
415 lines
12 KiB

#include "CResourceTableModel.h"
#include "CResourceBrowser.h"
#include "CResourceMimeData.h"
CResourceTableModel::CResourceTableModel(CResourceBrowser *pBrowser, QObject *pParent /*= 0*/)
: QAbstractTableModel(pParent)
, mpCurrentDir(nullptr)
, mIsDisplayingUserEntryList(false)
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(ResourceCreated(CResourceEntry*)), this, SLOT(CheckAddResource(CResourceEntry*)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(ResourceAboutToBeDeleted(CResourceEntry*)), this, SLOT(CheckRemoveResource(CResourceEntry*)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryCreated(CVirtualDirectory*)), this, SLOT(CheckAddDirectory(CVirtualDirectory*)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryAboutToBeDeleted(CVirtualDirectory*)), this, SLOT(CheckRemoveDirectory(CVirtualDirectory*)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(ResourceMoved(CResourceEntry*,CVirtualDirectory*,TString)), this, SLOT(OnResourceMoved(CResourceEntry*,CVirtualDirectory*,TString)));
connect(pBrowser, SIGNAL(DirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory*,CVirtualDirectory*,TString)), this, SLOT(OnDirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory*,CVirtualDirectory*,TString)));
// ************ INTERFACE ************
int CResourceTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const
return mDirectories.size() + mEntries.size();
int CResourceTableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const
return 1;
QVariant CResourceTableModel::data(const QModelIndex& rkIndex, int Role) const
if (rkIndex.column() != 0)
return QVariant::Invalid;
// Directory
if (IsIndexDirectory(rkIndex))
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkIndex);
if (Role == Qt::DisplayRole || Role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return ( (mpCurrentDir && !mpCurrentDir->IsRoot() && rkIndex.row() == 0)
? ".." : TO_QSTRING(pDir->Name()));
else if (Role == Qt::DecorationRole)
return QIcon(":/icons/Open_24px.svg");
return QVariant::Invalid;
// Resource
CResourceEntry *pEntry = IndexEntry(rkIndex);
if (Role == Qt::DisplayRole)
return TO_QSTRING(pEntry->Name());
else if (Role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return TO_QSTRING(pEntry->CookedAssetPath(true));
else if (Role == Qt::DecorationRole)
return QIcon(":/icons/Sphere Preview.svg");
return QVariant::Invalid;
Qt::ItemFlags CResourceTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
Qt::ItemFlags Out = Qt::ItemIsSelectable |Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(rkIndex);
if (pDir)
Out |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
if (!pDir || mpCurrentDir->Parent() != pDir)
Out |= Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
return Out;
bool CResourceTableModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *pkData, Qt::DropAction, int Row, int Column, const QModelIndex& rkParent) const
// Don't allow dropping between items.
if (Row != -1 || Column != -1)
return false;
const CResourceMimeData *pkMimeData = qobject_cast<const CResourceMimeData*>(pkData);
if (pkMimeData)
// Don't allow dropping onto blank space in asset list mode
if (!rkParent.isValid() && mIsAssetListMode)
return false;
// Make sure we're dropping onto a directory
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = (rkParent.isValid() ? IndexDirectory(rkParent) : mpCurrentDir);
if (pDir)
// Make sure this directory isn't part of the mime data, or a subdirectory of a directory in the mime data
foreach (CVirtualDirectory *pMimeDir, pkMimeData->Directories())
if (pDir == pMimeDir || pDir->IsDescendantOf(pMimeDir))
return false;
// Valid directory
return true;
return false;
bool CResourceTableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *pkData, Qt::DropAction Action, int Row, int Column, const QModelIndex& rkParent)
const CResourceMimeData *pkMimeData = qobject_cast<const CResourceMimeData*>(pkData);
if (canDropMimeData(pkData, Action, Row, Column, rkParent))
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = (rkParent.isValid() ? IndexDirectory(rkParent) : mpCurrentDir);
return gpEdApp->ResourceBrowser()->MoveResources( pkMimeData->Resources(), pkMimeData->Directories(), pDir );
else return false;
QMimeData* CResourceTableModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList& rkIndexes) const
if (rkIndexes.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
QList<CResourceEntry*> Resources;
QList<CVirtualDirectory*> Dirs;
foreach(QModelIndex Index, rkIndexes)
CResourceEntry *pEntry = IndexEntry(Index);
CVirtualDirectory *pDir = IndexDirectory(Index);
if (pEntry) Resources << pEntry;
else Dirs << pDir;
return new CResourceMimeData(Resources, Dirs);
Qt::DropActions CResourceTableModel::supportedDragActions() const
return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction;
Qt::DropActions CResourceTableModel::supportedDropActions() const
return Qt::MoveAction;
// ************ FUNCTIONALITY ************
QModelIndex CResourceTableModel::GetIndexForEntry(CResourceEntry *pEntry) const
auto Iter = std::find(mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), pEntry);
if (Iter == mEntries.end())
return QModelIndex();
int Index = Iter - mEntries.begin();
return index(mDirectories.size() + Index, 0, QModelIndex());
QModelIndex CResourceTableModel::GetIndexForDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir) const
for (int DirIdx = 0; DirIdx < mDirectories.size(); DirIdx++)
if (mDirectories[DirIdx] == pDir)
return index(DirIdx, 0, QModelIndex());
return QModelIndex();
CResourceEntry* CResourceTableModel::IndexEntry(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
int Index = rkIndex.row() - mDirectories.size();
return (Index >= 0 ? mEntries[Index] : nullptr);
CVirtualDirectory* CResourceTableModel::IndexDirectory(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
return (IsIndexDirectory(rkIndex) ? mDirectories[rkIndex.row()] : nullptr);
bool CResourceTableModel::IsIndexDirectory(const QModelIndex& rkIndex) const
return rkIndex.row() >= 0 && rkIndex.row() < mDirectories.size();
bool CResourceTableModel::HasParentDirectoryEntry() const
return !mIsAssetListMode && mpCurrentDir && !mpCurrentDir->IsRoot();
void CResourceTableModel::FillEntryList(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, bool AssetListMode)
mpCurrentDir = pDir;
mIsAssetListMode = AssetListMode;
mIsDisplayingUserEntryList = false;
if (pDir)
// In filesystem mode, show only subdirectories and assets in the current directory.
