Modified world info sidebar so it handles DKCR much more smoothly

This commit is contained in:
Aruki 2017-05-14 01:49:15 -06:00
parent b45eaae106
commit 77cda50153
3 changed files with 209 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -102,14 +102,17 @@ void CWorldInfoSidebar::OnWorldTreeClicked(QModelIndex Index)
QModelIndex RealIndex = mProxyModel.mapToSource(Index);
// Fill in world info
CWorld *pWorld = mModel.WorldForIndex(RealIndex);
mpUI->WorldNameLabel->setText( TO_QSTRING(pWorld->InGameName()) );
mpUI->WorldInfoWidget->setHidden( pWorld == nullptr );
if (pWorld)
mpUI->WorldNameLabel->setText( TO_QSTRING(pWorld->InGameName()) );
// Fill in area info
bool IsArea = !mModel.IndexIsWorld(RealIndex);
@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ void CWorldInfoSidebar::OnWorldTreeClicked(QModelIndex Index)
if (IsArea)
int AreaIndex = mModel.AreaIndexForIndex(RealIndex);
int AreaIndex = Editor()->CurrentGame() == eReturns ? 0 : mModel.AreaIndexForIndex(RealIndex);
mpUI->AreaNameLabel->setText( TO_QSTRING(pWorld->AreaInGameName(AreaIndex)) );
mpUI->AreaSelector->SetResource( pWorld->AreaResourceID(AreaIndex) );
mpUI->AreaNameLineEdit->setText( TO_QSTRING(pWorld->AreaInternalName(AreaIndex)) );
@ -140,9 +143,20 @@ void CWorldInfoSidebar::OnWorldTreeDoubleClicked(QModelIndex Index)
if (!mModel.IndexIsWorld(RealIndex))
CWorld *pWorld = mModel.WorldForIndex(RealIndex);
TResPtr<CWorld> pWorld = mModel.WorldForIndex(RealIndex);
int AreaIndex = mModel.AreaIndexForIndex(RealIndex);
gpEdApp->WorldEditor()->SetArea(pWorld, AreaIndex);
// Validate area actually exists... DKCR has worlds that contain areas that don't exist
CAssetID AreaAssetID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(AreaIndex);
if (gpResourceStore->IsResourceRegistered(AreaAssetID))
gpEdApp->WorldEditor()->SetArea(pWorld, AreaIndex);
UICommon::ErrorMsg(Editor(), "The MREA asset associated with this area doesn't exist!");

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "CWorldEditor.h"
#include "UICommon.h"
#include <Core/GameProject/CGameProject.h>
#include <Core/GameProject/CResourceIterator.h>
#include <QIcon>
CWorldTreeModel::CWorldTreeModel(CWorldEditor *pEditor)
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ CWorldTreeModel::CWorldTreeModel(CWorldEditor *pEditor)
int CWorldTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
if (!rkParent.isValid()) return mWorldList.size();
else if (IndexIsWorld(rkParent)) return WorldForIndex(rkParent)->NumAreas();
else if (IndexIsWorld(rkParent)) return mWorldList[rkParent.row()].Areas.size();
else return 0;
@ -49,54 +50,46 @@ QVariant CWorldTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
if (Role == Qt::DisplayRole || Role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
CWorld *pWorld = WorldForIndex(rkIndex);
const SWorldInfo& rkInfo = WorldInfoForIndex(rkIndex);
// World
if (IndexIsWorld(rkIndex))
QString WorldName = TO_QSTRING( pWorld->Name() );
CStringTable *pWorldNameString = pWorld->NameString();
// For Corruption worlds, we swap the columns around. This is because Corruption's in-game world names
// are often missing, confusing, or just straight-up inaccurate, which makes the internal name a better
// means of telling worlds apart.
u32 InternalNameCol = (pWorld->Game() == eCorruption ? 0 : 1);
// For DKCR worlds, we only display the world name in the first column.
