More CCubeModel/CCubeMaterial

This commit is contained in:
Luke Street 2022-02-26 02:05:59 -05:00
parent 832eb180bd
commit 586268c66f
9 changed files with 813 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
#include "Graphics/CCubeMaterial.hpp"
#include "GameGlobalObjects.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeModel.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeRenderer.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeSurface.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CModel.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
static u32 sReflectionType = 0;
static u32 sLastMaterialUnique = UINT32_MAX;
static const u8* sLastMaterialCached = nullptr;
static const CCubeModel* sLastModelCached = nullptr;
static const CCubeModel* sRenderingModel = nullptr;
static float sReflectionAlpha = 0.f;
void CCubeMaterial::SetCurrent(const CModelFlags& flags, const CCubeSurface& surface, CCubeModel& model) {
if (sLastMaterialCached == x0_data) {
if (sReflectionType == 1) {
if (sLastModelCached == sRenderingModel) {
} else if (sReflectionType != 2) {
if (CCubeModel::sRenderModelBlack) {
sRenderingModel = &model;
sLastMaterialCached = x0_data;
u32 numIndStages = 0;
const auto matFlags = GetFlags();
const u8* materialDataCur = x0_data;
const bool reflection = bool(
matFlags & (Flags(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fSamusReflection) | CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fSamusReflectionSurfaceEye));
if (reflection) {
if (!(matFlags & CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fSamusReflectionSurfaceEye)) {
} else {
u32 texCount = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 4));
if ((flags.x2_flags & 4) != 0) { // render without texture lock
materialDataCur += (2 + texCount) * 4;
} else {
materialDataCur += 8;
for (u32 i = 0; i < texCount; ++i) {
u32 texIdx = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
sRenderingModel->GetTexture(texIdx)->Load(i, CTexture::EClampMode::One);
materialDataCur += 4;
auto groupIdx = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 4));
if (sLastMaterialUnique != UINT32_MAX && sLastMaterialUnique == groupIdx && sReflectionType == 0) {
sLastMaterialUnique = groupIdx;
CCubeMaterialVatFlags vatFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
// SetVtxDescv_Compressed(vatFlags);
materialDataCur += 8;
bool packedLightMaps = matFlags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fLightmapUvArray);
if (packedLightMaps != CCubeModel::sUsingPackedLightmaps) {
u32 finalKColorCount = 0;
if (matFlags & CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fKonstValues) {
u32 konstCount = *reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur);
finalKColorCount = konstCount;
materialDataCur += 4;
for (u32 i = 0; i < konstCount; ++i) {
u32 kColor = *reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur);
materialDataCur += 4;
// TODO set KColor
u32 blendFactors = *reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur);
materialDataCur += 4;
if (g_Renderer->IsInAreaDraw()) {
// TODO blackout fog, additive blend
} else {
SetupBlendMode(blendFactors, flags, matFlags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fAlphaTest));
bool indTex = matFlags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fSamusReflectionIndirectTexture);
u32 indTexSlot = 0;
if (indTex) {
indTexSlot = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
materialDataCur += 4;
HandleDepth(flags.x2_flags, matFlags);
u32 chanCount = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
materialDataCur += 4;
u32 firstChan = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
materialDataCur += 4 * chanCount;
