Added support for model importing using assimp

This commit is contained in:
parax0 2015-08-10 09:47:00 -04:00
parent 4fc83f735b
commit 2967a483d9
11 changed files with 222 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -162,6 +162,37 @@ void CColor::operator/=(const CColor& other)
*this = (*this / other);
// ************ STATIC ************
CColor CColor::RandomColor(bool transparent)
CColor out;
out.r = rand() % 255;
out.g = rand() % 255;
out.b = rand() % 255;
out.a = (transparent ? rand() % 255 : 0);
return out;
CColor CColor::RandomLightColor(bool transparent)
CColor out;
out.r = 127 + (rand() % 128);
out.g = 127 + (rand() % 128);
out.b = 127 + (rand() % 128);
out.a = (transparent ? 127 + (rand() % 128) : 0);
return out;
CColor CColor::RandomDarkColor(bool transparent)
CColor out;
out.r = rand() % 128;
out.g = rand() % 128;
out.b = rand() % 128;
out.a = (transparent ? rand() % 128 : 0);
return out;
// defining predefined colors
const CColor CColor::skRed (u32(0xFF0000FF));
const CColor CColor::skGreen (u32(0x00FF00FF));

View File

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ public:
CColor operator/(const CColor& other) const;
void operator/=(const CColor& other);
// Static
static CColor RandomColor(bool transparent);
static CColor RandomLightColor(bool transparent);
static CColor RandomDarkColor(bool transparent);
// some predefined colors below for ease of use
static const CColor skRed;
static const CColor skGreen;

View File

@ -342,3 +342,9 @@ RESOURCES += \
win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../Libraries/assimp/lib/ -lassimp-vc120-mt
else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../Libraries/assimp/lib/ -lassimp-vc120-mtd
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../Libraries/assimp/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../Libraries/assimp/include

View File

@ -278,6 +278,12 @@ void CMaterial::SetOptions(EMaterialOptions Options)
mRecalcHash = true;
void CMaterial::SetVertexDescription(EVertexDescription desc)
mVtxDesc = desc;
mRecalcHash = true;
void CMaterial::SetBlendMode(GLenum SrcFac, GLenum DstFac)
mBlendSrcFac = SrcFac;

View File

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ public:
// Setters
void SetName(const std::string& name);
void SetOptions(EMaterialOptions Options);
void SetVertexDescription(EVertexDescription desc);
void SetBlendMode(GLenum SrcFac, GLenum DstFac);
void SetKonst(CColor& Konst, u32 KIndex);
void SetIndTexture(CTexture *pTex);

View File

@ -576,6 +576,24 @@ void CMaterialLoader::CreateCorruptionPasses(CMaterial *pMat)
CMaterial* CMaterialLoader::LoadAssimpMaterial(const aiMaterial *pAiMat)
// todo: generate new material using import values.
CMaterial *pMat = new CMaterial(mVersion, eNoAttributes);
// Create generic custom pass that uses Konst color
CMaterialPass *pPass = new CMaterialPass(pMat);
pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eRasRGB, eKonstRGB, eZeroRGB);
pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eKonstAlpha);
pMat->mKonstColors[0] = CColor::RandomLightColor(false);
return pMat;
// ************ STATIC ************
CMaterialSet* CMaterialLoader::LoadMaterialSet(CInputStream& Mat, EGame Version)
@ -591,3 +609,20 @@ CMaterialSet* CMaterialLoader::LoadMaterialSet(CInputStream& Mat, EGame Version)
return Loader.mpSet;
CMaterialSet* CMaterialLoader::ImportAssimpMaterials(const aiScene *pScene, EGame targetVersion)
CMaterialLoader loader;
loader.mVersion = targetVersion;
CMaterialSet *pOut = new CMaterialSet();
for (u32 iMat = 0; iMat < pScene->mNumMaterials; iMat++)
CMaterial *pMat = loader.LoadAssimpMaterial(pScene->mMaterials[iMat]);
return pOut;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#include <FileIO/FileIO.h>
#include "../CMaterialSet.h"
#include "../EFormatVersion.h"
#include <Core/CResCache.h>
#include <FileIO/FileIO.h>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
class CMaterialLoader
// Material data
@ -32,9 +34,12 @@ class CMaterialLoader
CMaterial* ReadCorruptionMaterial();
void CreateCorruptionPasses(CMaterial *pMat);
CMaterial* LoadAssimpMaterial(const aiMaterial *pAiMat);
// Static
static CMaterialSet* LoadMaterialSet(CInputStream& Mat, EGame Version);
static CMaterialSet* ImportAssimpMaterials(const aiScene *pScene, EGame targetVersion);

