CUnsupportedFormatLoader: Make use of unsigned stream helpers
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,28 +9,28 @@ void CUnsupportedFormatLoader::PerformCheating(IInputStream& rFile, EGame Game,
std::vector<uint8> Data(rFile.Size() - rFile.Tell());
rFile.ReadBytes(, Data.size());
uint32 MaxIndex = (Game <= EGame::Echoes ? Data.size() - 3 : Data.size() - 7);
const uint32 MaxIndex = (Game <= EGame::Echoes ? Data.size() - 3 : Data.size() - 7);
CAssetID ID;
for (uint32 iByte = 0; iByte < MaxIndex; iByte++)
if (Game <= EGame::Echoes)
ID = ( (Data[iByte+0] << 24) |
(Data[iByte+1] << 16) |
(Data[iByte+2] << 8) |
(Data[iByte+3] << 0) );
ID = (Data[iByte + 0] << 24) |
(Data[iByte + 1] << 16) |
(Data[iByte + 2] << 8) |
(Data[iByte + 3] << 0);
ID = ( ((uint64) Data[iByte+0] << 56) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+1] << 48) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+2] << 40) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+3] << 32) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+4] << 24) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+5] << 16) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+6] << 8) |
((uint64) Data[iByte+7] << 0) );
ID = (static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 0]) << 56) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 1]) << 48) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 2]) << 40) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 3]) << 32) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 4]) << 24) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 5]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 6]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint64>(Data[iByte + 7]) << 0);
if (gpResourceStore->IsResourceRegistered(ID))
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ void CUnsupportedFormatLoader::PerformCheating(IInputStream& rFile, EGame Game,
std::unique_ptr<CAudioMacro> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadCAUD(IInputStream& rCAUD, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rCAUD.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rCAUD.ReadULong();
uint32 Version = rCAUD.ReadLong();
EGame Game = (Version == 0x2 ? EGame::CorruptionProto :
Version == 0x9 ? EGame::Corruption :
Version == 0xE ? EGame::DKCReturns :
const uint32 Version = rCAUD.ReadLong();
const EGame Game = Version == 0x2 ? EGame::CorruptionProto :
Version == 0x9 ? EGame::Corruption :
Version == 0xE ? EGame::DKCReturns :
ASSERT(Game != EGame::Invalid && Game == pEntry->Game());
auto pMacro = std::make_unique<CAudioMacro>(pEntry);
@ -59,28 +59,28 @@ std::unique_ptr<CAudioMacro> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadCAUD(IInputStream& rC
std::list<CAssetID> AssetList;
PerformCheating(rCAUD, pEntry->Game(), AssetList);
for (auto Iter = AssetList.begin(); Iter != AssetList.end(); Iter++)
for (const auto& asset : AssetList)
return pMacro;
// Skip past the rest of the header
uint32 NumVolGroups = rCAUD.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumVolGroups = rCAUD.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iVol = 0; iVol < NumVolGroups; iVol++)
uint32 SkipAmt = (Game == EGame::CorruptionProto ? 0x10 : 0x14);
const uint32 SkipAmt = Game == EGame::CorruptionProto ? 0x10 : 0x14;
rCAUD.Seek(SkipAmt, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 NumSamples = rCAUD.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumSamples = rCAUD.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iSamp = 0; iSamp < NumSamples; iSamp++)
uint32 SampleDataSize = rCAUD.ReadLong();
uint32 SampleDataEnd = rCAUD.Tell() + SampleDataSize;
const uint32 SampleDataSize = rCAUD.ReadULong();
const uint32 SampleDataEnd = rCAUD.Tell() + SampleDataSize;
CAssetID SampleID(rCAUD, Game);
const CAssetID SampleID(rCAUD, Game);
ASSERT(gpResourceStore->IsResourceRegistered(SampleID) == true);
@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<CAudioMacro> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadCAUD(IInputStream& rC
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadCSNG(IInputStream& rCSNG, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rCSNG.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rCSNG.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Magic == 0x2);
rCSNG.Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR);
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
return pGroup;
@ -121,65 +121,66 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadDUMB(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFRME(IInputStream& rFRME, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Version = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 Version = rFRME.ReadULong();
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
// Prime 1
if (Version == 0 || Version == 1)
rFRME.Seek(0xC, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 NumWidgets = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumWidgets = rFRME.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iWgt = 0; iWgt < NumWidgets; iWgt++)