u32 finalNumColorChans = HandleColorChannels(chanCount, firstChan);
u32 firstTev = 0;
if (CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow)
firstTev = 2;
u32 matTevCount = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur));
materialDataCur += 4;
u32 finalTevCount = matTevCount;
const u32* texMapTexCoordFlags = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + matTevCount * 20);
const u32* tcgs = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(texMapTexCoordFlags + matTevCount);
bool usesTevReg2 = false;
u32 finalCCFlags = 0;
u32 finalACFlags = 0;
if (g_Renderer->IsThermalVisorActive()) {
finalTevCount = firstTev + 1;
u32 ccFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 8));
finalCCFlags = ccFlags;
u32 outputReg = ccFlags >> 9 & 0x3;
if (outputReg == 1) { // TevReg0
materialDataCur += 20;
texMapTexCoordFlags += 1;
finalCCFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 8));
// Set TevReg0 = 0xc0c0c0c0
finalACFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 12));
HandleTev(firstTev, materialDataCur, texMapTexCoordFlags, CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow);
usesTevReg2 = false;
} else {
finalTevCount = firstTev + matTevCount;
for (u32 i = firstTev; i < finalTevCount; ++i) {
HandleTev(i, materialDataCur, texMapTexCoordFlags, CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow && i == firstTev);
u32 ccFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 8));
finalCCFlags = ccFlags;
finalACFlags = SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(materialDataCur + 12));
u32 outputReg = ccFlags >> 9 & 0x3;
if (outputReg == 3) { // TevReg2
usesTevReg2 = true;
materialDataCur += 20;
texMapTexCoordFlags += 1;
u32 tcgCount = 0;
if (g_Renderer->IsThermalVisorActive()) {
u32 fullTcgCount = SBig(*tcgs);
tcgCount = std::min(fullTcgCount, 2u);
for (u32 i = 0; i < tcgCount; ++i) {
// TODO set TCG
tcgs += fullTcgCount + 1;
} else {
tcgCount = SBig(*tcgs);
for (u32 i = 0; i < tcgCount; ++i) {
// TODO set TCG
tcgs += tcgCount + 1;
const u32* uvAnim = tcgs;
u32 animCount = uvAnim[1];
uvAnim += 2;
u32 texMtx = 30;
u32 pttTexMtx = 64;
for (u32 i = 0; i < animCount; ++i) {
u32 size = HandleAnimatedUV(uvAnim, texMtx, pttTexMtx);
if (size == 0)
uvAnim += size;
texMtx += 3;
pttTexMtx += 3;
if (flags.x0_blendMode != 0) {
HandleTransparency(finalTevCount, finalKColorCount, flags, blendFactors, finalCCFlags, finalACFlags);
if (reflection) {
if (sReflectionAlpha > 0.f) {
u32 additionalTevs = 0;
if (indTex) {
additionalTevs = HandleReflection(usesTevReg2, indTexSlot, 0, finalTevCount, texCount, tcgCount,
finalKColorCount, finalCCFlags, finalACFlags);
numIndStages = 1;
tcgCount += 2;
} else {
additionalTevs = HandleReflection(usesTevReg2, 255, 0, finalTevCount, texCount, tcgCount, finalKColorCount,
finalCCFlags, finalACFlags);
tcgCount += 1;
texCount += 1;
finalTevCount += additionalTevs;
finalKColorCount += 1;
} else if (((finalCCFlags >> 9) & 0x3) != 0) {
finalTevCount += 1;
if (CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow) {
DoModelShadow(texCount, tcgCount);
tcgCount += 1;
// SetNumIndStages(numIndStages);
// SetNumTevStages(finalTevCount);
// SetNumTexGens(tcgCount);
// SetNumColorChans(finalNumColorChans);
void CCubeMaterial::SetCurrentBlack() {
auto flags = GetFlags();
auto vatFlags = GetVatFlags();
if (flags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fDepthSorting) || flags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fAlphaTest)) {
// set fog mode 0x21
aurora::gfx::set_blend_mode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::Zero, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglLogicOp::Clear);
} else {
// set fog mode 5
