mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
New code style refactor
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
IndentWidth: 4
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
ColumnLimit: 120
UseTab: Never
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ DerivePointerAlignment: false
PointerAlignment: Left
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
IndentCaseLabels: false
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: true
AlignOperands: true
@ -24,6 +23,6 @@ NamespaceIndentation: None
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
SortIncludes: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AccessModifierOffset: -2
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 0
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/discord-rpc" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl-gui" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl-gui/quazip" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl/extern/athena" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl/extern/boo" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/hecl/extern/boo/glslang" vcs="Git" />
@ -6,79 +6,70 @@ extern "C" const size_t ASSET_NAME_MP32_SZ;
extern "C" const uint8_t ASSET_NAME_MP64[];
extern "C" const size_t ASSET_NAME_MP64_SZ;
namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap
namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap {
logvisor::Module Log("AssetNameMap");
struct SAsset
std::string name;
std::string directory;
hecl::FourCC type;
SAsset() = default;
SAsset(const hecl::FourCC& typeIn, athena::io::IStreamReader& in)
: type(typeIn)
uint32_t nameLen = in.readUint32Big();
name = in.readString(nameLen);
uint32_t dirLen = in.readUint32Big();
directory = in.readString(dirLen);
struct SAsset {
std::string name;
std::string directory;
hecl::FourCC type;
SAsset() = default;
SAsset(const hecl::FourCC& typeIn, athena::io::IStreamReader& in) : type(typeIn) {
uint32_t nameLen = in.readUint32Big();
name = in.readString(nameLen);
uint32_t dirLen = in.readUint32Big();
directory = in.readString(dirLen);
static std::unordered_map<uint64_t, SAsset> g_AssetNameMap;
static bool g_AssetNameMapInit = false;
void LoadAssetMap(athena::io::MemoryReader& ar)
if (!ar.hasError())
hecl::FourCC magic;
if (ar.length() >= 4)
ar.readBytesToBuf(&magic, 4);
if (magic != FOURCC('AIDM'))
Log.report(logvisor::Warning, _SYS_STR("Unable to load asset map; Assets will not have proper filenames for most files."));
uint32_t assetCount = ar.readUint32Big();
for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i<assetCount ; ++i)
hecl::FourCC type;
ar.readBytesToBuf(&type, 4);
uint64_t id = ar.readUint64Big();
g_AssetNameMap[id] = SAsset(type, ar);
void LoadAssetMap(athena::io::MemoryReader& ar) {
if (!ar.hasError()) {
hecl::FourCC magic;
if (ar.length() >= 4)
ar.readBytesToBuf(&magic, 4);
if (magic != FOURCC('AIDM'))
_SYS_STR("Unable to load asset map; Assets will not have proper filenames for most files."));
else {
uint32_t assetCount = ar.readUint32Big();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < assetCount; ++i) {
hecl::FourCC type;
ar.readBytesToBuf(&type, 4);
uint64_t id = ar.readUint64Big();
g_AssetNameMap[id] = SAsset(type, ar);
void InitAssetNameMap()
if (g_AssetNameMapInit)
void InitAssetNameMap() {
if (g_AssetNameMapInit)
Log.report(logvisor::Info, "Initializing asset name database...");
Log.report(logvisor::Info, "Initializing asset name database...");
/* First load the 32bit map for MP1/2 */
athena::io::MemoryReader ar(ASSET_NAME_MP32, ASSET_NAME_MP32_SZ);
/* Now load the 64bit map for MP3 */
athena::io::MemoryReader ar(ASSET_NAME_MP64, ASSET_NAME_MP64_SZ);
g_AssetNameMapInit = true;
/* First load the 32bit map for MP1/2 */
athena::io::MemoryReader ar(ASSET_NAME_MP32, ASSET_NAME_MP32_SZ);
/* Now load the 64bit map for MP3 */
athena::io::MemoryReader ar(ASSET_NAME_MP64, ASSET_NAME_MP64_SZ);
g_AssetNameMapInit = true;
const std::string* TranslateIdToName(const UniqueID32& id)
if (g_AssetNameMap.find(id.toUint64()) == g_AssetNameMap.end())
return nullptr;
const std::string* TranslateIdToName(const UniqueID32& id) {
if (g_AssetNameMap.find(id.toUint64()) == g_AssetNameMap.end())
return nullptr;
return &g_AssetNameMap[id.toUint64()].name;
return &g_AssetNameMap[id.toUint64()].name;
} // namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap
@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
#include <string>
