132 lines
3.7 KiB
132 lines
3.7 KiB
#include "CPropertyTemplate.h"
#include "CProperty.h"
#include "EPropertyType.h"
#include "EVolumeShape.h"
#include <Common/CFourCC.h>
#include <Common/types.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <tinyxml2.h>
#include <Resource/model/CModel.h>
#include <Resource/CCollisionMeshGroup.h>
class CMasterTemplate;
class CScriptObject;
typedef TString TIDString;
* CScriptTemplate is a class that encases the data contained in one of the XML templates.
* It essentially sets the layout of any given script object.
* It contains any data that applies globally to every instance of the object, such as
* property names, editor attribute properties, etc.
class CScriptTemplate
friend class CTemplateLoader;
friend class CTemplateWriter;
enum ERotationType {
eRotationEnabled, eRotationDisabled
enum EScaleType {
eScaleEnabled, eScaleDisabled, eScaleVolume
struct SPropertySet {
TString SetName;
CStructTemplate *pBaseStruct;
struct SEditorAsset
enum {
eModel, eAnimParams, eBillboard, eCollision
} AssetType;
enum {
eProperty, eFile
} AssetSource;
TIDString AssetLocation;
s32 ForceNodeIndex; // Force animsets to use specific node instead of one from property
CMasterTemplate *mpMaster;
std::vector<SPropertySet> mPropertySets;
std::list<CScriptObject*> mObjectList;
ERotationType mRotationType;
EScaleType mScaleType;
TString mTemplateName;
TString mSourceFile;
u32 mObjectID;
bool mVisible;
// Editor Properties
TIDString mNameIDString;
TIDString mPositionIDString;
TIDString mRotationIDString;
TIDString mScaleIDString;
TIDString mActiveIDString;
TIDString mLightParametersIDString;
std::vector<SEditorAsset> mAssets;
// Preview Volume
EVolumeShape mVolumeShape;
TIDString mVolumeConditionIDString;
struct SVolumeCondition {
int Value;
EVolumeShape Shape;
std::vector<SVolumeCondition> mVolumeConditions;
CScriptTemplate(CMasterTemplate *pMaster);
CMasterTemplate* MasterTemplate();
TString TemplateName(s32 propCount = -1) const;
TString PropertySetNameByCount(s32 propCount) const;
TString PropertySetNameByIndex(u32 index) const;
u32 NumPropertySets() const;
ERotationType RotationType() const;
EScaleType ScaleType() const;
u32 ObjectID() const;
void SetVisible(bool visible);
bool IsVisible() const;
void DebugPrintProperties(int propCount = -1);
// Property Fetching
CStructTemplate* BaseStructByCount(s32 propCount);
CStructTemplate* BaseStructByIndex(u32 index);
EVolumeShape VolumeShape(CScriptObject *pObj);
CStringProperty* FindInstanceName(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CVector3Property* FindPosition(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CVector3Property* FindRotation(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CVector3Property* FindScale(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CBoolProperty* FindActive(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CPropertyStruct* FindLightParameters(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CModel* FindDisplayModel(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CTexture* FindBillboardTexture(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
CCollisionMeshGroup* FindCollision(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
bool HasInGameModel(CPropertyStruct *pProperties);
bool HasPosition();
// Object Tracking
u32 NumObjects() const;
const std::list<CScriptObject*>& ObjectList() const;
void AddObject(CScriptObject *pObject);
void RemoveObject(CScriptObject *pObject);
void SortObjects();