
330 lines
11 KiB

#include "CPropertyNameGenerator.h"
#include "IUIRelay.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Script/CGameTemplate.h"
#include "Core/Resource/Script/NPropertyMap.h"
#include <Common/Hash/CCRC32.h>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
/** Default constructor */
CPropertyNameGenerator::CPropertyNameGenerator() = default;
void CPropertyNameGenerator::Warmup()
std::unique_lock lock{mWarmupMutex};
if (mWordListLoadFinished)
mWordListLoadFinished = false;
// Load the word list from the file
using FILEPtr = std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&std::fclose)>;
auto pListFile = FILEPtr{std::fopen(*(gDataDir + "resources/WordList.txt"), "r"), std::fclose};
while (!feof(pListFile.get()))
char WordBuffer[64];
std::fgets(WordBuffer, sizeof(WordBuffer), pListFile.get());
WordBuffer[0] = TString::CharToUpper(WordBuffer[0]);
mWordListLoadFinished = true;
void CPropertyNameGenerator::Generate(const SPropertyNameGenerationParameters& rkParams, IProgressNotifier* pProgress)
// Make sure all prerequisite data is loaded!
ASSERT(rkParams.TypeNames.size() > 0);
mIsRunning = true;
// Convert the type pair map.
// Also, replace the normal type name list with whatever is in the ID pairs list we were given.
if (!rkParams.ValidIdPairs.empty())
for (const SPropertyIdTypePair& kPair : rkParams.ValidIdPairs)
mValidTypePairMap[ kPair.ID ] = kPair.pkType;
NBasics::VectorAddUnique( mTypeNames, TString(kPair.pkType) );
mTypeNames = rkParams.TypeNames;
// If TestIntsAsChoices is enabled, and int is in the type list, then choice must be in the type list too.
if (rkParams.TestIntsAsChoices && NBasics::VectorFind(mTypeNames, TString("int")) >= 0)
NBasics::VectorAddUnique(mTypeNames, TString("choice"));
// If we haven't loaded the word list yet, load it.
// Calculate the number of steps involved in this task.
const size_t kNumWords = mWords.size();
const int kMaxWords = rkParams.MaxWords;
TotalTests = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxWords; i++)
TotalTests *= kNumWords;
pProgress->SetOneShotTask("Generating property names");
pProgress->Report(0, TotalTests);
const uint WordsPerThread = kNumWords / rkParams.ConcurrentTasks;
std::vector<std::thread> Threads;
for (int i = 0; i < rkParams.ConcurrentTasks; ++i)
SPropertyNameGenerationTaskParameters Params{};
Params.TaskIndex = i;
Params.StartWord = WordsPerThread * i;
if (i == rkParams.ConcurrentTasks - 1)
// Ensure last task takes any remaining words
Params.EndWord = kNumWords - 1;
Params.EndWord = Params.StartWord + WordsPerThread;
Threads.emplace_back(&CPropertyNameGenerator::GenerateTask, this, rkParams, Params, pProgress);
for (auto& Thread : Threads)
mIsRunning = false;
void CPropertyNameGenerator::GenerateTask(const SPropertyNameGenerationParameters& rkParams,
SPropertyNameGenerationTaskParameters taskParams,
IProgressNotifier* pProgress)
const size_t kNumWords = mWords.size();
const int kMaxWords = rkParams.MaxWords;
// Configure params needed to run the name generation!
bool WriteToLog = rkParams.PrintToLog;
bool SaveResults = true;
uint64 TestsDone = 0;
// The prefix only needs to be hashed this one time
CCRC32 PrefixHash;
PrefixHash.Hash( *rkParams.Prefix );
// Use a stack to keep track of the current word we are on. We can use this
// to cache the hash of a word and then re-use it later instead of recaculating
// the same hashes over and over. Init the stack with the first word.
struct SWordCache
uint WordIndex;
CCRC32 Hash;
std::vector<SWordCache> WordCache;
SWordCache FirstWord { taskParams.StartWord - 1, CCRC32() };
while ( true )
// Increment the current word, handle wrapping back to 0, and update cached hashes as needed.
int RecalcIndex = WordCache.size() - 1;
while (WordCache[RecalcIndex].WordIndex >= kNumWords ||
(RecalcIndex == 0 && WordCache[0].WordIndex >= taskParams.EndWord))
if (RecalcIndex == 0)
WordCache[0].WordIndex = taskParams.StartWord;
SWordCache NewWord { 0, CCRC32() };
WordCache[RecalcIndex].WordIndex = 0;
// If we've hit the word limit, break out and end the name generation system.
if (WordCache.size() > kMaxWords)
// Now that all words are updated, calculate the new hashes.
