
482 lines
16 KiB

#include "CScriptNode.h"
#include "script/CScriptExtra.h"
#include <Common/AnimUtil.h>
#include <Common/Math.h>
#include <Core/CDrawUtil.h>
#include <Core/CGraphics.h>
#include <Core/CRenderer.h>
#include <Core/CResCache.h>
#include <Core/CSceneManager.h>
#include <Resource/script/CMasterTemplate.h>
CScriptNode::CScriptNode(CSceneManager *pScene, CSceneNode *pParent, CScriptObject *pObject)
: CSceneNode(pScene, pParent)
mpVolumePreviewNode = nullptr;
// Evaluate instance
mpInstance = pObject;
mpActiveModel = nullptr;
mpBillboard = nullptr;
mpCollisionNode = new CCollisionNode(pScene, this);
mpCollisionNode->SetInheritance(true, true, false);
if (mpInstance)
CScriptTemplate *pTemp = mpInstance->Template();
// Determine transform
mPosition = mpInstance->Position();
mRotation = CQuaternion::FromEuler(mpInstance->Rotation());
SetName("[" + pTemp->TemplateName(mpInstance->NumProperties()) + "] " + mpInstance->InstanceName());
if (pTemp->ScaleType() == CScriptTemplate::eScaleEnabled)
mScale = mpInstance->Scale();
// Determine display assets
mpActiveModel = mpInstance->GetDisplayModel();
mModelToken = CToken(mpActiveModel);
mpBillboard = mpInstance->GetBillboard();
mBillboardToken = CToken(mpBillboard);
// Create preview volume node
mHasValidPosition = pTemp->HasPosition();
mHasVolumePreview = (pTemp->ScaleType() == CScriptTemplate::eScaleVolume);
if (mHasVolumePreview)
EVolumeShape shape = mpInstance->VolumeShape();
CModel *pVolumeModel = nullptr;
if ((shape == eAxisAlignedBoxShape) || (shape == eBoxShape))
pVolumeModel = (CModel*) gResCache.GetResource("../resources/VolumeBox.cmdl");
else if (shape == eEllipsoidShape)
pVolumeModel = (CModel*) gResCache.GetResource("../resources/VolumeSphere.cmdl");
else if (shape == eCylinderShape)
pVolumeModel = (CModel*) gResCache.GetResource("../resources/VolumeCylinder.cmdl");
else if (shape == eCylinderLargeShape)
pVolumeModel = (CModel*) gResCache.GetResource("../resources/VolumeCylinderLarge.cmdl");
if (pVolumeModel)
mpVolumePreviewNode = new CModelNode(pScene, this, pVolumeModel);
mpVolumePreviewNode->SetInheritance(true, (shape != eAxisAlignedBoxShape), false);
// Fetch LightParameters
mpLightParameters = new CLightParameters(mpInstance->LightParameters(), mpInstance->MasterTemplate()->GetGame());
// Shouldn't ever happen
SetName("ScriptNode - NO INSTANCE");
if (mpActiveModel)
mLocalAABox = mpActiveModel->AABox();
mLocalAABox = CAABox::skOne;
mpExtra = CScriptExtra::CreateExtra(this);
ENodeType CScriptNode::NodeType()
return eScriptNode;
TString CScriptNode::PrefixedName() const
return "[" + mpInstance->Template()->TemplateName() + "] " + mpInstance->InstanceName();
void CScriptNode::AddToRenderer(CRenderer *pRenderer, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo)
if (!mpInstance) return;
// Add script extra to renderer first
if (mpExtra) mpExtra->AddToRenderer(pRenderer, ViewInfo);
// If we're in game mode, then override other visibility settings.
if (ViewInfo.GameMode)
if (!mpInstance->IsActive() || !mpInstance->HasInGameModel())
// Check whether the script extra wants us to render before we render.
bool ShouldDraw = (!mpExtra || mpExtra->ShouldDrawNormalAssets());
if (ShouldDraw)
// Otherwise, we proceed as normal
ERenderOptions options = pRenderer->RenderOptions();
if ((options & eDrawObjectCollision) && (!ViewInfo.GameMode))
mpCollisionNode->AddToRenderer(pRenderer, ViewInfo);
if (options & eDrawObjects || ViewInfo.GameMode)
if (ViewInfo.ViewFrustum.BoxInFrustum(AABox()))
if (!mpActiveModel)
pRenderer->AddOpaqueMesh(this, -1, AABox(), eDrawMesh);
if (!mpActiveModel->HasTransparency(0))
pRenderer->AddOpaqueMesh(this, -1, AABox(), eDrawMesh);
AddSurfacesToRenderer(pRenderer, mpActiveModel, 0, ViewInfo);
if (IsSelected() && !ViewInfo.GameMode)
// Script nodes always draw their selections regardless of frustum planes
// in order to ensure that script connection lines don't get improperly culled.
