
322 lines
9.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#if defined(__SWITCH__) && !defined(LOGVISOR_NX_LM)
#define LOGVISOR_NX_LM 0
extern "C" void logvisorBp();
#define log_typeid(type) std::hash<std::string>()(#type)
namespace logvisor {
[[noreturn]] void logvisorAbort();
#if _WIN32 && UNICODE
#define LOG_UCS2 1
/* True if ANSI color available */
extern bool XtermColor;
* @brief Severity level for log messages
enum Level {
Info, /**< Non-error informative message */
Warning, /**< Non-error warning message */
Error, /**< Recoverable error message */
Fatal /**< Non-recoverable error message (throws exception) */
* @brief Backend interface for receiving app-wide log events
struct ILogger {
uint64_t m_typeHash;
ILogger(uint64_t typeHash) : m_typeHash(typeHash) {}
virtual ~ILogger() = default;
virtual void report(const char* modName, Level severity, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) = 0;
virtual void report(const char* modName, Level severity, fmt::wstring_view format, fmt::wformat_args args) = 0;
virtual void reportSource(const char* modName, Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum,
fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) = 0;
virtual void reportSource(const char* modName, Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum,
fmt::wstring_view format, fmt::wformat_args args) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] uint64_t getTypeId() const { return m_typeHash; }
* @brief Terminate all child processes
* Implicitly called on abort condition.
void KillProcessTree();
* @brief Assign calling thread a descriptive name
* @param name Descriptive thread name
void RegisterThreadName(const char* name);
* @brief Centralized logger vector
* All loggers added to this vector will receive reports as they occur
extern std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ILogger>> MainLoggers;
* @brief Centralized error counter
* All submodules accumulate this value
extern std::atomic_size_t ErrorCount;
* @brief Centralized frame index
* All log events include this as part of their timestamp if non-zero.
* The default value is zero, the app is responsible for updating it
* within its main loop.
extern std::atomic_uint_fast64_t FrameIndex;
* @brief Centralized logging lock
* Ensures logging streams aren't written concurrently
struct LogMutex {
bool enabled = true;
std::recursive_mutex mutex;
~LogMutex() { enabled = false; }
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock() {
if (enabled)
return std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>(mutex);
return std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>();
extern LogMutex _LogMutex;
* @brief Take a centralized lock for the logging output stream(s)
* @return RAII mutex lock
inline std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> LockLog() { return _LogMutex.lock(); }
extern uint64_t _LogCounter;
* @brief Get current count of logging events
* @return Log Count
inline uint64_t GetLogCounter() { return _LogCounter; }
* @brief Restore centralized logger vector to default state (silent operation)
inline void UnregisterLoggers() { MainLoggers.clear(); }
* @brief Construct and register a real-time console logger singleton
* This will output to stderr on POSIX platforms and spawn a new console window on Windows.
* If there's already a registered console logger, this is a no-op.
void RegisterConsoleLogger();
* @brief Construct and register a file logger
* @param filepath Path to write the file
* If there's already a file logger registered to the same file, this is a no-op.
void RegisterFileLogger(const char* filepath);
* @brief Register signal handlers with system for common client exceptions
void RegisterStandardExceptions();
* @brief Register Sentry crash reporting & logging.
* @param appName The application name
* @param appVersion The application version
* @param cacheDir Directory for Sentry cache files
void RegisterSentry(const char* appName, const char* appVersion, const char* cacheDir);
#if _WIN32
* @brief Spawn an application-owned cmd.exe window for displaying console output
void CreateWin32Console();
#if LOG_UCS2
* @brief Construct and register a file logger (wchar_t version)
* @param filepath Path to write the file
* If there's already a file logger registered to the same file, this is a no-op.