// Widget Header
CFourCC WidgetType = rFRME.ReadLong();
CFourCC WidgetType = rFRME.ReadULong();
rFRME.Seek(0x18, SEEK_CUR);
// Head Widget / Base Widget
if (WidgetType == FOURCC('HWIG') || WidgetType == FOURCC('BWIG'))
// Camera
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('CAMR'))
uint32 ProjectionType = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 ProjectionType = rFRME.ReadULong();
if (ProjectionType == 0)
rFRME.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
rFRME.Seek(0x18, SEEK_CUR);
// Light
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('LITE'))
uint32 LightType = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 LightType = rFRME.ReadULong();
rFRME.Seek(0x1C, SEEK_CUR);
if (LightType == 0) rFRME.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
if (LightType == 0)
rFRME.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
// Meter
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('METR'))
rFRME.Seek(0xA, SEEK_CUR);
// Group
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('GRUP'))
rFRME.Seek(0x3, SEEK_CUR);
// Table Group
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('TBGP'))
rFRME.Seek(0x23, SEEK_CUR);
// Model
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('MODL'))
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rFRME, EIDLength::k32Bit)); // CMDL
rFRME.Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR);
// Text Pane
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('TXPN'))
@ -193,32 +194,29 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFRME(IInputStrea
rFRME.Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR);
// Image Pane
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('IMGP'))
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rFRME, EIDLength::k32Bit)); // TXTR
if (rFRME.ReadLong() != 0xFFFFFFFF) DEBUG_BREAK;
if (rFRME.ReadULong() != 0xFFFFFFFF)
rFRME.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 NumQuadCoords = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumQuadCoords = rFRME.ReadULong();
rFRME.Seek(NumQuadCoords * 0xC, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 NumUVCoords = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumUVCoords = rFRME.ReadULong();
rFRME.Seek(NumUVCoords * 8, SEEK_CUR);
// Energy Bar
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('ENRG'))
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rFRME, EIDLength::k32Bit)); // TXTR
// Slider Group
else if (WidgetType == FOURCC('SLGP'))
rFRME.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
errorf("Unrecognized FRME widget type: %s", *WidgetType.ToString());
@ -236,16 +234,19 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFRME(IInputStrea
else if (Version == 4 || Version == 5 || Version == 0xD || Version == 0xE || Version == 0x10)
EGame Game;
if (Version == 4) Game = EGame::Echoes;
else if (Version == 0x10) Game = EGame::DKCReturns;
else Game = EGame::Corruption;
if (Version == 4)
Game = EGame::Echoes;
else if (Version == 0x10)
Game = EGame::DKCReturns;
Game = EGame::Corruption;
uint32 NumDependencies = rFRME.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumDependencies = rFRME.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iDep = 0; iDep < NumDependencies; iDep++)
rFRME.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rFRME, Game) );
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rFRME, Game));
@ -259,22 +260,24 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFRME(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStream& rFSM2, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rFSM2.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rFSM2.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Magic == FOURCC('FSM2'));
auto pOut = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
uint32 Version = rFSM2.ReadLong();
uint32 NumStates = rFSM2.ReadLong();
uint32 NumUnkA = rFSM2.ReadLong();
uint32 NumUnkB = rFSM2.ReadLong();
uint32 NumUnkC = rFSM2.ReadLong();
const uint32 Version = rFSM2.ReadULong();
const uint32 NumStates = rFSM2.ReadULong();
const uint32 NumUnkA = rFSM2.ReadULong();
const uint32 NumUnkB = rFSM2.ReadULong();
const uint32 NumUnkC = rFSM2.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Version == 1 || Version == 2);
for (uint32 iState = 0; iState < NumStates; iState++)
if (Version >= 2) rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadLong();
if (Version >= 2)
rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
const uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iUnk = 0; iUnk < UnkCount; iUnk++)
@ -286,9 +289,10 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStrea
for (uint32 iUnkA = 0; iUnkA < NumUnkA; iUnkA++)
if (Version >= 2) rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
if (Version >= 2)
rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
rFSM2.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadLong();
const uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iUnkA2 = 0; iUnkA2 < UnkCount; iUnkA2++)
