mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
CPhazonSuitFilter: Convert to hsh pipeline
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,4 +66,5 @@ runtime_add_hsh(Graphics
@ -5,83 +5,119 @@
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CGraphics.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CTexture.hpp"
#include "zeus/CColor.hpp"
#include "zeus/CVector2f.hpp"
#include "zeus/CVector3f.hpp"
#include "zeus/CVector4f.hpp"
#include "CPhazonSuitFilter.cpp.hshhead"
namespace urde {
using namespace hsh::pipeline;
template <bool NoIndTex>
struct CPhazonSuitFilterPipeline : pipeline<topology<hsh::TriangleStrip>, BlendAttachment<>, depth_write<false>> {
CPhazonSuitFilterPipeline(hsh::vertex_buffer<CPhazonSuitFilter::Vert> vbo,
hsh::uniform_buffer<CPhazonSuitFilter::Uniform> ubo, hsh::render_texture2d screenTex,
hsh::texture2d indTex, hsh::render_texture2d maskTex, hsh::render_texture2d maskTexBlur) {
this->position = hsh::float4(vbo->pos, 1.f);
hsh::float2 maskUv = vbo->maskUv;
maskUv.y = 1.f - maskUv.y;
hsh::float2 screenUv = vbo->screenUv;
screenUv.y = 1.f - screenUv.y;
float maskBlurAlpha = hsh::saturate((maskTexBlur.sample<float>(maskUv).w - maskTex.sample<float>(maskUv).w) * 2.f);
if constexpr (NoIndTex) {
this->color_out[0] =
hsh::float4((ubo->color * screenTex.sample<float>(screenUv) * maskBlurAlpha).xyz(), ubo->color.w);
} else {
hsh::float2 indUv =
(indTex.sample<float>(vbo->indUv).xy() - hsh::float2(0.5f)) * ubo->indScaleOff.xy() + ubo->indScaleOff.zw();
this->color_out[0] =
hsh::float4((ubo->color * screenTex.sample<float>(indUv + screenUv) * maskBlurAlpha).xyz(), ubo->color.w);
template struct CPhazonSuitFilterPipeline<true>;
template struct CPhazonSuitFilterPipeline<false>;
struct CPhazonSuitFilterBlurPipeline
: pipeline<color_attachment<hsh::One, hsh::Zero, hsh::Add, hsh::One, hsh::Zero, hsh::Add, hsh::CC_Alpha>,
depth_write<false>> {
CPhazonSuitFilterBlurPipeline(hsh::vertex_buffer<CPhazonSuitFilter::BlurVert> vbo,
hsh::uniform_buffer<CPhazonSuitFilter::BlurUniform> ubo,
hsh::render_texture2d maskTex) {
this->position = hsh::float4(vbo->pos, 1.f);
// this will be our alpha sum
float sum = 0.f;
// apply blurring, using a 23-tap filter with predefined gaussian weights
hsh::float2 blurDir = ubo->blur.xy();
hsh::float2 uv = vbo->uv;
uv.y = 1.f - uv.y;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-11.f) * blurDir).w * 0.007249f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-10.f) * blurDir).w * 0.011032f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-9.f) * blurDir).w * 0.016133f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-8.f) * blurDir).w * 0.022665f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-7.f) * blurDir).w * 0.030595f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-6.f) * blurDir).w * 0.039680f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-5.f) * blurDir).w * 0.049444f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-4.f) * blurDir).w * 0.059195f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-3.f) * blurDir).w * 0.068091f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-2.f) * blurDir).w * 0.075252f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(-1.f) * blurDir).w * 0.079905f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv).w * 0.081519f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(1.f) * blurDir).w * 0.079905f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(2.f) * blurDir).w * 0.075252f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(3.f) * blurDir).w * 0.068091f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(4.f) * blurDir).w * 0.059195f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(5.f) * blurDir).w * 0.049444f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(6.f) * blurDir).w * 0.039680f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(7.f) * blurDir).w * 0.030595f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(8.f) * blurDir).w * 0.022665f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(9.f) * blurDir).w * 0.016133f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(10.f) * blurDir).w * 0.011032f;
sum += maskTex.sample<float>(uv + hsh::float2(11.f) * blurDir).w * 0.007249f;
this->color_out[0] = hsh::float4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, sum);
void CPhazonSuitFilter::drawBlurPasses(float radius, const CTexture* indTex) {
SCOPED_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_GROUP("CPhazonSuitFilter::drawBlurPasses", zeus::skMagenta);
if (!m_dataBind || indTex != m_indTex) {
m_indTex = indTex;
CGraphics::CommitResources([this](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) {
m_uniBufBlurX = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(zeus::CVector4f), 1);
m_uniBufBlurY = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(zeus::CVector4f), 1);
m_uniBuf = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(zeus::CVector4f) * 2, 1);
const std::array<BlurVert, 4> blurVerts{{
{{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 1.f}},
{{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}},
{{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 1.f}},
{{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}},
m_blurVbo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, blurVerts.data(), sizeof(BlurVert), blurVerts.size());
m_uniBufBlurX = hsh::create_dynamic_uniform_buffer<BlurUniform>();
m_uniBufBlurY = hsh::create_dynamic_uniform_buffer<BlurUniform>();
m_uniBuf = hsh::create_dynamic_uniform_buffer<Uniform>();
const std::array<Vert, 4> verts{{
{{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.01f, 0.99f}, {0.f, 4.f}, {0.f, 1.f}},
{{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.01f, 0.01f}, {0.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}},
