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#include "CPropertyTemplate.h"
#include <iostream>
EPropertyType PropStringToPropEnum(std::string prop)
if (prop == "bool") return eBoolProperty;
if (prop == "byte") return eByteProperty;
if (prop == "short") return eShortProperty;
if (prop == "long") return eLongProperty;
if (prop == "float") return eFloatProperty;
if (prop == "string") return eStringProperty;
if (prop == "color") return eColorProperty;
if (prop == "vector3f") return eVector3Property;
if (prop == "file") return eFileProperty;
if (prop == "struct") return eStructProperty;
if (prop == "array") return eArrayProperty;
if (prop == "unknown") return eUnknownProperty;
return eInvalidProperty;
std::string PropEnumToPropString(EPropertyType prop)
switch (prop)
case eBoolProperty: return "bool";
case eByteProperty: return "byte";
case eShortProperty: return "short";
case eLongProperty: return "long";
case eFloatProperty: return "float";
case eStringProperty: return "string";
case eColorProperty: return "color";
case eVector3Property: return "vector3f";
case eFileProperty: return "file";
case eStructProperty: return "struct";
case eArrayProperty: return "array";
case eUnknownProperty: return "unknown";
case eInvalidProperty:
return "invalid";
* CStructTemplate *
CStructTemplate::CStructTemplate() : CPropertyTemplate(-1)
mIsSingleProperty = false;
mPropType = eStructProperty;
for (auto it = mProperties.begin(); it != mProperties.end(); it++)
delete *it;
// ************ GETTERS ************
EPropertyType CStructTemplate::Type() const
return eStructProperty;
bool CStructTemplate::IsSingleProperty() const
return mIsSingleProperty;
u32 CStructTemplate::Count() const
return mProperties.size();
CPropertyTemplate* CStructTemplate::PropertyByIndex(u32 index)
if (mProperties.size() > index)
return mProperties[index];
return nullptr;
CPropertyTemplate* CStructTemplate::PropertyByID(u32 ID)
for (auto it = mProperties.begin(); it != mProperties.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->PropertyID() == ID)
return *it;
return nullptr;
CPropertyTemplate* CStructTemplate::PropertyByIDString(const std::string& str)
// Resolve namespace
std::string::size_type nsStart = str.find_first_of("::");
std::string::size_type propStart = nsStart + 2;
// String has namespace; the requested property is within a struct
if (nsStart != std::string::npos)
std::string strStructID = str.substr(0, nsStart);
if (!StringUtil::IsHexString(strStructID)) return nullptr;
u32 structID = StringUtil::ToInt32(strStructID);
std::string propName = str.substr(propStart, str.length() - propStart);
CStructTemplate *pStruct = StructByID(structID);
if (!pStruct) return nullptr;
else return pStruct->PropertyByIDString(propName);
// No namespace; fetch the property from this struct
// ID string lookup
if (StringUtil::IsHexString(str))
return PropertyByID(std::stoul(str, 0, 16));
return nullptr;
CStructTemplate* CStructTemplate::StructByIndex(u32 index)
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = PropertyByIndex(index);
if (pProp->Type() == eStructProperty)
return static_cast<CStructTemplate*>(pProp);
return nullptr;
CStructTemplate* CStructTemplate::StructByID(u32 ID)
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = PropertyByID(ID);
if (pProp && pProp->Type() == eStructProperty)
return static_cast<CStructTemplate*>(pProp);
return nullptr;
CStructTemplate* CStructTemplate::StructByIDString(const std::string& str)
CPropertyTemplate *pProp = PropertyByIDString(str);
if (pProp && pProp->Type() == eStructProperty)
return static_cast<CStructTemplate*>(pProp);
return nullptr;
// ************ DEBUG ************
void CStructTemplate::DebugPrintProperties(std::string base)
base = base + Name() + "::";
for (auto it = mProperties.begin(); it != mProperties.end(); it++)
CPropertyTemplate *tmp = *it;
if (tmp->Type() == eStructProperty)
CStructTemplate *tmp2 = static_cast<CStructTemplate*>(tmp);
std::cout << base << tmp->Name() << "\n";