mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
Add ability to search for blender version dynamically
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class PathHasher:
read_str = readpipestr()
return int(read_str[0:8], 16)
# Ensure Blender 2.90 is being used
# Ensure Blender 2.90+ is being used
if bpy.app.version < (2, 90, 0):
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1805568808e8c78450365fef7d55cf7d0c985ab0
Subproject commit 1d0727fae08bf0c8260174015e3b74679b2eb6f0
@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ using namespace std::literals;
namespace hecl::blender {
static const uint32_t MinBlenderMajorSearch = 2;
static const uint32_t MaxBlenderMajorSearch = 2;
static const uint32_t MinBlenderMinorSearch = 90;
static const uint32_t MaxBlenderMinorSearch = 91;
logvisor::Module BlenderLog("hecl::blender::Connection");
Token SharedBlenderToken;
@ -342,6 +347,7 @@ Connection::Connection(int verbosityLevel) {
/* User-specified blender path */
#if _WIN32
wchar_t BLENDER_BIN_BUF[2048];
std::wstring blenderBinBuf;
const wchar_t* blenderBin = _wgetenv(L"BLENDER_BIN");
@ -364,12 +370,24 @@ Connection::Connection(int verbosityLevel) {
if (!RegFileExists(blenderBin)) {
/* No steam; try default */
wchar_t progFiles[256];
if (!GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"ProgramFiles", progFiles, 256))
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(L"unable to determine 'Program Files' path"));
blenderBinBuf = fmt::format(FMT_STRING(L"{}\\Blender Foundation\\Blender 2.90\\blender.exe"), progFiles);
blenderBin = blenderBinBuf.c_str();
if (!RegFileExists(blenderBin))
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(L"unable to find {}"), blenderBin);
if (GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"ProgramFiles", progFiles, 256)) {
for (size_t major = MinBlenderMajorSearch; major <= MaxBlenderMajorSearch; ++major) {
bool found = false;
for (size_t minor = MinBlenderMinorSearch; minor <= MaxBlenderMinorSearch; ++minor) {
_snwprintf(BLENDER_BIN_BUF, 2048, L"%s\\Blender Foundation\\Blender %i.%i\\blender.exe", progFiles, major,
if (RegFileExists(BLENDER_BIN_BUF)) {
blenderBin = BLENDER_BIN_BUF;
found = true;
if (found) {
@ -395,7 +413,8 @@ Connection::Connection(int verbosityLevel) {
nullptr, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&messageBuffer, 0,
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(L"unable to launch blender from {}: {}"), blenderBin, messageBuffer);
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(L"unable to launch blender from {}: {}"), blenderBin,
@ -417,7 +436,8 @@ Connection::Connection(int verbosityLevel) {
break; // pipe done - normal exit path.
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("Error with ReadFile: {:08X}"), err); // Something bad happened.
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("Error with ReadFile: {:08X}"),
err); // Something bad happened.
// Display the character read on the screen.
@ -623,14 +643,14 @@ std::streamsize PyOutStream::StreamBuf::xsputn(const char_type* __first, std::st
return __n;
constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 12> BlendTypeStrs{
"NONE"sv, "MESH"sv, "CMESH"sv, "ARMATURE"sv, "ACTOR"sv, "AREA"sv,
constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 12> BlendTypeStrs{"NONE"sv, "MESH"sv, "CMESH"sv, "ARMATURE"sv,
"ACTOR"sv, "AREA"sv, "WORLD"sv, "MAPAREA"sv,
bool Connection::createBlend(const ProjectPath& path, BlendType type) {
if (m_lock) {
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::createBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::createBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
return false;
_writeStr(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("CREATE \"{}\" {}"), path.getAbsolutePathUTF8(), BlendTypeStrs[int(type)]));
@ -646,7 +666,8 @@ bool Connection::createBlend(const ProjectPath& path, BlendType type) {
bool Connection::openBlend(const ProjectPath& path, bool force) {
if (m_lock) {
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::openBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::openBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
return false;
if (!force && path == m_loadedBlend)
@ -678,7 +699,8 @@ bool Connection::openBlend(const ProjectPath& path, bool force) {
bool Connection::saveBlend() {
if (m_lock) {
BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::saveBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
FMT_STRING("BlenderConnection::saveBlend() musn't be called with stream active"));
return false;
@ -710,28 +732,30 @@ void PyOutStream::close() {
void PyOutStream::linkBlend(std::string_view target, std::string_view objName, bool link) {
format(FMT_STRING("if '{}' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n"
" with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link={}, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n"
" obj_scene = None\n"
" for scene in data_to.scenes:\n"
" if scene.name == '{}':\n"
" obj_scene = scene\n"
" break\n"
" if not obj_scene:\n"
" raise RuntimeError('''unable to find {} in {}. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n"
" obj = None\n"
" for object in obj_scene.objects:\n"