void RegisterFileLogger(const wchar_t* filepath);
* @brief This is constructed per-subsystem in a locally centralized fashion
class Module {
const char* m_modName;
template <typename Char>
void _vreport(Level severity, fmt::basic_string_view<Char> format,
fmt::basic_format_args<fmt::buffer_context<Char>> args) {
auto lk = LockLog();
if (severity == Fatal)
for (auto& logger : MainLoggers)
logger->report(m_modName, severity, format, args);
if (severity == Error || severity == Fatal)
if (severity == Fatal)
else if (severity == Error)
template <typename Char>
void _vreportSource(Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum, fmt::basic_string_view<Char> format,
fmt::basic_format_args<fmt::buffer_context<Char>> args) {
auto lk = LockLog();
if (severity == Fatal)
for (auto& logger : MainLoggers)
logger->reportSource(m_modName, severity, file, linenum, format, args);
if (severity == Error || severity == Fatal)
if (severity == Fatal)
else if (severity == Error)
constexpr Module(const char* modName) : m_modName(modName) {}
* @brief Route new log message to centralized ILogger
* @param severity Level of log report severity
* @param format fmt-style format string
template <typename S, typename... Args, typename Char = fmt::char_t<S>>
void report(Level severity, const S& format, Args&&... args) {
if (MainLoggers.empty() && severity != Level::Fatal)
_vreport(severity, fmt::to_string_view<Char>(format),
fmt::make_args_checked<Args...>(format, std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
template <typename Char>
void vreport(Level severity, fmt::basic_string_view<Char> format,
fmt::basic_format_args<fmt::buffer_context<Char>> args) {
if (MainLoggers.empty() && severity != Level::Fatal)
_vreport(severity, format, args);
* @brief Route new log message with source info to centralized ILogger
* @param severity Level of log report severity
* @param file Source file name from __FILE__ macro
* @param linenum Source line number from __LINE__ macro
* @param format fmt-style format string
template <typename S, typename... Args, typename Char = fmt::char_t<S>>
void reportSource(Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum, const S& format, Args&&... args) {
if (MainLoggers.empty() && severity != Level::Fatal)
_vreportSource(severity, file, linenum, fmt::to_string_view<Char>(format),
fmt::make_args_checked<Args...>(format, std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
template <typename Char>
void vreportSource(Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum, fmt::basic_string_view<Char> format,
fmt::basic_format_args<fmt::buffer_context<Char>> args) {
if (MainLoggers.empty() && severity != Level::Fatal)
_vreportSource(severity, file, linenum, format, args);
#define FMT_CUSTOM_FORMATTER(tp, fmtstr, ...) \
namespace fmt { \
template <> \
struct formatter<tp, char> { \
template <typename ParseContext> \
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext &ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } \
template <typename FormatContext> \
auto format(const tp &obj, FormatContext &ctx) { \
return format_to(ctx.out(), FMT_STRING(fmtstr), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
}; \
template <> \
struct formatter<tp, wchar_t> { \
template <typename ParseContext> \
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext &ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } \
template <typename FormatContext> \
auto format(const tp &obj, FormatContext &ctx) { \
return format_to(ctx.out(), FMT_STRING(L##fmtstr), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
}; \
template <> \
struct formatter<tp, char16_t> { \
template <typename ParseContext> \
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext &ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } \
template <typename FormatContext> \
auto format(const tp &obj, FormatContext &ctx) { \
return format_to(ctx.out(), FMT_STRING(u##fmtstr), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
}; \
template <> \
struct formatter<tp, char32_t> { \
template <typename ParseContext> \
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext &ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } \
template <typename FormatContext> \
auto format(const tp &obj, FormatContext &ctx) { \
return format_to(ctx.out(), FMT_STRING(U##fmtstr), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
}; \
} // namespace logvisor
template <typename S, typename... Args, typename Char = fmt::char_t<S>>
void quicklog(const S& format, Args&&... args) {
"quick", logvisor::Info, fmt::to_string_view<Char>(format),
fmt::make_args_checked<Args...>(format, std::forward<Args>(args)...)));