CCRC32 LastValidHash = (RecalcIndex > 0 ? WordCache[RecalcIndex - 1].Hash : PrefixHash);
for (; RecalcIndex < WordCache.size(); RecalcIndex++)
int Index = WordCache[RecalcIndex].WordIndex;
// For camelcase, hash the first letter of the first word as lowercase
if (RecalcIndex == 0 && rkParams.Casing == ENameCasing::camelCase)
const char* pkWord = *mWords[Index];
LastValidHash.Hash( TString::CharToLower( pkWord[0] ) );
LastValidHash.Hash( &pkWord[1] );
// Add an underscore for snake case
if (RecalcIndex > 0 && rkParams.Casing == ENameCasing::Snake_Case)
LastValidHash.Hash( *mWords[Index] );
WordCache[RecalcIndex].Hash = LastValidHash;
// We got our hash yay! Now hash the suffix and then we can test with each type name
CCRC32 BaseHash = LastValidHash;
BaseHash.Hash( *rkParams.Suffix );
for (const auto& typeName : mTypeNames)
CCRC32 FullHash = BaseHash;
const char* pkTypeName = *typeName;
FullHash.Hash( pkTypeName );
const uint32 PropertyID = FullHash.Digest();
// Check if this hash is a property ID
if (IsValidPropertyID(PropertyID, pkTypeName, rkParams))
std::unique_lock lock{mPropertyCheckMutex};
SGeneratedPropertyName PropertyName;
NPropertyMap::RetrieveXMLsWithProperty(PropertyID, pkTypeName, PropertyName.XmlList);
// Generate a string with the complete name. (We wait to do this until now to avoid needless string allocation)
PropertyName.Name = rkParams.Prefix;
for (size_t WordIdx = 0; WordIdx < WordCache.size(); WordIdx++)
const int Index = WordCache[WordIdx].WordIndex;
if (WordIdx > 0 && rkParams.Casing == ENameCasing::Snake_Case)
PropertyName.Name += "_";
PropertyName.Name += mWords[Index];
if (rkParams.Casing == ENameCasing::camelCase)
PropertyName.Name[0] = TString::CharToLower( PropertyName.Name[0] );
PropertyName.Name += rkParams.Suffix;
PropertyName.Type = pkTypeName;
PropertyName.ID = PropertyID;
if (SaveResults)
// Check if we have too many saved results. This can cause memory issues and crashing.
// If we have too many saved results, then to avoid crashing we will force enable log output.
if (mGeneratedNames.size() > 9999)
gpUIRelay->ShowMessageBoxAsync("Warning", "There are over 10,000 results. Results will no longer print to the screen. Check the log for the remaining output.");
WriteToLog = true;
SaveResults = false;
// Log this out
if ( WriteToLog )
TString DelimitedXmlList;
for (const auto& xml : PropertyName.XmlList)
DelimitedXmlList += xml + '\n';
debugf("%s [%s] : 0x%08X\n%s", *PropertyName.Name, *PropertyName.Type, PropertyName.ID, *DelimitedXmlList);
// Every 5000 tests, check with the progress notifier. Update the progress
// bar and check whether the user has requested to cancel the operation.
if ( (TestsDone % 5000) == 0 )
if (pProgress->ShouldCancel())
std::unique_lock lock{mWarmupMutex};
auto Value = TotalTestsDone += 5000;
pProgress->Report(Value, TotalTests);
/** Returns whether a given property ID is valid */
bool CPropertyNameGenerator::IsValidPropertyID(uint32 ID, const char*& pkType, const SPropertyNameGenerationParameters& rkParams)
if (!mValidTypePairMap.empty())
auto Find = mValidTypePairMap.find(ID);
if (Find != mValidTypePairMap.end())
if (strcmp( Find->second, pkType ) == 0)
return true;
else if (rkParams.TestIntsAsChoices && strcmp(pkType, "choice") == 0)
if (strcmp( Find->second, "int" ) == 0)
pkType = "int";
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool IsAlreadyNamed;
bool IsValid = NPropertyMap::IsValidPropertyID(ID, pkType, &IsAlreadyNamed);
if (!IsValid && rkParams.TestIntsAsChoices && strcmp(pkType, "choice") == 0)
IsValid = NPropertyMap::IsValidPropertyID(ID, "int", &IsAlreadyNamed);
if (IsValid)
pkType = "int";
return IsValid && (!IsAlreadyNamed || !rkParams.ExcludeAccuratelyNamedProperties);