" if object.name == obj_scene.name:\n"
" obj = object\n"
" obj = bpy.data.objects['{}']\n"
objName, target, link ? "True" : "False", objName, objName, target, objName);
FMT_STRING("if '{}' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n"
" with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link={}, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n"
" obj_scene = None\n"
" for scene in data_to.scenes:\n"
" if scene.name == '{}':\n"
" obj_scene = scene\n"
" break\n"
" if not obj_scene:\n"
" raise RuntimeError('''unable to find {} in {}. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n"
" obj = None\n"
" for object in obj_scene.objects:\n"
" if object.name == obj_scene.name:\n"
" obj = object\n"
" obj = bpy.data.objects['{}']\n"
objName, target, link ? "True" : "False", objName, objName, target, objName);
void PyOutStream::linkArmature(std::string_view target, std::string_view armName) {
format(FMT_STRING("target_arm_name = '{}'\n"
"target_arm_name = '{}'\n"
"if target_arm_name not in bpy.data.armatures:\n"
" with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" if target_arm_name not in data_from.armatures:\n"
@ -745,7 +769,8 @@ void PyOutStream::linkArmature(std::string_view target, std::string_view armName
void PyOutStream::linkMesh(std::string_view target, std::string_view meshName) {
format(FMT_STRING("target_mesh_name = '{}'\n"
"target_mesh_name = '{}'\n"
"if target_mesh_name not in bpy.data.objects:\n"
" with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" if target_mesh_name not in data_from.objects:\n"
@ -759,18 +784,19 @@ void PyOutStream::linkMesh(std::string_view target, std::string_view meshName) {
void PyOutStream::linkBackground(std::string_view target, std::string_view sceneName) {
if (sceneName.empty()) {
format(FMT_STRING("with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n"
"obj_scene = None\n"
"for scene in data_to.scenes:\n"
" obj_scene = scene\n"
" break\n"
"if not obj_scene:\n"
" raise RuntimeError('''unable to find {}. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n"
"bpy.context.scene.background_set = obj_scene\n"),
" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n"
"obj_scene = None\n"
"for scene in data_to.scenes:\n"
" obj_scene = scene\n"
" break\n"
"if not obj_scene:\n"
" raise RuntimeError('''unable to find {}. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n"
"bpy.context.scene.background_set = obj_scene\n"),
target, target);
} else {
format(FMT_STRING("if '{}' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n"
"if '{}' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n"
" with bpy.data.libraries.load('''{}''', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n"
" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n"
" obj_scene = None\n"
@ -790,27 +816,27 @@ void PyOutStream::AABBToBMesh(const atVec3f& min, const atVec3f& max) {
athena::simd_floats minf(min.simd);
athena::simd_floats maxf(max.simd);
format(FMT_STRING("bm = bmesh.new()\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[7]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[7]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[7]))\n"),
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[7]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[1]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[7]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[2]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[4]))\n"
"bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[7]))\n"),
minf[0], minf[1], minf[2], maxf[0], minf[1], minf[2], minf[0], maxf[1], minf[2], maxf[0], maxf[1], minf[2],
minf[0], minf[1], maxf[2], maxf[0], minf[1], maxf[2], minf[0], maxf[1], maxf[2], maxf[0], maxf[1], maxf[2]);
@ -900,9 +926,7 @@ void Mesh::normalizeSkinBinds() {
Mesh::Mesh(Connection& conn, HMDLTopology topologyIn, int skinSlotCount, bool useLuvs)
: topology(topologyIn), sceneXf(conn), aabbMin(conn), aabbMax(conn) {
conn._readVectorFunc(materialSets, [&]() {
conn._readVectorFunc(materialSets, [&]() { conn._readVector(materialSets.emplace_back()); });
MeshOptimizer opt(conn, materialSets[0], useLuvs);
opt.optimize(*this, skinSlotCount);
@ -1137,9 +1161,7 @@ World::Area::Area(Connection& conn) {
World::World(Connection& conn) {
World::World(Connection& conn) { conn._readVector(areas); }
Light::Light(Connection& conn) : sceneXf(conn), color(conn) {
conn._readBuf(&layer, 29);
@ -1197,9 +1219,7 @@ Actor::Actor(Connection& conn) {
PathMesh::PathMesh(Connection& conn) {
PathMesh::PathMesh(Connection& conn) { conn._readVector(data); }
const Bone* Armature::lookupBone(const char* name) const {
for (const Bone& b : bones)
@ -1230,9 +1250,7 @@ const Bone* Armature::getRoot() const {
return nullptr;
Armature::Armature(Connection& conn) {
Armature::Armature(Connection& conn) { conn._readVector(bones); }
Bone::Bone(Connection& conn) {
name = conn._readStdString();
@ -1452,9 +1470,7 @@ std::vector<ProjectPath> DataStream::getTextures() {
m_parent->_checkOk("unable to get textures"sv);
std::vector<ProjectPath> texs;
m_parent->_readVectorFunc(texs, [&]() {
m_parent->_readVectorFunc(texs, [&]() { texs.push_back(m_parent->_readPath()); });
return texs;
Reference in New Issue