aurora::gfx::set_blend_mode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglBlendFactor::Zero, ERglLogicOp::Clear);
// set vtx desc flags
void CCubeMaterial::SetupBlendMode(u32 blendFactors, const CModelFlags& flags, bool alphaTest) {
auto newSrcFactor = static_cast<ERglBlendFactor>(blendFactors & 0xffff);
auto newDstFactor = static_cast<ERglBlendFactor>(blendFactors >> 16 & 0xffff);
if (alphaTest) {
// discard fragments with alpha < 0.25
newSrcFactor = ERglBlendFactor::One;
newDstFactor = ERglBlendFactor::Zero;
} else {
if (flags.x0_blendMode > 4 && newSrcFactor == ERglBlendFactor::One) {
newSrcFactor = ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha;
if (newDstFactor == ERglBlendFactor::Zero) {
newDstFactor = flags.x0_blendMode > 6 ? ERglBlendFactor::One : ERglBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha;
// TODO set fog color zero if dst blend zero
aurora::gfx::set_blend_mode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, newSrcFactor, newDstFactor, ERglLogicOp::Clear);
void CCubeMaterial::HandleDepth(u16 modelFlags, CCubeMaterialFlags matFlags) {
ERglEnum func = ERglEnum::Never;
if ((modelFlags & 0x1) == 0) {
func = ERglEnum::Always;
} else if ((modelFlags & 0x8) != 0) {
func = (modelFlags & 0x10) != 0 ? ERglEnum::Greater : ERglEnum::GEqual;
} else {
func = (modelFlags & 0x10) != 0 ? ERglEnum::Less : ERglEnum::LEqual;
bool depthWrite = (modelFlags & 0x2) != 0 && matFlags & CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fDepthWrite;
aurora::gfx::set_depth_mode(func, depthWrite);
void CCubeMaterial::ResetCachedMaterials() {
sLastMaterialUnique = UINT32_MAX;
sRenderingModel = nullptr;
sLastMaterialCached = nullptr;
void CCubeMaterial::KillCachedViewDepState() { sLastModelCached = nullptr; }
void CCubeMaterial::EnsureViewDepStateCached(const CCubeSurface* surface) {
if ((surface != nullptr || sLastModelCached != sRenderingModel) && sRenderingModel != nullptr) {
sLastModelCached = sRenderingModel;
if (surface == nullptr) {
sReflectionType = 1;
} else {
sReflectionType = 2;
if (g_Renderer->IsReflectionDirty()) {
} else {
u32 CCubeMaterial::HandleColorChannels(u32 chanCount, u32 firstChan) {
if (CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow) {
if (chanCount != 0) {
return 2;
return chanCount;
void CCubeMaterial::HandleTev(u32 tevCur, const u8* materialDataCur, const u32* texMapTexCoordFlags,
bool shadowMapsEnabled) {
u32 colorArgs = shadowMapsEnabled ? 0x7a04f : SBig(*materialDataCur);
// CGX::SetStandardDirectTev_Compressed
u32 CCubeMaterial::HandleAnimatedUV(const u32* uvAnim, u32 texMtx, u32 pttTexMtx) {
u32 type = SBig(*uvAnim);
switch (type) {
case 0:
return 1;
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return 5;
case 3:
return 3;
case 4:
case 5:
return 5;
case 6:
return 1;
case 7:
return 2;
return 0;
void CCubeMaterial::HandleTransparency(u32& finalTevCount, u32& finalKColorCount, const CModelFlags& modelFlags,
u32 blendFactors, u32& finalCCFlags, u32& finalACFlags) {
if (modelFlags.x0_blendMode == 2) {
u16 dstFactor = blendFactors >> 16 & 0xffff;
if (dstFactor == 1)
if (modelFlags.x0_blendMode == 3) {
// Stage outputting splatted KAlpha as color to reg0
// GXSetTevColorOp(finalTevCount, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); // ColorReg0
// GXSetTevKColorSel(finalTevCount, finalKColorCount+28);
// GXSetTevAlphaOp(finalTevCount, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); // AlphaRegPrev
// GXSetTevOrder(finalTevCount, 255, 255, 255);
// GXSetTevDirect(finalTevCount);
// Stage interpolating from splatted KAlpha using KColor
// GXSetTevKColorSel(finalTevCount, finalKColorCount+12);
// SetStandardTevColorAlphaOp(finalTevCount + 1);
// GXSetTevDirect(finalTevCount + 1);
