
215 lines
7.1 KiB

#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Socket.hpp"
#include "optional.hpp"
#include <thread>
namespace jbus
/** Self-contained class for solving Kawasedo's GBA BootROM challenge.
* GBA will boot client_pad.bin code on completion. */
class KawasedoChallenge
/** DSP-hosted public-key unwrap and initial message crypt
* Reference: https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/blob/master/Source/Core/Core/HW/DSPHLE/UCodes/GBA.cpp */
struct DSPSecParms
/* Nonce challenge (first read from GBA, hence already little-endian) */
u32 x0_gbaChallenge;
/* Palette of pulsing logo on GBA during transmission [0,6] */
u32 x4_logoPalette;
/* Speed and direction of palette interpolation [-4,4] */
u32 x8_logoSpeed;
/* Length of JoyBoot program to upload */
u32 xc_progLength;
/* Unwrapped public key */
u32 x20_publicKey;
/* Message authentication code */
u32 x24_authInitCode;
void ProcessGBACrypto()
/* Unwrap key from challenge using 'sedo' magic number (to encrypt JoyBoot program) */
x20_publicKey = x0_gbaChallenge ^ 0x6f646573;
/* Pack palette parameters */
u16 paletteSpeedCoded;
s16 logoSpeed = static_cast<s8>(x8_logoSpeed);
if (logoSpeed < 0)
paletteSpeedCoded = ((-logoSpeed + 2) * 2) | (x4_logoPalette << 4);
else if (logoSpeed == 0)
paletteSpeedCoded = (x4_logoPalette * 2) | 0x70;
else /* logo_speed > 0 */
paletteSpeedCoded = ((logoSpeed - 1) * 2) | (x4_logoPalette << 4);
/* JoyBoot ROMs start with a padded header; this is the length beyond that header */
s32 lengthNoHeader = ROUND_UP_8(xc_progLength) - 0x200;
/* The JoyBus protocol transmits in 4-byte packets while flipping a state flag;
* so the GBA BIOS counts the program length in 8-byte packet-pairs */
u16 packetPairCount = (lengthNoHeader < 0) ? 0 : lengthNoHeader / 8;
paletteSpeedCoded |= (packetPairCount & 0x4000) >> 14;
/* Pack together encoded transmission parameters */
u32 t1 = (((packetPairCount << 16) | 0x3f80) & 0x3f80ffff) * 2;
t1 += (static_cast<s16>(static_cast<s8>(t1 >> 8)) & packetPairCount) << 16;
u32 t2 = ((paletteSpeedCoded & 0xff) << 16) + (t1 & 0xff0000) + ((t1 >> 8) & 0xffff00);
u32 t3 = paletteSpeedCoded << 16 | ((t2 << 8) & 0xff000000) | (t1 >> 16) | 0x80808080;
/* Wrap with 'Kawa' or 'sedo' (Kawasedo is the author of the BIOS cipher) */
x24_authInitCode = t3 ^ ((t3 & 0x200) != 0 ? 0x6f646573 : 0x6177614b);
} xf8_dspHmac;
s32 x0_pColor;
s32 x4_pSpeed;
u8* x8_progPtr;
u32 xc_progLen;
u8* x10_statusPtr;
FGBACallback x14_callback;
u8 x18_readBuf[4];
u8 x1c_writeBuf[4];
s32 x20_byteInWindow;
u64 x28_ticksAfterXf;
u32 x30_justStarted;
u32 x34_bytesSent;
u32 x38_crc;
u32 x3c_checkStore[7];
s32 x58_currentKey;
s32 x5c_initMessage;
s32 x60_gameId;
u32 x64_totalBytes;
bool m_started = true;
void F23(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F25(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F27(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F29(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void GBAX02();
void GBAX01(EndpointLocal& endpoint);
void F31(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F33(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F35(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F37(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
void F39(EndpointLocal& endpoint, EJoyReturn status);
auto bindThis(void(KawasedoChallenge::*ptmf)(EndpointLocal&, EJoyReturn))
return std::bind(ptmf, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
KawasedoChallenge(Endpoint& endpoint, s32 paletteColor, s32 paletteSpeed,
u8* programp, s32 length, u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
bool started() const { return m_started; }
u8 percentComplete() const
if (!x64_totalBytes)
return 0;
return x34_bytesSent * 100 / x64_totalBytes;
bool isDone() const { return !x14_callback; }
class Endpoint
friend class EndpointLocal;
enum EJoybusCmds
CMD_RESET = 0xff,
CMD_STATUS = 0x00,
CMD_READ = 0x14,
CMD_WRITE = 0x15
enum class EWaitResp
NoWait = 0,
static const u64 BITS_PER_SECOND = 115200;
static const u64 BYTES_PER_SECOND = BITS_PER_SECOND / 8;
net::Socket m_dataSocket;
net::Socket m_clockSocket;
std::thread m_transferThread;
std::mutex m_syncLock;
std::condition_variable m_syncCv;
std::experimental::optional<KawasedoChallenge> m_joyBoot;
FGBACallback m_callback;
EWaitResp m_waitingResp = EWaitResp::NoWait;
size_t m_dataReceivedBytes = 0;
u8 m_buffer[5];
u64 m_timeSent = 0;
u8* m_readDstPtr = nullptr;
u8* m_statusPtr = nullptr;
u64 m_lastGCTick = 0;
u64 m_timeCmdSent = 0;
u8 m_lastCmd = 0;
u8 m_chan;
bool m_booted = false;
bool m_cmdIssued = false;
bool m_running = true;
static u64 getTransferTime(u8 cmd);
void clockSync();
void send(const u8* buffer);
size_t seceive(u8* buffer);
size_t runBuffer(u8* buffer, u64& remTicks, EWaitResp resp);
bool idleGetStatus(u64& remTicks);
void transferProc();
void transferWakeup(EndpointLocal& endpoint, u8 status);
auto bindSync()
return std::bind(&Endpoint::transferWakeup, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
void stop();
EJoyReturn GBAGetProcessStatus(u8* percentp);
EJoyReturn GBAGetStatusAsync(u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAGetStatus(u8* status);
EJoyReturn GBAResetAsync(u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAReset(u8* status);
EJoyReturn GBAReadAsync(u8* dst, u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBARead(u8* dst, u8* status);
EJoyReturn GBAWriteAsync(const u8* src, u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAWrite(const u8* src, u8* status);
EJoyReturn GBAJoyBootAsync(s32 paletteColor, s32 paletteSpeed,
u8* programp, s32 length, u8* status,
FGBACallback&& callback);
int GetChan() const { return m_chan; }
Endpoint(u8 chan, net::Socket&& data, net::Socket&& clock);
class EndpointLocal
friend class Endpoint;
Endpoint& m_ep;
EndpointLocal(Endpoint& ep) : m_ep(ep) {}
EJoyReturn GBAGetStatusAsync(u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAResetAsync(u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAReadAsync(u8* dst, u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
EJoyReturn GBAWriteAsync(const u8* src, u8* status, FGBACallback&& callback);
int GetChan() const { return m_ep.GetChan(); }