
417 lines
16 KiB

use crate::condition::{parse_conditions, replace_fields};
use crate::ident;
use crate::isa::{modifiers_iter, modifiers_valid, HexLiteral, Isa, Opcode};
use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Result};
use proc_macro2::{Literal, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub fn gen_disasm(isa: &Isa, max_args: usize) -> Result<TokenStream> {
// The entry table allows us to quickly find the range of possible opcodes
// for a given 6-bit prefix. 2*64 bytes should fit in a cache line (or two).
struct OpcodeEntry {
start: u8,
count: u8,
let mut sorted_ops = Vec::<Opcode>::new();
let mut entries = Vec::<OpcodeEntry>::new();
for i in 0..64 {
let mut entry = OpcodeEntry { start: 0, count: 0 };
for opcode in &isa.opcodes {
if (opcode.pattern >> 26) as u8 == i {
if entry.count == 0 {
entry.start = sorted_ops.len() as u8;
// Sanity check for duplicate opcodes
if sorted_ops.iter().any(|op| op.name == opcode.name) {
bail!("Duplicate opcode: {}", opcode.name);
entry.count += 1;
if entry.count > 1 {
log::info!("{:#X}: {} opcodes", i, entry.count);
} else if let Some(op) = (entry.count == 1).then(|| &sorted_ops[entry.start as usize]) {
log::info!("{:#X}: {}", i, op.name);
} else {
log::info!("{:#X}: <invalid>", i);
ensure!(sorted_ops.len() == isa.opcodes.len());
// Generate the opcode entries table
let mut opcode_entries = TokenStream::new();
for entry in &entries {
let start = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(entry.start);
let end = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(entry.start + entry.count);
opcode_entries.extend(quote! { (#start, #end), });
// Generate the opcode tables
let mut opcode_patterns = TokenStream::new();
let mut opcode_enum = TokenStream::new();
let mut opcode_names = TokenStream::new();
for (idx, opcode) in sorted_ops.iter().enumerate() {
let bitmask = HexLiteral(opcode.mask(isa));
let pattern = HexLiteral(opcode.pattern);
let enum_idx = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(idx as u8);
let name = &opcode.name;
opcode_patterns.extend(quote! { (#bitmask, #pattern), });
opcode_names.extend(quote! { #name, });
let doc = opcode.doc();
let variant = opcode.variant();
opcode_enum.extend(quote! {
#[doc = #doc]
#variant = #enum_idx,
// Generate field and modifier accessors
let mut ins_fields = TokenStream::new();
for field in &isa.fields {
let Some(bits) = field.bits else {
// TODO get rid of .nz hack
if field.name.ends_with(".nz") {
let mut sign_bit = bits.len() - 1;
let mut shift_right = bits.shift();
let mut shift_left = field.shift_left;
if shift_right == shift_left {
// Optimization: these cancel each other out
// Adjust subsequent operations to operate on the full value
sign_bit += shift_left;
shift_right = 0;
shift_left = 0;
// Shift right and mask
let mut inner = quote! { self.code };
if shift_right > 0 {
let shift = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(shift_right);
inner = quote! { (#inner >> #shift) };
let mask = HexLiteral(bits.mask() >> shift_right);
inner = quote! { #inner & #mask };
// Determine the smallest integer type that can hold the value
let num_bits = bits.len() + field.shift_left;
let (out_type, cast) = match (num_bits, field.signed) {
(1..=8, false) => (ident!(u8), true),
(9..=16, false) => (ident!(u16), true),
(17..=32, false) => (ident!(u32), false),
(1..=8, true) => (ident!(i8), true),
(9..=16, true) => (ident!(i16), true),
(17..=32, true) => (ident!(i32), true),
(v, _) => bail!("Unsupported field size {v}"),
// Handle sign extension
if field.signed {
let sign_value = HexLiteral(1 << sign_bit);
inner = quote! { ((#inner) ^ #sign_value).wrapping_sub(#sign_value) as #out_type };
} else if cast {
inner = quote! { (#inner) as #out_type };
// Handle left shift
if shift_left > 0 {
let shift_left = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(shift_left);
inner = quote! { (#inner) << #shift_left };
// Swap 5-bit halves (SPR, TBR)
if field.split {
inner = quote! {
let value = #inner;
((value & 0b11111_00000) >> 5) | ((value & 0b00000_11111) << 5)
// Write the accessor
let doc = field.doc();
ins_fields.extend(quote! {
#[doc = #doc]
pub const fn #field(&self) -> #out_type { #inner }
for modifier in &isa.modifiers {
let mask = HexLiteral(modifier.mask());
let mut inner = quote! { (self.code & #mask) == #mask };
if let Some(condition) = &modifier.condition {
for condition in parse_conditions(condition, isa)? {
let stream = condition.to_token_stream(isa, ident!(self))?;
inner.extend(quote! { && #stream });
// Write the accessor
let doc = modifier.doc();
ins_fields.extend(quote! {
#[doc = #doc]
pub const fn #modifier(&self) -> bool { #inner }
// Generate simplified mnemonics
let mut mnemonic_functions = TokenStream::new();
let mut base_functions_ref = TokenStream::new();
let mut simplified_functions_ref = TokenStream::new();
for opcode in &sorted_ops {
let mnemonics =
isa.mnemonics.iter().filter(|m| m.opcode == opcode.name).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut mnemonic_conditions = TokenStream::new();
// Generate conditions for each simplified mnemonic
for mnemonic in &mnemonics {
let conditions = parse_conditions(&mnemonic.condition, isa)?
