
144 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "LZ77/LZLookupTable.hpp"
#include "LZ77/LZType10.hpp"
#include <athena/MemoryWriter.hpp>
#include <string.h>
LZType10::LZType10(atInt32 MinimumOffset, atInt32 SlidingWindow, atInt32 MinimumMatch, atInt32 BlockSize)
: LZBase(MinimumOffset, SlidingWindow, MinimumMatch, BlockSize)
//ReadAheadBuffer is normalize between (minumum match) and(minimum match + 15) so that matches fit within
m_readAheadBuffer = m_minMatch + 0xF;
atUint32 LZType10::compress(const atUint8* src, atUint8** dstBuf, atUint32 srcLength)
atUint32 encodeSize = (srcLength << 8) | (0x10);
encodeSize = athena::utility::LittleUint32(encodeSize); //File size needs to be written as little endian always
athena::io::MemoryCopyWriter outbuf("tmp");
atUint8* ptrStart = (atUint8*)src;
atUint8* ptrEnd = (atUint8*)(src + srcLength);
//At most their will be two bytes written if the bytes can be compressed. So if all bytes in the block can be compressed it would take blockSize*2 bytes
atUint8* compressedBytes = new atUint8[m_blockSize * 2]; //Holds the compressed bytes yet to be written
while (ptrStart < ptrEnd)
atUint8 blockLen = 0;
//In Binary represents 1 if byte is compressed or 0 if not compressed
//For example 01001000 means that the second and fifth byte in the blockSize from the left is compressed
atUint8* ptrBytes = compressedBytes;
for (atInt32 i = 0; i < m_blockSize; i++)
//length_offset searchResult=Search(ptrStart, filedata, ptrEnd);
LZLengthOffset searchResult =, src, ptrEnd);
//If the number of bytes to be compressed is at least the size of the Minimum match
if (searchResult.length >= (atUint32)m_minMatch)
//Gotta swap the bytes since system is wii is big endian and most computers are little endian
atUint16 lenOff = (((searchResult.length - m_minMatch) & 0xF) << 12) | ((searchResult.offset - 1) & 0xFFF);
memcpy(ptrBytes, &lenOff, sizeof(atUint16));
ptrBytes += sizeof(atUint16);
ptrStart += searchResult.length;
blockLen |= (1 << (7 - i));
//Stores which of the next 8 bytes is compressed
//bit 1 for compress and bit 0 for not compressed
*ptrBytes++ = *ptrStart++;
outbuf.writeUBytes(compressedBytes, (atUint64)(ptrBytes - compressedBytes));
delete[] compressedBytes;
compressedBytes = nullptr;
//Add zeros until the file is a multiple of 4
while ((outbuf.position() % 4) != 0)
*dstBuf =;;
return (atUint32)outbuf.length();
atUint32 LZType10::decompress(const atUint8* src, atUint8** dst, atUint32 srcLength)
if (*(atUint8*)(src) != 0x10)
return 0;
atUint32 uncompressedSize = *(atUint32*)(src); //Size of data when it is uncompressed
athena::utility::LittleUint32(uncompressedSize); //The compressed file has the filesize encoded in little endian
uncompressedSize = uncompressedSize >> 8;//first byte is the encode flag
atUint8* uncompressedData = new atUint8[uncompressedSize];
atUint8* outputPtr = uncompressedData;
atUint8* outputEndPtr = uncompressedData + uncompressedSize;
atUint8* inputPtr = (atUint8*)src + 4;
atUint8* inputEndPtr = (atUint8*)src + srcLength;
while (inputPtr < inputEndPtr && outputPtr < outputEndPtr)
atUint8 isCompressed = *inputPtr++;
for (atUint32 i = 0; i < (atUint32)m_blockSize; i++)
//Checks to see if the next byte is compressed by looking
//at its binary representation - E.g 10010000
//This says that the first extracted byte and the four extracted byte is compressed
if ((isCompressed >> (7 - i)) & 0x1)
atUint16 lenOff;
memcpy(&lenOff, inputPtr, sizeof(atUint16));
inputPtr += sizeof(atUint16); //Move forward two bytes
//length offset pair has been decoded.
LZLengthOffset decoding;
decoding.length = (lenOff >> 12) + m_minMatch;
decoding.offset = static_cast<atUint16>((lenOff & 0xFFF) + 1);
if ((outputPtr - decoding.offset) < uncompressedData)
//If the offset to look for uncompressed is passed the current uncompresed data then the data is not compressed
delete[] uncompressedData;
uncompressedData = nullptr;
dst = nullptr;
return 0;
for (atUint32 j = 0; j < decoding.length; ++j)
outputPtr[j] = (outputPtr - decoding.offset)[j];
outputPtr += decoding.length;
*outputPtr++ = *inputPtr++;
if (!(inputPtr < inputEndPtr && outputPtr < outputEndPtr))
*dst = uncompressedData;
return uncompressedSize;