// GXSetTevOrder(finalTevCount + 1, 255, 255, 255);
// GXSetTevKColor(finalKColorCount, modelFlags.x4_color);
finalKColorCount += 1;
finalTevCount += 2;
} else {
// Mul KAlpha
if (modelFlags.x0_blendMode == 8) {
// Set KAlpha
// Mul KColor
if (modelFlags.x0_blendMode == 2) {
// Add KColor
// GXSetTevColorIn(finalTevCount)
// GXSetTevAlphaIn(finalTevCount)
// SetStandardTevColorAlphaOp(finalTevCount);
finalCCFlags = 0x100; // Just clamp, output prev reg
finalACFlags = 0x100;
// GXSetTevDirect(finalTevCount);
// GXSetTevOrder(finalTevCount, 255, 255, 255);
// GXSetTevKColor(finalKColorCount, modelFlags.x4_color);
// GXSetTevKColorSel(finalTevCount, finalKColorCount+12);
// GXSetTevKAlphaSel(finalTevCount, finalKColorCount+28);
finalTevCount += 1;
finalKColorCount += 1;
u32 CCubeMaterial::HandleReflection(bool usesTevReg2, u32 indTexSlot, u32 r5, u32 finalTevCount, u32 texCount,
u32 tcgCount, u32 finalKColorCount, u32& finalCCFlags, u32& finalACFlags) {
u32 out = 0;
if (usesTevReg2) {
// GX_CC_C2
out = 1;
} else {
// set reflection kcolor
// tex = g_Renderer->GetRealReflection
// tex.Load(texCount, 0)
finalACFlags = 0;
finalCCFlags = 0;
return out + 1;
void CCubeMaterial::DoPassthru(u32 finalTevCount) {
void CCubeMaterial::DoModelShadow(u32 texCount, u32 tcgCount) {
// CCubeModel::sShadowTexture->Load(texCount, CTexture::EClampMode::One);
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -9,23 +9,118 @@
#include "IObjectStore.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
enum class EStateFlags {
Unused1 = 1 << 0,
Unused2 = 1 << 1,
Unused3 = 1 << 2,
KonstEnabled = 1 << 3,
DepthSorting = 1 << 4,
AlphaTest = 1 << 5,
Reflection = 1 << 6,
DepthWrite = 1 << 7,
ReflectionSurfaceEye = 1 << 8,
OccluderMesh = 1 << 9,
ReflectionIndirectTexture = 1 << 10,
LightMap = 1 << 11,
Unused4 = 1 << 12,
LightmapUVArray = 1 << 13,
class CCubeModel;
class CCubeSurface;
struct CModelFlags;
template <typename BitType>
class Flags {
using MaskType = typename std::underlying_type<BitType>::type;
// constructors
constexpr Flags() noexcept : m_mask(0) {}
constexpr Flags(BitType bit) noexcept : m_mask(static_cast<MaskType>(bit)) {}
constexpr Flags(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) noexcept : m_mask(rhs.m_mask) {}
constexpr explicit Flags(MaskType flags) noexcept : m_mask(flags) {}
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsSet(Flags<BitType> const bit) const noexcept { return bool(*this & bit); }
// relational operators
auto operator<=>(Flags<BitType> const&) const noexcept = default;
// logical operator
constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept { return !m_mask; }
// bitwise operators
constexpr Flags<BitType> operator&(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) const noexcept {
return Flags<BitType>(m_mask & rhs.m_mask);
constexpr Flags<BitType> operator|(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) const noexcept {
return Flags<BitType>(m_mask | rhs.m_mask);
constexpr Flags<BitType> operator^(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) const noexcept {
return Flags<BitType>(m_mask ^ rhs.m_mask);
// assignment operators
constexpr Flags<BitType>& operator=(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) noexcept {
m_mask = rhs.m_mask;
return *this;
constexpr Flags<BitType>& operator|=(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) noexcept {
m_mask |= rhs.m_mask;
return *this;
constexpr Flags<BitType>& operator&=(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) noexcept {
m_mask &= rhs.m_mask;
return *this;
constexpr Flags<BitType>& operator^=(Flags<BitType> const& rhs) noexcept {
m_mask ^= rhs.m_mask;
return *this;
// cast operators
explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept { return m_mask != 0; }
explicit constexpr operator MaskType() const noexcept { return m_mask; }
MaskType m_mask;
enum class CCubeMaterialFlagBits : u32 {
fKonstValues = 0x8,
fDepthSorting = 0x10,
fAlphaTest = 0x20,
fSamusReflection = 0x40,
fDepthWrite = 0x80,
fSamusReflectionSurfaceEye = 0x100,
fShadowOccluderMesh = 0x200,
fSamusReflectionIndirectTexture = 0x400,
fLightmap = 0x800,
fLightmapUvArray = 0x2000,
fTextureSlotMask = 0xffff0000
using CCubeMaterialFlags = Flags<CCubeMaterialFlagBits>;
enum class CCubeMaterialVatAttribute : u32 {
Position = 0,
Normal = 2,
Color0 = 4,
Color1 = 8,
Tex0 = 10,
Tex1 = 12,
Tex2 = 14,
Tex3 = 16,
Tex4 = 18,
Tex5 = 20,
Tex6 = 22,
enum class CCubeMaterialVatAttributeType : u32 { None = 0, Direct = 1, Index8 = 2, Index16 = 3 };
class CCubeMaterialVatFlags {
u32 m_flags = 0;
constexpr CCubeMaterialVatFlags() noexcept = default;
constexpr CCubeMaterialVatFlags(u32 flags) noexcept : m_flags(flags){};
[[nodiscard]] CCubeMaterialVatAttributeType GetAttributeType(CCubeMaterialVatAttribute attribute) const noexcept {
return CCubeMaterialVatAttributeType((m_flags >> u32(attribute)) & 0x3);
void SetAttributeType(CCubeMaterialVatAttribute attribute, CCubeMaterialVatAttributeType type) noexcept {
m_flags &= ~(u32(0x3) << u32(attribute));
m_flags |= u32(type) << u32(attribute);
class CCubeMaterial {
const u8* x0_data;
@ -33,24 +128,44 @@ class CCubeMaterial {
explicit CCubeMaterial(const u8* data) : x0_data(data) {}
void SetCurrent(CModelFlags flags, const CCubeSurface& surface, const CCubeModel& model);
void SetCurrent(const CModelFlags& flags, const CCubeSurface& surface, CCubeModel& model);
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetCompressedBlend() {
const u32* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data[(GetTextureCount() * 4) + 16]);
if (IsFlagSet(EStateFlags::KonstEnabled)) {
const u32* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data + (GetTextureCount() * 4) + 16);
if (GetFlags() & CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fKonstValues) {
ptr += SBig(*ptr) + 1;
return SBig(*ptr);
[[nodiscard]] EStateFlags GetFlags() const { return EStateFlags(SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data))); }
[[nodiscard]] bool IsFlagSet(EStateFlags flag) const { return True(GetFlags() & flag); }
[[nodiscard]] CCubeMaterialFlags GetFlags() const {
return CCubeMaterialFlags(SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data)));
[[nodiscard]] CCubeMaterialVatFlags GetVatFlags() const {
return SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data + 8 + (GetTextureCount() * 4)));
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetUsedTextureSlots() const { return static_cast<u32>(GetFlags()) >> 16; }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetTextureCount() const { return SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&x0_data[4])); }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetTextureCount() const { return SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(x0_data + 4)); }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetVertexDesc() const {
return SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&x0_data[(GetTextureCount() * 4) + 8]));
return SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&x0_data + (GetTextureCount() * 4) + 8));
static void ResetCachedMaterials();
static void EnsureViewDepStateCached(const CCubeSurface* surface);
static void KillCachedViewDepState();
void SetCurrentBlack();
static void SetupBlendMode(u32 blendFactors, const CModelFlags& flags, bool alphaTest);
static void HandleDepth(u16 modelFlags, CCubeMaterialFlags matFlags);