#include "DNACommon/DNACommon.hpp"
namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap
namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap {
void InitAssetNameMap();
const std::string* TranslateIdToName(const UniqueID32&);
const std::string* TranslateIdToName(const UniqueID64&);
} // namespace DataSpec::AssetNameMap
@ -5,20 +5,18 @@
extern "C" uint8_t RETRO_MASTER_SHADER[];
extern "C" size_t RETRO_MASTER_SHADER_SZ;
namespace DataSpec::Blender
namespace DataSpec::Blender {
bool BuildMasterShader(const hecl::ProjectPath& path)
hecl::blender::Connection& conn = hecl::blender::Connection::SharedConnection();
if (!conn.createBlend(path, hecl::blender::BlendType::None))
return false;
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
os << "make_master_shader_library()\n";
return conn.saveBlend();
bool BuildMasterShader(const hecl::ProjectPath& path) {
hecl::blender::Connection& conn = hecl::blender::Connection::SharedConnection();
if (!conn.createBlend(path, hecl::blender::BlendType::None))
return false;
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
os << "make_master_shader_library()\n";
return conn.saveBlend();
} // namespace DataSpec::Blender
@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
#include <hecl/hecl.hpp>
namespace DataSpec::Blender
namespace DataSpec::Blender {
bool BuildMasterShader(const hecl::ProjectPath& path);
@ -7,302 +7,259 @@
#include "DataSpec/DNAMP3/CHAR.hpp"
#include "hecl/Blender/Connection.hpp"
namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS
namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS {
template <class PAKRouter, class ANCSDNA, class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, atUint32 CMDLVersion>
bool ReadANCSToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn,
const ANCSDNA& ancs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged,
bool force)
/* Extract character CMDL/CSKR first */
std::vector<CharacterResInfo<typename PAKRouter::IDType>> chResInfo;
for (const auto& info : chResInfo)
const nod::Node* node;
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE =
pakRouter.lookupEntry(info.cmdl, &node, true, false);
if (cmdlE)
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
if (force || cmdlPath.isNone())
if (!conn.createBlend(cmdlPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Mesh))
return false;
bool ReadANCSToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn, const ANCSDNA& ancs, const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged, bool force) {
/* Extract character CMDL/CSKR first */
std::vector<CharacterResInfo<typename PAKRouter::IDType>> chResInfo;
for (const auto& info : chResInfo) {
const nod::Node* node;
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE = pakRouter.lookupEntry(info.cmdl, &node, true, false);
if (cmdlE) {
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
if (force || cmdlPath.isNone()) {
if (!conn.createBlend(cmdlPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Mesh))
return false;
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType cskr;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cskr, cskr);
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cinf, cinf);
using RigPair = std::pair<typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType*, typename ANCSDNA::CINFType*>;
RigPair rigPair(&cskr, &cinf);
typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType cskr;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cskr, cskr);
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cinf, cinf);
using RigPair = std::pair<typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType*, typename ANCSDNA::CINFType*>;
RigPair rigPair(&cskr, &cinf);
PAKEntryReadStream rs = cmdlE->beginReadStream(*node);
DNACMDL::ReadCMDLToBlender<PAKRouter, MaterialSet, RigPair, SurfaceHeader, CMDLVersion>
(conn, rs, pakRouter, *cmdlE, dataspec, rigPair);
PAKEntryReadStream rs = cmdlE->beginReadStream(*node);
DNACMDL::ReadCMDLToBlender<PAKRouter, MaterialSet, RigPair, SurfaceHeader, CMDLVersion>(
conn, rs, pakRouter, *cmdlE, dataspec, rigPair);
/* Extract attachment CMDL/CSKRs first */
auto attRange = pakRouter.lookupCharacterAttachmentRigs(entry.id);
for (auto it = attRange.first; it != attRange.second; ++it) {
auto cmdlid = it->second.first.second;
const nod::Node* node;
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE = pakRouter.lookupEntry(cmdlid, &node, true, false);
if (cmdlE) {
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