.map(|c| c.to_token_stream(isa, ident!(ins)))
let modifiers = mnemonic.modifiers.as_deref().unwrap_or(&opcode.modifiers);
let inner = gen_mnemonic(
mnemonic_conditions.extend(quote! {
if #(#conditions)&&* {
return #inner;
// Fallback to the base opcode name if no mnemonic matches
let inner =
gen_mnemonic(&opcode.name, &opcode.args, &opcode.modifiers, isa, max_args, None)?;
let base_name = format_ident!("base_{}", opcode.ident());
if mnemonics.is_empty() {
mnemonic_functions.extend(quote! {
const fn #base_name(ins: &Ins) -> (&'static str, Arguments) {
base_functions_ref.extend(quote! { #base_name, });
simplified_functions_ref.extend(quote! { #base_name, });
} else {
let simplified_name = format_ident!("simplified_{}", opcode.ident());
mnemonic_functions.extend(quote! {
const fn #base_name(ins: &Ins) -> (&'static str, Arguments) {
const fn #simplified_name(ins: &Ins) -> (&'static str, Arguments) {
base_functions_ref.extend(quote! { #base_name, });
simplified_functions_ref.extend(quote! { #simplified_name, });
let mut none_args = TokenStream::new();
for _ in 0..max_args {
none_args.extend(quote! { Argument::None, });
mnemonic_functions.extend(quote! {
const fn mnemonic_illegal(_ins: &Ins) -> (&'static str, Arguments) {
("<illegal>", [#none_args])
// TODO rework defs/uses to account for modifiers and special registers (CTR, LR, etc)
let mut defs_uses_functions = TokenStream::new();
let mut defs_refs = TokenStream::new();
let mut uses_refs = TokenStream::new();
for opcode in &sorted_ops {
let mut defs = TokenStream::new();
let mut uses = TokenStream::new();
let mut defs_count = 0;
for def in &opcode.defs {
if isa.find_field(def).is_some_and(|f| f.arg.is_none()) {
let arg = gen_argument(def, isa, None)?;
defs.extend(quote! { #arg, });
defs_count += 1;
for _ in defs_count..max_args {
defs.extend(quote! { Argument::None, });
let mut use_count = 0;
for use_ in &opcode.uses {
if let Some(use_) = use_.strip_suffix(".nz") {
let Some(field) = isa.find_field(use_) else { bail!("Unknown field {}", use_) };
let ident = field.ident();
let arg = gen_argument(use_, isa, None)?;
uses.extend(quote! { if ins.#ident() != 0 { #arg } else { Argument::None }, });
use_count += 1;
} else if isa.find_field(use_).is_some_and(|f| f.arg.is_none()) {
let arg = gen_argument(use_, isa, None)?;
uses.extend(quote! { #arg, });
use_count += 1;
for _ in use_count..max_args {
uses.extend(quote! { Argument::None, });
let defs_name = format_ident!("defs_{}", opcode.ident());
let uses_name = format_ident!("uses_{}", opcode.ident());
defs_uses_functions.extend(quote! {
const fn #defs_name(ins: &Ins) -> Arguments { [#defs] }
const fn #uses_name(ins: &Ins) -> Arguments { [#uses] }
defs_refs.extend(quote! { #defs_name, });
uses_refs.extend(quote! { #uses_name, });
defs_uses_functions.extend(quote! {
const fn defs_uses_illegal(_ins: &Ins) -> Arguments { [#none_args] }
// Filling the tables to 256 entries to avoid bounds checks
for _ in sorted_ops.len()..256 {
opcode_patterns.extend(quote! { (0, 0), });
opcode_names.extend(quote! { "<illegal>", });
base_functions_ref.extend(quote! { mnemonic_illegal, });
simplified_functions_ref.extend(quote! { mnemonic_illegal, });
defs_refs.extend(quote! { defs_uses_illegal, });
uses_refs.extend(quote! { defs_uses_illegal, });
let max_args = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(max_args);
Ok(quote! {
#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
use crate::disasm::*;
#[doc = " The entry table allows us to quickly find the range of possible opcodes for a"]
#[doc = " given 6-bit prefix. 2*64 bytes should fit in a cache line (or two)."]
