mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/amuse.git
412 lines
13 KiB
412 lines
13 KiB
#include "amuse/amuse.hpp"
#include "amuse/BooBackend.hpp"
#include "athena/FileReader.hpp"
#include "boo/boo.hpp"
#include "boo/audiodev/IAudioVoiceEngine.hpp"
#include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp"
#include <optional>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <signal.h>
#include <thread>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cstdarg>
static logvisor::Module Log("amuserender");
#if _WIN32
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#include <nowide/args.hpp>
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp.lib")
#include <signal.h>
static void abortHandler(int signum) {
unsigned int i;
void* stack[100];
unsigned short frames;
SYMBOL_INFO* symbol;
HANDLE process;
process = GetCurrentProcess();
SymInitialize(process, NULL, TRUE);
frames = CaptureStackBackTrace(0, 100, stack, NULL);
symbol = (SYMBOL_INFO*)calloc(sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 256 * sizeof(char), 1);
symbol->MaxNameLen = 255;
symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
SymFromAddr(process, (DWORD64)(stack[i]), 0, symbol);
printf("%i: %s - 0x%0llX", frames - i - 1, symbol->Name, symbol->Address);
DWORD dwDisplacement;
line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);
if (SymGetLineFromAddr64(process, (DWORD64)(stack[i]), &dwDisplacement, &line)) {
// SymGetLineFromAddr64 returned success
printf(" LINE %d\n", line.LineNumber);
} else {
// If you caught one of the above signals, it is likely you just
// want to quit your program right now.
/* SIGINT will gracefully break write loop */
static bool g_BreakLoop = false;
static void SIGINTHandler(int sig) { g_BreakLoop = true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<std::string> m_args;
double rate = NativeSampleRate;
int chCount = 2;
double volume = 1.0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-r", 2)) {
if (argv[i][2])
rate = strtod(&argv[i][2], nullptr);
else if (argc > (i + 1)) {
rate = strtod(argv[i + 1], nullptr);
} else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-c", 2)) {
if (argv[i][2])
chCount = strtoul(&argv[i][2], nullptr, 0);
else if (argc > (i + 1)) {
chCount = strtoul(argv[i + 1], nullptr, 0);
} else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 2)) {
if (argv[i][2])
volume = strtod(&argv[i][2], nullptr);
else if (argc > (i + 1)) {
volume = strtod(argv[i + 1], nullptr);
} else
/* Load data */
if (m_args.size() < 1) {
FMT_STRING("Usage: amuserender <group-file> [<songs-file>] [-r <sample-rate>] [-c <channel-count>] [-v <volume "
return 1;
amuse::ContainerRegistry::Type cType = amuse::ContainerRegistry::DetectContainerType(m_args[0].c_str());
if (cType == amuse::ContainerRegistry::Type::Invalid) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("invalid/no data at path argument"));
return 1;
Log.report(logvisor::Info, FMT_STRING("Found '{}' Audio Group data"), amuse::ContainerRegistry::TypeToName(cType));
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, amuse::IntrusiveAudioGroupData>> data =
if (data.empty()) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("invalid/no data at path argument"));
return 1;
int m_groupId = -1;
int m_setupId = -1;
const std::string* m_groupName = nullptr;
const std::string* m_songName = nullptr;
amuse::ContainerRegistry::SongData* m_arrData = nullptr;
bool m_sfxGroup = false;
std::list<amuse::AudioGroupProject> m_projs;
std::map<amuse::GroupId, std::pair<std::pair<std::string, amuse::IntrusiveAudioGroupData>*,
std::map<amuse::GroupId, std::pair<std::pair<std::string, amuse::IntrusiveAudioGroupData>*,
size_t totalGroups = 0;
for (auto& grp : data) {
/* Load project to assemble group list */
amuse::AudioGroupProject& proj = m_projs.back();
totalGroups += proj.sfxGroups().size() + proj.songGroups().size();
for (auto it = proj.songGroups().begin(); it != proj.songGroups().end(); ++it)