static u32 HandleColorChannels(u32 chanCount, u32 firstChan);
static void HandleTev(u32 tevCur, const u8* materialDataCur, const u32* texMapTexCoordFlags, bool shadowMapsEnabled);
static u32 HandleAnimatedUV(const u32* uvAnim, u32 texMtx, u32 pttTexMtx);
static void HandleTransparency(u32& finalTevCount, u32& finalKColorCount, const CModelFlags& modelFlags,
u32 blendFactors, u32& finalCCFlags, u32& finalACFlags);
static u32 HandleReflection(bool usesTevReg2, u32 indTexSlot, u32 r5, u32 finalTevCount, u32 texCount, u32 tcgCount,
u32 finalKColorCount, u32& finalCCFlags, u32& finalACFlags);
static void DoPassthru(u32 finalTevCount);
static void DoModelShadow(u32 texCount, u32 tcgCount);
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -4,8 +4,22 @@
#include "Graphics/CCubeMaterial.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeSurface.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CGraphics.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CModel.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
bool CCubeModel::sRenderModelBlack = false;
bool CCubeModel::sRenderModelShadow = false;
bool CCubeModel::sUsingPackedLightmaps = false;
const CTexture* CCubeModel::sShadowTexture = nullptr;
static bool sDrawingOccluders = false;
static bool sDrawingWireframe = false;
static zeus::CTransform sTextureProjectionTransform;
static u8 sChannel0DisableLightMask = 0;
static u8 sChannel1EnableLightMask = 0;
static zeus::CVector3f sPlayerPosition;
CCubeModel::CCubeModel(std::vector<CCubeSurface>* surfaces, std::vector<TCachedToken<CTexture>>* textures,
u8* materialData, std::vector<zeus::CVector3f>* positions, std::vector<zeus::CColor>* colors,
@ -24,7 +38,8 @@ CCubeModel::CCubeModel(std::vector<CCubeSurface>* surfaces, std::vector<TCachedT
for (u32 i = x0_modelInstance.Surfaces()->size(); i > 0; --i) {
auto& surf = (*x0_modelInstance.Surfaces())[i - 1];
if (!GetMaterialByIndex(surf.GetMaterialIndex()).IsFlagSet(EStateFlags::DepthSorting)) {
const auto matFlags = GetMaterialByIndex(surf.GetMaterialIndex()).GetFlags();
if (!matFlags.IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fDepthSorting)) {
x38_firstUnsortedSurf = &surf;
} else {
@ -97,4 +112,196 @@ void CCubeModel::MakeTexturesFromMats(const u8* ptr, std::vector<TCachedToken<CT
void CCubeModel::Draw(const CModelFlags& flags) {
void CCubeModel::Draw(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, const CModelFlags& flags) {
SetSkinningArraysCurrent(positions, normals);
void CCubeModel::DrawAlpha(const CModelFlags& flags) {
void CCubeModel::DrawAlphaSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) {
if (sDrawingWireframe) {
const auto* surface = x3c_firstSortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
} else if (TryLockTextures()) {
const auto* surface = x3c_firstSortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
DrawSurface(*surface, flags);
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
void CCubeModel::DrawFlat(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, ESurfaceSelection surfaces) {
if (positions == nullptr) {
} else {
SetSkinningArraysCurrent(positions, normals);
if (surfaces != ESurfaceSelection::Sorted) {
const auto* surface = x38_firstUnsortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
const auto mat = GetMaterialByIndex(surface->GetMaterialIndex());
// TODO draw
if (surfaces != ESurfaceSelection::Unsorted) {
const auto* surface = x3c_firstSortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
const auto mat = GetMaterialByIndex(surface->GetMaterialIndex());
// TODO draw
void CCubeModel::DrawNormal(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, ESurfaceSelection surfaces) {
// TODO bunch of CGX stuff, what is it doing?