u32 InternalNameCol = (gpEdApp->ActiveProject()->Game() >= eCorruption ? 0 : 1);
// Internal name
if (rkIndex.column() == InternalNameCol)
return WorldName;
return rkInfo.WorldName;
// In-Game name
if (pWorldNameString)
return TO_QSTRING( pWorldNameString->String("ENGL", 0) );
if (rkInfo.pWorld)
return TO_QSTRING( rkInfo.pWorld->InGameName() );
return WorldName;
return "";
// Area
u32 AreaIndex = AreaIndexForIndex(rkIndex);
ASSERT(AreaIndex >= 0 && AreaIndex < pWorld->NumAreas());
CWorld *pWorld = WorldForIndex(rkIndex);
int AreaIndex = AreaIndexForIndex(rkIndex);
CAssetID AreaAssetID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(AreaIndex);
CResourceEntry *pAreaEntry = pWorld->Entry()->ResourceStore()->FindEntry(AreaAssetID);
QString AreaAssetName = TO_QSTRING( pAreaEntry->Name() );
CStringTable *pAreaNameString = pWorld->AreaName(AreaIndex);
TString AreaInternalName = pWorld->AreaInternalName(AreaIndex);
TString AreaInGameName = (gpEdApp->ActiveProject()->Game() == eReturns ? pWorld->InGameName() : pWorld->AreaInGameName( AreaIndexForIndex(rkIndex) ));
// Return name
if (rkIndex.column() == 1)
return AreaAssetName;
return TO_QSTRING(AreaInternalName);
if (pAreaNameString)
return TO_QSTRING( pAreaNameString->String("ENGL", 0) );
return "!!" + AreaAssetName;
return TO_QSTRING(AreaInGameName);
@ -115,9 +108,6 @@ QVariant CWorldTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
else if (Role == Qt::FontRole)
CWorld *pWorld = WorldForIndex(rkIndex);
QFont Font;
int PointSize = Font.pointSize() + 2;
@ -125,16 +115,25 @@ QVariant CWorldTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
PointSize += 1;
CWorld *pWorld = WorldForIndex(rkIndex);
if (gpEdApp->WorldEditor()->ActiveWorld() == pWorld)
const SWorldInfo& rkInfo = WorldInfoForIndex(rkIndex);
CWorld *pActiveWorld = gpEdApp->WorldEditor()->ActiveWorld();
if (pActiveWorld)
EGame Game = gpEdApp->ActiveProject()->Game();
bool IsActiveWorld = (Game <= eCorruption && rkInfo.pWorld == pActiveWorld) ||
(Game == eReturns && rkInfo.Areas.contains(pActiveWorld->Entry()));
if (IsActiveWorld)
CResourceEntry *pEntry = AreaEntryForIndex(rkIndex);
if (pEntry->IsLoaded())
if (pEntry && pEntry->IsLoaded())
if (gpEdApp->WorldEditor()->ActiveArea() == pEntry->Resource())
@ -164,26 +163,52 @@ QVariant CWorldTreeModel::headerData(int Section, Qt::Orientation Orientation, i
bool CWorldTreeModel::IndexIsWorld(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
return AreaIndexForIndex(rkIndex) == 0xFFFF;
CWorld* CWorldTreeModel::WorldForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
int WorldIndex = (rkIndex.internalId() >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
return mWorldList[WorldIndex].pWorld;
int AreaIndex = (int) rkIndex.internalId() & 0xFFFF;
return (AreaIndex == 0xFFFF);
int CWorldTreeModel::AreaIndexForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
int InternalID = (int) rkIndex.internalId();
return (InternalID & 0xFFFF);
if (gpEdApp->ActiveProject()->Game() == eReturns)
return 0;
int InternalID = (int) rkIndex.internalId();
return (InternalID & 0xFFFF);
CWorld* CWorldTreeModel::WorldForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
const SWorldInfo& rkInfo = WorldInfoForIndex(rkIndex);
if (gpEdApp->ActiveProject()->Game() == eReturns && !IndexIsWorld(rkIndex))
int AreaIndex = (int) rkIndex.internalId() & 0xFFFF;
CResourceEntry *pEntry = rkInfo.Areas[AreaIndex];
return pEntry ? (CWorld*) pEntry->Load() : nullptr;
return rkInfo.pWorld;
CResourceEntry* CWorldTreeModel::AreaEntryForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
ASSERT(rkIndex.isValid() && !IndexIsWorld(rkIndex));
const SWorldInfo& rkInfo = mWorldList[rkIndex.parent().row()];
return rkInfo.Areas[rkIndex.row()];
CWorld *pWorld = WorldForIndex(rkIndex);
int AreaIndex = AreaIndexForIndex(rkIndex);
CAssetID AreaID;
if (pWorld) AreaID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(AreaIndex);
return gpResourceStore->FindEntry(AreaID);
const CWorldTreeModel::SWorldInfo& CWorldTreeModel::WorldInfoForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
int WorldIndex = ((int) rkIndex.internalId() >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
return mWorldList[WorldIndex];
// ************ SLOTS ************
@ -194,43 +219,125 @@ void CWorldTreeModel::OnProjectChanged(CGameProject *pProj)
if (pProj)
std::list<CAssetID> WorldIDs;
QList<CAssetID> QWorldIDs = QList<CAssetID>::fromStdList(WorldIDs);
