
432 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include "BlockAllocationTable.hpp"
#include "Directory.hpp"
#include "File.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include "AsyncIO.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#define CARD_ICON_MAX 8
namespace kabufuda {
class FileHandle {
friend class Card;
uint32_t idx = -1;
int32_t offset = 0;
FileHandle(uint32_t idx) : idx(idx) {}
FileHandle() = default;
uint32_t getFileNo() const { return idx; }
operator bool() const { return getFileNo() != -1; }
struct ProbeResults {
ECardResult x0_error;
uint32_t x4_cardSize; /* in megabits */
uint32_t x8_sectorSize; /* in bytes */
struct CardStat {
/* read-only (Set by Card::getStatus) */
char x0_fileName[CARD_FILENAME_MAX];
uint32_t x20_length;
uint32_t x24_time; /* seconds since 01/01/2000 midnight */
uint8_t x28_gameName[4];
uint8_t x2c_company[2];
/* read/write (Set by Card::getStatus/Card::setStatus) */
uint8_t x2e_bannerFormat;
uint8_t x2f___padding;
uint32_t x30_iconAddr; /* offset to the banner, bannerTlut, icon, iconTlut data set. */
uint16_t x34_iconFormat;
uint16_t x36_iconSpeed;
uint32_t x38_commentAddr; /* offset to the pair of 32 byte character strings. */
/* read-only (Set by Card::getStatus) */
uint32_t x3c_offsetBanner;
uint32_t x40_offsetBannerTlut;
uint32_t x44_offsetIcon[CARD_ICON_MAX];
uint32_t x64_offsetIconTlut;
uint32_t x68_offsetData;
uint32_t GetFileLength() const { return x20_length; }
uint32_t GetTime() const { return x24_time; }
EImageFormat GetBannerFormat() const { return EImageFormat(x2e_bannerFormat & 0x3); }
void SetBannerFormat(EImageFormat fmt) { x2e_bannerFormat = (x2e_bannerFormat & ~0x3) | uint8_t(fmt); }
EImageFormat GetIconFormat(int idx) const { return EImageFormat((x34_iconFormat >> (idx * 2)) & 0x3); }
void SetIconFormat(EImageFormat fmt, int idx) {
x34_iconFormat &= ~(0x3 << (idx * 2));
x34_iconFormat |= uint16_t(fmt) << (idx * 2);
void SetIconSpeed(EAnimationSpeed sp, int idx) {
x36_iconSpeed &= ~(0x3 << (idx * 2));
x36_iconSpeed |= uint16_t(sp) << (idx * 2);
uint32_t GetIconAddr() const { return x30_iconAddr; }
void SetIconAddr(uint32_t addr) { x30_iconAddr = addr; }
uint32_t GetCommentAddr() const { return x38_commentAddr; }
void SetCommentAddr(uint32_t addr) { x38_commentAddr = addr; }
class Card {
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct CardHeader {
uint8_t m_serial[12];
uint64_t m_formatTime;
int32_t m_sramBias;
uint32_t m_sramLanguage;
uint32_t m_unknown;
uint16_t m_deviceId; /* 0 for Slot A, 1 for Slot B */
uint16_t m_sizeMb;
uint16_t m_encoding;
uint8_t __padding[468];
uint16_t m_updateCounter;
uint16_t m_checksum;
uint16_t m_checksumInv;
void _swapEndian();
union {
CardHeader m_ch;
uint8_t __raw[BlockSize];
CardHeader m_tmpCh;
#pragma pack(pop)
SystemString m_filename;
AsyncIO m_fileHandle;
Directory m_dirs[2];
BlockAllocationTable m_bats[2];
Directory m_tmpDirs[2];
BlockAllocationTable m_tmpBats[2];
uint8_t m_currentDir;
uint8_t m_currentBat;
uint16_t m_maxBlock;
char m_game[5] = {'\0'};
char m_maker[3] = {'\0'};
void _updateDirAndBat(const Directory& dir, const BlockAllocationTable& bat);
void _updateChecksum();
File* _fileFromHandle(const FileHandle& fh) const;
void _deleteFile(File& f, BlockAllocationTable& bat);
bool m_dirty = false;
bool m_opened = false;
ECardResult _pumpOpen();
* @brief Card
* @param other
Card(const Card& other) = delete;
Card& operator=(const Card& other) = delete;
Card(Card&& other);
Card& operator=(Card&& other);
* @brief Card
* @param filepath
* @param game
* @param maker
Card(const char* game = nullptr, const char* maker = nullptr);
* @brief openFile
* @param filename
ECardResult openFile(const char* filename, FileHandle& handleOut);
* @brief openFile
* @param fileno
ECardResult openFile(uint32_t fileno, FileHandle& handleOut);
* @brief createFile
* @param filename
* @return
ECardResult createFile(const char* filename, size_t size, FileHandle& handleOut);
* @brief closeFile
* @param fh FileHandle to close
* @return
ECardResult closeFile(FileHandle& fh);
* @brief firstFile
* @return
FileHandle firstFile();
* @brief nextFile
* @param cur
* @return
FileHandle nextFile(const FileHandle& cur);
* @brief getFilename
* @param fh
* @return
const char* getFilename(const FileHandle& fh);
* @brief deleteFile
* @param fh
void deleteFile(const FileHandle& fh);
* @brief deleteFile
* @param filename
ECardResult deleteFile(const char* filename);
* @brief deleteFile
* @param fileno
ECardResult deleteFile(uint32_t fileno);
* @brief renameFile
* @param oldName
* @param newName
ECardResult renameFile(const char* oldName, const char* newName);
* @brief write
* @param fh
* @param buf
