
373 lines
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#include "CSceneNode.h"
#include <Core/CRenderer.h>
#include <gtc/quaternion.hpp>
#include <gtx/transform.hpp>
#include <Common/AnimUtil.h>
#include <Common/CTransform4f.h>
#include <Resource/CGameArea.h>
#include <Core/CGraphics.h>
#include <Core/CDrawUtil.h>
#include <algorithm>
u32 CSceneNode::smNumNodes = 0;
CSceneNode::CSceneNode(CSceneManager *pScene, CSceneNode *pParent)
mpScene = pScene;
mpParent = pParent;
mPosition = CVector3f::skZero;
mRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
mScale = CVector3f::skOne;
_mTransformOutdated = true;
_mInheritsPosition = true;
_mInheritsRotation = true;
_mInheritsScale = true;
mMouseHovering = false;
mSelected = false;
mVisible = true;
if (mpParent)
for (auto it = mChildren.begin(); it != mChildren.end(); it++)
delete (*it);
// ************ VIRTUAL ************
std::string CSceneNode::PrefixedName() const
return Name();
void CSceneNode::DrawSelection()
// Default implementation for virtual function
CDrawUtil::DrawWireCube(AABox(), CColor::skWhite);
void CSceneNode::RayAABoxIntersectTest(CRayCollisionTester& Tester)
// Default implementation for virtual function
std::pair<bool,float> result = AABox().IntersectsRay(Tester.Ray());
if (result.first)
Tester.AddNode(this, -1, result.second);
bool CSceneNode::IsVisible() const
return mVisible;
// ************ MAIN FUNCTIONALITY ************
void CSceneNode::Unparent()
// May eventually want to reset XForm so global position = local position
// Seems like a waste performance wise for the time being though
if (mpParent)
mpParent = nullptr;
void CSceneNode::RemoveChild(CSceneNode *pChild)
for (auto it = mChildren.begin(); it != mChildren.end(); it++)
if (*it == pChild)
void CSceneNode::DeleteChildren()
for (auto it = mChildren.begin(); it != mChildren.end(); it++)
delete *it;
void CSceneNode::SetInheritance(bool InheritPos, bool InheritRot, bool InheritScale)
_mInheritsPosition = InheritPos;
_mInheritsRotation = InheritRot;
_mInheritsScale = InheritScale;
void CSceneNode::LoadModelMatrix()
CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = Transform().ToMatrix4f();
void CSceneNode::BuildLightList(CGameArea *pArea)
mLightCount = 0;
u32 LayerCount = pArea->GetLightLayerCount();
struct SLightEntry {
CLight *pLight;
float Distance;
SLightEntry(CLight *_pLight, float _Distance)
: pLight(_pLight), Distance(_Distance) {}
bool operator<(const SLightEntry& other) {
return (Distance < other.Distance);
std::vector<SLightEntry> LightEntries;
for (u32 iLayer = 0; iLayer < LayerCount; iLayer++)
u32 LightCount = pArea->GetLightCount(iLayer);
for (u32 iLight = 0; iLight < LightCount; iLight++)
CLight* pLight = pArea->GetLight(iLayer, iLight);
// Directional/Spot lights take priority over custom lights.
if ((pLight->GetType() == eDirectional) || (pLight->GetType() == eSpot))
LightEntries.push_back(SLightEntry(pLight, 0));
// Custom lights will be used depending which are closest to the node
else if (pLight->GetType() == eCustom)
bool IsInRange = AABox().IntersectsSphere(pLight->GetPosition(), pLight->GetRadius());
if (IsInRange)
float Dist = mPosition.Distance(pLight->GetPosition());
LightEntries.push_back(SLightEntry(pLight, Dist));
// Determine which lights are closest
std::sort(LightEntries.begin(), LightEntries.end());
mLightCount = (LightEntries.size() > 8) ? 8 : LightEntries.size();
for (u32 i = 0; i < mLightCount; i++)
mLights[i] = LightEntries[i].pLight;
void CSceneNode::LoadLights()
CGraphics::sNumLights = 0;
if (CGraphics::sLightMode == CGraphics::BasicLighting)
else if (CGraphics::sLightMode == CGraphics::WorldLighting)
for (u32 iLight = 0; iLight < mLightCount; iLight++)
void CSceneNode::DrawBoundingBox()
CDrawUtil::DrawWireCube(AABox(), CColor::skWhite);
// ************ TRANSFORM ************
void CSceneNode::Translate(const CVector3f& Translation)
mPosition += Translation;
void CSceneNode::Scale(const CVector3f& Scale)
mScale *= Scale;
void CSceneNode::UpdateTransform()
if (_mTransformOutdated)
_mTransformOutdated = false;
void CSceneNode::ForceRecalculateTransform()
_mCachedTransform = CTransform4f::skIdentity;
_mCachedAABox = mLocalAABox.Transformed(_mCachedTransform);
// Sync with children - only needed if caller hasn't marked transform changed already
// If so, the children will already be marked
if (!_mTransformOutdated)
for (auto it = mChildren.begin(); it != mChildren.end(); it++)
_mTransformOutdated = false;
void CSceneNode::MarkTransformChanged()
if (!_mTransformOutdated)
for (auto it = mChildren.begin(); it != mChildren.end(); it++)
_mTransformOutdated = true;
const CTransform4f& CSceneNode::Transform()
if (_mTransformOutdated)
return _mCachedTransform;
// ************ GETTERS ************
std::string CSceneNode::Name() const
return mName;
CSceneNode* CSceneNode::Parent() const
return mpParent;
CSceneManager* CSceneNode::Scene()
return mpScene;
CVector3f CSceneNode::GetPosition() const
return mPosition;
CVector3f CSceneNode::GetAbsolutePosition() const
CVector3f ret = mPosition;
if ((mpParent) && (InheritsPosition()))
ret += mpParent->GetAbsolutePosition();
return ret;
CQuaternion CSceneNode::GetRotation() const
return mRotation;
CQuaternion CSceneNode::GetAbsoluteRotation() const
CQuaternion ret = mRotation;
if ((mpParent) && (InheritsRotation()))
ret *= mpParent->GetAbsoluteRotation();
return ret;
CVector3f CSceneNode::GetScale() const
return mScale;
CVector3f CSceneNode::GetAbsoluteScale() const
CVector3f ret = mScale;
if ((mpParent) && (InheritsScale()))
ret *= mpParent->GetAbsoluteScale();
return ret;
CAABox CSceneNode::AABox()
if (_mTransformOutdated)
return _mCachedAABox;
CVector3f CSceneNode::CenterPoint()
return AABox().Center();
bool CSceneNode::MarkedVisible() const
// The reason I have this function is because the instance view needs to know whether a node is marked
// visible independently from other factors that may affect node visibility (as returned by IsVisible()).
// It's a little confusing, so maybe there's a better way to set this up.
return mVisible;
bool CSceneNode::IsMouseHovering() const
return mMouseHovering;
bool CSceneNode::IsSelected() const
return mSelected;
bool CSceneNode::InheritsPosition() const
return _mInheritsPosition;
bool CSceneNode::InheritsRotation() const
return _mInheritsRotation;
bool CSceneNode::InheritsScale() const
return _mInheritsScale;
// ************ SETTERS ************
void CSceneNode::SetName(const std::string& Name)
mName = Name;
void CSceneNode::SetMouseHovering(bool Hovering)
mMouseHovering = Hovering;
void CSceneNode::SetSelected(bool Selected)
mSelected = Selected;
void CSceneNode::SetVisible(bool Visible)
mVisible = Visible;