const OPCODE_ENTRIES: [(u8, u8); 64] = [#opcode_entries];
#[doc = " The bitmask and pattern for each opcode."]
const OPCODE_PATTERNS: [(u32, u32); 256] = [#opcode_patterns];
#[doc = " The name of each opcode."]
const OPCODE_NAMES: [&str; 256] = [#opcode_names];
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Opcode {
#[doc = " An illegal or unknown opcode"]
Illegal = u8::MAX,
impl Opcode {
pub const fn _mnemonic(self) -> &'static str {
OPCODE_NAMES[self as usize]
pub const fn _detect(code: u32) -> Self {
let entry = OPCODE_ENTRIES[(code >> 26) as usize];
let mut i = entry.0;
while i < entry.1 {
let pattern = OPCODE_PATTERNS[i as usize];
if (code & pattern.0) == pattern.1 {
#[comment = " Safety: The enum is repr(u8) and marked non_exhaustive"]
return unsafe { core::mem::transmute(i) };
i += 1;
impl Ins {
pub type Arguments = [Argument; #max_args];
pub type MnemonicFunction = fn(&Ins) -> (&'static str, Arguments);
pub const BASE_MNEMONICS: [MnemonicFunction; 256] = [#base_functions_ref];
pub const SIMPLIFIED_MNEMONICS: [MnemonicFunction; 256] = [#simplified_functions_ref];
pub type DefsUsesFunction = fn(&Ins) -> Arguments;
pub const DEFS_FUNCTIONS: [DefsUsesFunction; 256] = [#defs_refs];
pub const USES_FUNCTIONS: [DefsUsesFunction; 256] = [#uses_refs];
fn modifier_names(name: &str, modifiers: &[String], isa: &Isa) -> Vec<String> {
// For every combination of modifiers, generate a name
let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(1 << modifiers.len());
for v in modifiers_iter(modifiers, isa) {
if modifiers_valid(&v) {
let mut name = name.to_string();
for modifier in &v {
} else {
fn gen_argument(field: &str, isa: &Isa, replace: Option<&String>) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let Some(field) = isa.find_field(field) else { bail!("Unknown field {}", field) };
let Some(arg) = &field.arg else { bail!("Field {} has no argument", field.name) };
let value = if let Some(replace) = replace {
let stream = replace_fields(replace, isa, |f| Ok(quote! { ins.#f() }))?;
quote! { (#stream) }
} else {
quote! { ins.#field() }
let arg = format_ident!("{}", arg);
Ok(quote! { Argument::#arg(#arg(#value as _)) })
fn gen_mnemonic(
name: &str,
args: &[String],
modifiers: &[String],
isa: &Isa,
max_args: usize,
replace: Option<&HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let mut arguments = TokenStream::new();
for field in args {
let arg = gen_argument(field, isa, replace.and_then(|m| m.get(field)))?;
arguments.extend(quote! { #arg, });
for _ in args.len()..max_args {
arguments.extend(quote! { Argument::None, });
if modifiers.is_empty() {
Ok(quote! { (#name, [#arguments]) })
} else {
let names = modifier_names(name, modifiers, isa);
let mut bitset = quote! { 0 };
for (i, modifier) in modifiers.iter().enumerate() {
let modifier = isa.find_modifier(modifier).unwrap();
if i == 0 {
bitset = quote! { ins.#modifier() as usize };
} else {
let i = Literal::u8_unsuffixed(i as u8);
bitset.extend(quote! { | (ins.#modifier() as usize) << #i });
Ok(quote! { ([#(#names),*][#bitset], [#arguments]) })