@ -302,8 +306,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStrea
for (uint32 iUnkB = 0; iUnkB < NumUnkB; iUnkB++)
if (Version >= 2) rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadLong();
if (Version >= 2)
rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
const uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iUnkB2 = 0; iUnkB2 < UnkCount; iUnkB2++)
@ -315,8 +320,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStrea
for (uint32 iUnkC = 0; iUnkC < NumUnkC; iUnkC++)
if (Version >= 2) rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadLong();
if (Version >= 2)
rFSM2.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR);
const uint32 UnkCount = rFSM2.ReadLong();
for (uint32 iUnkC2 = 0; iUnkC2 < UnkCount; iUnkC2++)
@ -324,7 +330,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStrea
rFSM2.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
pOut->AddDependency( CAssetID(rFSM2, pEntry->Game()) );
pOut->AddDependency(CAssetID(rFSM2, pEntry->Game()));
return pOut;
@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSM2(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSMC(IInputStream& rFSMC, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
CFourCC Magic = rFSMC.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const CFourCC Magic = rFSMC.ReadULong();
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
@ -348,10 +354,10 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadFSMC(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadHIER(IInputStream& rHIER, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
CFourCC Magic = rHIER.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const CFourCC Magic = rHIER.ReadLong();
ASSERT(Magic == "HIER");
uint32 NumNodes = rHIER.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumNodes = rHIER.ReadULong();
auto pOut = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
// Note: For some reason this file still exists in MP3 and it's identical to MP2, including with 32-bit asset IDs.
@ -362,7 +368,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadHIER(IInputStrea
for (uint32 iNode = 0; iNode < NumNodes; iNode++)
// NOTE: The SCAN ID isn't considered a real dependency!
pOut->AddDependency( rHIER.ReadLong() );
rHIER.Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR);
@ -372,16 +378,21 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadHIER(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadHINT(IInputStream& rHINT, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rHINT.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rHINT.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Magic == 0x00BADBAD);
// Determine version
uint32 Version = rHINT.ReadLong();
const uint32 Version = rHINT.ReadULong();
EGame Game;
if (Version == 0x1) Game = EGame::Prime;
else if (Version == 0x3) Game = EGame::Corruption;
if (Version == 0x1)
Game = EGame::Prime;
else if (Version == 0x3)
Game = EGame::Corruption;
errorf("Unrecognized HINT version: %d", Version);
@ -390,32 +401,31 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadHINT(IInputStrea
// Read main file
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
uint32 NumHints = rHINT.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumHints = rHINT.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iHint = 0; iHint < NumHints; iHint++)
rHINT.ReadString(); // Skip hint name
rHINT.Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR); // Skip unknown + appear time
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rHINT, Game) ); // Pop-up STRG
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rHINT, Game)); // Pop-up STRG
rHINT.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR); // Skip unknowns
if (Game <= EGame::Echoes)
rHINT.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rHINT, Game) ); // Target MLVL
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rHINT, Game) ); // Target MREA
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rHINT, Game)); // Target MLVL
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rHINT, Game)); // Target MREA
rHINT.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR); // Skip target room index
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rHINT, Game) ); // Map STRG
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rHINT, Game)); // Map STRG
uint32 NumLocations = rHINT.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumLocations = rHINT.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iLoc = 0; iLoc < NumLocations; iLoc++)
rHINT.Seek(0x14, SEEK_CUR); // Skip world/area ID, area index
pGroup->AddDependency( CAssetID(rHINT, Game) ); // Objective string
pGroup->AddDependency(CAssetID(rHINT, Game)); // Objective string
rHINT.Seek(0xC, SEEK_CUR); // Skip unknown data
@ -430,7 +440,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CMapArea> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPA(IInputStream& /*rMA
TResPtr<CMapArea> pMap = ptr.get();
// We don't actually read the file. Just fetch the name string so we can build the dependency tree.