DrawFlat(positions, normals, surfaces);
void CCubeModel::DrawNormal(const CModelFlags& flags) {
void CCubeModel::DrawNormalSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) {
if (sDrawingWireframe) {
const auto* surface = x38_firstUnsortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
} else if (TryLockTextures()) {
const auto* surface = x38_firstUnsortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
DrawSurface(*surface, flags);
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
void CCubeModel::DrawSurface(const CCubeSurface& surface, const CModelFlags& flags) {
auto mat = GetMaterialByIndex(surface.GetMaterialIndex());
if (!mat.GetFlags().IsSet(CCubeMaterialFlagBits::fShadowOccluderMesh) || sDrawingOccluders) {
mat.SetCurrent(flags, surface, *this);
// TODO draw
void CCubeModel::DrawSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) {
if (sDrawingWireframe) {
const auto* surface = x38_firstUnsortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
surface = x3c_firstSortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
} else if (TryLockTextures()) {
const auto* surface = x38_firstUnsortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
DrawSurface(*surface, flags);
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
surface = x3c_firstSortedSurf;
while (surface != nullptr) {
DrawSurface(*surface, flags);
surface = surface->GetNextSurface();
void CCubeModel::DrawSurfaceWireframe(const CCubeSurface& surface) {
auto mat = GetMaterialByIndex(surface.GetMaterialIndex());
// TODO convert vertices to line strips and draw
void CCubeModel::EnableShadowMaps(const CTexture& shadowTex, const zeus::CTransform& textureProjXf, u8 chan0DisableMask,
u8 chan1EnableLightMask) {
sRenderModelShadow = true;
sShadowTexture = &shadowTex;
sTextureProjectionTransform = textureProjXf;
sChannel0DisableLightMask = chan0DisableMask;
sChannel1EnableLightMask = chan1EnableLightMask;
void CCubeModel::DisableShadowMaps() { sRenderModelShadow = false; }
void CCubeModel::SetArraysCurrent() {
if (x0_modelInstance.GetVertexPointer() != nullptr) {
// TODO set vertices active
if (x0_modelInstance.GetNormalPointer() != nullptr) {
// TODO set normals active
void CCubeModel::SetDrawingOccluders(bool v) { sDrawingOccluders = v; }
void CCubeModel::SetModelWireframe(bool v) { sDrawingWireframe = v; }
void CCubeModel::SetNewPlayerPositionAndTime(const zeus::CVector3f& pos, const CStopwatch& time) {
sPlayerPosition = pos;
// TODO time
void CCubeModel::SetRenderModelBlack(bool v) {
sRenderModelBlack = v;
// TODO another value is set here, but always 0?
void CCubeModel::SetSkinningArraysCurrent(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals) {
// TODO activate vertices, normals & colors
void CCubeModel::SetStaticArraysCurrent() {
// TODO activate colors
const auto* packedTexCoords = x0_modelInstance.GetPackedTCPointer();
const auto* texCoords = x0_modelInstance.GetTCPointer();
if (packedTexCoords == nullptr) {
sUsingPackedLightmaps = false;
if (sUsingPackedLightmaps) {
// TODO activate packed TCs for texture 0
} else if (texCoords != nullptr) {
// TODO activate TCs for texture 0
if (texCoords != nullptr) {
for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
// TODO activate TCs for textures 1-7
void CCubeModel::SetUsingPackedLightmaps(bool v) {
sUsingPackedLightmaps = v;
if (v) {
// TODO activate packed TCs for texture 0
} else {
// TODO activate TCs for texture 0
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ struct CModelFlags;
enum class ESurfaceSelection {
// These parameters were originally float*
@ -81,36 +82,41 @@ public:
bool TryLockTextures();
void UnlockTextures();
void RemapMaterialData(u8* data, std::vector<TCachedToken<CTexture>>& textures);
void Draw(CModelFlags flags);
void DrawAlpha(CModelFlags flags);
void Draw(const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawAlpha(const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawFlat(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, ESurfaceSelection surfaces);
void DrawNormal(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, ESurfaceSelection surfaces);
void DrawNormal(CModelFlags flags);
void DrawSurface(const CCubeSurface& surface, CModelFlags flags);
void DrawNormal(const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawSurface(const CCubeSurface& surface, const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawSurfaceWireframe(const CCubeSurface& surface);
void SetArraysCurrent();
void SetUsingPackedLightmaps(bool v);
TVectorRef GetPositions() const { return x0_modelInstance.GetVertexPointer(); }
