
667 lines
26 KiB

#include "AssetNameGeneration.h"
#include "CGameProject.h"
#include "CResourceIterator.h"
#include "Core/Resource/CAudioMacro.h"
#include "Core/Resource/CFont.h"
#include "Core/Resource/CWorld.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Animation/CAnimSet.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Scan/CScan.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Scan/SScanParametersMP1.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Script/CScriptLayer.h"
#include <Common/Math/MathUtil.h>
void ApplyGeneratedName(CResourceEntry *pEntry, const TString& rkDir, const TString& rkName)
ASSERT(pEntry != nullptr);
// Don't overwrite hand-picked names and directories with auto-generated ones
bool HasCustomDir = !pEntry->HasFlag(EResEntryFlag::AutoResDir);
bool HasCustomName = !pEntry->HasFlag(EResEntryFlag::AutoResName);
if (HasCustomDir && HasCustomName) return;
// Determine final directory to use
CVirtualDirectory *pNewDir = nullptr;
if (HasCustomDir)
pNewDir = pEntry->Directory();
TString SanitizedDir = FileUtil::SanitizePath(rkDir, true);
// trying to keep these as consistent with Retro's naming scheme as possible, and
// for some reason in MP3 they started using all lowercase folder names...
if (pEntry->Game() >= EGame::CorruptionProto)
SanitizedDir = SanitizedDir.ToLower();
pNewDir = pEntry->ResourceStore()->GetVirtualDirectory(SanitizedDir, true);
// Determine final name to use
TString NewName;
if (HasCustomName)
NewName = pEntry->Name();
TString SanitizedName = FileUtil::SanitizeName(rkName, false);
if (SanitizedName.IsEmpty()) return;
// Find an unused variant of this name
NewName = SanitizedName;
int AppendNum = 0;
while (CResourceEntry *pConflict = pNewDir->FindChildResource(NewName, pEntry->ResourceType()))
if (pConflict == pEntry)
NewName = TString::Format("%s_%d", *SanitizedName, AppendNum);
// Check if we're actually moving anything
if (pEntry->Directory() == pNewDir && pEntry->Name() == NewName) return;
// Perform the move
bool Success = pEntry->MoveAndRename(pNewDir->FullPath(), NewName, true, true);
void GenerateAssetNames(CGameProject *pProj)
debugf("*** Generating Asset Names ***");
CResourceStore *pStore = pProj->ResourceStore();
// Revert all auto-generated asset names back to default to prevent name conflicts resulting in inconsistent results.
debugf("Reverting auto-generated names");
for (CResourceIterator It(pStore); It; ++It)
bool HasCustomDir = !It->HasFlag(EResEntryFlag::AutoResDir);
bool HasCustomName = !It->HasFlag(EResEntryFlag::AutoResName);
if (HasCustomDir && HasCustomName) continue;
TString NewDir = (HasCustomDir ? It->DirectoryPath() : pStore->DefaultResourceDirPath());
TString NewName = (HasCustomName ? It->Name() : It->ID().ToString());
It->MoveAndRename(NewDir, NewName, true, true);
// Generate names for package named resources
debugf("Processing packages");
for (uint32 iPkg = 0; iPkg < pProj->NumPackages(); iPkg++)
CPackage *pPkg = pProj->PackageByIndex(iPkg);
for (uint32 iRes = 0; iRes < pPkg->NumNamedResources(); iRes++)
const SNamedResource& rkRes = pPkg->NamedResourceByIndex(iRes);
if (rkRes.Name.EndsWith("NODEPEND")) continue;
// Some of Retro's paks reference assets that don't exist, so we need this check here.