{{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.99f, 0.99f}, {g_Viewport.aspect * 4.f, 4.f}, {1.f, 1.f}},
{{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.99f, 0.01f}, {g_Viewport.aspect * 4.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}},
m_vbo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, verts.data(), sizeof(Vert), verts.size());
constexpr std::array<BlurVert, 4> blurVerts{{
{{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 1.f}},
{{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}},
{{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 1.f}},
{{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}},
m_blurVbo = hsh::create_vertex_buffer(blurVerts);
std::array<boo::ObjToken<boo::IGraphicsBuffer>, 1> bufs{m_uniBufBlurX.get()};
constexpr std::array<boo::PipelineStage, 1> stages{boo::PipelineStage::Vertex};
std::array<boo::ObjToken<boo::ITexture>, 4> texs;
std::array<int, 4> texBindIdxs;
m_vbo = hsh::create_vertex_buffer(std::array<Vert, 4>{{
{{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.01f, 0.99f}, {0.f, 4.f}, {0.f, 1.f}},
{{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.01f, 0.01f}, {0.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}},
{{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.99f, 0.99f}, {g_Viewport.aspect * 4.f, 4.f}, {1.f, 1.f}},
{{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.99f, 0.01f}, {g_Viewport.aspect * 4.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}},
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 1;
m_dataBindBlurX =
ctx.newShaderDataBinding(s_BlurPipeline, m_blurVbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr, bufs.size(), bufs.data(),
stages.data(), nullptr, nullptr, 1, texs.data(), texBindIdxs.data(), nullptr);
CPhazonSuitFilterBlurPipeline(m_blurVbo.get(), m_uniBufBlurX.get(), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(1)));
CPhazonSuitFilterBlurPipeline(m_blurVbo.get(), m_uniBufBlurY.get(), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(2)));
bufs[0] = m_uniBufBlurY.get();
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 2;
m_dataBindBlurY =
ctx.newShaderDataBinding(s_BlurPipeline, m_blurVbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr, bufs.size(), bufs.data(),
stages.data(), nullptr, nullptr, 1, texs.data(), texBindIdxs.data(), nullptr);
bufs[0] = m_uniBuf.get();
size_t texCount;
if (m_indTex) {
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 0;
texs[1] = m_indTex->GetBooTexture();
texBindIdxs[1] = 0;
texs[2] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[2] = 1;
texs[3] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[3] = 2;
texCount = 4;
} else {
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 0;
texs[1] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[1] = 1;
texs[2] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[2] = 2;
texCount = 3;
m_dataBind = ctx.newShaderDataBinding(m_indTex ? s_IndPipeline : s_Pipeline, m_vbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr,
bufs.size(), bufs.data(), stages.data(), nullptr, nullptr, texCount,
texs.data(), texBindIdxs.data(), nullptr);
return true;
} BooTrace);
bool hasIndTex = m_indTex != nullptr;
if (hasIndTex) {
hsh::texture2d tex = m_indTex->GetBooTexture();
m_vbo.get(), m_uniBuf.get(), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(0), tex,
CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(1), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(2)));
} else {
m_vbo.get(), m_uniBuf.get(), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(0), hsh::texture2d{},
CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(1), CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get_color(2)));
SClipScreenRect rect;
@ -93,29 +129,21 @@ void CPhazonSuitFilter::drawBlurPasses(float radius, const CTexture* indTex) {
constexpr float blurScale = 1.0f / 128.0f;
/* X Pass */
auto blurDir = zeus::CVector4f{g_Viewport.xc_height / float(g_Viewport.x8_width) * radius * blurScale, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
m_uniBufBlurX->load(&blurDir, sizeof(zeus::CVector4f));
CGraphics::DrawArray(0, 4);
{zeus::CVector4f{g_Viewport.xc_height / float(g_Viewport.x8_width) * radius * blurScale, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}});
m_dataBindBlurX.draw(0, 4);
CGraphics::ResolveSpareTexture(rect, 2);
/* Y Pass */
blurDir = zeus::CVector4f{0.f, radius * blurScale, 0.f, 0.f};
m_uniBufBlurY->load(&blurDir, sizeof(zeus::CVector4f));
CGraphics::DrawArray(0, 4);
m_uniBufBlurY.load({zeus::CVector4f{0.f, radius * blurScale, 0.f, 0.f}});
m_dataBindBlurY.draw(0, 4);
CGraphics::ResolveSpareTexture(rect, 2);
void CPhazonSuitFilter::draw(const zeus::CColor& color, float indScale, float indOffX, float indOffY) {
SCOPED_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_GROUP("CPhazonSuitFilter::draw", zeus::skMagenta);
Uniform uniform = {color, zeus::CVector4f(indScale, indScale, indOffX, indOffY)};
m_uniBuf->load(&uniform, sizeof(Uniform));
CGraphics::DrawArray(0, 4);
m_uniBuf.load({color, zeus::CVector4f(indScale, indScale, indOffX, indOffY)});
m_dataBind.draw(0, 4);
} // namespace urde
@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
namespace zeus {
class CColor;
} // namespace zeus
namespace urde {
class CTexture;
class CPhazonSuitFilter {
struct BlurUniform {
hsh::float4 blur;
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ class CPhazonSuitFilter {
hsh::float2 maskUv;
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer<BlurUniform>> m_uniBufBlurX, m_uniBufBlurY;
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer<Uniform>> m_uniBuf;
hsh::owner<hsh::vertex_buffer<BlurVert>> m_blurVbo;
Reference in New Issue