2015-05-23 21:59:40 +00:00
HMDL Export Blender Addon
By Jack Andersen <jackoalan@gmail.com>
Traces the 'Blender Internal' shader node structure to generate a
HECL combiner string
# Trace color node structure
def recursive_color_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node, socket=None):
if node.type == 'OUTPUT':
if node.inputs['Color'].is_linked:
return recursive_color_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node.inputs['Color'].links[0].from_node, node.inputs['Color'].links[0].from_socket)
return 'vec3(%f, %f, %f)' % (node.inputs['Color'].default_value[0],
elif node.type == 'MIX_RGB':
if node.inputs[1].is_linked:
a_input = recursive_color_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node.inputs[1].links[0].from_node, node.inputs[1].links[0].from_socket)
a_input = 'vec3(%f, %f, %f)' % (node.inputs[1].default_value[0],
if node.inputs[2].is_linked:
b_input = recursive_color_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node.inputs[2].links[0].from_node, node.inputs[2].links[0].from_socket)
b_input = 'vec3(%f, %f, %f)' % (node.inputs[2].default_value[0],
if node.blend_type == 'MULTIPLY':
return '(%s * %s)' % (a_input, b_input)
elif node.blend_type == 'ADD':
return '(%s + %s)' % (a_input, b_input)
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL does not support shaders with '{0}' blending modes".format(node.blend_type))
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elif node.type == 'TEXTURE':
2015-05-24 04:51:16 +00:00
if not node.texture or not hasattr(node.texture, 'name'):
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must specify a texture object")
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if not node.inputs['Vector'].is_linked:
2015-05-24 04:51:16 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must have a 'Geometry' or 'Group' UV modifier node linked")
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# Determine matrix generator type
matrix_str = None
soc_from = node.inputs['Vector'].links[0].from_socket
if soc_from.node.type == 'GROUP':
matrix_str = '%s(' % soc_from.node.node_tree.name
for s in range(len(soc_from.node.inputs)-1):
soc = soc_from.node.inputs[s+1]
if len(soc.links):
raise RuntimeError("UV Modifier nodes may not have parameter links (default values only)")
ncomps = len(soc.default_value)
if ncomps > 1:
matrix_str += 'vec%d(' % ncomps
for c in ncomps-1:
matrix_str += '%f, ' % soc.default_value[c]
matrix_str += '%f)' % soc.default_value[ncomps-1]
matrix_str += '%f' % soc.default_value
if s == len(soc_from.node.inputs)-2:
matrix_str += ')'
matrix_str += ', '
soc_from = soc_from.node.inputs[0].links[0].from_socket
elif soc_from.node.type == 'GEOMETRY':
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must have a 'Geometry', 'Group' UV modifier node linked")
2015-05-23 21:59:40 +00:00
if soc_from.node.type != 'GEOMETRY':
raise RuntimeError("Matrix animator nodes must connect to 'Geometry' node")
# Resolve map and matrix index
node_label = soc_from.node.label
if not matrix_str and node_label.startswith('MTX_'):
matrix_str = 'hecl_TexMtx[%d]' % int(node_label[4:])
if soc_from.name == 'UV':
uv_name = soc_from.node.uv_layer
uv_idx = mesh_obj.data.uv_layers.find(uv_name)
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if uv_idx == -1:
raise RuntimeError('UV Layer "%s" doesn\'t exist' % uv_name)
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uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoord[%d]' % uv_idx
elif soc_from.name == 'Normal':
uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoordModelViewNormal'
elif soc_from.name == 'View':
uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoordModelViewPosition'
raise RuntimeError("Only the 'UV', 'Normal' and 'View' sockets may be used from 'Geometry' nodes")
if socket.name == 'Value':
if matrix_str:
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s, %s).a' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str, matrix_str)
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s).a' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str)
if socket.name == 'Color':
if matrix_str:
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s, %s)' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str, matrix_str)
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s)' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str)
raise RuntimeError("Only the 'Value' or 'Color' output sockets may be used from Texture nodes")
elif node.type == 'RGB':
if node.label.startswith('DYNAMIC_'):
dynamic_index = int(node.label[8:])
return 'hecl_KColor[%d]' % dynamic_index
return '%f' % node.outputs['Color'].default_value
elif node.type == 'MATERIAL':
if mat_obj.use_shadeless:
return 'vec3(1.0)'
return 'hecl_Lighting'
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL is unable to process '{0}' shader nodes in '{1}'".format(node.type, mat_obj.name))
2015-05-23 21:59:40 +00:00
# Trace alpha node structure
def recursive_alpha_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node, socket=None):
if node.type == 'OUTPUT':
if node.inputs['Alpha'].is_linked:
return recursive_alpha_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node.inputs['Alpha'].links[0].from_node, node.inputs['Alpha'].links[0].from_socket)
return '%f' % node.inputs['Alpha'].default_value
elif node.type == 'MATH':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
a_input = recursive_alpha_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, node.inputs[0].links[0].from_node, node.inputs[0].links[0].from_socket)
