
190 lines
5.6 KiB

use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
use bincode::Options;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use thiserror::Error;
/// A loaded DOL executable.
pub struct Dol {
pub header: DolHeader,
pub memory: Vec<u8>,
pub memory_offset: u32,
/// An error that can be raised during DOL parsing.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("No sections in DOL")]
#[error("Overlapping sections: {0:8>X} {1:8>X}")]
OverlappingSections(u32, u32),
#[error("Section sizes too large")]
impl From<bincode::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: bincode::Error) -> Self {
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> Self {
/// The result of a DOL parsing.
pub type Result<V> = std::result::Result<V, Error>;
impl Dol {
/// Reads a DOL executable from a `Reader`.
pub fn read_from<R>(mut r: R) -> Result<Self>
R: Read + Seek,
// Read header.
let header_data = DolHeaderData::read_from(&mut r)?;
let header: DolHeader = (&header_data).into();
Dol::read_with_header(r, header)
/// Reads a DOL body from a `Reader` given a header.
pub fn read_with_header<R>(mut r: R, header: DolHeader) -> Result<Self>
R: Read + Seek,
let dol_start = r.stream_position()? - DolHeaderData::SERIALIZED_SIZE;
if header.sections.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::NoSections);
// Verify that sections are not overlapping.
let mut end_target_addr = 0u32;
for section in &header.sections {
if section.target < end_target_addr {
return Err(Error::OverlappingSections(end_target_addr, section.target));
end_target_addr = section.target + section.size
// Remember the memory offset of the first section.
// Then shift all sections to the beginning of memory.
let memory_offset = header.sections[0].target;
// Get the size of all sections combined.
let mut total_size = 0usize;
for section in &header.sections {
if let Some(sum) = total_size.checked_add(section.size as usize) {
total_size = sum;
} else {
return Err(Error::SectionsTooLarge);
// Cannot be larger than 24 MiB.
if total_size > 0x180_0000 {
return Err(Error::SectionsTooLarge);
// Create memory.
let mut memory = vec![0u8; total_size];
// Read sections into memory.
for section in &header.sections {
if section.kind == DolSectionType::Bss {
r.seek(SeekFrom::Start(dol_start + section.offset as u64))?;
let mem_start = (section.target - memory_offset) as usize;
let mem_end = mem_start + section.size as usize;
r.read_exact(&mut memory[mem_start..mem_end])?;
Ok(Self {
/// Reads bytes into a destination buffer given a virtual address.
pub fn virtual_read(&self, dest: &mut [u8], virtual_addr: u32) {
let offset = (virtual_addr - self.memory_offset) as usize;
// TODO Gracefully handle errors.
dest.copy_from_slice(&self.memory[offset..offset + dest.len()])
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum DolSectionType {
pub struct DolSection {
pub kind: DolSectionType,
pub index: usize,
pub offset: u32,
pub target: u32,
pub size: u32,
pub struct DolHeader {
pub sections: Vec<DolSection>,
impl From<&DolHeaderData> for DolHeader {
fn from(header: &DolHeaderData) -> Self {
let mut sections = Vec::with_capacity(DolHeaderData::SECTION_COUNT);
for i in 0..DolHeaderData::SECTION_COUNT {
if header.section_sizes[i] > 0 {
sections.push(DolSection {
kind: DolSectionType::Data,
index: i,
offset: header.section_offsets[i],
target: header.section_targets[i],
size: header.section_sizes[i],
if header.bss_target > 0 {
sections.push(DolSection {
kind: DolSectionType::Bss,
index: 0,
offset: 0,
target: header.bss_target,
size: header.bss_size,
// Sort sections by target address to prepare them for mapping.
sections.sort_by_key(|s| s.target);
Self { sections }
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DolHeaderData {
pub section_offsets: [u32; Self::SECTION_COUNT],
pub section_targets: [u32; Self::SECTION_COUNT],
pub section_sizes: [u32; Self::SECTION_COUNT],
pub bss_target: u32,
pub bss_size: u32,
pub entry_point: u32,
pub padding: [u8; 0x1c],
impl DolHeaderData {
const SECTION_COUNT: usize = 18;
const SERIALIZED_SIZE: u64 = 0x100;
/// Reads the DOL header from a `Reader`.
pub fn read_from<R: Read + Seek>(mut r: R) -> bincode::Result<Self> {
.deserialize_from(&mut r)