if (force || cmdlPath.isNone()) {
if (!conn.createBlend(cmdlPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Mesh))
return false;
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
const auto* rp = pakRouter.lookupCMDLRigPair(cmdlid);
typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType cskr;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(rp->first, cskr);
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(rp->second, cinf);
using RigPair = std::pair<typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType*, typename ANCSDNA::CINFType*>;
RigPair rigPair(&cskr, &cinf);
PAKEntryReadStream rs = cmdlE->beginReadStream(*node);
DNACMDL::ReadCMDLToBlender<PAKRouter, MaterialSet, RigPair, SurfaceHeader, CMDLVersion>(
conn, rs, pakRouter, *cmdlE, dataspec, rigPair);
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(entry);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
/* Establish ANCS blend */
if (!conn.createBlend(outPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Actor))
return false;
std::string firstName;
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType firstCinf;
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
"import bpy\n"
"from mathutils import Vector\n"
"bpy.context.scene.name = '%s'\n"
"bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj = bpy.context.scene.name\n"
"# Using 'Blender Game'\n"
"bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_GAME'\n"
"# Clear Scene\n"
"for ob in bpy.data.objects:\n"
" if ob.type != 'LAMP' and ob.type != 'CAMERA':\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)\n"
" bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)\n"
"actor_data = bpy.context.scene.hecl_sact_data\n"
"arm_obj = None\n",
std::unordered_set<typename PAKRouter::IDType> cinfsDone;
for (const auto& info : chResInfo) {
/* Provide data to add-on */
"actor_subtype = actor_data.subtypes.add()\n"
"actor_subtype.name = '%s'\n\n",
/* Build CINF if needed */
if (cinfsDone.find(info.cinf) == cinfsDone.end()) {
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cinf, cinf);
cinf.sendCINFToBlender(os, info.cinf);
if (cinfsDone.empty()) {
firstName = ANCSDNA::CINFType::GetCINFArmatureName(info.cinf);
firstCinf = cinf;
} else
os.format("arm_obj = bpy.data.objects['CINF_%s']\n", info.cinf.toString().c_str());
os << "actor_subtype.linked_armature = arm_obj.name\n";
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE = pakRouter.lookupEntry(info.cmdl, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE) {
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
os.linkBlend(cmdlPath.getAbsolutePathUTF8().data(), pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"actor_subtype.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
/* Link overlays */
for (const auto& overlay : info.overlays) {
os << "overlay = actor_subtype.overlays.add()\n";
os.format("overlay.name = '%s'\n", overlay.first.c_str());
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE = pakRouter.lookupEntry(overlay.second.first, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE) {
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
os.linkBlend(cmdlPath.getAbsolutePathUTF8().data(), pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"overlay.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
/* Extract attachment CMDL/CSKRs first */
auto attRange = pakRouter.lookupCharacterAttachmentRigs(entry.id);
for (auto it = attRange.first; it != attRange.second; ++it)
auto cmdlid = it->second.first.second;
/* Link attachments */
for (auto it = attRange.first; it != attRange.second; ++it) {
os << "attachment = actor_data.attachments.add()\n";
os.format("attachment.name = '%s'\n", it->second.second.c_str());
const nod::Node* node;
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE =
pakRouter.lookupEntry(cmdlid, &node, true, false);
if (cmdlE)
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
if (force || cmdlPath.isNone())
if (!conn.createBlend(cmdlPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Mesh))
return false;
auto cinfid = it->second.first.first;
auto cmdlid = it->second.first.second;
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
if (cinfid) {
/* Build CINF if needed */
if (cinfsDone.find(cinfid) == cinfsDone.end()) {
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(cinfid, cinf);
cinf.sendCINFToBlender(os, cinfid);
if (cinfsDone.empty()) {
firstName = ANCSDNA::CINFType::GetCINFArmatureName(cinfid);
