
160 lines
6.8 KiB

#ifndef MATERIAL_H
#define MATERIAL_H
#include "CMaterialPass.h"
#include "CTexture.h"
#include "TResPtr.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Model/EVertexAttribute.h"
#include "Core/Render/FRenderOptions.h"
#include "Core/OpenGL/CShader.h"
#include <Common/BasicTypes.h>
#include <Common/CColor.h>
#include <Common/EGame.h>
#include <Common/Flags.h>
#include <Common/FileIO/IInputStream.h>
class CMaterialSet;
// Enums
enum class EMaterialOption
None = 0,
Konst = 0x8,
Transparent = 0x10,
Masked = 0x20,
Reflection = 0x40,
DepthWrite = 0x80,
SurfaceReflection = 0x100,
Occluder = 0x200,
IndStage = 0x400,
Lightmap = 0x800,
ShortTexCoord = 0x2000,
AllMP1Settings = 0x2FF8,
ColorWrite = 0x10000,
AlphaWrite = 0x20000,
ZeroDestAlpha = 0x40000,
DrawWhiteAmbientDKCR = 0x80000
DECLARE_FLAGS_ENUMCLASS(EMaterialOption, FMaterialOptions)
enum class EMP3MaterialOption
None = 0,
Bloom = 0x1,
ForceLightingStage = 0x4,
PreIncandecenceTransparency = 0x8,
Masked = 0x10,
AdditiveIncandecence = 0x20,
Occluder = 0x100,
SolidWhiteOnly = 0x200,
ReflectionAlphaTarget = 0x400,
SolidColorOnly = 0x800,
ExcludeFromScanVisor = 0x4000,
XRayOpaque = 0x8000,
XRayAlphaTarget = 0x10000,
DrawWhiteAmbientDKCR = 0x80000,
DECLARE_FLAGS_ENUMCLASS(EMP3MaterialOption, FMP3MaterialOptions)
class CMaterial
friend class CMaterialLoader;
friend class CMaterialCooker;
enum class EShaderStatus
NoShader, ShaderExists, ShaderFailed
// Statics
static uint64 sCurrentMaterial; // The hash for the currently bound material
static CColor sCurrentTint; // The tint for the currently bound material
// Members
TString mName; // Name of the material
CShader *mpShader; // This material's generated shader. Created with GenerateShader().
EShaderStatus mShaderStatus; // A status variable so that PWE won't crash if a shader fails to compile.
uint64 mParametersHash; // A hash of all the parameters that can identify this TEV setup.
bool mRecalcHash; // Indicates the hash needs to be recalculated. Set true when parameters are changed.
EGame mVersion;
FMaterialOptions mOptions; // See the EMaterialOption enum above
FVertexDescription mVtxDesc; // Descriptor of vertex attributes used by this material
CColor mKonstColors[4]; // Konst color values for TEV
CColor mTevColors[4]; // Initial TEV color register values (for MP3 materials only)
GLenum mBlendSrcFac; // Source blend factor
GLenum mBlendDstFac; // Dest blend factor
bool mLightingEnabled; // Color channel control flags; indicate whether lighting is enabled
uint32 mEchoesUnknownA; // First unknown value introduced in Echoes. Included for cooking.
uint32 mEchoesUnknownB; // Second unknown value introduced in Echoes. Included for cooking.
TResPtr<CTexture> mpIndirectTexture; // Optional texture used for the indirect stage for reflections
std::vector<CMaterialPass*> mPasses;
// Transparent materials in MP3/DKCR may require multiple draw passes to achieve hybrid
// blending modes. This serves as a linked list of materials to be drawn successively
// for each surface.
CMaterial* mpNextDrawPassMaterial;
// Bloom in MP3 changes the CMaterialPass layout significantly. This is an alternate
// material head that may be conditionally used when the user wants to view bloom.
// (only set in the head non-bloom CMaterial).
CMaterial* mpBloomMaterial;
// Reuse shaders between materials that have identical TEV setups
struct SMaterialShader
int NumReferences;
CShader *pShader;
static std::map<uint64, SMaterialShader> smShaderMap;
CMaterial(EGame Version, FVertexDescription VtxDesc);
CMaterial* Clone();
void GenerateShader(bool AllowRegen = true);
void ClearShader();
bool SetCurrent(FRenderOptions Options);
uint64 HashParameters();
void Update();
void SetNumPasses(uint32 NumPasses);
// Accessors
inline TString Name() const { return mName; }
inline EGame Version() const { return mVersion; }
inline FMaterialOptions Options() const { return mOptions; }
inline FVertexDescription VtxDesc() const { return mVtxDesc; }
inline GLenum BlendSrcFac() const { return mBlendSrcFac; }
inline GLenum BlendDstFac() const { return mBlendDstFac; }
inline CColor Konst(uint32 KIndex) const { return mKonstColors[KIndex]; }
inline CColor TevColor(ETevOutput Out) const { return mTevColors[int(Out)]; }
inline CTexture* IndTexture() const { return mpIndirectTexture; }
inline bool IsLightingEnabled() const { return mLightingEnabled; }
inline uint32 EchoesUnknownA() const { return mEchoesUnknownA; }
inline uint32 EchoesUnknownB() const { return mEchoesUnknownB; }
inline uint32 PassCount() const { return mPasses.size(); }
inline CMaterialPass* Pass(uint32 PassIndex) const { return mPasses[PassIndex]; }
inline CMaterial* GetNextDrawPass() const { return mpNextDrawPassMaterial; }
inline CMaterial* GetBloomVersion() const { return mpBloomMaterial; }
inline void SetName(const TString& rkName) { mName = rkName; }
inline void SetOptions(FMaterialOptions Options) { mOptions = Options; Update(); }
inline void SetVertexDescription(FVertexDescription Desc) { mVtxDesc = Desc; Update(); }
inline void SetBlendMode(GLenum SrcFac, GLenum DstFac) { mBlendSrcFac = SrcFac; mBlendDstFac = DstFac; mRecalcHash = true; }
inline void SetKonst(const CColor& Konst, uint32 KIndex) { mKonstColors[KIndex] = Konst; Update(); }
inline void SetTevColor(const CColor& Color, ETevOutput Out) { mTevColors[int(Out)] = Color; }
inline void SetIndTexture(CTexture *pTex) { mpIndirectTexture = pTex; }
inline void SetLightingEnabled(bool Enabled) { mLightingEnabled = Enabled; Update(); }
// Static
inline static void KillCachedMaterial() { sCurrentMaterial = 0; }
#endif // MATERIAL_H