if (ShouldDraw)
pRenderer->AddOpaqueMesh(this, -1, AABox(), eDrawSelection);
if (mHasVolumePreview && (!mpExtra || mpExtra->ShouldDrawVolume()))
mpVolumePreviewNode->AddToRenderer(pRenderer, ViewInfo);
void CScriptNode::Draw(ERenderOptions Options, int ComponentIndex, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo)
if (!mpInstance) return;
// Draw model
if (mpActiveModel || !mpBillboard)
// Draw model if possible!
if (mpActiveModel)
if (mpExtra) CGraphics::sPixelBlock.TevColor = mpExtra->TevColor().ToVector4f();
else CGraphics::sPixelBlock.TevColor = CColor::skWhite.ToVector4f();
CGraphics::sPixelBlock.TintColor = TintColor(ViewInfo).ToVector4f();
if (ComponentIndex < 0)
mpActiveModel->Draw(Options, 0);
mpActiveModel->DrawSurface(Options, ComponentIndex, 0);
// If no model or billboard, default to drawing a purple box
glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO);
CDrawUtil::DrawShadedCube(CColor::skTransparentPurple * TintColor(ViewInfo));
// Draw billboard
else if (mpBillboard)
CDrawUtil::DrawBillboard(mpBillboard, mPosition, BillboardScale(), TintColor(ViewInfo));
void CScriptNode::DrawSelection()
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
// Draw wireframe for models; billboards only get tinted
if (mpActiveModel || !mpBillboard)
CModel *pModel = (mpActiveModel ? mpActiveModel : CDrawUtil::GetCubeModel());
pModel->DrawWireframe(eNoRenderOptions, WireframeColor());
if (mpInstance)
CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = CMatrix4f::skIdentity;
for (u32 iIn = 0; iIn < mpInstance->NumInLinks(); iIn++)
// Don't draw in links if the other object is selected.
const SLink& con = mpInstance->InLink(iIn);
CScriptNode *pLinkNode = mpScene->ScriptNodeByID(con.ObjectID);
if (pLinkNode && !pLinkNode->IsSelected()) CDrawUtil::DrawLine(CenterPoint(), pLinkNode->CenterPoint(), CColor::skTransparentRed);
for (u32 iOut = 0; iOut < mpInstance->NumOutLinks(); iOut++)
const SLink& con = mpInstance->OutLink(iOut);
CScriptNode *pLinkNode = mpScene->ScriptNodeByID(con.ObjectID);
if (pLinkNode) CDrawUtil::DrawLine(CenterPoint(), pLinkNode->CenterPoint(), CColor::skTransparentGreen);
void CScriptNode::RayAABoxIntersectTest(CRayCollisionTester &Tester)
if (!mpInstance)
// Let script extra do ray check first
if (mpExtra)
// If the extra doesn't want us rendering, then don't do the ray test either
if (!mpExtra->ShouldDrawNormalAssets()) return;
// Otherwise, proceed with the ray test as normal...
const CRay& Ray = Tester.Ray();
if (mpActiveModel || !mpBillboard)
std::pair<bool,float> BoxResult = AABox().IntersectsRay(Ray);
if (BoxResult.first)
if (mpActiveModel) Tester.AddNodeModel(this, mpActiveModel);
else Tester.AddNode(this, 0, BoxResult.second);
// Because the billboard rotates a lot, expand the AABox on the X/Y axes to cover any possible orientation
CVector2f BillScale = BillboardScale();
float ScaleXY = (BillScale.x > BillScale.y ? BillScale.x : BillScale.y);
CAABox BillBox = CAABox(mPosition + CVector3f(-ScaleXY, -ScaleXY, -BillScale.y),
mPosition + CVector3f( ScaleXY, ScaleXY, BillScale.y));
std::pair<bool,float> BoxResult = BillBox.IntersectsRay(Ray);
if (BoxResult.first) Tester.AddNode(this, 0, BoxResult.second);
SRayIntersection CScriptNode::RayNodeIntersectTest(const CRay& Ray, u32 AssetID, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo)
ERenderOptions options = ViewInfo.pRenderer->RenderOptions();
SRayIntersection out;
out.pNode = this;
out.AssetIndex = AssetID;
// If we're in game mode, then check whether we're visible before proceeding with the ray test.