CAssetID MapAreaID = pMap->ID();
const CAssetID MapAreaID = pMap->ID();
// Find a MapWorld that contains this MapArea
CAssetID MapWorldID;
@ -438,7 +448,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CMapArea> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPA(IInputStream& /*rMA
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::MapWorld> It; It; ++It)
CDependencyGroup *pGroup = (CDependencyGroup*) It->Load();
auto *pGroup = static_cast<CDependencyGroup*>(It->Load());
for (size_t AreaIdx = 0; AreaIdx < pGroup->NumDependencies(); AreaIdx++)
@ -459,13 +469,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<CMapArea> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPA(IInputStream& /*rMA
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::World> It; It; ++It)
CWorld *pWorld = (CWorld*) It->Load();
CDependencyGroup *pMapWorld = (CDependencyGroup*) pWorld->MapWorld();
auto *pWorld = static_cast<CWorld*>(It->Load());
auto *pMapWorld = static_cast<CDependencyGroup*>(pWorld->MapWorld());
if (pMapWorld && pMapWorld->ID() == MapWorldID)
if (pMapWorld != nullptr && pMapWorld->ID() == MapWorldID)
CStringTable *pNameString = pWorld->AreaName(WorldIndex);
pMap->mNameString = (pNameString ? pNameString->ID() : CAssetID::InvalidID(pEntry->Game()));
pMap->mNameString = (pNameString != nullptr ? pNameString->ID() : CAssetID::InvalidID(pEntry->Game()));
@ -477,18 +487,18 @@ std::unique_ptr<CMapArea> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPA(IInputStream& /*rMA
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPW(IInputStream& rMAPW, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rMAPW.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rMAPW.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Magic == 0xDEADF00D);
uint32 Version = rMAPW.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Version = rMAPW.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Version == 1);
uint32 NumAreas = rMAPW.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumAreas = rMAPW.ReadULong();
// Version check
uint32 AreasStart = rMAPW.Tell();
const uint32 AreasStart = rMAPW.Tell();
rMAPW.Seek(NumAreas * 4, SEEK_CUR);
const auto IDLength = (rMAPW.EoF() || rMAPW.ReadLong() == 0xFFFFFFFF ? EIDLength::k32Bit : EIDLength::k64Bit);
const auto IDLength = (rMAPW.EoF() || rMAPW.ReadULong() == 0xFFFFFFFF ? EIDLength::k32Bit : EIDLength::k64Bit);
rMAPW.Seek(AreasStart, SEEK_SET);
// Read MAPA IDs
@ -502,24 +512,24 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPW(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPU(IInputStream& rMAPU, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
uint32 Magic = rMAPU.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rMAPU.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Magic == 0xABCDEF01);
uint32 Version = rMAPU.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Version = rMAPU.ReadULong();
ASSERT(Version == 0x1);
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
// Read worlds
uint32 NumWorlds = rMAPU.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumWorlds = rMAPU.ReadULong();
for (uint32 iWorld = 0; iWorld < NumWorlds; iWorld++)
rMAPU.ReadString(); // Skip world name
pGroup->AddDependency(rMAPU.ReadLong()); // World MLVL
pGroup->AddDependency(rMAPU.ReadULong()); // World MLVL
rMAPU.Seek(0x30, SEEK_CUR); // Skip world map transform
uint32 NumHexagons = rMAPU.ReadLong();
const uint32 NumHexagons = rMAPU.ReadULong();
rMAPU.Seek(NumHexagons * 0x30, SEEK_CUR); // Skip hexagon transforms
rMAPU.Seek(0x10, SEEK_CUR); // Skip world color
@ -530,7 +540,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadMAPU(IInputStrea
std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadRULE(IInputStream& rRULE, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
// RULE files can contain a reference to another RULE file, but has no other dependencies.
const uint32 Magic = rRULE.ReadLong();
[[maybe_unused]] const uint32 Magic = rRULE.ReadULong();
auto pGroup = std::make_unique<CDependencyGroup>(pEntry);
@ -539,7 +549,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDependencyGroup> CUnsupportedFormatLoader::LoadRULE(IInputStrea
// Version test
const uint32 IDOffset = rRULE.Tell();
rRULE.Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR);
const uint32 RuleSetCount = rRULE.ReadShort();
const uint32 RuleSetCount = rRULE.ReadUShort();
const auto IDLength = (RuleSetCount > 0xFF ? EIDLength::k64Bit : EIDLength::k32Bit);
rRULE.Seek(IDOffset, SEEK_SET);
Reference in New Issue