mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/amuse.git
437 lines
17 KiB
437 lines
17 KiB
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QIdentityProxyModel>
#include <QDir>
#include <QIcon>
#include <map>
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "NewSoundMacroDialog.hpp"
#include "amuse/AudioGroup.hpp"
#include "amuse/AudioGroupData.hpp"
#include "amuse/AudioGroupProject.hpp"
#include "amuse/AudioGroupPool.hpp"
#include "amuse/AudioGroupSampleDirectory.hpp"
class ProjectModel;
class NullItemProxyModel : public QIdentityProxyModel
explicit NullItemProxyModel(ProjectModel* source);
QModelIndex mapFromSource(const QModelIndex& sourceIndex) const;
QModelIndex mapToSource(const QModelIndex& proxyIndex) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& proxyIndex, int role) const;
class PageObjectProxyModel : public QIdentityProxyModel
explicit PageObjectProxyModel(ProjectModel* source);
QModelIndex mapFromSource(const QModelIndex& sourceIndex) const;
QModelIndex mapToSource(const QModelIndex& proxyIndex) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& proxyIndex, int role) const;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& proxyIndex) const;
class ProjectModel : public QAbstractItemModel
enum class ImportMode
struct NameUndoRegistry
std::unordered_map<amuse::SongId, std::string> m_songIDs;
std::unordered_map<amuse::SFXId, std::string> m_sfxIDs;
void registerSongName(amuse::SongId id) const;
void unregisterSongName(amuse::SongId id);
void registerSFXName(amuse::SongId id) const;
void unregisterSFXName(amuse::SongId id);
void clear()
QDir m_dir;
NullItemProxyModel m_nullProxy;
PageObjectProxyModel m_pageObjectProxy;
amuse::ProjectDatabase m_projectDatabase;
std::unordered_map<QString, amuse::AudioGroupDatabase> m_groups;
struct Song
QString m_path;
int m_refCount = 0;
std::unordered_map<amuse::SongId, Song> m_midiFiles;
class INode : public amuse::IObj
enum class Type
Group, // Top-level group
Collection, // Classified object collection, one of the following:
QString m_name;
INode* m_parent = nullptr;
int m_row = -1;
std::vector<amuse::IObjToken<INode>> m_children;
amuse::IObjToken<INode> m_nullChild;
virtual ~INode() = default;
INode(const QString& name);
INode(INode* parent) : m_parent(parent), m_row(0)
int childCount() const { return int(m_children.size()); }
INode* child(int row) const
if (row == m_children.size())
return nullChild();
return m_children[row].get();
INode* nullChild() const { return m_nullChild.get(); }
INode* parent() const { return m_parent; }
int row() const { return m_row; }
void reindexRows(int row)
for (auto it = m_children.begin() + row; it != m_children.end(); ++it)
(*it)->m_row = row++;
m_nullChild->m_row = row;
void insertChild(amuse::ObjToken<INode> n)
assert(n->m_parent == nullptr && "Inserting already-parented node");
n->m_parent = this;
int row = hypotheticalIndex(n->name());
m_children.insert(m_children.begin() + row, n.get());
amuse::ObjToken<INode> removeChild(INode* n)
int row = n->row();
assert(n == m_children.at(row).get() && "Removing non-child from node");
m_children.erase(m_children.begin() + row);
n->m_parent = nullptr;
n->m_row = -1;
return n;
void reserve(size_t sz) { m_children.reserve(sz); }
template<class T, class... _Args>
T& makeChild(_Args&&... args)
auto tok = amuse::MakeObj<T>(std::forward<_Args>(args)...);
return static_cast<T&>(*tok);
template<class T, class... _Args>
T& _appendChild(_Args&&... args)
auto tok = amuse::MakeObj<T>(std::forward<_Args>(args)...);
tok->m_parent = this;
tok->m_row = m_children.size();
m_nullChild->m_row = m_children.size();
return static_cast<T&>(*tok);
bool depthTraverse(const std::function<bool(INode* node)>& func)
for (auto& n : m_children)
if (!n->depthTraverse(func))
return func(this);
bool oneLevelTraverse(const std::function<bool(INode* node)>& func)
for (auto& n : m_children)
if (!func(n.get()))
return false;
return true;
const QString& name() const { return m_name; }
virtual int hypotheticalIndex(const QString& name) const;
virtual Type type() const = 0;
virtual QString text() const = 0;
virtual QIcon icon() const = 0;
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags() const { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; }
virtual void registerNames(const NameUndoRegistry& registry) const {}
virtual void unregisterNames(NameUndoRegistry& registry) const {}
struct NullNode : INode
NullNode(INode* parent) : INode(parent) {}
Type type() const { return Type::Null; }
QString text() const { return {}; }
QIcon icon() const { return {}; }
struct RootNode : INode
RootNode() : INode(QStringLiteral("<root>")) {}