foreach (const CAssetID& rkID, QWorldIDs)
if (pProj->Game() != eReturns)
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pProj->ResourceStore()->FindEntry(rkID);
// Metroid Prime series; fetch all world assets
std::list<CAssetID> WorldIDs;
QList<CAssetID> QWorldIDs = QList<CAssetID>::fromStdList(WorldIDs);
if (pEntry)
foreach (const CAssetID& rkID, QWorldIDs)
TResPtr<CWorld> pWorld = pEntry->Load();
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pProj->ResourceStore()->FindEntry(rkID);
if (pWorld)
if (pEntry)
SWorldInfo Info;
Info.pWorld = pWorld;
TResPtr<CWorld> pWorld = pEntry->Load();
for (u32 iArea = 0; iArea < pWorld->NumAreas(); iArea++)
if (pWorld)
CAssetID AreaID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(iArea);
CResourceEntry *pAreaEntry = pWorld->Entry()->ResourceStore()->FindEntry(AreaID);
Info.Areas << pAreaEntry;
SWorldInfo Info;
Info.WorldName = TO_QSTRING( pWorld->Name() );
Info.pWorld = pWorld;
mWorldList << Info;
// Add areas
for (u32 iArea = 0; iArea < pWorld->NumAreas(); iArea++)
CAssetID AreaID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(iArea);
CResourceEntry *pAreaEntry = pWorld->Entry()->ResourceStore()->FindEntry(AreaID);
Info.Areas << pAreaEntry;
mWorldList << Info;
// Sort in alphabetical order for MP3
if (pProj->Game() >= eCorruption)
qSort(mWorldList.begin(), mWorldList.end(), [](const SWorldInfo& rkA, const SWorldInfo& rkB) -> bool {
return (rkA.WorldName.toUpper() < rkB.WorldName.toUpper());
// Sort in alphabetical order for MP3
if (pProj->Game() == eCorruption)
// DKCR - Get worlds from areas.lst
qSort(mWorldList.begin(), mWorldList.end(), [](const SWorldInfo& rkLeft, const SWorldInfo& rkRight) -> bool {
return (rkLeft.pWorld->Name().ToUpper() < rkRight.pWorld->Name().ToUpper());
TString AreaListPath = pProj->DiscDir(false) + "areas.lst";
// I really need a good text stream class at some point
FILE* pAreaList = fopen(*AreaListPath, "r");
SWorldInfo *pInfo = nullptr;
std::set<CAssetID> UsedWorlds;
while (!feof(pAreaList))
char LineBuffer[256];
memset(LineBuffer, 0, 256);
fgets(LineBuffer, 256, pAreaList);
TString Line(LineBuffer);
CAssetID WorldID;
TString WorldName;
u32 IDSplit = Line.IndexOf(' ');
if (IDSplit != -1)
// Get world ID
TString IDString = (IDSplit == -1 ? "" : Line.SubString(2, IDSplit - 2));
WorldID = CAssetID::FromString(IDString);
// Get world name
TString WorldPath = (IDSplit == -1 ? "" : Line.SubString(IDSplit + 1, Line.Size() - IDSplit - 1));
u32 UnderscoreIdx = WorldPath.IndexOf('_');
u32 WorldDirEnd = WorldPath.IndexOf("\\/", UnderscoreIdx);
if (UnderscoreIdx != -1 && WorldDirEnd != -1)
WorldName = WorldPath.SubString(UnderscoreIdx + 1, WorldDirEnd - UnderscoreIdx - 1);
if (WorldID.IsValid() && !WorldName.IsEmpty())
CResourceEntry *pEntry = gpResourceStore->FindEntry(WorldID);
if (pEntry)
QString WorldNameQ = TO_QSTRING(WorldName);
if (!pInfo || pInfo->WorldName != WorldNameQ)
mWorldList << SWorldInfo();
pInfo = &mWorldList.back();
pInfo->WorldName = WorldNameQ;
pInfo->Areas << pEntry;
// Add remaining worlds to FrontEnd world
mWorldList.prepend( SWorldInfo() );
pInfo = &mWorldList.front();
pInfo->WorldName = "FrontEnd";
for (TResourceIterator<eWorld> It; It; ++It)
if (UsedWorlds.find(It->ID()) == UsedWorlds.end())
pInfo->Areas << *It;
// Sort FrontEnd world
qSort( pInfo->Areas.begin(), pInfo->Areas.end(), [](CResourceEntry *pA, CResourceEntry *pB) -> bool {
return pA->UppercaseName() < pB->UppercaseName();

View File

@ -6,12 +6,19 @@
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
class CWorldEditor;
struct STreeArea
CAssetID WorldID;
int AreaIndex;
class CWorldTreeModel : public QAbstractItemModel
struct SWorldInfo
QString WorldName;
TResPtr<CWorld> pWorld;
QList<CResourceEntry*> Areas;
@ -28,10 +35,13 @@ public:
QVariant headerData(int Section, Qt::Orientation Orientation, int Role) const;
bool IndexIsWorld(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
CWorld* WorldForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
int AreaIndexForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
CWorld* WorldForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
CResourceEntry* AreaEntryForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
const SWorldInfo& WorldInfoForIndex(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
public slots:
void OnProjectChanged(CGameProject *pProj);
void OnMapChanged();