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#include "CTemplateLoader.h"
#include "CWorldLoader.h"
#include "../script/EAttribType.h"
#include <Core/Log.h>
// ************ PROPERTY ************
CPropertyTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadPropertyTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, const std::string& TemplateName)
const char *pElemName = pElem->Name();
// Load multi-property struct
if (strcmp(pElemName, "struct") == 0)
CStructTemplate *pStruct = LoadStructTemplate(pElem, TemplateName);
if (pStruct)
pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = false;
return pStruct;
else if (strcmp(pElemName, "property") == 0)
// Get name, type, and ID
std::string Name;
EPropertyType Type;
u32 ID;
GetPropertyInfo(pElem, Name, Type, ID);
// Error check
if (Type == eInvalidProperty)
const char *pType = pElem->Attribute("type");
if (pType)
Log::Error("Invalid property type in " + TemplateName + " template: " + pType);
Log::Error("Property " + Name + " in " + TemplateName + " template has no type");
// Load single-property struct
if (Type == eStructProperty)
CStructTemplate *pStruct = LoadStructTemplate(pElem, TemplateName);
pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = true;
return pStruct;
// Load file property
else if (Type == eFileProperty)
// Fetch file extension
CFileTemplate *pFile = nullptr;
const char *pExt = pElem->Attribute("ext");
if (pExt)
pFile = new CFileTemplate(Name, ID, StringUtil::Tokenize(pExt, ","));
CFileTemplate *pSrc = (CFileTemplate*) mpMaster->GetProperty(ID);
if (pSrc)
pFile = new CFileTemplate(Name, ID, pSrc->Extensions());
// Check if extensions are valid
if (!pFile)
Log::Error("File property " + Name + " in " + TemplateName + " template has no extension");
return nullptr;
return pFile;
// Load regular property
CPropertyTemplate *pProperty = new CPropertyTemplate(Type, Name, ID);
return pProperty;
return nullptr;
CStructTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadStructTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, const std::string& TemplateName)
CStructTemplate *pStruct = new CStructTemplate();
// Get name, type, and ID
GetPropertyInfo(pElem, pStruct->mPropName, pStruct->mPropType, pStruct->mPropID);
const char *pTemp = pElem->Attribute("template");
if (!pTemp) pTemp = pElem->Attribute("target");
// Get source template from the master property list, if it exists
CStructTemplate *pSrc = (CStructTemplate*) mpMaster->GetProperty(pStruct->mPropID);
// "IsSingleProperty" means, does the struct contain multiple properties, each with separate IDs
// or does the entire struct as a whole count as just one property?
if (pSrc)
pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = pSrc->IsSingleProperty();
pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "property") == 0);
// Read struct children. Priority is [Embedded -> Template -> Master].
// Embedded
if (!pElem->NoChildren())
// Get count
const char *pCount = pElem->Attribute("count");
if (pCount)
pStruct->mPropertyCount = std::stoul(pCount);
// Parse sub-elements
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pChild = pElem->FirstChildElement();
while (pChild)
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = LoadPropertyTemplate(pChild, TemplateName);
if (pProp)
pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement();
// Template
else if (pTemp)
// Get handle for XML
std::string TempPath = mMasterDir + pTemp;
tinyxml2::XMLDocument TempXML;
if (TempXML.Error())
Log::Error("Couldn't open struct template: " + TempPath);
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pVersionElem = TempXML.FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement("version");
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pPropertiesElem = TempXML.FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement("properties");
if (!pVersionElem) Log::Error("Struct template has no version element: " + TempPath);
if (!pPropertiesElem) Log::Error("Struct template has no properties element: " + TempPath);