a_input = '%f' % node.inputs[0].default_value
if node.inputs[1].is_linked:
b_input = recursive_alpha_trace(plat, mat_obj, mesh_obj, tex_list, mtx_dict, node.inputs[1].links[0].from_node, node.inputs[1].links[0].from_socket)
b_input = '%f' % node.inputs[1].default_value
if node.operation == 'MULTIPLY':
return '(%s * %s)' % (a_input, b_input)
elif node.operation == 'ADD':
return '(%s + %s)' % (a_input, b_input)
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL does not support shaders with '{0}' blending modes".format(node.operation))
2015-05-23 21:59:40 +00:00
elif node.type == 'TEXTURE':
2015-05-24 04:51:16 +00:00
if not node.texture or not hasattr(node.texture, 'name'):
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must specify a texture object")
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if not node.inputs['Vector'].is_linked:
2015-05-24 04:51:16 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must have a 'Geometry' or 'Group' UV modifier node linked")
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# Determine matrix generator type
matrix_str = None
soc_from = node.inputs['Vector'].links[0].from_socket
if soc_from.node.type == 'GROUP':
matrix_str = '%s(' % soc_from.node.node_tree.name
for s in range(len(soc_from.node.inputs)-1):
soc = soc_from.node.inputs[s+1]
if len(soc.links):
raise RuntimeError("UV Modifier nodes may not have parameter links (default values only)")
ncomps = len(soc.default_value)
if ncomps > 1:
matrix_str += 'vec%d(' % ncomps
for c in ncomps-1:
matrix_str += '%f, ' % soc.default_value[c]
matrix_str += '%f)' % soc.default_value[ncomps-1]
matrix_str += '%f' % soc.default_value
if s == len(soc_from.node.inputs)-2:
matrix_str += ')'
matrix_str += ', '
soc_from = soc_from.node.inputs[0].links[0].from_socket
elif soc_from.node.type == 'GEOMETRY':
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL texture nodes must have a 'Geometry', 'Group' UV modifier node linked")
2015-05-23 21:59:40 +00:00
if soc_from.node.type != 'GEOMETRY':
raise RuntimeError("Matrix animator nodes must connect to 'Geometry' node")
# Resolve map and matrix index
node_label = soc_from.node.label
if not matrix_str and node_label.startswith('MTX_'):
matrix_str = 'hecl_TexMtx[%d]' % int(node_label[4:])
if soc_from.name == 'UV':
uv_name = soc_from.node.uv_layer
uv_idx = mesh_obj.data.uv_layers.find(uv_name)
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if uv_idx == -1:
raise RuntimeError('UV Layer "%s" doesn\'t exist' % uv_name)
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uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoord[%d]' % uv_idx
elif soc_from.name == 'Normal':
uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoordModelViewNormal'
elif soc_from.name == 'View':
uvsource_str = 'hecl_TexCoordModelViewPosition'
raise RuntimeError("Only the 'UV', 'Normal' and 'View' sockets may be used from 'Geometry' nodes")
if socket.name == 'Value':
if matrix_str:
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s, %s).a' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str, matrix_str)
return 'texture("%s:%s", %s).a' % (blend_path, node.texture.name, uvsource_str)
raise RuntimeError("Only the 'Value' output sockets may be used from Texture nodes")
elif node.type == 'VALUE':
if node.label.startswith('DYNAMIC_'):
dynamic_index = int(node.label[8:])
return 'hecl_KColor[%d].a' % dynamic_index
return '%f' % node.outputs['Value'].default_value
elif node.type == 'MATERIAL':
return '1.0'
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL is unable to process '{0}' shader nodes in '{1}'".format(node.type, mat_obj.name))
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def shader(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path):
if not mat_obj.use_nodes:
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL *requires* that shader nodes are used; '{0}' does not".format(mat_obj.name))
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if 'Output' not in mat_obj.node_tree.nodes or mat_obj.node_tree.nodes['Output'].type != 'OUTPUT':
2015-05-23 22:06:31 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("HMDL *requires* that an OUTPUT shader node named 'Output' is present")
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# Root (output) node
output_node = mat_obj.node_tree.nodes['Output']
# Trace nodes and build result
color_trace_result = recursive_color_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, output_node)
alpha_trace_result = recursive_alpha_trace(mat_obj, mesh_obj, blend_path, output_node)
blend_src = 'hecl_One'
blend_dest = 'hecl_Zero'
if mat_obj.game_settings.alpha_blend == 'ALPHA' or mat_obj.game_settings.alpha_blend == 'ALPHA_SORT':
blend_src = 'hecl_SrcAlpha'
blend_dest = 'hecl_OneMinusSrcAlpha'
elif mat_obj.game_settings.alpha_blend == 'ADD':
blend_src = 'hecl_SrcAlpha'
blend_dest = 'hecl_One'
# All done!
return '''\
hecl_BlendSrcFactor = %s;
hecl_BlendDestFactor = %s;
hecl_FragColor[0] = %s;
hecl_FragColor[0].a = %s;
''' % (blend_src, blend_dest, color_trace_result, alpha_trace_result)
# DEBUG operator
import bpy
class hecl_shader_operator(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "scene.hecl_shader"
bl_label = "DEBUG HECL shader maker"
bl_description = "Test shader generation utility"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.object and context.object.type == 'MESH'
def execute(self, context):
shad = shader(context.object.active_material, context.object, bpy.data.filepath)
vs = bpy.data.texts.new('HECL SHADER')
return {'FINISHED'}