsupported architecture: {:?}", obj_file.architecture()),
let split_meta = split_meta(&obj_file)?;
let mut result = ObjInfo {
path: obj_path.to_owned(),
sections: filter_sections(&obj_file)?,
common: common_symbols(&obj_file)?,
sections: filter_sections(&obj_file, split_meta.as_ref())?,
common: common_symbols(&obj_file, split_meta.as_ref())?,
line_info: line_info(&obj_file)?,
split_meta: None,
for section in &mut result.sections {
section.symbols = symbols_by_section(&obj_file, section)?;
section.relocations = relocations_by_section(architecture, &obj_file, section)?;
section.symbols = symbols_by_section(&obj_file, section, split_meta.as_ref())?;
section.relocations =
relocations_by_section(architecture, &obj_file, section, split_meta.as_ref())?;
result.split_meta = split_meta;
fn split_meta(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result<Option<SplitMeta>> {
Ok(if let Some(section) = obj_file.section_by_name(SPLITMETA_SECTION) {
if section.size() != 0 {
let data = section.uncompressed_data()?;
let mut reader = data.as_ref();
Some(SplitMeta::from_reader(&mut reader, obj_file.endianness(), obj_file.is_64())?)
} else {
} else {

View File

@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ pub mod elf;
pub mod mips;
#[cfg(feature = "ppc")]
pub mod ppc;
pub mod split_meta;
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fmt, path::PathBuf};
use filetime::FileTime;
use flagset::{flags, FlagSet};
use split_meta::SplitMeta;
use crate::util::ReallySigned;
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ pub struct ObjSection {
pub index: usize,
pub symbols: Vec<ObjSymbol>,
pub relocations: Vec<ObjReloc>,
pub virtual_address: Option<u64>,
// Diff
pub data_diff: Vec<ObjDataDiff>,
@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ pub struct ObjIns {
pub args: Vec<ObjInsArg>,
pub reloc: Option<ObjReloc>,
pub branch_dest: Option<u32>,
/// Line info
/// Line number
pub line: Option<u64>,
/// Original (unsimplified) instruction
pub orig: Option<String>,
@ -185,6 +188,8 @@ pub struct ObjSymbol {
pub size_known: bool,
pub flags: ObjSymbolFlagSet,
pub addend: i64,
/// Original virtual address (from .splitmeta section)
pub virtual_address: Option<u64>,
// Diff
pub diff_symbol: Option<String>,
@ -206,8 +211,12 @@ pub struct ObjInfo {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub timestamp: FileTime,
pub sections: Vec<ObjSection>,
/// Common BSS symbols
pub common: Vec<ObjSymbol>,
/// Line number info (.line or .debug_line section)
pub line_info: Option<BTreeMap<u64, u64>>,
/// Split object metadata (.splitmeta section)
pub split_meta: Option<SplitMeta>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
use object::{elf::SHT_LOUSER, Endian};
pub const SPLITMETA_SECTION: &str = ".splitmeta";
// Use the same section type as .mwcats.* so the linker ignores it
pub const SHT_SPLITMETA: u32 = SHT_LOUSER + 0x4A2A82C2;
/// This is used to store metadata about the source of an object file,
/// such as the original virtual addresses and the tool that wrote it.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct SplitMeta {
/// The tool that generated the object. Informational only.
pub generator: Option<String>,
/// The name of the source module. (e.g. the DOL or REL name)
pub module_name: Option<String>,
/// The ID of the source module. (e.g. the DOL or REL ID)
pub module_id: Option<u32>,
/// Original virtual addresses of each symbol in the object.
/// Index 0 is the ELF null symbol.
pub virtual_addresses: Option<Vec<u64>>,
* .splitmeta section format:
* - Magic: "SPMD"
* - Section: Magic: 4 bytes, Data size: 4 bytes, Data: variable
* Section size can be used to skip unknown sections
* - Repeat section until EOF
* Endianness matches the object file
* Sections:
* - Generator: Magic: "GENR", Data size: 4 bytes, Data: UTF-8 string (no null terminator)
* - Virtual addresses: Magic: "VIRT", Data size: 4 bytes, Data: array
* Data is u32 array for 32-bit objects, u64 array for 64-bit objects
* Count is size / 4 (32-bit) or size / 8 (64-bit)
const SPLIT_META_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"SPMD";
const GENERATOR_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"GENR";
const MODULE_NAME_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"MODN";
const MODULE_ID_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"MODI";
const VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"VIRT";
impl SplitMeta {
pub fn from_reader<E, R>(reader: &mut R, e: E, is_64: bool) -> io::Result<Self>
E: Endian,
R: Read + ?Sized,
let mut magic = [0; 4];
reader.read_exact(&mut magic)?;
if magic != SPLIT_META_MAGIC {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid split metadata magic"));
let mut result = SplitMeta::default();
loop {
let mut magic = [0; 4];
match reader.read_exact(&mut magic) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => break,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
let mut size_bytes = [0; 4];
reader.read_exact(&mut size_bytes)?;
let size = e.read_u32_bytes(size_bytes);
let mut data = vec![0; size as usize];
reader.read_exact(&mut data)?;
match magic {
let string = String::from_utf8(data)
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
result.generator = Some(string);
let string = String::from_utf8(data)
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
result.module_name = Some(string);
let id = e.read_u32_bytes(data.as_slice().try_into().map_err(|_| {
io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid module ID size")
result.module_id = Some(id);
let vec = if is_64 {
let mut vec = vec![0u64; data.len() / 8];
for i in 0..vec.len() {
vec[i] = e.read_u64_bytes(data[i * 8..(i + 1) * 8].try_into().unwrap());
} else {
let mut vec = vec![0u64; data.len() / 4];
for i in 0..vec.len() {
vec[i] = e.read_u32_bytes(data[i * 4..(i + 1) * 4].try_into().unwrap())
as u64;
result.virtual_addresses = Some(vec);
_ => {
// Ignore unknown sections
pub fn to_writer<E, W>(&self, writer: &mut W, e: E, is_64: bool) -> io::Result<()>
E: Endian,
W: Write + ?Sized,
if let Some(generator) = &self.generator {
writer.write_all(&e.write_u32_bytes(generator.len() as u32))?;
if let Some(module_name) = &self.module_name {
writer.write_all(&e.write_u32_bytes(module_name.len() as u32))?;
if let Some(module_id) = self.module_id {
if let Some(virtual_addresses) = &self.virtual_addresses {
let count = virtual_addresses.len() as u32;
if is_64 {
writer.write_all(&e.write_u32_bytes(count * 8))?;
for &addr in virtual_addresses {
} else {
writer.write_all(&e.write_u32_bytes(count * 4))?;
for &addr in virtual_addresses {
writer.write_all(&e.write_u32_bytes(addr as u32))?;
pub fn write_size(&self, is_64: bool) -> usize {
let mut size = 4;
if let Some(generator) = self.generator.as_deref() {
size += 8 + generator.len();
if let Some(module_name) = self.module_name.as_deref() {
size += 8 + module_name.len();
if self.module_id.is_some() {
size += 12;
if let Some(virtual_addresses) = self.virtual_addresses.as_deref() {
size += 8 + if is_64 { 8 } else { 4 } * virtual_addresses.len();