if (pVersionElem && pPropertiesElem)
// Get version number
u32 VersionNumber = std::stoul(pVersionElem->GetText());
// Get property count
const char *pCount = pPropertiesElem->Attribute("count");
if (pCount)
pStruct->mPropertyCount = std::stoul(pCount);
// Parse properties
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pPropElem = pPropertiesElem->FirstChildElement();
while (pPropElem)
if (!pPropElem) break;
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = LoadPropertyTemplate(pPropElem, TemplateName);
if (pProp)
pPropElem = pPropElem->NextSiblingElement();
// Master
else if (pSrc)
pStruct->mPropertyCount = pSrc->TemplateCount();
for (u32 p = 0; p < pSrc->Count(); p++)
// If it's none of these things, then it probably has no children because it's a property list entry
return pStruct;
void CTemplateLoader::GetPropertyInfo(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, std::string& Name, EPropertyType& Type, u32& ID)
const char *pNameStr = pElem->Attribute("name");
const char *pTypeStr = pElem->Attribute("type");
const char *pIDStr = pElem->Attribute("ID");
bool IsBaseStruct = (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "properties") == 0);
// Fetch source template, if available
CPropertyTemplate *pSrcTmp;
if (pIDStr)
ID = std::stoul(pIDStr, 0, 16);
pSrcTmp = mpMaster->GetProperty(ID);
pSrcTmp = nullptr;
// Get name
if (pNameStr)
Name = pNameStr;
else if (pSrcTmp)
Name = pSrcTmp->Name();
else if (IsBaseStruct)
Name = "Base";
Name = "";
// Get type
if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "struct") == 0)
Type = eStructProperty;
else if (IsBaseStruct)
Type = eStructProperty;
else if (pTypeStr)
Type = PropStringToPropEnum(pTypeStr);
else if (pSrcTmp)
Type = pSrcTmp->Type();
Type = eInvalidProperty;
// ************ SCRIPT OBJECT ************
CScriptTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadScriptTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc, const std::string& TemplateName, u32 ObjectID)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pBaseElement = pDoc->FirstChildElement();
CScriptTemplate *pScript = new CScriptTemplate(mpMaster);
pScript->mObjectID = ObjectID;
pScript->mTemplateName = pBaseElement->Name();
// Properties?
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pProperties = pBaseElement->FirstChildElement("properties");
if (pProperties)
pScript->mpBaseStruct = LoadStructTemplate(pBaseElement->FirstChildElement("properties"), TemplateName);
// Attribs?
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pAttributes = pBaseElement->FirstChildElement("attributes");
if (pAttributes) LoadScriptAttribs(pAttributes, pScript);
return pScript;
void CTemplateLoader::LoadScriptAttribs(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, CScriptTemplate *pScript)
// Parsing attribs
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pAttrib = pElem->FirstChildElement("attrib");
while (pAttrib)
CAttribTemplate Attrib;
Attrib.ExtraSettings = -1;
const char *pType = pAttrib->Attribute("type");
if (!pType)
Log::Error("An attrib in " + pScript->TemplateName() + " template has no type set");
// Initialize attrib template values
Attrib.AttribType = AttribStringToAttribEnum(pType);
if (Attrib.AttribType == eInvalidAttrib)
Log::Error("An attrib in " + pScript->TemplateName() + " template has an invalid type: " + pType);
bool NoError = ParseAttribExtra(pAttrib, Attrib, pScript->TemplateName());
if (NoError)
Attrib.AttribTarget = pAttrib->Attribute("target");
CPropertyTemplate *pTargetProp = nullptr;
if (Attrib.ResFile.empty())
pTargetProp = pScript->mpBaseStruct->PropertyByName(Attrib.AttribTarget); // Ensure target is valid if it points to a property
if (!pTargetProp)
Log::Error("An attrib in " + pScript->TemplateName() + " template of type " + pType + " has an invalid target: " + Attrib.AttribTarget);
if ((pTargetProp) || (!Attrib.ResFile.empty()))
pAttrib = pAttrib->NextSiblingElement("attrib");
bool CTemplateLoader::ParseAttribExtra(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, CAttribTemplate& Attrib, const std::string& TemplateName)