firstCinf = cinf;
} else
os.format("arm_obj = bpy.data.objects['CINF_%s']\n", cinfid.toString().c_str());
os << "attachment.linked_armature = arm_obj.name\n";
const auto* rp = pakRouter.lookupCMDLRigPair(cmdlid);
typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType cskr;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(rp->first, cskr);
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(rp->second, cinf);
using RigPair = std::pair<typename ANCSDNA::CSKRType*, typename ANCSDNA::CINFType*>;
RigPair rigPair(&cskr, &cinf);
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE = pakRouter.lookupEntry(cmdlid, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE) {
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
os.linkBlend(cmdlPath.getAbsolutePathUTF8().data(), pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
PAKEntryReadStream rs = cmdlE->beginReadStream(*node);
DNACMDL::ReadCMDLToBlender<PAKRouter, MaterialSet, RigPair, SurfaceHeader, CMDLVersion>
(conn, rs, pakRouter, *cmdlE, dataspec, rigPair);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"attachment.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
std::string bestName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(entry);
hecl::SystemStringConv bestNameView(bestName);
hecl::blender::DataStream ds = conn.beginData();
std::unordered_map<std::string, hecl::blender::Matrix3f> matrices = ds.getBoneMatrices(firstName);
DNAANIM::RigInverter<typename ANCSDNA::CINFType> inverter(firstCinf, matrices);
/* Establish ANCS blend */
if (!conn.createBlend(outPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::Actor))
return false;
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
os << "import bpy\n"
"actor_data = bpy.context.scene.hecl_sact_data\n";
std::string firstName;
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType firstCinf;
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
/* Get animation primitives */
std::map<atUint32, AnimationResInfo<typename PAKRouter::IDType>> animResInfo;
ancs.getAnimationResInfo(&pakRouter, animResInfo);
for (const auto& id : animResInfo) {
typename ANCSDNA::ANIMType anim;
if (pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(id.second.animId, anim, true)) {
"act = bpy.data.actions.new('%s')\n"
"act.use_fake_user = True\n",
anim.sendANIMToBlender(os, inverter, id.second.additive);
os.format("import bpy\n"
"from mathutils import Vector\n"
"bpy.context.scene.name = '%s'\n"
"bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj = bpy.context.scene.name\n"
"# Using 'Blender Game'\n"
"bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_GAME'\n"
"# Clear Scene\n"
"for ob in bpy.data.objects:\n"
" if ob.type != 'LAMP' and ob.type != 'CAMERA':\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)\n"
" bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)\n"
"actor_data = bpy.context.scene.hecl_sact_data\n"
"arm_obj = None\n",
"actor_action = actor_data.actions.add()\n"
"actor_action.name = '%s'\n",
std::unordered_set<typename PAKRouter::IDType> cinfsDone;
for (const auto& info : chResInfo)
/* Provide data to add-on */
os.format("actor_subtype = actor_data.subtypes.add()\n"
"actor_subtype.name = '%s'\n\n",
/* Build CINF if needed */
if (cinfsDone.find(info.cinf) == cinfsDone.end())
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(info.cinf, cinf);
cinf.sendCINFToBlender(os, info.cinf);
if (cinfsDone.empty())
firstName = ANCSDNA::CINFType::GetCINFArmatureName(info.cinf);
firstCinf = cinf;
os.format("arm_obj = bpy.data.objects['CINF_%s']\n", info.cinf.toString().c_str());
os << "actor_subtype.linked_armature = arm_obj.name\n";
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE =
pakRouter.lookupEntry(info.cmdl, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE)
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"actor_subtype.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
/* Link overlays */
for (const auto& overlay : info.overlays)
os << "overlay = actor_subtype.overlays.add()\n";
os.format("overlay.name = '%s'\n", overlay.first.c_str());
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE =
pakRouter.lookupEntry(overlay.second.first, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE)
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"overlay.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
/* Link attachments */
for (auto it = attRange.first; it != attRange.second; ++it)
os << "attachment = actor_data.attachments.add()\n";