* @param size
ECardResult asyncWrite(FileHandle& fh, const void* buf, size_t size);
* @brief read
* @param fh
* @param dst
* @param size
ECardResult asyncRead(FileHandle& fh, void* dst, size_t size);
* @brief seek
* @param fh
* @param pos
* @param whence
void seek(FileHandle& fh, int32_t pos, SeekOrigin whence);
* @brief Returns the current offset of the specified file
* @param fh The file to retrieve the offset from
* @return The offset or -1 if an invalid handle is passed
int32_t tell(const FileHandle& fh);
* @brief setPublic
* @param fh
* @param pub
void setPublic(const FileHandle& fh, bool pub);
* @brief isPublic
* @param fh
* @return
bool isPublic(const FileHandle& fh) const;
* @brief setCanCopy
* @param fh
* @param copy
void setCanCopy(const FileHandle& fh, bool copy) const;
* @brief canCopy
* @param fh
* @return
bool canCopy(const FileHandle& fh) const;
* @brief setCanMove
* @param fh
* @param move
void setCanMove(const FileHandle& fh, bool move);
* @brief canMove
* @param fh
* @return
bool canMove(const FileHandle& fh) const;
* @brief getStatus
* @param fh Handle of requested file
* @param statOut Structure to fill with file stat
* @return NOFILE or READY
ECardResult getStatus(const FileHandle& fh, CardStat& statOut) const;
* @brief getStatus
* @param fileNo Number of requested file
* @param statOut Structure to fill with file stat
* @return NOFILE or READY
ECardResult getStatus(uint32_t fileNo, CardStat& statOut) const;
* @brief setStatus
* @param fh Handle of requested file
* @param statOut Structure to access for file stat
* @return NOFILE or READY
ECardResult setStatus(const FileHandle& fh, const CardStat& stat);
* @brief setStatus
* @param fileNo Number of requested file
* @param statOut Structure to access for file stat
* @return NOFILE or READY
ECardResult setStatus(uint32_t fileNo, const CardStat& stat);
#if 0 // TODO: Async-friendly implementations
* @brief Copies a file from the current Card instance to a specified Card instance
* @param fh The file to copy
* @param dest The destination Card instance
* @return True if successful, false otherwise
bool copyFileTo(FileHandle& fh, Card& dest);
* @brief moveFileTo
* @param fh
* @param dest
* @return
bool moveFileTo(FileHandle& fh, Card& dest);
* @brief Sets the current game, if not null any openFile requests will only return files that match this game
* @param game The target game id, e.g "GM8E"
* @sa openFile
void setCurrentGame(const char* game);
* @brief Returns the currently selected game
* @return The selected game, or nullptr
const uint8_t* getCurrentGame() const;
* @brief Sets the current maker, if not null any openFile requests will only return files that match this maker
* @param maker The target maker id, e.g "01"
* @sa openFile
void setCurrentMaker(const char* maker);
* @brief Returns the currently selected maker
* @return The selected maker, or nullptr
const uint8_t* getCurrentMaker() const;
* @brief Retrieves the format assigned serial
* @param serial
void getSerial(uint64_t& serial);
* @brief Retrieves the checksum values of the Card system header
* @param checksum The checksum of the system header
* @param inverse The inverser checksum of the system header
void getChecksum(uint16_t& checksum, uint16_t& inverse);
* @brief Retrieves the available storage and directory space
* @param bytesNotUsed Number of free bytes out
* @param filesNotUsed Number of free files out
void getFreeBlocks(int32_t& bytesNotUsed, int32_t& filesNotUsed);
* @brief Formats the memory card and assigns a new serial
* @param size The desired size of the file @sa ECardSize
* @param encoding The desired encoding @sa EEncoding
void format(ECardSlot deviceId, ECardSize size = ECardSize::Card2043Mb, EEncoding encoding = EEncoding::ASCII);
* @brief Returns basic stats about a card image without opening a handle
* @return ProbeResults structure
static ProbeResults probeCardFile(SystemStringView filename);
* @brief Writes any changes to the Card instance immediately to disk. <br />
* <b>Note:</b> <i>Under normal circumstances there is no need to call this function.</i>
void commit();
* @brief Opens card image (does nothing if currently open path matches)
bool open(SystemStringView filepath);
* @brief Commits changes to disk and closes host file
void close();
* @brief Access host filename of card
SystemStringView cardFilename() const { return m_filename; }
* @brief Gets card-scope error state
* @return READY, BROKEN, or NOCARD
ECardResult getError() const;
* @brief Block caller until any asynchronous I/O operations have completed
void waitForCompletion() const;
operator bool() const { return getError() == ECardResult::READY; }
} // namespace kabufuda