// This function is for parsing extra tags that some attribs have, such as "source" for models or "forcenode" for animsets
// AnimSet
if (Attrib.Type() == eAnimSetAttrib)
// Check res source
const char *pSource = pElem->Attribute("source");
if ((pSource) && (strcmp(pSource, "file") == 0))
const char *pFileName = pElem->Attribute("target");
if (pFileName)
Attrib.ResFile = std::string("../resources/") + pFileName;
Log::Error("An attrib in " + TemplateName + " template of type animset has an invalid target: \"" + pFileName + "\"");
return false;
// Check forcenode
const char *pForceNode = pElem->Attribute("forcenode");
if (pForceNode)
if (!StringUtil::IsHexString(pForceNode))
Log::Error("An animset attrib in " + TemplateName + " has an invalid \"forcenode\" setting: \"" + pForceNode + "\"");
return false;
Attrib.ExtraSettings = std::stoul(pForceNode);
// Model
if (Attrib.Type() == eModelAttrib)
// Check res source
const char *pSource = pElem->Attribute("source");
if ((pSource) && (strcmp(pSource, "file") == 0))
const char *pFileName = pElem->Attribute("target");
if (pFileName)
Attrib.ResFile = std::string("../resources/") + pFileName;
Log::Error("An attrib in " + TemplateName + " template of type model has an invalid target: \"" + pFileName + "\"");
return false;
// Volume
if (Attrib.Type() == eVolumeAttrib)
const char *pShape = pElem->Attribute("shape");
if (pShape)
if (strcmp(pShape, "Box") == 0)
Attrib.ExtraSettings = 0;
else if (strcmp(pShape, "OrientedBox") == 0)
Attrib.ExtraSettings = 1;
else if (strcmp(pShape, "Sphere") == 0)
Attrib.ExtraSettings = 2;
Log::Error("Volume attrib in " + TemplateName + " template has an invalid shape: " + pShape);
return false;
Log::Error("Volume attrib in " + TemplateName + " template has no shape attribute");
return false;
return true;
// ************ MASTER ************
void CTemplateLoader::LoadMasterTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc)
tinyxml2::XMLNode *pNode = pDoc->FirstChild()->NextSibling()->FirstChild();
FILE *f = fopen("a.txt", "w");
while (pNode)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem = pNode->ToElement();
// Version
if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "version") == 0)
u32 Version = std::stoul(pElem->GetText());
mpMaster->mVersion = Version;
// Properties
else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "properties") == 0)
std::string PropListPath = mMasterDir + pElem->GetText();
tinyxml2::XMLDocument PropListXML;
if (PropListXML.Error())
Log::Error("Couldn't open property list: " + PropListPath);
LoadPropertyList(&PropListXML, PropListPath);
// Objects
else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "objects") == 0)
// Iterate categories
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pCat = pElem->FirstChildElement("category");
while (pCat)
CTemplateCategory Cat(pCat->Attribute("name"));
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pObj = pCat->FirstChildElement("object");
while (pObj)
// ID can either be a hex number or an ASCII fourCC
std::string StrID = pObj->Attribute("ID");
u32 ID;
if (StringUtil::IsHexString(StrID, true))
ID = std::stoul(StrID, 0, 16);
ID = CFourCC(StrID).ToLong();
// Load up the object
std::string TemplateName = pObj->Attribute("template");
std::string TemplatePath = mMasterDir + TemplateName;
tinyxml2::XMLDocument ObjectXML;
if (ObjectXML.Error())
Log::Error("Couldn't open script template: " + TemplatePath);
CScriptTemplate *pTemp = LoadScriptTemplate(&ObjectXML, TemplateName, ID);
if (pTemp)
mpMaster->mTemplates[ID] = pTemp;
std::string ID = "| <code>" + CFourCC(pTemp->ObjectID()).ToString() + "</code>\n";
std::string Name = "| [[" + pTemp->TemplateName() + " (Metroid Prime 2)|" + pTemp->TemplateName() + "]]\n";
fprintf(f, ID.c_str());
fprintf(f, Name.c_str());
fprintf(f, "| \n");
fprintf(f, "|-\n");
pObj = pObj->NextSiblingElement("object");
pCat = pCat->NextSiblingElement("category");
// States