os.format("attachment.name = '%s'\n", it->second.second.c_str());
auto cinfid = it->second.first.first;
auto cmdlid = it->second.first.second;
if (cinfid)
/* Build CINF if needed */
if (cinfsDone.find(cinfid) == cinfsDone.end())
typename ANCSDNA::CINFType cinf;
pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(cinfid, cinf);
cinf.sendCINFToBlender(os, cinfid);
if (cinfsDone.empty())
firstName = ANCSDNA::CINFType::GetCINFArmatureName(cinfid);
firstCinf = cinf;
os.format("arm_obj = bpy.data.objects['CINF_%s']\n", cinfid.toString().c_str());
os << "attachment.linked_armature = arm_obj.name\n";
/* Link CMDL */
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* cmdlE =
pakRouter.lookupEntry(cmdlid, nullptr, true, false);
if (cmdlE)
hecl::ProjectPath cmdlPath = pakRouter.getWorking(cmdlE);
pakRouter.getBestEntryName(*cmdlE).data(), true);
/* Attach CMDL to CINF */
os << "if obj.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n"
"obj.parent = arm_obj\n"
"obj.parent_type = 'ARMATURE'\n"
"attachment.linked_mesh = obj.name\n\n";
/* Extract EVNT if present */
anim.extractEVNT(id.second, outPath, pakRouter, force);
hecl::blender::DataStream ds = conn.beginData();
hecl::blender::Matrix3f> matrices = ds.getBoneMatrices(firstName);
DNAANIM::RigInverter<typename ANCSDNA::CINFType> inverter(firstCinf, matrices);
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
os << "import bpy\n"
"actor_data = bpy.context.scene.hecl_sact_data\n";
/* Get animation primitives */
std::map<atUint32, AnimationResInfo<typename PAKRouter::IDType>> animResInfo;
ancs.getAnimationResInfo(&pakRouter, animResInfo);
for (const auto& id : animResInfo)
typename ANCSDNA::ANIMType anim;
if (pakRouter.lookupAndReadDNA(id.second.animId, anim, true))
os.format("act = bpy.data.actions.new('%s')\n"
"act.use_fake_user = True\n", id.second.name.c_str());
anim.sendANIMToBlender(os, inverter, id.second.additive);
os.format("actor_action = actor_data.actions.add()\n"
"actor_action.name = '%s'\n", id.second.name.c_str());
/* Extract EVNT if present */
anim.extractEVNT(id.second, outPath, pakRouter, force);
return true;
return true;
template bool ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>, DNAMP1::ANCS, DNAMP1::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_1, 2>
(hecl::blender::Connection& conn,
const DNAMP1::ANCS& ancs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged,
bool force);
template bool ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>, DNAMP2::ANCS, DNAMP2::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_2, 4>
(hecl::blender::Connection& conn,
const DNAMP2::ANCS& ancs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged,
bool force);
template bool ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>, DNAMP3::CHAR, DNAMP3::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_3, 4>
(hecl::blender::Connection& conn,
const DNAMP3::CHAR& ancs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged,
bool force);
template bool
ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>, DNAMP1::ANCS, DNAMP1::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_1, 2>(
hecl::blender::Connection& conn, const DNAMP1::ANCS& ancs, const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP1::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec, std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged, bool force);
template bool
ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>, DNAMP2::ANCS, DNAMP2::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_2, 4>(
hecl::blender::Connection& conn, const DNAMP2::ANCS& ancs, const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec, std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged, bool force);
template bool
ReadANCSToBlender<PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>, DNAMP3::CHAR, DNAMP3::MaterialSet, DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_3, 4>(
hecl::blender::Connection& conn, const DNAMP3::CHAR& ancs, const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter<DNAMP3::PAKBridge>::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec, std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged, bool force);
} // namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS
@ -5,41 +5,32 @@
#include "CMDL.hpp"
#include "RigInverter.hpp"
namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS
namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS {
using Actor = hecl::blender::Actor;
using Armature = hecl::blender::Armature;
using Action = hecl::blender::Action;
template <typename IDTYPE>
struct CharacterResInfo
std::string name;
IDTYPE cmdl;
IDTYPE cskr;
IDTYPE cinf;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::pair<IDTYPE, IDTYPE>>> overlays;
struct CharacterResInfo {
std::string name;
IDTYPE cmdl;
IDTYPE cskr;
IDTYPE cinf;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::pair<IDTYPE, IDTYPE>>> overlays;
template <typename IDTYPE>
struct AnimationResInfo
std::string name;
IDTYPE animId;
IDTYPE evntId;
bool additive;
struct AnimationResInfo {
std::string name;
IDTYPE animId;
IDTYPE evntId;
bool additive;
template <class PAKRouter, class ANCSDNA, class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, atUint32 CMDLVersion>
bool ReadANCSToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn,
const ANCSDNA& ancs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged,
bool force=false);
bool ReadANCSToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn, const ANCSDNA& ancs, const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, const SpecBase& dataspec,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged, bool force = false);
} // namespace DataSpec::DNAANCS
@ -3,529 +3,439 @@
#define DUMP_KEYS 0
namespace DataSpec::DNAANIM
namespace DataSpec::DNAANIM {
size_t ComputeBitstreamSize(size_t keyFrameCount, const std::vector<Channel>& channels)
size_t bitsPerKeyFrame = 0;
for (const Channel& chan : channels)
switch (chan.type)
case Channel::Type::Rotation:
bitsPerKeyFrame += 1;
case Channel::Type::Translation:
case Channel::Type::Scale:
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[0];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[1];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[2];
case Channel::Type::KfHead:
bitsPerKeyFrame += 1;
case Channel::Type::RotationMP3:
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[0];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[1];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[2];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[3];
default: break;
size_t ComputeBitstreamSize(size_t keyFrameCount, const std::vector<Channel>& channels) {
size_t bitsPerKeyFrame = 0;
for (const Channel& chan : channels) {
switch (chan.type) {
case Channel::Type::Rotation:
bitsPerKeyFrame += 1;
case Channel::Type::Translation:
case Channel::Type::Scale:
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[0];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[1];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[2];
case Channel::Type::KfHead:
bitsPerKeyFrame += 1;
case Channel::Type::RotationMP3:
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[0];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[1];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[2];
bitsPerKeyFrame += chan.q[3];
return (bitsPerKeyFrame * keyFrameCount + 31) / 32 * 4;
return (bitsPerKeyFrame * keyFrameCount + 31) / 32 * 4;
static inline QuantizedRot QuantizeRotation(const Value& quat, atUint32 div)
float q = M_PIF / 2.0f / float(div);
zeus::simd_floats f(quat.simd);
atInt32(std::asin(f[1]) / q),
atInt32(std::asin(f[2]) / q),
atInt32(std::asin(f[3]) / q),
(f[0] < 0.f)
static inline QuantizedRot QuantizeRotation(const Value& quat, atUint32 div) {
float q = M_PIF / 2.0f / float(div);
zeus::simd_floats f(quat.simd);
return {{
atInt32(std::asin(f[1]) / q),
atInt32(std::asin(f[2]) / q),
atInt32(std::asin(f[3]) / q),
(f[0] < 0.f)};
static inline Value DequantizeRotation(const QuantizedRot& v, atUint32 div)
float q = M_PIF / 2.0f / float(div);
athena::simd_floats f = {
std::sin(v.v[0] * q),
std::sin(v.v[1] * q),
std::sin(v.v[2] * q),
f[0] = std::sqrt(std::max((1.0f -
(f[1] * f[1] +
f[2] * f[2] +
f[3] * f[3])), 0.0f));
f[0] = v.w ? -f[0] : f[0];
Value retval;
return retval;
static inline Value DequantizeRotation(const QuantizedRot& v, atUint32 div) {
float q = M_PIF / 2.0f / float(div);
athena::simd_floats f = {
std::sin(v.v[0] * q),
std::sin(v.v[1] * q),
std::sin(v.v[2] * q),
f[0] = std::sqrt(std::max((1.0f - (f[1] * f[1] + f[2] * f[2] + f[3] * f[3])), 0.0f));
f[0] = v.w ? -f[0] : f[0];
Value retval;
return retval;
static inline Value DequantizeRotation_3(const QuantizedRot& v, atUint32 div)
float q = 1.0f / float(div);
athena::simd_floats f = {
v.v[0] * q,
v.v[1] * q,
v.v[2] * q,
f[0] = std::sqrt(std::max((1.0f -
(f[1] * f[1] +
f[2] * f[2] +
f[3] * f[3])), 0.0f));
f[0] = v.w ? -f[0] : f[0];