allSongGroups[it->first] = std::make_pair(&grp, it->second);
for (auto it = proj.sfxGroups().begin(); it != proj.sfxGroups().end(); ++it)
allSFXGroups[it->first] = std::make_pair(&grp, it->second);
/* Attempt loading song */
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, amuse::ContainerRegistry::SongData>> songs;
if (m_args.size() > 1)
songs = amuse::ContainerRegistry::LoadSongs(m_args[1].c_str());
songs = amuse::ContainerRegistry::LoadSongs(m_args[0].c_str());
if (songs.size()) {
bool play = true;
if (m_args.size() <= 1) {
bool prompt = true;
while (true) {
if (prompt) {
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Render Song? (Y/N): "));
prompt = false;
char userSel;
if (scanf("%c", &userSel) <= 0 || userSel == '\n')
userSel = tolower(userSel);
if (userSel == 'n')
play = false;
else if (userSel != 'y') {
prompt = true;
if (play) {
/* Get song selection from user */
if (songs.size() > 1) {
/* Ask user to specify which song */
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Multiple Songs discovered:\n"));
int idx = 0;
for (const auto& pair : songs) {
const amuse::ContainerRegistry::SongData& sngData = pair.second;
int16_t grpId = sngData.m_groupId;
int16_t setupId = sngData.m_setupId;
if (sngData.m_groupId == -1 && sngData.m_setupId != -1) {
for (const auto& pair : allSongGroups) {
for (const auto& setup : pair.second.second->m_midiSetups) {
if (setup.first == sngData.m_setupId) {
grpId = pair.first.id;
if (grpId != -1)
fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" {} {} (Group {}, Setup {})\n"), idx++, pair.first, grpId, setupId);
int userSel = 0;
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Enter Song Number: "));
if (scanf("%d", &userSel) <= 0) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to parse prompt"));
return 1;
if (userSel < songs.size()) {
m_arrData = &songs[userSel].second;
m_groupId = m_arrData->m_groupId;
m_setupId = m_arrData->m_setupId;
m_songName = &songs[userSel].first;
} else {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to find Song {}"), userSel);
return 1;
} else if (songs.size() == 1) {
m_arrData = &songs[0].second;
m_groupId = m_arrData->m_groupId;
m_setupId = m_arrData->m_setupId;
m_songName = &songs[0].first;
/* Get group selection via setup search */
if (m_groupId == -1 && m_setupId != -1) {
for (const auto& pair : allSongGroups) {
for (const auto& setup : pair.second.second->m_midiSetups) {
if (setup.first == m_setupId) {
m_groupId = pair.first.id;
m_groupName = &pair.second.first->first;
if (m_groupId != -1)
/* Get group selection via user */
if (m_groupId != -1) {
auto songSearch = allSongGroups.find(m_groupId);
auto sfxSearch = allSFXGroups.find(m_groupId);
if (songSearch != allSongGroups.end()) {
m_sfxGroup = false;
m_groupName = &songSearch->second.first->first;
} else if (sfxSearch != allSFXGroups.end()) {
m_sfxGroup = true;
m_groupName = &sfxSearch->second.first->first;
} else {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to find Group {}"), m_groupId);
return 1;
} else if (totalGroups > 1) {
/* Ask user to specify which group in project */
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Multiple Audio Groups discovered:\n"));
for (const auto& pair : allSFXGroups) {
fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" {} {} (SFXGroup) {} sfx-entries\n"), pair.first,
pair.second.first->first, pair.second.second->m_sfxEntries.size());
for (const auto& pair : allSongGroups) {
fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" {} {} (SongGroup) {} normal-pages, {} drum-pages, {} MIDI-setups\n"),
pair.first, pair.second.first->first, pair.second.second->m_normPages.size(),
pair.second.second->m_drumPages.size(), pair.second.second->m_midiSetups.size());
int userSel = 0;
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Enter Group Number: "));
if (scanf("%d", &userSel) <= 0) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to parse prompt"));
