Directory tree view now updates to reflect changes when moving/renaming folders
This commit is contained in:
@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ bool CVirtualDirectory::AddChild(const TString &rkPath, CResourceEntry *pEntry)
std::sort(mSubdirectories.begin(), mSubdirectories.end(), [](CVirtualDirectory *pLeft, CVirtualDirectory *pRight) -> bool {
return (pLeft->Name().ToUpper() < pRight->Name().ToUpper());
// As an optimization, don't recurse here. We've already verified the full path is valid, so we don't need to do it again.
// We also know none of the remaining directories already exist because this is a new, empty directory.
@ -224,9 +222,7 @@ bool CVirtualDirectory::AddChild(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
if (FindChildDirectory(pDir->Name(), false) != nullptr) return false;
std::sort(mSubdirectories.begin(), mSubdirectories.end(), [](CVirtualDirectory *pLeft, CVirtualDirectory *pRight) -> bool {
return (pLeft->Name().ToUpper() < pRight->Name().ToUpper());
return true;
@ -259,6 +255,13 @@ bool CVirtualDirectory::RemoveChildResource(CResourceEntry *pEntry)
return false;
void CVirtualDirectory::SortSubdirectories()
std::sort(mSubdirectories.begin(), mSubdirectories.end(), [](CVirtualDirectory *pLeft, CVirtualDirectory *pRight) -> bool {
return (pLeft->Name().ToUpper() < pRight->Name().ToUpper());
bool CVirtualDirectory::Rename(const TString& rkNewName)
Log::Write("MOVING DIRECTORY: " + FullPath() + " -> " + mpParent->FullPath() + rkNewName + '/');
@ -274,6 +277,7 @@ bool CVirtualDirectory::Rename(const TString& rkNewName)
mName = rkNewName;
return true;
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public:
bool AddChild(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
bool RemoveChildDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pSubdir);
bool RemoveChildResource(CResourceEntry *pEntry);
void SortSubdirectories();
bool Rename(const TString& rkNewName);
bool Delete();
void DeleteEmptySubdirectories();
@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ SOURCES += \
ResourceBrowser/CResourceDelegate.cpp \
ResourceBrowser/CResourceTableContextMenu.cpp \
ResourceBrowser/CResourceTableModel.cpp \
ResourceBrowser/CResourceTableView.cpp \
# UI Files
FORMS += \
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ CResourceBrowser::CResourceBrowser(QWidget *pParent)
// Set up directory tree model
mpDirectoryModel = new CVirtualDirectoryModel(this);
mpDirectoryModel = new CVirtualDirectoryModel(this, this);
@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ bool CResourceBrowser::CreateDirectory()
QModelIndex ProxyIndex = mpProxyModel->mapFromSource(Index);
mpUI->ResourceTableView->selectionModel()->select(ProxyIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
@ -112,11 +112,18 @@ public slots:
void SelectedResourceChanged(CResourceEntry *pNewRes);
void ResourceAboutToBeMoved(CResourceEntry *pRes, QString NewPath);
void ResourceMoved(CResourceEntry *pRes, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName);
void DirectoryAboutToBeMoved(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, QString NewPath);
void DirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName);
void DirectoryAboutToBeCreated(QString DirPath);
void DirectoryCreated(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
void DirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
void DirectoryDeleted();
void ResourceMoved(CResourceEntry *pRes, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName);
void DirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName);
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void CResourceTableModel::FillEntryList(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, bool AssetListM
if (pDir)
mModelDescription = pDir->IsRoot() ? "Root" : TO_QSTRING(pDir->FullPath());
mModelDescription = pDir->IsRoot() ? "Resources" : TO_QSTRING(pDir->FullPath());
mModelDescription = "Nothing";
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
#include "CVirtualDirectoryModel.h"
#include "CResourceBrowser.h"
CVirtualDirectoryModel::CVirtualDirectoryModel(CResourceBrowser *pBrowser, QObject *pParent /*= 0*/)
: QAbstractItemModel(pParent)
, mpRoot(nullptr)
, mInsertingRows(false)
, mRemovingRows(false)
, mChangingLayout(false)
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryAboutToBeMoved(CVirtualDirectory*,QString)), this, SLOT(OnDirectoryAboutToBeMoved(CVirtualDirectory*,QString)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory*,CVirtualDirectory*,TString)), this, SLOT(FinishModelChanges()));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryAboutToBeCreated(QString)), this, SLOT(OnDirectoryAboutToBeCreated(QString)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryCreated(CVirtualDirectory*)), this, SLOT(FinishModelChanges()));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory*)), this, SLOT(OnDirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory*)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryDeleted()), this, SLOT(FinishModelChanges()));
QModelIndex CVirtualDirectoryModel::index(int Row, int Column, const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