Value retval;
return retval;
static inline Value DequantizeRotation_3(const QuantizedRot& v, atUint32 div) {
float q = 1.0f / float(div);
athena::simd_floats f = {
v.v[0] * q,
v.v[1] * q,
v.v[2] * q,
f[0] = std::sqrt(std::max((1.0f - (f[1] * f[1] + f[2] * f[2] + f[3] * f[3])), 0.0f));
f[0] = v.w ? -f[0] : f[0];
Value retval;
return retval;
bool BitstreamReader::dequantizeBit(const atUint8* data)
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
bool BitstreamReader::dequantizeBit(const atUint8* data) {
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
atUint32 tempBuf = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur)) >> bitRem;
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
atUint32 tempBuf = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur)) >> bitRem;
/* That's it */
m_bitCur += 1;
return tempBuf & 0x1;
/* That's it */
m_bitCur += 1;
return tempBuf & 0x1;
atInt32 BitstreamReader::dequantize(const atUint8* data, atUint8 q)
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
atInt32 BitstreamReader::dequantize(const atUint8* data, atUint8 q) {
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
atUint32 tempBuf = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur)) >> bitRem;
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
atUint32 tempBuf = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur)) >> bitRem;
/* If this shift underflows the value, buffer the next 32 bits */
/* And tack onto shifted buffer */
if ((bitRem + q) > 32)
atUint32 tempBuf2 = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur + 4));
tempBuf |= (tempBuf2 << (32 - bitRem));
/* If this shift underflows the value, buffer the next 32 bits */
/* And tack onto shifted buffer */
if ((bitRem + q) > 32) {
atUint32 tempBuf2 = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast<const atUint32*>(data + byteCur + 4));
tempBuf |= (tempBuf2 << (32 - bitRem));
/* Mask it */
atUint32 mask = (1 << q) - 1;
tempBuf &= mask;
/* Sign extend */
atUint32 sign = (tempBuf >> (q - 1)) & 0x1;
if (sign)
tempBuf |= ~0u << q;
/* Return delta value */
m_bitCur += q;
return atInt32(tempBuf);
std::vector<std::vector<Value>> BitstreamReader::read(const atUint8* data, size_t keyFrameCount,
const std::vector<Channel>& channels, atUint32 rotDiv,
float transMult, float scaleMult) {
m_bitCur = 0;
std::vector<std::vector<Value>> chanKeys;
std::vector<QuantizedValue> chanAccum;
for (const Channel& chan : channels) {
std::vector<Value>& keys = chanKeys.back();
switch (chan.type) {
case Channel::Type::Rotation: {
QuantizedRot qr = {{chan.i[0], chan.i[1], chan.i[2]}, false};
keys.emplace_back(DequantizeRotation(qr, rotDiv));
/* Mask it */
atUint32 mask = (1 << q) - 1;
tempBuf &= mask;
/* Sign extend */
atUint32 sign = (tempBuf >> (q - 1)) & 0x1;
if (sign)
tempBuf |= ~0u << q;
/* Return delta value */
m_bitCur += q;
return atInt32(tempBuf);
BitstreamReader::read(const atUint8* data,
size_t keyFrameCount,
const std::vector<Channel>& channels,
atUint32 rotDiv,
float transMult,
float scaleMult)
m_bitCur = 0;
std::vector<std::vector<Value>> chanKeys;
std::vector<QuantizedValue> chanAccum;
for (const Channel& chan : channels)
std::vector<Value>& keys = chanKeys.back();
switch (chan.type)
case Channel::Type::Rotation:
QuantizedRot qr = {{chan.i[0], chan.i[1], chan.i[2]}, false};
keys.emplace_back(DequantizeRotation(qr, rotDiv));
case Channel::Type::Translation:
keys.push_back({chan.i[0] * transMult, chan.i[1] * transMult, chan.i[2] * transMult});
case Channel::Type::Scale:
keys.push_back({chan.i[0] * scaleMult, chan.i[1] * scaleMult, chan.i[2] * scaleMult});
case Channel::Type::KfHead:
case Channel::Type::RotationMP3:
QuantizedRot qr = {{chan.i[1], chan.i[2], chan.i[3]}, bool(chan.i[0] & 0x1)};
keys.emplace_back(DequantizeRotation_3(qr, rotDiv));
default: break;
case Channel::Type::Translation: {
keys.push_back({chan.i[0] * transMult, chan.i[1] * transMult, chan.i[2] * transMult});
for (size_t f=0 ; f<keyFrameCount ; ++f)
fprintf(stderr, "\nFRAME %" PRISize " %u %u\n", f, (m_bitCur / 32) * 4, m_bitCur % 32);
int lastId = -1;
auto kit = chanKeys.begin();
auto ait = chanAccum.begin();
for (const Channel& chan : channels)
if (chan.id != lastId)
lastId = chan.id;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
QuantizedValue& p = *ait;
switch (chan.type)
case Channel::Type::Rotation:
bool wBit = dequantizeBit(data);
p[0] += dequantize(data, chan.q[0]);
p[1] += dequantize(data, chan.q[1]);