CResourceEntry *pRes = pStore->FindEntry(rkRes.ID);
if (pRes)
ApplyGeneratedName(pRes, pPkg->Name(), rkRes.Name);
// Generate world/area names
debugf("Processing worlds");
const TString kWorldsRoot = "Worlds/";
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::World> It(pStore); It; ++It)
// Set world name
TResPtr<CWorld> pWorld = It->Load();
TString WorldName = pWorld->Name();
TString WorldDir = kWorldsRoot + WorldName + '/';
TString WorldMasterName = "!" + WorldName + "_Master";
TString WorldMasterDir = WorldDir + WorldMasterName + '/';
ApplyGeneratedName(*It, WorldMasterDir, WorldMasterName);
// Move world stuff
const TString WorldNamesDir = "Strings/Worlds/General/";
const TString AreaNamesDir = TString::Format("Strings/Worlds/%s/", *WorldName);
CModel *pSkyModel = pWorld->DefaultSkybox();
CStringTable *pWorldNameTable = pWorld->NameString();
CStringTable *pDarkWorldNameTable = pWorld->DarkNameString();
CResource *pSaveWorld = pWorld->SaveWorld();
CResource *pMapWorld = pWorld->MapWorld();
if (pSaveWorld)
ApplyGeneratedName(pSaveWorld->Entry(), WorldMasterDir, WorldMasterName);
if (pMapWorld)
ApplyGeneratedName(pMapWorld->Entry(), WorldMasterDir, WorldMasterName);
if (pSkyModel && !pSkyModel->Entry()->IsCategorized())
// Move sky model
CResourceEntry *pSkyEntry = pSkyModel->Entry();
ApplyGeneratedName(pSkyEntry, WorldDir + "sky/cooked/", WorldName + "_sky");
// Move sky textures
for (uint32 iSet = 0; iSet < pSkyModel->GetMatSetCount(); iSet++)
CMaterialSet *pSet = pSkyModel->GetMatSet(iSet);
for (uint32 iMat = 0; iMat < pSet->NumMaterials(); iMat++)
CMaterial *pMat = pSet->MaterialByIndex(iMat, true);
for (uint32 iPass = 0; iPass < pMat->PassCount(); iPass++)
CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->Pass(iPass);
if (pPass->Texture())
ApplyGeneratedName(pPass->Texture()->Entry(), WorldDir + "sky/sourceimages/", pPass->Texture()->Entry()->Name());
if (pWorldNameTable)
CResourceEntry *pNameEntry = pWorldNameTable->Entry();
ApplyGeneratedName(pNameEntry, WorldNamesDir, WorldName);
if (pDarkWorldNameTable)
CResourceEntry *pDarkNameEntry = pDarkWorldNameTable->Entry();
ApplyGeneratedName(pDarkNameEntry, WorldNamesDir, WorldName + "Dark");
// Areas
for (uint32 iArea = 0; iArea < pWorld->NumAreas(); iArea++)
// Determine area name
TString AreaName = pWorld->AreaInternalName(iArea);
CAssetID AreaID = pWorld->AreaResourceID(iArea);
if (AreaName.IsEmpty())
AreaName = AreaID.ToString();
// Rename area stuff
CResourceEntry *pAreaEntry = pStore->FindEntry(AreaID);
if (!pAreaEntry) continue; // Some DKCR worlds reference areas that don't exist
ApplyGeneratedName(pAreaEntry, WorldMasterDir, AreaName);
CStringTable *pAreaNameTable = pWorld->AreaName(iArea);
if (pAreaNameTable)
ApplyGeneratedName(pAreaNameTable->Entry(), AreaNamesDir, AreaName);
if (pMapWorld)
CDependencyGroup *pGroup = dynamic_cast<CDependencyGroup*>(pMapWorld);
ASSERT(pGroup != nullptr);
CAssetID MapID = pGroup->DependencyByIndex(iArea);
CResourceEntry *pMapEntry = pStore->FindEntry(MapID);
ASSERT(pMapEntry != nullptr);
ApplyGeneratedName(pMapEntry, WorldMasterDir, AreaName);
// Move area dependencies
TString AreaCookedDir = WorldDir + AreaName + "/cooked/";
CGameArea *pArea = (CGameArea*) pAreaEntry->Load();
// Area lightmaps
uint32 LightmapNum = 0;
CMaterialSet *pMaterials = pArea->Materials();
for (uint32 iMat = 0; iMat < pMaterials->NumMaterials(); iMat++)
CMaterial *pMat = pMaterials->MaterialByIndex(iMat, true);
bool FoundLightmap = false;
for (uint32 iPass = 0; iPass < pMat->PassCount(); iPass++)
CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->Pass(iPass);
bool IsLightmap = ( (pArea->Game() <= EGame::Echoes && pMat->Options().HasFlag(EMaterialOption::Lightmap) && iPass == 0) ||
(pArea->Game() >= EGame::CorruptionProto && pPass->Type() == "DIFF") );