TVectorRef GetNormals() const { return x0_modelInstance.GetNormalPointer(); }
[[nodiscard]] TVectorRef GetPositions() const { return x0_modelInstance.GetVertexPointer(); }
[[nodiscard]] TVectorRef GetNormals() const { return x0_modelInstance.GetNormalPointer(); }
[[nodiscard]] TCachedToken<CTexture>& GetTexture(u32 idx) const { return x1c_textures->at(idx); }
static void EnableShadowMaps(CTexture shadowTex, zeus::CTransform textureProjXf, u8 chan0DisableMask,
static void EnableShadowMaps(const CTexture& shadowTex, const zeus::CTransform& textureProjXf, u8 chan0DisableMask,
u8 chan1EnableLightMask);
static void DisableShadowMaps();
static void MakeTexturesFromMats(const u8* ptr, std::vector<TCachedToken<CTexture>>& texture, IObjectStore* store,
bool b1);
static void KillCachedViewDepState();
static void SetDrawingOccluders(bool v);
static void SetModelWireframe();
static void SetModelWireframe(bool v);
static void SetNewPlayerPositionAndTime(const zeus::CVector3f& pos, const CStopwatch& time);
static void SetRenderModelBlack(bool v);
static bool sRenderModelBlack;
static bool sUsingPackedLightmaps;
static bool sRenderModelShadow;
static const CTexture* sShadowTexture;
void Draw(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, CModelFlags flags);
void DrawAlphaSurfaces(CModelFlags flags);
void DrawNormalSurfaces(CModelFlags flags);
void DrawSurfaces(CModelFlags flags);
void Draw(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals, const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawAlphaSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawNormalSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags);
void DrawSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags);
void SetSkinningArraysCurrent(TVectorRef positions, TVectorRef normals);
void SetStaticArraysCurrent();
void SetUsingPackedLightmaps(bool v);
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -206,5 +206,11 @@ public:
int DrawOverlappingWorldModelIDs(int alphaVal, const std::vector<u32>& modelBits, const zeus::CAABox& aabb);
void DrawOverlappingWorldModelShadows(int alphaVal, const std::vector<u32>& modelBits, const zeus::CAABox& aabb,
float alpha);
// Getters
[[nodiscard]] bool IsInAreaDraw() const { return x318_30_inAreaDraw; }
[[nodiscard]] bool IsReflectionDirty() const { return x318_24_refectionDirty; }
void SetReflectionDirty(bool v) { x318_24_refectionDirty = v; }
[[nodiscard]] bool IsThermalVisorActive() const { return x318_29_thermalVisor; }
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -27,8 +27,13 @@ class CCubeSurface {
explicit CCubeSurface(const u8* ptr, u32 len); // Metaforce addition for extracting surface data
// bool IsValid() const;
[[nodiscard]] CCubeModel* GetParent() { return x14_parent; }
[[nodiscard]] const CCubeModel* GetParent() const { return x14_parent; }
void SetParent(CCubeModel* parent) { x14_parent = parent; }
[[nodiscard]] CCubeSurface* GetNextSurface() { return x18_nextSurface; }
[[nodiscard]] const CCubeSurface* GetNextSurface() const { return x18_nextSurface; }
void SetNextSurface(CCubeSurface* next) { x18_nextSurface = next; }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetMaterialIndex() const { return xc_materialIndex; }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetDisplayListSize() const { return x10_displayListSize & 0x7fffffff; }

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeModel.hpp"
#include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp"
#include <zeus/CAABox.hpp>
#include <zeus/CTransform.hpp>

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
#include "CToken.hpp"
#include "GCNTypes.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeModel.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CTexture.hpp"
#include "IObjectStore.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CCubeModel.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
class CCubeSurface;

View File

@ -142,7 +142,10 @@ enum class ZComp : uint8_t {
void set_cull_mode(metaforce::ERglCullMode mode) noexcept;
void set_blend_mode(metaforce::ERglBlendMode mode, metaforce::ERglBlendFactor src, metaforce::ERglBlendFactor dst,
metaforce::ERglLogicOp op) noexcept;
void set_depth_mode(bool test, metaforce::ERglEnum func, bool update);
void set_depth_mode(metaforce::ERglEnum func, bool update);
// Model state
void set_alpha_discard(bool v);
void update_model_view(const zeus::CMatrix4f& mv, const zeus::CMatrix4f& mv_inv) noexcept;
void update_projection(const zeus::CMatrix4f& proj) noexcept;