p[2] += dequantize(data, chan.q[2]);
QuantizedRot qr = {{p[0], p[1], p[2]}, wBit};
kit->emplace_back(DequantizeRotation(qr, rotDiv));
fprintf(stderr, "%d R: %d %d %d %d\t", chan.id, wBit, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
case Channel::Type::Translation:
atInt32 val1 = dequantize(data, chan.q[0]);
p[0] += val1;
atInt32 val2 = dequantize(data, chan.q[1]);
p[1] += val2;
atInt32 val3 = dequantize(data, chan.q[2]);
p[2] += val3;
kit->push_back({p[0] * transMult, p[1] * transMult, p[2] * transMult});
fprintf(stderr, "%d T: %d %d %d\t", chan.id, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
case Channel::Type::Scale:
p[0] += dequantize(data, chan.q[0]);
p[1] += dequantize(data, chan.q[1]);
p[2] += dequantize(data, chan.q[2]);
kit->push_back({p[0] * scaleMult, p[1] * scaleMult, p[2] * scaleMult});
fprintf(stderr, "%d S: %d %d %d\t", chan.id, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
case Channel::Type::KfHead:
case Channel::Type::RotationMP3:
atInt32 val1 = dequantize(data, chan.q[0]);
p[0] += val1;
atInt32 val2 = dequantize(data, chan.q[1]);
p[1] += val2;
atInt32 val3 = dequantize(data, chan.q[2]);
p[2] += val3;
atInt32 val4 = dequantize(data, chan.q[3]);
p[3] += val4;
QuantizedRot qr = {{p[1], p[2], p[3]}, bool(p[0] & 0x1)};
kit->emplace_back(DequantizeRotation_3(qr, rotDiv));
default: break;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
case Channel::Type::Scale: {
keys.push_back({chan.i[0] * scaleMult, chan.i[1] * scaleMult, chan.i[2] * scaleMult});
return chanKeys;
void BitstreamWriter::quantizeBit(atUint8* data, bool val)
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur) =
hecl::SBig(hecl::SBig(*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur)) | (val << bitRem));
m_bitCur += 1;
void BitstreamWriter::quantize(atUint8* data, atUint8 q, atInt32 val)
atUint32 byteCur = (m_bitCur / 32) * 4;
atUint32 bitRem = m_bitCur % 32;
atUint32 masked = val & ((1 << q) - 1);
/* Fill 32 bit buffer with region containing bits */
/* Make them least significant */
*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur) =
hecl::SBig(hecl::SBig(*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur)) | (masked << bitRem));
/* If this shift underflows the value, buffer the next 32 bits */
/* And tack onto shifted buffer */
if ((bitRem + q) > 32)
*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur + 4) =
hecl::SBig(hecl::SBig(*(atUint32*)(data + byteCur + 4)) | (masked >> (32 - bitRem)));
case Channel::Type::KfHead: {
case Channel::Type::RotationMP3: {
QuantizedRot qr = {{chan.i[1], chan.i[2], chan.i[3]}, bool(chan.i[0] & 0x1)};
keys.emplace_back(DequantizeRotation_3(qr, rotDiv));
m_bitCur += q;
BitstreamWriter::write(const std::vector<std::vector<Value>>& chanKeys,
size_t keyFrameCount, std::vector<Channel>& channels,
atUint32 quantRange,
atUint32& rotDivOut,
float& transMultOut,
float& scaleMultOut,
size_t& sizeOut)
m_bitCur = 0;
rotDivOut = quantRange; /* Normalized range of values */
float quantRangeF = float(quantRange);
/* Pre-pass to calculate translation multiplier */
float maxTransVal = 0.0f;
float maxScaleVal = 0.0f;
for (size_t f = 0; f < keyFrameCount; ++f) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nFRAME %" PRISize " %u %u\n", f, (m_bitCur / 32) * 4, m_bitCur % 32);
int lastId = -1;
auto kit = chanKeys.begin();
for (Channel& chan : channels)
switch (chan.type)
case Channel::Type::Translation:
for (auto it=kit->begin();
it != kit->end();
const Value* key = &*it;
zeus::simd_floats f(key->simd);
maxTransVal = std::max(maxTransVal, std::fabs(f[0]));
maxTransVal = std::max(maxTransVal, std::fabs(f[1]));
maxTransVal = std::max(maxTransVal, std::fabs(f[2]));
case Channel::Type::Scale:
for (auto it=kit->begin();
it != kit->end();
const Value* key = &*it;
zeus::simd_floats f(key->simd);
maxScaleVal = std::max(maxScaleVal, std::fabs(f[0]));
maxScaleVal = std::max(maxScaleVal, std::fabs(f[1]));
maxScaleVal = std::max(maxScaleVal, std::fabs(f[2]));
default: break;
auto ait = chanAccum.begin();
for (const Channel& chan : channels) {
if (chan.id != lastId) {
lastId = chan.id;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
QuantizedValue& p = *ait;
switch (chan.type) {
case Channel::Type::Rotation: {
bool wBit = dequantizeBit(data);
p[0] += dequantize(data, chan.q[0]);
p[1] += dequantize(data, chan.q[1]);
p[2] += dequantize(data, chan.q[2]);
QuantizedRot qr = {{p[0], p[1], p[2]}, wBit};
kit->emplace_back(DequantizeRotation(qr, rotDiv));