bool IsBloomLightmap = (pArea->Game() >= EGame::CorruptionProto && pPass->Type() == "BLOL");
TString TexName;
if (IsLightmap)
TexName = TString::Format("%s_lit_lightmap%d", *AreaName, LightmapNum);
else if (IsBloomLightmap)
TexName = TString::Format("%s_lit_lightmap_bloom%d", *AreaName, LightmapNum);
if (!TexName.IsEmpty())
CTexture *pLightmapTex = pPass->Texture();
CResourceEntry *pTexEntry = pLightmapTex->Entry();
if (pTexEntry->IsCategorized()) continue;
ApplyGeneratedName(pTexEntry, AreaCookedDir, TexName);
FoundLightmap = true;
if (FoundLightmap)
// Generate names from script instance names
for (uint32 iLyr = 0; iLyr < pArea->NumScriptLayers(); iLyr++)
CScriptLayer *pLayer = pArea->ScriptLayer(iLyr);
for (uint32 iInst = 0; iInst < pLayer->NumInstances(); iInst++)
CScriptObject* pInst = pLayer->InstanceByIndex(iInst);
CStructProperty* pProperties = pInst->Template()->Properties();
if (pInst->ObjectTypeID() == 0x42 || pInst->ObjectTypeID() == FOURCC('POIN'))
TString Name = pInst->InstanceName();
if (Name.StartsWith("POI_", false))
TIDString ScanIDString = (pProj->Game() <= EGame::Prime ? "0x4:0x0" : "0xBDBEC295:0xB94E9BE7");
CAssetProperty *pScanProperty = TPropCast<CAssetProperty>(pProperties->ChildByIDString(ScanIDString));
ASSERT(pScanProperty); // Temporary assert to remind myself later to update this code when uncooked properties are added to the template
if (pScanProperty)
CAssetID ScanID = pScanProperty->Value(pInst->PropertyData());
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pStore->FindEntry(ScanID);
if (pEntry && !pEntry->IsNamed())
TString ScanName = Name.ChopFront(4);
if (ScanName.EndsWith(".SCAN", false))
ScanName = ScanName.ChopBack(5);
ApplyGeneratedName(pEntry, pEntry->DirectoryPath(), ScanName);
CScan *pScan = (CScan*) pEntry->Load();
if (pScan)
CAssetID StringID = pScan->ScanStringPropertyRef();
CResourceEntry* pStringEntry = gpResourceStore->FindEntry(StringID);
if (pStringEntry)
ApplyGeneratedName(pStringEntry, pStringEntry->DirectoryPath(), ScanName);
else if (pInst->ObjectTypeID() == 0x17 || pInst->ObjectTypeID() == FOURCC('MEMO'))
TString Name = pInst->InstanceName();
if (Name.EndsWith(".STRG", false))
uint32 StringPropID = (pProj->Game() <= EGame::Prime ? 0x4 : 0x9182250C);
CAssetProperty *pStringProperty = TPropCast<CAssetProperty>(pProperties->ChildByID(StringPropID));
ASSERT(pStringProperty); // Temporary assert to remind myself later to update this code when uncooked properties are added to the template
if (pStringProperty)
CAssetID StringID = pStringProperty->Value(pInst->PropertyData());
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pStore->FindEntry(StringID);
if (pEntry && !pEntry->IsNamed())
TString StringName = Name.ChopBack(5);
if (StringName.StartsWith("HUDMemo - "))
StringName = StringName.ChopFront(10);
ApplyGeneratedName(pEntry, pEntry->DirectoryPath(), StringName);
// Look for lightmapped models - these are going to be unique to this area
else if (pInst->ObjectTypeID() == 0x0 || pInst->ObjectTypeID() == FOURCC('ACTR') ||
pInst->ObjectTypeID() == 0x8 || pInst->ObjectTypeID() == FOURCC('PLAT'))
uint32 ModelPropID = (pProj->Game() <= EGame::Prime ? (pInst->ObjectTypeID() == 0x0 ? 0xA : 0x6) : 0xC27FFA8F);
CAssetProperty *pModelProperty = TPropCast<CAssetProperty>(pProperties->ChildByID(ModelPropID));
ASSERT(pModelProperty); // Temporary assert to remind myself later to update this code when uncooked properties are added to the template
if (pModelProperty)
CAssetID ModelID = pModelProperty->Value(pInst->PropertyData());
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pStore->FindEntry(ModelID);
if (pEntry && !pEntry->IsCategorized())
CModel *pModel = (CModel*) pEntry->Load();
if (pModel->IsLightmapped())
ApplyGeneratedName(pEntry, AreaCookedDir, pEntry->Name());
