
70 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "athena/SkywardSwordFileReader.hpp"
#include "athena/SkywardSwordFile.hpp"
#include "athena/SkywardSwordQuest.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace athena
namespace io
SkywardSwordFileReader::SkywardSwordFileReader(atUint8* data, atUint64 length)
: base(data, length)
SkywardSwordFileReader::SkywardSwordFileReader(const std::string& filename)
: base(filename)
SkywardSwordFile* SkywardSwordFileReader::read()
SkywardSwordFile* file = NULL;
if (base::length() != 0xFBE0)
atError("File not the expected size of 0xFBE0");
return nullptr;
atUint32 magic = base::readUint32();
if (magic != SkywardSwordFile::USMagic && magic != SkywardSwordFile::JAMagic && magic != SkywardSwordFile::EUMagic)
atError("Not a valid Skyward Sword save file");
return nullptr;
base::seek(0x01C, SeekOrigin::Begin);
atUint32 headerSize = base::readUint32(); // Seems to be (headerSize - 1)
if (headerSize != 0x1D)
atError("Invalid header size, Corrupted data?");
return nullptr;
// Time to read in each slot
file = new SkywardSwordFile;
file->setRegion((magic == SkywardSwordFile::USMagic ? Region::NTSC : (magic == SkywardSwordFile::JAMagic ? Region::NTSCJ : Region::PAL)));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
SkywardSwordQuest* q = new SkywardSwordQuest(base::readUBytes(0x53C0), 0x53C0);
atUint64 pos = base::position();
// seek to the skip data for this particular quest
base::seek(0xFB60 + (i * 0x24), SeekOrigin::Begin);
base::seek(pos, SeekOrigin::Begin);
return file;
} // io
} // zelda