Type type() const { return Type::Root; }
QString text() const { return {}; }
QIcon icon() const { return {}; }
Qt::ItemFlags flags() const { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; }
struct CollectionNode;
struct BasePoolObjectNode;
struct GroupNode : INode
std::unordered_map<QString, amuse::AudioGroupDatabase>::iterator m_it;
GroupNode(const QString& name) : INode(name) {}
GroupNode(std::unordered_map<QString, amuse::AudioGroupDatabase>::iterator it)
: INode(it->first), m_it(it) {}
int hypotheticalIndex(const QString& name) const;
static QIcon Icon;
Type type() const { return Type::Group; }
QString text() const { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() const { return Icon; }
CollectionNode* getCollectionOfType(Type tp) const;
amuse::AudioGroupDatabase* getAudioGroup() const { return &m_it->second; }
BasePoolObjectNode* pageObjectNodeOfId(amuse::ObjectId id) const;
struct SongGroupNode : INode
amuse::GroupId m_id;
amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SongGroupIndex> m_index;
SongGroupNode(const QString& name, amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SongGroupIndex> index)
: INode(name), m_index(index) {}
SongGroupNode(amuse::GroupId id, amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SongGroupIndex> index)
: INode(amuse::GroupId::CurNameDB->resolveNameFromId(id).data()), m_id(id), m_index(index) {}
static QIcon Icon;
Type type() const { return Type::SongGroup; }
QString text() const { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() const { return Icon; }
void registerNames(const NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
amuse::GroupId::CurNameDB->registerPair(text().toUtf8().data(), m_id);
for (auto& p : m_index->m_midiSetups)
void unregisterNames(NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
for (auto& p : m_index->m_midiSetups)
struct SoundGroupNode : INode
amuse::GroupId m_id;
amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SFXGroupIndex> m_index;
SoundGroupNode(const QString& name, amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SFXGroupIndex> index)
: INode(name), m_index(index) {}
SoundGroupNode(amuse::GroupId id, amuse::ObjToken<amuse::SFXGroupIndex> index)
: INode(amuse::GroupId::CurNameDB->resolveNameFromId(id).data()), m_id(id), m_index(index) {}
static QIcon Icon;
Type type() const { return Type::SoundGroup; }
QString text() const { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() const { return Icon; }
void registerNames(const NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
amuse::GroupId::CurNameDB->registerPair(text().toUtf8().data(), m_id);
for (auto& p : m_index->m_sfxEntries)
void unregisterNames(NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
for (auto& p : m_index->m_sfxEntries)
struct CollectionNode : INode
QIcon m_icon;
Type m_collectionType;
CollectionNode(const QString& name, const QIcon& icon, Type collectionType)
: INode(name), m_icon(icon), m_collectionType(collectionType) {}
Type type() const { return Type::Collection; }
QString text() const { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() const { return m_icon; }
Qt::ItemFlags flags() const { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; }
Type collectionType() const { return m_collectionType; }
int indexOfId(amuse::ObjectId id) const;
amuse::ObjectId idOfIndex(int idx) const;
BasePoolObjectNode* nodeOfIndex(int idx) const;
BasePoolObjectNode* nodeOfId(amuse::ObjectId id) const;
struct BasePoolObjectNode : INode
amuse::ObjectId m_id;
BasePoolObjectNode(const QString& name) : INode(name) {}
BasePoolObjectNode(amuse::ObjectId id, const QString& name)
: INode(name), m_id(id) {}
amuse::ObjectId id() const { return m_id; }
QString text() const { return m_name; }
QIcon icon() const { return {}; }
template <class ID, class T, INode::Type TP>
struct PoolObjectNode : BasePoolObjectNode
amuse::ObjToken<T> m_obj;
PoolObjectNode(const QString& name, amuse::ObjToken<T> obj) : BasePoolObjectNode(name), m_obj(obj) {}
PoolObjectNode(ID id, amuse::ObjToken<T> obj)
: BasePoolObjectNode(id, ID::CurNameDB->resolveNameFromId(id).data()), m_obj(obj) {}
Type type() const { return TP; }
void registerNames(const NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
ID::CurNameDB->registerPair(text().toUtf8().data(), m_id);
void unregisterNames(NameUndoRegistry& registry) const
using SoundMacroNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::SoundMacroId, amuse::SoundMacro, INode::Type::SoundMacro>;
using ADSRNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::TableId, std::unique_ptr<amuse::ITable>, INode::Type::ADSR>;
using CurveNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::TableId, std::unique_ptr<amuse::ITable>, INode::Type::Curve>;
using KeymapNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::KeymapId, std::array<amuse::Keymap, 128>, INode::Type::Keymap>;
using LayersNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::LayersId, std::vector<amuse::LayerMapping>, INode::Type::Layer>;
using SampleNode = PoolObjectNode<amuse::SampleId, amuse::SampleEntry, INode::Type::Sample>;
amuse::ObjToken<RootNode> m_root;
bool m_needsReset = false;
void _buildGroupNode(GroupNode& gn);
void _resetModelData();
void _resetSongRefCount();
explicit ProjectModel(const QString& path, QObject* parent = Q_NULLPTR);
bool clearProjectData();
bool openGroupData(const QString& groupName, UIMessenger& messenger);
void openSongsData();
void importSongsData(const QString& path);
bool reloadSampleData(const QString& groupName, UIMessenger& messenger);
bool importGroupData(const QString& groupName, const amuse::AudioGroupData& data,
ImportMode mode, UIMessenger& messenger);
void saveSongsIndex();
bool saveToFile(UIMessenger& messenger);
bool ensureModelData();
QModelIndex proxyCreateIndex(int arow, int acolumn, void *adata) const;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QModelIndex index(INode* node) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& index) const;
INode* node(const QModelIndex& index) const;
GroupNode* getGroupNode(INode* node) const;
bool canEdit(const QModelIndex& index) const;
RootNode* rootNode() const { return m_root.get(); }
void _postAddNode(INode* n, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _preDelNode(INode* n, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _addNode(GroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(GroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
GroupNode* newSubproject(const QString& name);
template <class NT, class T>
void _addGroupNode(NT* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry, T& container);
template <class NT, class T>
void _delGroupNode(NT* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry, T& container);
void _addNode(SoundGroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(SoundGroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
SoundGroupNode* newSoundGroup(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
void _addNode(SongGroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(SongGroupNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
SongGroupNode* newSongGroup(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
template <class NT, class T>
void _addPoolNode(NT* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry, T& container);
template <class NT, class T>
void _delPoolNode(NT* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry, T& container);
void _addNode(SoundMacroNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(SoundMacroNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
SoundMacroNode* newSoundMacro(GroupNode* group, const QString& name,
const SoundMacroTemplateEntry* templ = nullptr);
void _addNode(ADSRNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(ADSRNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
ADSRNode* newADSR(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
void _addNode(CurveNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(CurveNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
CurveNode* newCurve(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
void _addNode(KeymapNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(KeymapNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
KeymapNode* newKeymap(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
void _addNode(LayersNode* node, GroupNode* parent, const NameUndoRegistry& registry);
void _delNode(LayersNode* node, GroupNode* parent, NameUndoRegistry& registry);
LayersNode* newLayers(GroupNode* group, const QString& name);
void del(const QModelIndex& index);
const QDir& dir() const { return m_dir; }
QString path() const { return m_dir.path(); }
NullItemProxyModel* getNullProxy() { return &m_nullProxy; }
PageObjectProxyModel* getPageObjectProxy() { return &m_pageObjectProxy; }
GroupNode* getGroupOfSfx(amuse::SFXId id) const;
QString getMIDIPathOfSong(amuse::SongId id) const;
void setMIDIPathOfSong(amuse::SongId id, const QString& path);
void _allocateSongId(amuse::SongId id, std::string_view name);
std::pair<amuse::SongId, std::string> allocateSongId();
void deallocateSongId(amuse::SongId oldId);
amuse::SongId exchangeSongId(amuse::SongId oldId, std::string_view newName);
void setIdDatabases(INode* context) const;