if (!hasIndex(Row, Column, rkParent))
return QModelIndex();
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkParent);
if (pDir && pDir->NumSubdirectories() > (u32) Row)
return createIndex(Row, Column, pDir->SubdirectoryByIndex(Row));
else if (!pDir)
return createIndex(Row, Column, mpRoot);
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex CVirtualDirectoryModel::parent(const QModelIndex& rkChild) const
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkChild);
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = pDir->Parent();
if (pParent)
CVirtualDirectory *pGrandparent = pParent->Parent();
if (pGrandparent)
for (u32 iSub = 0; iSub < pGrandparent->NumSubdirectories(); iSub++)
if (pGrandparent->SubdirectoryByIndex(iSub) == pParent)
return createIndex(iSub, 0, pParent);
else return createIndex(0, 0, mpRoot);
return QModelIndex();
int CVirtualDirectoryModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkParent);
if (pDir) return pDir->NumSubdirectories();
else return mpRoot ? 1 : 0;
int CVirtualDirectoryModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const
return 1;
QVariant CVirtualDirectoryModel::data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
if (!rkIndex.isValid())
return QVariant::Invalid;
if (Role == Qt::DisplayRole || Role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
if (!rkIndex.parent().isValid())
return "Resources";
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkIndex);
if (pDir) return TO_QSTRING(pDir->Name());
if (Role == Qt::DecorationRole)
return QIcon(":/icons/Open_24px.png");
return QVariant::Invalid;
QModelIndex CVirtualDirectoryModel::GetIndexForDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
if (!pDir)
return QModelIndex();
QVector<int> Indices;
CVirtualDirectory *pOriginal = pDir;
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = pDir->Parent();
// Get index list
while (pParent)
bool Found = false;
for (u32 iDir = 0; iDir < pParent->NumSubdirectories(); iDir++)
if (pParent->SubdirectoryByIndex(iDir) == pDir)
pDir = pParent;
pParent = pParent->Parent();
Found = true;
ASSERT(Found); // it should not be possible for this not to work
// Traverse hierarchy
QModelIndex Out = index(0, 0, QModelIndex());
foreach (int Idx, Indices)
Out = index(Idx, 0, Out);
ASSERT(IndexDirectory(Out) == pOriginal);
return Out;
CVirtualDirectory* CVirtualDirectoryModel::IndexDirectory(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
if (!rkIndex.isValid()) return nullptr;
return static_cast<CVirtualDirectory*>(rkIndex.internalPointer());
void CVirtualDirectoryModel::SetRoot(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
mpRoot = pDir;
bool CVirtualDirectoryModel::GetProposedIndex(QString Path, QModelIndex& rOutParent, int& rOutRow)
// Get parent path
TString FullPath = TO_TSTRING(Path);
if (FullPath.EndsWith('/') || FullPath.EndsWith('\\'))
FullPath = FullPath.ChopBack(1);
u32 LastSlash = FullPath.LastIndexOf("\\/");
TString ParentPath = FullPath.ChopBack( FullPath.Size() - LastSlash );
// Find parent index
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = (ParentPath.IsEmpty() ? mpRoot : mpRoot->FindChildDirectory(ParentPath, false));
if (!pParent) return false;
QModelIndex ParentIndex = GetIndexForDirectory(pParent);
if (!ParentIndex.isValid()) return false;
// Determine the row number that the new directory will be inserted at
QString DirName = TO_QSTRING(FullPath.ChopFront( LastSlash + 1 ));
int NumRows = rowCount(ParentIndex);
int RowIdx = 0;
for (; RowIdx < NumRows; RowIdx++)
QModelIndex Index = index(RowIdx, 0, ParentIndex);
QString OtherName = data(Index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
if (QString::compare(DirName, OtherName, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0)
rOutParent = ParentIndex;
rOutRow = RowIdx;
return true;
void CVirtualDirectoryModel::OnDirectoryAboutToBeMoved(CVirtualDirectory *, QString )
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
mChangingLayout = true;
void CVirtualDirectoryModel::OnDirectoryAboutToBeCreated(QString DirPath)
QModelIndex Parent;
int Row;
if (GetProposedIndex(DirPath, Parent, Row))
beginInsertRows(Parent, Row, Row);
mInsertingRows = true;
void CVirtualDirectoryModel::OnDirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
QModelIndex Index = GetIndexForDirectory(pDir);
if (Index.isValid())
beginRemoveRows(Index.parent(), Index.row(), Index.row());
mRemovingRows = true;
void CVirtualDirectoryModel::FinishModelChanges()
if (mInsertingRows)
mInsertingRows = false;
if (mRemovingRows)
mRemovingRows = false;
if (mChangingLayout)
emit layoutChanged();
mChangingLayout = false;
@ -10,132 +10,31 @@ class CVirtualDirectoryModel : public QAbstractItemModel
CVirtualDirectory *mpRoot;
bool mInsertingRows;
bool mRemovingRows;
bool mChangingLayout;
CVirtualDirectoryModel(QObject *pParent = 0)
: QAbstractItemModel(pParent)
, mpRoot(nullptr)
CVirtualDirectoryModel(CResourceBrowser *pBrowser, QObject *pParent = 0);
QModelIndex index(int Row, int Column, const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
if (!hasIndex(Row, Column, rkParent))