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
mFlags = eNoFlags;
mNumVertices = 0;
@ -272,6 +273,99 @@ void CModelLoader::LoadSurfaceHeaderDKCR(CInputStream& Model, SSurface *pSurf)
SSurface* CModelLoader::LoadAssimpMesh(const aiMesh *pMesh, CMaterialSet *pSet)
// Create vertex description and assign it to material
CMaterial *pMat = pSet->MaterialByIndex(pMesh->mMaterialIndex);
EVertexDescription desc = pMat->VtxDesc();
if (desc == eNoAttributes)
if (pMesh->HasPositions()) desc |= ePosition;
if (pMesh->HasNormals()) desc |= eNormal;
for (u32 iUV = 0; iUV < pMesh->GetNumUVChannels(); iUV++)
desc |= (eTex0 << (iUV * 2));
// Create surface
SSurface *pSurf = new SSurface();
pSurf->MaterialID = pMesh->mMaterialIndex;
if (pMesh->mNumFaces > 0)
SSurface::SPrimitive& prim = pSurf->Primitives[0];
// Check primitive type on first face
u32 numIndices = pMesh->mFaces[0].mNumIndices;
if (numIndices == 1) prim.Type = eGX_Points;
else if (numIndices == 2) prim.Type = eGX_Lines;
else if (numIndices == 3) prim.Type = eGX_Triangles;
// Generate bounding box, center point, and reflection projection
pSurf->CenterPoint = CVector3f::skZero;
pSurf->ReflectionDirection = CVector3f::skZero;
for (u32 iVtx = 0; iVtx < pMesh->mNumVertices; iVtx++)
aiVector3D aiPos = pMesh->mVertices[iVtx];
pSurf->AABox.ExpandBounds(CVector3f(aiPos.x, aiPos.y, aiPos.z));
if (pMesh->HasNormals()) {
aiVector3D aiNrm = pMesh->mNormals[iVtx];
pSurf->ReflectionDirection += CVector3f(aiNrm.x, aiNrm.y, aiNrm.z);
pSurf->CenterPoint = pSurf->AABox.Center();
if (pMesh->HasNormals())
pSurf->ReflectionDirection /= pMesh->mNumVertices;
pSurf->ReflectionDirection = CVector3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// Set vertex/triangle count
pSurf->VertexCount = pMesh->mNumVertices;
pSurf->TriangleCount = (prim.Type == eGX_Triangles ? pMesh->mNumFaces : 0);
// Create primitive
for (u32 iFace = 0; iFace < pMesh->mNumFaces; iFace++)
for (u32 iIndex = 0; iIndex < numIndices; iIndex++)
u32 index = pMesh->mFaces[iFace].mIndices[iIndex];
// Create vertex and add it to the primitive
CVertex vert;
vert.ArrayPosition = index + mNumVertices;
if (pMesh->HasPositions()) {
aiVector3D aiPos = pMesh->mVertices[index];
vert.Position = CVector3f(aiPos.x, aiPos.y, aiPos.z);
if (pMesh->HasNormals()) {
aiVector3D aiNrm = pMesh->mNormals[index];
vert.Normal = CVector3f(aiNrm.x, aiNrm.y, aiNrm.z);
for (u32 iTex = 0; iTex < pMesh->GetNumUVChannels(); iTex++) {
aiVector3D aiTex = pMesh->mTextureCoords[iTex][index];
vert.Tex[iTex] = CVector2f(aiTex.x, aiTex.y);
mNumVertices += pMesh->mNumVertices;
return pSurf;
// ************ STATIC ************
CModel* CModelLoader::LoadCMDL(CInputStream& CMDL)
@ -451,6 +545,27 @@ CModel* CModelLoader::LoadCorruptionWorldModel(CInputStream &MREA, CBlockMgrIn &
return pModel;
CModel* CModelLoader::ImportAssimpNode(const aiNode *pNode, const aiScene *pScene, CMaterialSet& matSet)
CModelLoader loader;
loader.mpModel = new CModel(&matSet, true);
for (u32 iMesh = 0; iMesh < pNode->mNumMeshes; iMesh++)
u32 meshIndex = pNode->mMeshes[iMesh];
const aiMesh *pMesh = pScene->mMeshes[meshIndex];
SSurface *pSurf = loader.LoadAssimpMesh(pMesh, &matSet);
loader.mpModel->mVertexCount += pSurf->VertexCount;
loader.mpModel->mTriangleCount += pSurf->TriangleCount;
return loader.mpModel;
EGame CModelLoader::GetFormatVersion(u32 Version)
switch (Version)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <FileIO/FileIO.h>
#include <Core/CResCache.h>
#include <Common/EnumUtil.h>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
class CModelLoader
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ private:
CAABox mAABox;
EGame mVersion;
u32 mNumVertices;
std::vector<CVector3f> mPositions;
std::vector<CVector3f> mNormals;
std::vector<CColor> mColors;
@ -49,11 +51,13 @@ private:
SSurface* LoadSurface(CInputStream& Model);
void LoadSurfaceHeaderPrime(CInputStream& Model, SSurface *pSurf);
void LoadSurfaceHeaderDKCR(CInputStream& Model, SSurface *pSurf);
SSurface* LoadAssimpMesh(const aiMesh *pMesh, CMaterialSet *pSet);
static CModel* LoadCMDL(CInputStream& CMDL);
static CModel* LoadWorldModel(CInputStream& MREA, CBlockMgrIn& BlockMgr, CMaterialSet& MatSet, EGame Version);
static CModel* LoadCorruptionWorldModel(CInputStream& MREA, CBlockMgrIn& BlockMgr, CMaterialSet& MatSet, u32 HeaderSecNum, u32 GPUSecNum, EGame Version);
static CModel* ImportAssimpNode(const aiNode *pNode, const aiScene *pScene, CMaterialSet& matSet);
static EGame GetFormatVersion(u32 Version);

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@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ CModel::CModel() : CBasicModel()
mTriangleCount = 0;
CModel::CModel(CMaterialSet *pSet, bool ownsMatSet)
mHasOwnMaterials = ownsMatSet;
mHasOwnSurfaces = true;
mVertexCount = 0;
mTriangleCount = 0;
mMaterialSets[0] = pSet;
if (mHasOwnMaterials)
@ -99,6 +110,7 @@ void CModel::DrawSurface(ERenderOptions Options, u32 Surface, u32 MatSet)
// Draw IBOs
for (u32 iIBO = 0; iIBO < mSubmeshIndexBuffers[Surface].size(); iIBO++)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class CModel : public CBasicModel
CModel(CMaterialSet *pSet);
CModel(CMaterialSet *pSet, bool ownsMatSet);
void BufferGL();