if (!mIsAssetListMode)
if (!pDir->IsRoot())
mDirectories << pDir->Parent();
for (uint32 iDir = 0; iDir < pDir->NumSubdirectories(); iDir++)
mDirectories << pDir->SubdirectoryByIndex(iDir);
for (uint32 iRes = 0; iRes < pDir->NumResources(); iRes++)
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pDir->ResourceByIndex(iRes);
if (!pEntry->IsHidden())
int Index = EntryListIndex(pEntry);
mEntries.insert(Index, pEntry);
// In asset list mode, do not show subdirectories and show all assets in current directory + all subdirectories.
if (pDir)
mModelDescription = pDir->IsRoot() ? "Resources" : TO_QSTRING(pDir->FullPath());
mModelDescription = "Nothing";
void CResourceTableModel::DisplayEntryList(QList<CResourceEntry*>& rkEntries, const QString& rkListDescription)
mEntries = rkEntries;
mModelDescription = rkListDescription;
mIsAssetListMode = true;
mIsDisplayingUserEntryList = true;
void CResourceTableModel::RecursiveAddDirectoryContents(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
for (uint32 iRes = 0; iRes < pDir->NumResources(); iRes++)
CResourceEntry *pEntry = pDir->ResourceByIndex(iRes);
if (!pEntry->IsHidden())
int Index = EntryListIndex(pEntry);
mEntries.insert(Index, pEntry);
for (uint32 iDir = 0; iDir < pDir->NumSubdirectories(); iDir++)
int CResourceTableModel::EntryListIndex(CResourceEntry *pEntry)
return qLowerBound(mEntries, pEntry) - mEntries.constBegin();
void CResourceTableModel::RefreshAllIndices()
int NumRows = rowCount(QModelIndex());
int NumCols = columnCount(QModelIndex());
if (NumRows > 0 && NumCols > 0)
emit dataChanged( index(0,0), index(NumRows-1, NumCols-1) );
void CResourceTableModel::CheckAddResource(CResourceEntry *pEntry)
if ( (mIsAssetListMode && pEntry->IsInDirectory(mpCurrentDir)) ||
(!mIsAssetListMode && pEntry->Directory() == mpCurrentDir) )
// Append to the end, let the proxy handle sorting
int NumRows = mDirectories.size() + mEntries.size();
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), NumRows, NumRows);
mEntries << pEntry;
void CResourceTableModel::CheckRemoveResource(CResourceEntry *pEntry)
int Index = mEntries.indexOf(pEntry);
if (Index != -1)
int RowIndex = Index + mDirectories.size();
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), RowIndex, RowIndex);
void CResourceTableModel::CheckAddDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
if (pDir->Parent() == mpCurrentDir)
// Just append to the end, let the proxy handle sorting
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), mDirectories.size(), mDirectories.size());
mDirectories << pDir;
void CResourceTableModel::CheckRemoveDirectory(CVirtualDirectory *pDir)
int Index = mDirectories.indexOf(pDir);
if (Index != -1)
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), Index, Index);
void CResourceTableModel::OnResourceMoved(CResourceEntry *pEntry, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName)
CVirtualDirectory *pNewDir = pEntry->Directory();
bool WasInModel = (pOldDir == mpCurrentDir || (mIsAssetListMode && pOldDir->IsDescendantOf(mpCurrentDir)));
bool IsInModel = (pNewDir == mpCurrentDir || (mIsAssetListMode && pNewDir->IsDescendantOf(mpCurrentDir)));
// Handle rename
if (WasInModel && IsInModel && pEntry->Name() != OldName)
int ResIdx = EntryListIndex(pEntry);
int Row = ResIdx + mDirectories.size();
QModelIndex Index = index(Row, 0, QModelIndex());
emit dataChanged(Index, Index);
else if (pNewDir != pOldDir)
// Remove
if (WasInModel && !IsInModel)
int Pos = EntryListIndex(pEntry);
int Row = mDirectories.size() + Pos;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), Row, Row);
// Add
else if (!WasInModel && IsInModel)
int Index = EntryListIndex(pEntry);
int Row = mDirectories.size() + Index;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), Row, Row);
mEntries.insert(Index, pEntry);
void CResourceTableModel::OnDirectoryMoved(CVirtualDirectory *pDir, CVirtualDirectory *pOldDir, TString OldName)
CVirtualDirectory *pNewDir = pDir->Parent();
bool WasInModel = !mIsAssetListMode && pOldDir == mpCurrentDir;
bool IsInModel = !mIsAssetListMode && pNewDir == mpCurrentDir;
// Handle parent link
if (pDir == mpCurrentDir)
ASSERT(mDirectories.front() == pOldDir);
mDirectories[0] = pNewDir;
// Handle rename
if (WasInModel && IsInModel && pDir->Name() != OldName)
QModelIndex Index = GetIndexForDirectory(pDir);
emit dataChanged(Index, Index);
else if (pNewDir != pOldDir)
// Remove
if (WasInModel && !IsInModel)
// Add
else if (!WasInModel && IsInModel)