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex index(int Row, int Column, const QModelIndex& rkParent) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& rkChild) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& rkParent) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& /*rkParent*/) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const;
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkParent);
QModelIndex GetIndexForDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
CVirtualDirectory* IndexDirectory(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const;
void SetRoot(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
if (pDir && pDir->NumSubdirectories() > (u32) Row)
return createIndex(Row, Column, pDir->SubdirectoryByIndex(Row));
bool GetProposedIndex(QString Path, QModelIndex& rOutParent, int& rOutRow);
else if (!pDir)
return createIndex(Row, Column, mpRoot);
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& rkChild) const
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkChild);
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = pDir->Parent();
if (pParent)
CVirtualDirectory *pGrandparent = pParent->Parent();
if (pGrandparent)
for (u32 iSub = 0; iSub < pGrandparent->NumSubdirectories(); iSub++)
if (pGrandparent->SubdirectoryByIndex(iSub) == pParent)
return createIndex(iSub, 0, pParent);
else return createIndex(0, 0, mpRoot);
return QModelIndex();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkParent);
if (pDir) return pDir->NumSubdirectories();
else return mpRoot ? 1 : 0;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& /*rkParent*/) const
return 1;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
if (Role == Qt::DisplayRole || Role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkIndex);
if (pDir) return TO_QSTRING(pDir->Name());
if (Role == Qt::DecorationRole)
return QIcon(":/icons/Open_24px.png");
return QVariant::Invalid;
QModelIndex GetIndexForDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
if (!pDir)
return QModelIndex();
QVector<int> Indices;
CVirtualDirectory *pOriginal = pDir;
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = pDir->Parent();
// Get index list
while (pParent)
bool Found = false;
for (u32 iDir = 0; iDir < pParent->NumSubdirectories(); iDir++)
if (pParent->SubdirectoryByIndex(iDir) == pDir)
pDir = pParent;
pParent = pParent->Parent();
Found = true;
ASSERT(Found); // it should not be possible for this not to work
// Traverse hierarchy
QModelIndex Out = index(0, 0, QModelIndex());
foreach (int Idx, Indices)
Out = index(Idx, 0, Out);
ASSERT(IndexDirectory(Out) == pOriginal);
return Out;
inline CVirtualDirectory* IndexDirectory(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
if (!rkIndex.isValid()) return nullptr;
return static_cast<CVirtualDirectory*>(rkIndex.internalPointer());
inline void SetRoot(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
mpRoot = pDir;
public slots:
void OnDirectoryAboutToBeMoved(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, QString NewPath);
void OnDirectoryAboutToBeCreated(QString DirPath);
void OnDirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory *pDir);
void FinishModelChanges();
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ protected:
CVirtualDirectory *pParent = mpStore->GetVirtualDirectory(rkPath, false);
ASSERT(pDir && pParent);
gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->DirectoryAboutToBeMoved(pDir, TO_QSTRING(rkPath));
TString OldName = pDir->Name();
CVirtualDirectory *pOldParent = pDir->Parent();
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ public:
void DoMove(const TString& rkPath, bool IsAutoDir)
TString ResName = mpEntry->CookedAssetPath(true).GetFileName();
gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->ResourceAboutToBeMoved(mpEntry, TO_QSTRING(rkPath + ResName));
CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir = mpEntry->Directory();
bool Success = mpEntry->Move(rkPath, IsAutoDir);
ASSERT(Success); // todo better error handling
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ public:
void DoMove(const TString& rkName)
QString ParentPath = TO_QSTRING(mpDir->Parent() ? mpDir->Parent()->FullPath() : "");
gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->DirectoryAboutToBeMoved(mpDir, ParentPath + TO_QSTRING(rkName));
TString OldName = mpDir->Name();
bool Success = mpDir->Rename(rkName);
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ public:
void DoMove(const TString& rkName, bool IsAutoName)
TString FullNewName = rkName + "." + mpEntry->CookedExtension().ToString();
gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->ResourceAboutToBeMoved(mpEntry, TO_QSTRING(mpEntry->Directory()->FullPath() + FullNewName));
TString OldName = mpEntry->Name();
bool Success = mpEntry->Rename(rkName, IsAutoName);
@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ protected:
if (pParent)
gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->DirectoryAboutToBeCreated( TO_QSTRING(mParentPath + mDirName) );
mpDir = pParent->FindChildDirectory(mDirName, true);
if (mpDir)
Reference in New Issue