// Other area assets
CResourceEntry *pPathEntry = pStore->FindEntry(pArea->PathID());
CResourceEntry *pPoiMapEntry = pArea->PoiToWorldMap() ? pArea->PoiToWorldMap()->Entry() : nullptr;
CResourceEntry *pPortalEntry = pStore->FindEntry(pArea->PortalAreaID());
if (pPathEntry)
ApplyGeneratedName(pPathEntry, WorldMasterDir, AreaName);
if (pPoiMapEntry)
ApplyGeneratedName(pPoiMapEntry, WorldMasterDir, AreaName);
if (pPortalEntry)
ApplyGeneratedName(pPortalEntry, WorldMasterDir, AreaName);
// Generate Model Lightmap names
debugf("Processing model lightmaps");
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::Model> It(pStore); It; ++It)
CModel *pModel = (CModel*) It->Load();
uint32 LightmapNum = 0;
for (uint32 iSet = 0; iSet < pModel->GetMatSetCount(); iSet++)
CMaterialSet *pSet = pModel->GetMatSet(iSet);
for (uint32 iMat = 0; iMat < pSet->NumMaterials(); iMat++)
CMaterial *pMat = pSet->MaterialByIndex(iMat, true);
for (uint32 iPass = 0; iPass < pMat->PassCount(); iPass++)
CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->Pass(iPass);
bool IsLightmap = ( (pMat->Version() <= EGame::Echoes && pMat->Options().HasFlag(EMaterialOption::Lightmap) && iPass == 0) ||
(pMat->Version() >= EGame::CorruptionProto && pPass->Type() == "DIFF") );
if (IsLightmap)
CTexture *pLightmapTex = pPass->Texture();
CResourceEntry *pTexEntry = pLightmapTex->Entry();
if (pTexEntry->IsNamed() || pTexEntry->IsCategorized()) continue;
TString TexName = TString::Format("%s_lightmap%d", *It->Name(), LightmapNum);
ApplyGeneratedName(pTexEntry, pModel->Entry()->DirectoryPath(), TexName);
// Generate Audio Group names
debugf("Processing audio groups");
const TString kAudioGrpDir = "Audio/";
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::AudioGroup> It(pStore); It; ++It)
CAudioGroup *pGroup = (CAudioGroup*) It->Load();
TString GroupName = pGroup->GroupName();
ApplyGeneratedName(*It, kAudioGrpDir, GroupName);
// Process audio macro/sample names
debugf("Processing audio macros");
const TString kSfxDir = "Audio/Uncategorized/";
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::AudioMacro> It(pStore); It; ++It)
CAudioMacro *pMacro = (CAudioMacro*) It->Load();
TString MacroName = pMacro->MacroName();
ApplyGeneratedName(*It, kSfxDir, MacroName);
for (uint32 iSamp = 0; iSamp < pMacro->NumSamples(); iSamp++)
CAssetID SampleID = pMacro->SampleByIndex(iSamp);
CResourceEntry *pSample = pStore->FindEntry(SampleID);
if (pSample && !pSample->IsNamed())
TString SampleName;
if (pMacro->NumSamples() == 1)
SampleName = MacroName;
SampleName = TString::Format("%s_%d", *MacroName, iSamp);
ApplyGeneratedName(pSample, kSfxDir, SampleName);
// Generate animation format names
// Hacky syntax because animsets are under eAnimSet in MP1/2 and eCharacter in MP3/DKCR
debugf("Processing animation data");
CResourceIterator *pIter = (pProj->Game() <= EGame::Echoes ?
(CResourceIterator*) new TResourceIterator<EResourceType::AnimSet> :
(CResourceIterator*) new TResourceIterator<EResourceType::Character>);
CResourceIterator& It = *pIter;
for (; It; ++It)
TString SetDir = It->DirectoryPath();
TString NewSetName;
CAnimSet *pSet = (CAnimSet*) It->Load();
for (uint32 iChar = 0; iChar < pSet->NumCharacters(); iChar++)
const SSetCharacter *pkChar = pSet->Character(iChar);
TString CharName = pkChar->Name;
if (iChar == 0) NewSetName = CharName;
if (pkChar->pModel) ApplyGeneratedName(pkChar->pModel->Entry(), SetDir, CharName);
if (pkChar->pSkeleton) ApplyGeneratedName(pkChar->pSkeleton->Entry(), SetDir, CharName);
if (pkChar->pSkin) ApplyGeneratedName(pkChar->pSkin->Entry(), SetDir, CharName);
if (pProj->Game() >= EGame::CorruptionProto && pProj->Game() <= EGame::Corruption && pkChar->ID == 0)
CResourceEntry *pAnimDataEntry = gpResourceStore->FindEntry( pkChar->AnimDataID );
