
184 lines
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use std::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError},
Arc, RwLock,
use anyhow::Result;
use crate::jobs::{check_update::CheckUpdateResult, objdiff::ObjDiffResult, update::UpdateResult};
pub mod check_update;
pub mod objdiff;
pub mod update;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Job {
pub static JOB_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
pub struct JobQueue {
pub jobs: Vec<JobState>,
pub results: Vec<JobResult>,
impl JobQueue {
/// Adds a job to the queue.
pub fn push(&mut self, state: JobState) { self.jobs.push(state); }
/// Adds a job to the queue if a job of the given kind is not already running.
pub fn push_once(&mut self, job: Job, func: impl FnOnce() -> JobState) {
if !self.is_running(job) {
/// Returns whether a job of the given kind is running.
pub fn is_running(&self, kind: Job) -> bool {
self.jobs.iter().any(|j| j.kind == kind && j.handle.is_some())
/// Returns whether any job is running.
pub fn any_running(&self) -> bool {
self.jobs.iter().any(|job| {
if let Some(handle) = &job.handle {
return !handle.is_finished();
/// Iterates over all jobs mutably.
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut JobState> + '_ { self.jobs.iter_mut() }
/// Iterates over all finished jobs, returning the job state and the result.
pub fn iter_finished(
&mut self,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&mut JobState, std::thread::Result<JobResult>)> + '_ {
self.jobs.iter_mut().filter_map(|job| {
if let Some(handle) = &job.handle {
if !handle.is_finished() {
return None;
let result = job.handle.take().unwrap().join();
return Some((job, result));
/// Clears all finished jobs.
pub fn clear_finished(&mut self) {
self.jobs.retain(|job| {
&& job.handle.is_none()
&& job.context.status.read().unwrap().error.is_none())
/// Removes a job from the queue given its ID.
pub fn remove(&mut self, id: usize) { self.jobs.retain(|job| job.id != id); }
pub struct JobContext {
pub status: Arc<RwLock<JobStatus>>,
pub egui: egui::Context,
pub struct JobState {
pub id: usize,
pub kind: Job,
pub handle: Option<JoinHandle<JobResult>>,
pub context: JobContext,
pub cancel: Sender<()>,
pub should_remove: bool,
pub struct JobStatus {
pub title: String,
pub progress_percent: f32,
pub progress_items: Option<[u32; 2]>,
pub status: String,
pub error: Option<anyhow::Error>,
pub enum JobResult {
fn should_cancel(rx: &Receiver<()>) -> bool {
match rx.try_recv() {
Ok(_) | Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => true,
Err(_) => false,
fn start_job(
ctx: &egui::Context,
title: &str,
kind: Job,
run: impl FnOnce(JobContext, Receiver<()>) -> Result<JobResult> + Send + 'static,
) -> JobState {
let status = Arc::new(RwLock::new(JobStatus {
title: title.to_string(),
progress_percent: 0.0,
progress_items: None,
status: String::new(),
error: None,
let context = JobContext { status: status.clone(), egui: ctx.clone() };
let context_inner = JobContext { status: status.clone(), egui: ctx.clone() };
let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
return match run(context_inner, rx) {
Ok(state) => state,
Err(e) => {
if let Ok(mut w) = status.write() {
w.error = Some(e);
let id = JOB_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
log::info!("Started job {}", id);
JobState { id, kind, handle: Some(handle), context, cancel: tx, should_remove: true }
fn update_status(
context: &JobContext,
str: String,
count: u32,
total: u32,
cancel: &Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut w =
context.status.write().map_err(|_| anyhow::Error::msg("Failed to lock job status"))?;
w.progress_items = Some([count, total]);
w.progress_percent = count as f32 / total as f32;
if should_cancel(cancel) {
w.status = "Cancelled".to_string();
return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("Cancelled"));
} else {
w.status = str;