else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "states") == 0)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pState = pElem->FirstChildElement("state");
while (pState)
std::string StrID = pState->Attribute("ID");
u32 StateID;
if (StringUtil::IsHexString(StrID, true))
StateID = std::stoul(StrID, 0, 16);
StateID = CFourCC(StrID).ToLong();
std::string StateName = pState->Attribute("name");
mpMaster->mStates[StateID] = StateName;
pState = pState->NextSiblingElement("state");
std::string ID = "| <code>" + StrID + "</code>\n";
std::string Name = "| " + StateName + "\n";
fprintf(f, ID.c_str());
fprintf(f, Name.c_str());
fprintf(f, "|-\n");
// Messages
else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "messages") == 0)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pMessage = pElem->FirstChildElement("message");
while (pMessage)
std::string StrID = pMessage->Attribute("ID");
u32 MessageID;
if (StringUtil::IsHexString(StrID, true))
MessageID = std::stoul(StrID, 0, 16);
MessageID = CFourCC(StrID).ToLong();
std::string MessageName = pMessage->Attribute("name");
mpMaster->mMessages[MessageID] = MessageName;
pMessage = pMessage->NextSiblingElement("message");
std::string ID = "| <code>" + StrID + "</code>\n";
std::string Name = "| " + MessageName + "\n";
fprintf(f, ID.c_str());
fprintf(f, Name.c_str());
fprintf(f, "|-\n");
pNode = pNode->NextSibling();
void CTemplateLoader::LoadPropertyList(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc, const std::string& ListName)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem = pDoc->FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement();
while (pElem)
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = LoadPropertyTemplate(pElem, ListName);
if (pProp)
mpMaster->mPropertyList[pProp->PropertyID()] = pProp;
pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement();
CMasterTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadGame(tinyxml2::XMLNode *pNode)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pGameElem = pNode->FirstChildElement();
mpMaster = new CMasterTemplate();
// Parse game parameters
while (pGameElem)
if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "name") == 0)
mpMaster->mGameName = pGameElem->GetText();
else if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "mlvl") == 0)
u32 VersionNum = std::stoul(pGameElem->GetText(), 0, 16);
mpMaster->mGame = CWorldLoader::GetFormatVersion(VersionNum);
else if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "master") == 0)
std::string MasterPath = mTemplatesDir + pGameElem->GetText();
mMasterDir = StringUtil::GetFileDirectory(MasterPath);
tinyxml2::XMLDocument MasterXML;
if (MasterXML.Error())
Log::Error("Couldn't open master template at " + MasterPath + " - error " + std::to_string(MasterXML.ErrorID()));
pGameElem = pGameElem->NextSiblingElement();
mpMaster->mFullyLoaded = true;
return mpMaster;
// ************ PUBLIC ************
void CTemplateLoader::LoadGameList()
static const std::string TemplatesDir = "../templates/";
static const std::string GameListPath = TemplatesDir + "GameList.xml";
Log::Write("Loading game list");
// Load Game List XML
tinyxml2::XMLDocument GameListXML;
if (GameListXML.Error())
Log::Error("Couldn't open game list at " + GameListPath + " - error " + std::to_string(GameListXML.ErrorID()));
// Parse
tinyxml2::XMLNode *pNode = GameListXML.FirstChild()->NextSibling()->FirstChild();
while (pNode)
tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElement = pNode->ToElement();
// Game List version number
if (strcmp(pElement->Name(), "version") == 0)
u32 VersionNum = std::stoul(pElement->GetText());
CMasterTemplate::smGameListVersion = VersionNum;
// Games
else if (strcmp(pElement->Name(), "game") == 0)
CTemplateLoader Loader(TemplatesDir);
CMasterTemplate *pMaster = Loader.LoadGame(pNode);
if (!pMaster->IsLoadedSuccessfully())
Log::Error("Master template for " + pMaster->mGameName + " couldn't be loaded");
delete pMaster;
CMasterTemplate::smMasterMap[pMaster->mGame] = pMaster;
pNode = pNode->NextSibling();