if (pAnimDataEntry)
TString AnimDataName = TString::Format("%s_animdata", *CharName);
ApplyGeneratedName(pAnimDataEntry, SetDir, AnimDataName);
for (uint32 iOverlay = 0; iOverlay < pkChar->OverlayModels.size(); iOverlay++)
const SOverlayModel& rkOverlay = pkChar->OverlayModels[iOverlay];
if (rkOverlay.ModelID.IsValid() || rkOverlay.SkinID.IsValid())
TString TypeName = (
rkOverlay.Type == EOverlayType::Frozen ? "frozen" :
rkOverlay.Type == EOverlayType::Acid ? "acid" :
rkOverlay.Type == EOverlayType::Hypermode ? "hypermode" :
rkOverlay.Type == EOverlayType::XRay ? "xray" :
ASSERT(TypeName != "");
TString OverlayName = TString::Format("%s_%s", *CharName, *TypeName);
if (rkOverlay.ModelID.IsValid())
CResourceEntry *pModelEntry = pStore->FindEntry(rkOverlay.ModelID);
ApplyGeneratedName(pModelEntry, SetDir, OverlayName);
if (rkOverlay.SkinID.IsValid())
CResourceEntry *pSkinEntry = pStore->FindEntry(rkOverlay.SkinID);
ApplyGeneratedName(pSkinEntry, SetDir, OverlayName);
if (!NewSetName.IsEmpty())
ApplyGeneratedName(*It, SetDir, NewSetName);
std::set<CAnimPrimitive> AnimPrimitives;
for (auto It = AnimPrimitives.begin(); It != AnimPrimitives.end(); It++)
const CAnimPrimitive& rkPrim = *It;
CAnimation *pAnim = rkPrim.Animation();
if (pAnim)
ApplyGeneratedName(pAnim->Entry(), SetDir, rkPrim.Name());
CAnimEventData *pEvents = pAnim->EventData();
if (pEvents)
ApplyGeneratedName(pEvents->Entry(), SetDir, rkPrim.Name());
delete pIter;
// Generate string names
debugf("Processing strings");
const TString kStringsDir = "Strings/Uncategorized/";
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::StringTable> It(pStore); It; ++It)
if (It->IsNamed()) continue;
CStringTable *pString = (CStringTable*) It->Load();
TString String;
for (uint32 iStr = 0; iStr < pString->NumStrings() && String.IsEmpty(); iStr++)
String = CStringTable::StripFormatting( pString->GetString(ELanguage::English, iStr) ).Trimmed();
if (!String.IsEmpty())
TString Name = String.SubString(0, Math::Min<uint32>(String.Size(), 50)).Trimmed();
Name.Replace("\n", " ");
while (Name.EndsWith(".") || TString::IsWhitespace(Name.Back()))
Name = Name.ChopBack(1);
ApplyGeneratedName(pString->Entry(), kStringsDir, Name);
// Generate scan names
debugf("Processing scans");
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::Scan> It(pStore); It; ++It)
if (It->IsNamed()) continue;
CScan *pScan = (CScan*) It->Load();
TString ScanName;
if (ScanName.IsEmpty())
CAssetID StringID = pScan->ScanStringPropertyRef().Get();
CStringTable *pString = (CStringTable*) gpResourceStore->LoadResource(StringID, EResourceType::StringTable);
if (pString) ScanName = pString->Entry()->Name();
ApplyGeneratedName(pScan->Entry(), It->DirectoryPath(), ScanName);
if (!ScanName.IsEmpty() && pProj->Game() <= EGame::Prime)
const SScanParametersMP1& kParms = *static_cast<SScanParametersMP1*>(pScan->ScanData().DataPointer());
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pStore->FindEntry(kParms.GuiFrame);
if (pEntry) ApplyGeneratedName(pEntry, pEntry->DirectoryPath(), "ScanFrame");
for (uint32 iImg = 0; iImg < 4; iImg++)
CAssetID ImageID = kParms.ScanImages[iImg].Texture;
CResourceEntry *pImgEntry = pStore->FindEntry(ImageID);
if (pImgEntry) ApplyGeneratedName(pImgEntry, pImgEntry->DirectoryPath(), TString::Format("%s_Image%d", *ScanName, iImg));
// Generate font names
debugf("Processing fonts");
for (TResourceIterator<EResourceType::Font> It(pStore); It; ++It)
CFont *pFont = (CFont*) It->Load();
if (pFont)
ApplyGeneratedName(pFont->Entry(), pFont->Entry()->DirectoryPath(), pFont->FontName());
CTexture *pFontTex = pFont->Texture();
if (pFontTex)
ApplyGeneratedName(pFontTex->Entry(), pFont->Entry()->DirectoryPath(), pFont->Entry()->Name() + "_tex");
debugf("*** Asset Name Generation FINISHED ***");