if (ViewInfo.GameMode)
if (!mpInstance->IsActive() || !mpInstance->HasInGameModel())
out.Hit = false;
return out;
if (options & eDrawObjects || ViewInfo.GameMode)
// Model test
if (mpActiveModel || !mpBillboard)
CModel *pModel = (mpActiveModel ? mpActiveModel : CDrawUtil::GetCubeModel());
CRay TransformedRay = Ray.Transformed(Transform().Inverse());
std::pair<bool,float> Result = pModel->GetSurface(AssetID)->IntersectsRay(TransformedRay, ((options & eEnableBackfaceCull) == 0));
if (Result.first)
out.Hit = true;
CVector3f HitPoint = TransformedRay.PointOnRay(Result.second);
CVector3f WorldHitPoint = Transform() * HitPoint;
out.Distance = Math::Distance(Ray.Origin(), WorldHitPoint);
out.Hit = false;
// Billboard test
// todo: come up with a better way to share this code between CScriptNode and CLightNode
// Step 1: check whether the ray intersects with the plane the billboard is on
CPlane BillboardPlane(-ViewInfo.pCamera->Direction(), mPosition);
std::pair<bool,float> PlaneTest = Math::RayPlaneIntersecton(Ray, BillboardPlane);
if (PlaneTest.first)
// Step 2: transform the hit point into the plane's local space
CVector3f PlaneHitPoint = Ray.PointOnRay(PlaneTest.second);
CVector3f RelHitPoint = PlaneHitPoint - mPosition;
CVector3f PlaneForward = -ViewInfo.pCamera->Direction();
CVector3f PlaneRight = -ViewInfo.pCamera->RightVector();
CVector3f PlaneUp = ViewInfo.pCamera->UpVector();
CQuaternion PlaneRot = CQuaternion::FromAxes(PlaneRight, PlaneForward, PlaneUp);
CVector3f RotatedHitPoint = PlaneRot.Inverse() * RelHitPoint;
CVector2f LocalHitPoint = RotatedHitPoint.xz() / BillboardScale();
// Step 3: check whether the transformed hit point is in the -1 to 1 range
if ((LocalHitPoint.x >= -1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.x <= 1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.y >= -1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.y <= 1.f))
// Step 4: look up the hit texel and check whether it's transparent or opaque
CVector2f TexCoord = (LocalHitPoint + CVector2f(1.f)) * 0.5f;
TexCoord.x = -TexCoord.x + 1.f;
float TexelAlpha = mpBillboard->ReadTexelAlpha(TexCoord);
if (TexelAlpha < 0.25f)
out.Hit = false;
// It's opaque... we have a hit!
out.Hit = true;
out.Distance = PlaneTest.second;
out.Hit = false;
out.Hit = false;
else out.Hit = false;
return out;
bool CScriptNode::IsVisible() const
// Reimplementation of CSceneNode::IsVisible() to allow for layer and template visiblity to be taken into account
return (mVisible && mpInstance->Layer()->IsVisible() && mpInstance->Template()->IsVisible());
CColor CScriptNode::TintColor(const SViewInfo &ViewInfo) const
CColor BaseColor = CSceneNode::TintColor(ViewInfo);
if (mpExtra) mpExtra->ModifyTintColor(BaseColor);
return BaseColor;
CColor CScriptNode::WireframeColor() const
return CColor((u8) 12, 135, 194, 255);
CScriptObject* CScriptNode::Object()
return mpInstance;
CModel* CScriptNode::ActiveModel()
return mpActiveModel;
void CScriptNode::GeneratePosition()
if (!mHasValidPosition)
// Default to center of the active area; this is to preven recursion issues
CTransform4f& AreaTransform = mpScene->GetActiveArea()->GetTransform();
mPosition = CVector3f(AreaTransform[0][3], AreaTransform[1][3], AreaTransform[2][3]);
mHasValidPosition = true;
// Ideal way to generate the position is to find a spot close to where it's being used.
// To do this I check the location of the objects that this one is linked to.
u32 NumLinks = mpInstance->NumInLinks() + mpInstance->NumOutLinks();
// In the case of one link, apply an offset so the new position isn't the same place as the object it's linked to
if (NumLinks == 1)
const SLink& link = (mpInstance->NumInLinks() > 0 ? mpInstance->InLink(0) : mpInstance->OutLink(0));
CScriptNode *pNode = mpScene->ScriptNodeByID(link.ObjectID);
mPosition = pNode->AbsolutePosition();
mPosition.z += (pNode->AABox().Size().z / 2.f);
mPosition.z += (AABox().Size().z / 2.f);
mPosition.z += 2.f;
// For two or more links, average out the position of the connected objects.
else if (NumLinks >= 2)
CVector3f NewPos = CVector3f::skZero;
for (u32 iIn = 0; iIn < mpInstance->NumInLinks(); iIn++)
CScriptNode *pNode = mpScene->ScriptNodeByID(mpInstance->InLink(iIn).ObjectID);
if (pNode)
NewPos += pNode->AABox().Center();
for (u32 iOut = 0; iOut < mpInstance->NumOutLinks(); iOut++)
CScriptNode *pNode = mpScene->ScriptNodeByID(mpInstance->OutLink(iOut).ObjectID);
if (pNode)
NewPos += pNode->AABox().Center();
mPosition = NewPos / (float) NumLinks;
mPosition.x += 2.f;
bool CScriptNode::HasPreviewVolume()
return mHasVolumePreview;
CAABox CScriptNode::PreviewVolumeAABox()
if (!mHasVolumePreview)
return CAABox::skZero;
return mpVolumePreviewNode->AABox();
CVector2f CScriptNode::BillboardScale()
CVector2f out = (mpInstance->Template()->ScaleType() == CScriptTemplate::eScaleEnabled ? mScale.xz() : CVector2f(1.f));
return out * 0.5f;