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::default::Default;
use egui::{text::LayoutJob, Align, Label, Layout, Sense, Vec2, Widget};
use egui_extras::{Column, TableBuilder, TableRow};
use objdiff_core::{
diff::display::{display_diff, DiffText},
diff::display::{display_diff, DiffText, HighlightKind},
obj::{ObjInfo, ObjIns, ObjInsArg, ObjInsArgValue, ObjInsDiff, ObjInsDiffKind, ObjSymbol},
use time::format_description;
@ -13,29 +13,6 @@ use crate::views::{
symbol_diff::{match_color_for_symbol, DiffViewState, SymbolReference, View},
pub enum HighlightKind {
impl PartialEq for HighlightKind {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(HighlightKind::None, HighlightKind::None) => false,
(HighlightKind::Opcode(a), HighlightKind::Opcode(b)) => a == b,
(HighlightKind::Arg(a), HighlightKind::Arg(b)) => a.loose_eq(b),
(HighlightKind::Symbol(a), HighlightKind::Symbol(b)) => a == b,
(HighlightKind::Address(a), HighlightKind::Address(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
pub struct FunctionViewState {
pub highlight: HighlightKind,
@ -159,7 +136,6 @@ fn diff_text_ui(
ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => appearance.insert_color,
let mut pad_to = 0;
let mut highlight_kind = HighlightKind::None;
match text {
DiffText::Basic(text) => {
label_text = text.to_string();
@ -176,32 +152,27 @@ fn diff_text_ui(
DiffText::Address(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{:x}:", addr);
pad_to = 5;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr);
DiffText::Opcode(mnemonic, op) => {
DiffText::Opcode(mnemonic, _op) => {
label_text = mnemonic.to_string();
if ins_diff.kind == ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch {
base_color = appearance.replace_color;
pad_to = 8;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Opcode(op);
DiffText::Argument(arg, diff) => {
label_text = arg.to_string();
if let Some(diff) = diff {
base_color = appearance.diff_colors[diff.idx % appearance.diff_colors.len()]
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Arg(arg.clone());
DiffText::BranchTarget(addr) => {
label_text = format!("{addr:x}");
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr);
DiffText::Symbol(sym) => {
let name = sym.demangled_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&sym.name);
label_text = name.clone();
base_color = appearance.emphasized_text_color;
highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Symbol(name.clone());
DiffText::Spacing(n) => {
ui.add_space(n as f32 * space_width);
@ -213,7 +184,7 @@ fn diff_text_ui(
let len = label_text.len();
let highlight = ins_view_state.highlight == highlight_kind;
let highlight = ins_view_state.highlight == text;
let response = Label::new(LayoutJob::single_section(
appearance.code_text_format(base_color, highlight),
@ -225,7 +196,7 @@ fn diff_text_ui(
if highlight {
ins_view_state.highlight = HighlightKind::None;
} else {
ins_view_state.highlight = highlight_kind;
ins_view_state.highlight = text.into();
if len < pad_to {

View File

@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ fn symbol_context_menu_ui(ui: &mut Ui, symbol: &ObjSymbol) {
ui.output_mut(|output| output.copied_text = symbol.name.clone());
if let Some(address) = symbol.virtual_address {
if ui.button(format!("Copy \"{:#x}\" (virtual address)", address)).clicked() {
ui.output_mut(|output| output.copied_text = format!("{:#x}", address));
@ -161,6 +167,12 @@ fn symbol_hover_ui(ui: &mut Ui, symbol: &ObjSymbol, appearance: &Appearance) {
format!("Size: {:x} (assumed)", symbol.size),
if let Some(address) = symbol.virtual_address {
format!("Virtual address: {:#x}", address),