
214 lines
6.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "amuse/Common.hpp"
#include <athena/DNA.hpp>
namespace amuse {
class AudioGroupData;
class AudioGroupPool;
class AudioGroupSampleDirectory;
enum class GroupType : atUint16 { Song, SFX };
/** Header at top of project file */
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
struct AT_SPECIALIZE_PARMS(athena::Endian::Big, athena::Endian::Little) GroupHeader : BigDNA {
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> groupEndOff;
GroupIdDNA<DNAEn> groupId;
Value<GroupType, DNAEn> type;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> soundMacroIdsOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> samplIdsOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> tableIdsOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> keymapIdsOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> layerIdsOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> pageTableOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> drumTableOff;
Value<atUint32, DNAEn> midiSetupsOff;
/** Common index members of SongGroups and SFXGroups */
struct AudioGroupIndex {};
/** Root index of SongGroup */
struct SongGroupIndex : AudioGroupIndex {
/** Maps GM program numbers to sound entities */
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
struct AT_SPECIALIZE_PARMS(athena::Endian::Big, athena::Endian::Little) PageEntryDNA : BigDNA {
PageObjectIdDNA<DNAEn> objId;
Value<atUint8> priority;
Value<atUint8> maxVoices;
Value<atUint8> programNo;
Seek<1, athena::Current> pad;
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
struct AT_SPECIALIZE_PARMS(athena::Endian::Big, athena::Endian::Little) MusyX1PageEntryDNA : BigDNA {
PageObjectIdDNA<DNAEn> objId;
Value<atUint8> priority;
Value<atUint8> maxVoices;
Value<atUint8> unk;
Value<atUint8> programNo;
Seek<2, athena::Current> pad;
struct PageEntry : BigDNA {
PageObjectIdDNA<athena::Big> objId;
Value<atUint8> priority = 0;
Value<atUint8> maxVoices = 255;
PageEntry() = default;
template <athena::Endian DNAE>
PageEntry(const PageEntryDNA<DNAE>& in) : objId(, priority(in.priority), maxVoices(in.maxVoices) {}
template <athena::Endian DNAE>
PageEntry(const MusyX1PageEntryDNA<DNAE>& in)
: objId(, priority(in.priority), maxVoices(in.maxVoices) {}
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
PageEntryDNA<DNAEn> toDNA(uint8_t programNo) const {
PageEntryDNA<DNAEn> ret;
ret.objId = objId;
ret.priority = priority;
ret.maxVoices = maxVoices;
ret.programNo = programNo;
return ret;
std::unordered_map<uint8_t, PageEntry> m_normPages;
std::unordered_map<uint8_t, PageEntry> m_drumPages;
/** Maps SongID to 16 MIDI channel numbers to GM program numbers and settings */
struct MusyX1MIDISetup : BigDNA {
Value<atUint8> programNo;
Value<atUint8> volume;
Value<atUint8> panning;
Value<atUint8> reverb;
Value<atUint8> chorus;
Seek<3, athena::Current> pad;
struct MIDISetup : BigDNA {
Value<atUint8> programNo = 0;
Value<atUint8> volume = 127;
Value<atUint8> panning = 64;
Value<atUint8> reverb = 0;
Value<atUint8> chorus = 0;
MIDISetup() = default;
MIDISetup(const MusyX1MIDISetup& setup)
: programNo(setup.programNo)
, volume(setup.volume)
, panning(setup.panning)
, reverb(setup.reverb)
, chorus(setup.chorus) {}
std::unordered_map<SongId, std::array<MIDISetup, 16>> m_midiSetups;
void toYAML(athena::io::YAMLDocWriter& w) const;
void fromYAML(athena::io::YAMLDocReader& r);
/** Root index of SFXGroup */
struct SFXGroupIndex : AudioGroupIndex {
/** Maps game-side SFX define IDs to sound entities */
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
struct AT_SPECIALIZE_PARMS(athena::Endian::Big, athena::Endian::Little) SFXEntryDNA : BigDNA {
PageObjectIdDNA<DNAEn> objId;
Value<atUint8> priority;
Value<atUint8> maxVoices;
Value<atUint8> defVel;
Value<atUint8> panning;
Value<atUint8> defKey;
Seek<1, athena::Current> pad;
struct SFXEntry : BigDNA {
PageObjectIdDNA<athena::Big> objId;
Value<atUint8> priority = 0;
Value<atUint8> maxVoices = 255;
Value<atUint8> defVel = 127;
Value<atUint8> panning = 64;
Value<atUint8> defKey = 60;
SFXEntry() = default;
template <athena::Endian DNAE>
SFXEntry(const SFXEntryDNA<DNAE>& in)
: objId(
, priority(in.priority)
, maxVoices(in.maxVoices)
, defVel(in.defVel)
, panning(in.panning)
, defKey(in.defKey) {}
template <athena::Endian DNAEn>
SFXEntryDNA<DNAEn> toDNA(SFXId id) const {
SFXEntryDNA<DNAEn> ret; = id;
ret.objId = objId;
ret.priority = priority;
ret.maxVoices = maxVoices;
ret.defVel = defVel;
ret.panning = panning;
ret.defKey = defKey;
return ret;
std::unordered_map<SFXId, SFXEntry> m_sfxEntries;
SFXGroupIndex() = default;
SFXGroupIndex(const SFXGroupIndex& other);
void toYAML(athena::io::YAMLDocWriter& w) const;
void fromYAML(athena::io::YAMLDocReader& r);
/** Collection of SongGroup and SFXGroup indexes */
class AudioGroupProject {
std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SongGroupIndex>> m_songGroups;
std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SFXGroupIndex>> m_sfxGroups;
AudioGroupProject(athena::io::IStreamReader& r, GCNDataTag);
template <athena::Endian DNAE>
static AudioGroupProject _AudioGroupProject(athena::io::IStreamReader& r, bool absOffs);
static void BootstrapObjectIDs(athena::io::IStreamReader& r, GCNDataTag);
template <athena::Endian DNAE>
static void BootstrapObjectIDs(athena::io::IStreamReader& r, bool absOffs);
AudioGroupProject() = default;
static AudioGroupProject CreateAudioGroupProject(const AudioGroupData& data);
static AudioGroupProject CreateAudioGroupProject(SystemStringView groupPath);
static AudioGroupProject CreateAudioGroupProject(const AudioGroupProject& oldProj);
static void BootstrapObjectIDs(const AudioGroupData& data);
const SongGroupIndex* getSongGroupIndex(GroupId groupId) const;
const SFXGroupIndex* getSFXGroupIndex(GroupId groupId) const;
const std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SongGroupIndex>>& songGroups() const { return m_songGroups; }
const std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SFXGroupIndex>>& sfxGroups() const { return m_sfxGroups; }
std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SongGroupIndex>>& songGroups() { return m_songGroups; }
std::unordered_map<GroupId, ObjToken<SFXGroupIndex>>& sfxGroups() { return m_sfxGroups; }
std::vector<uint8_t> toYAML() const;
std::vector<uint8_t> toGCNData(const AudioGroupPool& pool, const AudioGroupSampleDirectory& sdir) const;
AudioGroupProject(const AudioGroupProject&) = delete;
AudioGroupProject& operator=(const AudioGroupProject&) = delete;
AudioGroupProject(AudioGroupProject&&) = default;
AudioGroupProject& operator=(AudioGroupProject&&) = default;
} // namespace amuse