return 1;
auto songSearch = allSongGroups.find(userSel);
auto sfxSearch = allSFXGroups.find(userSel);
if (songSearch != allSongGroups.end()) {
m_groupId = userSel;
m_groupName = &songSearch->second.first->first;
m_sfxGroup = false;
} else if (sfxSearch != allSFXGroups.end()) {
m_groupId = userSel;
m_groupName = &sfxSearch->second.first->first;
m_sfxGroup = true;
} else {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to find Group {}"), userSel);
return 1;
} else if (totalGroups == 1) {
/* Load one and only group */
if (allSongGroups.size()) {
const auto& pair = *allSongGroups.cbegin();
m_groupId = pair.first.id;
m_groupName = &pair.second.first->first;
m_sfxGroup = false;
} else {
const auto& pair = *allSFXGroups.cbegin();
m_groupId = pair.first.id;
m_groupName = &pair.second.first->first;
m_sfxGroup = true;
} else {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("empty project"));
return 1;
/* Make final group selection */
amuse::IntrusiveAudioGroupData* selData = nullptr;
amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SongGroupIndex> songIndex;
amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SFXGroupIndex> sfxIndex;
auto songSearch = allSongGroups.find(m_groupId);
if (songSearch != allSongGroups.end()) {
selData = &songSearch->second.first->second;
songIndex = songSearch->second.second;
std::set<amuse::SongId> sortSetups;
for (auto& pair : songIndex->m_midiSetups)
if (m_setupId == -1) {
/* Ask user to specify which group in project */
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Multiple MIDI Setups:\n"));
for (auto setup : sortSetups)
fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" {}\n"), setup);
int userSel = 0;
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Enter Setup Number: "));
if (scanf("%d", &userSel) <= 0) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to parse prompt"));
return 1;
m_setupId = userSel;
if (sortSetups.find(m_setupId) == sortSetups.cend()) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to find setup {}"), m_setupId);
return 1;
} else {
auto sfxSearch = allSFXGroups.find(m_groupId);
if (sfxSearch != allSFXGroups.end()) {
selData = &sfxSearch->second.first->second;
sfxIndex = sfxSearch->second.second;
if (!selData) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to select audio group data"));
return 1;
if (m_sfxGroup) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("amuserender is currently only able to render SongGroups"));
return 1;
/* WAV out path */
std::string pathOut = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}-{}.wav"), *m_groupName, *m_songName);
Log.report(logvisor::Info, FMT_STRING("Writing to {}"), pathOut);
/* Build voice engine */
std::unique_ptr<boo::IAudioVoiceEngine> voxEngine = boo::NewWAVAudioVoiceEngine(pathOut.c_str(), rate, chCount);
amuse::BooBackendVoiceAllocator booBackend(*voxEngine);
amuse::Engine engine(booBackend, amuse::AmplitudeMode::PerSample);
engine.setVolume(float(std::clamp(0.0, volume, 1.0)));
/* Load group into engine */
const amuse::AudioGroup* group = engine.addAudioGroup(*selData);
if (!group) {
Log.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unable to add audio group"));
return 1;
/* Enter playback loop */
amuse::ObjToken<amuse::Sequencer> seq = engine.seqPlay(m_groupId, m_setupId, m_arrData->m_data.get(), false);
size_t wroteFrames = 0;
signal(SIGINT, SIGINTHandler);
do {
wroteFrames += voxEngine->get5MsFrames();
fmt::print(FMT_STRING("\rFrame {}"), wroteFrames);
} while (!g_BreakLoop && (seq->state() == amuse::SequencerState::Playing || seq->getVoiceCount() != 0));
return 0;
#if _WIN32
#include <shellapi.h>
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int) {
signal(SIGABRT, abortHandler);
signal(SIGSEGV, abortHandler);
signal(SIGILL, abortHandler);
signal(SIGFPE, abortHandler);
int argc = 0;
char** argv = nullptr;
nowide::args _(argc, argv);
return main(argc, argv);