Initial proper CTexture RE, fix configuration corruption

This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2022-03-02 00:26:24 -08:00
parent 5e7b8ebacf
commit b0a711d5e2
Signed by: Antidote
11 changed files with 347 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -129,10 +129,12 @@ void CVarManager::serialize() {
auto container = loadCVars(filename);
u32 minLength = 0;
bool write = false;
for (const auto& pair : m_cvars) {
const auto& cvar = pair.second;
if (cvar->isArchive() || (cvar->isInternalArchivable() && cvar->wasDeserialized() && !cvar->hasDefaultValue())) {
write = true;
/* Look for an existing CVar in the file... */
auto serialized =
std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), [&cvar](const auto& c) { return c.m_name == cvar->name(); });
@ -143,23 +145,34 @@ void CVarManager::serialize() {
/* Store this value as a new CVar in the config */
container.emplace_back(StoreCVar::CVar{std::string(cvar->name()), cvar->value()});
/* Compute length needed for this cvar */
minLength += cvar->name().length() + cvar->value().length() + 2;
/* Compute length needed for all cvars */
std::for_each(container.cbegin(), container.cend(),
[&minLength](const auto& cvar) { minLength += cvar.m_name.length() + cvar.m_value.length() + 2; });
/* Only write the CVars if any have been modified */
if (!write) {
// Allocate enough space to write all the strings with some space to spare
const auto requiredLen = minLength + (4 * container.size());
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> workBuf(new u8[requiredLen]);
CMemoryStreamOut memOut(workBuf.get(), requiredLen);
CMemoryStreamOut memOut(workBuf.get(), requiredLen, CMemoryStreamOut::EOwnerShip::NotOwned, 32);
CTextOutStream textOut(memOut);
for (const auto& cvar : container) {
textOut.WriteString(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}: {}"), cvar.m_name, cvar.m_value));
auto str = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}: {}"), cvar.m_name, cvar.m_value);
auto* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wbe");
if (file != nullptr) {
fwrite(workBuf.get(), 1, memOut.GetWritePosition(), file);
u32 writeLen = memOut.GetWritePosition();
u32 offset = 0;
while (offset < writeLen) {
offset += fwrite(workBuf.get() + offset, 1, writeLen - offset, file);

View File

@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ struct SClipScreenRect {
enum class ETexelFormat {
Invalid = -1,
I4 = 0,
I8 = 1,
IA4 = 2,

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ set(GRAPHICS_SOURCES
CLineRenderer.hpp CLineRenderer.cpp
CMetroidModelInstance.cpp CMetroidModelInstance.hpp
CLight.hpp CLight.cpp
DolphinCTexture.hpp DolphinCTexture.cpp
CTexture.hpp CTextureBoo.cpp
CModel.cpp CModel.hpp
CSkinnedModel.hpp CSkinnedModel.cpp

View File

@ -704,6 +704,8 @@ static std::string_view TextureFormatString(ETexelFormat format) {
return "CMPRPC"sv;
case ETexelFormat::CMPRPCA:
return "CMPRPCA"sv;
return "Invalid"sv;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#include "DolphinCTexture.hpp"
u32 GXGetTexBufferSize(u16 width, u16 height, u32 format, bool mipmap, u8 max_lod) {
s32 shiftX = 0;
s32 shiftY = 0;
switch (format) {
case GX::TF_I4:
case GX::TF_C4:
case GX::TF_CMPR:
case GX::CTF_R4:
case GX::CTF_Z4:
shiftX = 3;
shiftY = 3;
case GX::TF_I8:
case GX::TF_IA4:
case GX::TF_C8:
case GX::TF_Z8:
case GX::CTF_RA4:
case GX::CTF_A8:
case GX::CTF_R8:
case GX::CTF_G8:
case GX::CTF_B8:
case GX::CTF_Z8M:
case GX::CTF_Z8L:
shiftX = 3;
shiftY = 2;
case GX::TF_IA8:
case GX::TF_RGB565:
case GX::TF_RGB5A3:
case GX::TF_RGBA8:
case GX::TF_C14X2:
case GX::TF_Z16:
case GX::TF_Z24X8:
case GX::CTF_RA8:
case GX::CTF_RG8:
case GX::CTF_GB8:
case GX::CTF_Z16L:
shiftX = 2;
shiftY = 2;
u32 bitSize = format == GX::TF_RGBA8 || format == GX::TF_Z24X8 ? 64 : 32;
u32 bufLen = 0;
if (mipmap) {
while (max_lod != 0) {
const u32 tileX = ((width + (1 << shiftX) - 1) >> shiftX);
const u32 tileY = ((height + (1 << shiftY) - 1) >> shiftY);
bufLen += bitSize * tileX * tileY;
if (width == 1 && height == 1) {
return bufLen;
width = (width < 2) ? 1 : width / 2;
height = (height < 2) ? 1 : height / 2;
} else {
const u32 tileX = ((width + (1 << shiftX) - 1) >> shiftX);
const u32 tileY = ((height + (1 << shiftY) - 1) >> shiftY);
bufLen = bitSize * tileX * tileY;
return bufLen;
namespace metaforce::WIP {
CTexture::CTexture(ETexelFormat fmt, s16 w, s16 h, s32 mips)
: x0_fmt(fmt)
, x4_w(w)
, x6_h(h)
, x8_mips(mips)
, x9_bitsPerPixel(TexelFormatBitsPerPixel(fmt))
, x64_frameAllocated(sCurrentFrameCount) {
InitBitmapBuffers(fmt, w, h, mips);
CTexture::CTexture(CInputStream& in, EAutoMipmap automip, EBlackKey blackKey) {
x64_frameAllocated = sCurrentFrameCount;
x0_fmt = ETexelFormat(in.ReadLong());
x4_w = in.ReadShort();
x6_h = in.ReadShort();
x8_mips = in.ReadLong();
bool hasPalette = (x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C4 || x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C8 || x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C14X2);
if (hasPalette) {
x10_graphicsPalette = std::make_unique<CGraphicsPalette>(in);
xa_25_hasPalette = true;
x9_bitsPerPixel = TexelFormatBitsPerPixel(x0_fmt);
InitBitmapBuffers(x0_fmt, x4_w, x6_h, x8_mips);
u32 bufLen = 0;
if (x8_mips > 0) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < x8_mips; ++i) {
u32 curMip = i & 3;
const u32 width = ROUND_UP_4(x4_w >> curMip);
const u32 height = ROUND_UP_4(x6_h >> curMip);
bufLen += (width * height * x9_bitsPerPixel) / 8;
for (u32 i = 0, len = 0; i < bufLen; i += len) {
len = bufLen - i;
if (len > 256) {
len = 256;
in.Get(x44_aramToken_x4_buff.get() + i, len);
//DCFlushRangeNoSync(x44_aramToken_x4_buff.get() + i, ROUND_UP_32(len));
if (sMangleMips) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < x8_mips; ++i) {
void CTexture::InitBitmapBuffers(ETexelFormat fmt, s16 width, s16 height, s32 mips) {
switch (fmt) {
case ETexelFormat::I4:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_I4;
case ETexelFormat::I8:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_I8;
case ETexelFormat::IA4:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_IA4;
case ETexelFormat::IA8:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_IA8;
case ETexelFormat::C4:
x1c_gxCIFormat = GX::TF_C4;
case ETexelFormat::C8:
x1c_gxCIFormat = GX::TF_C8;
case ETexelFormat::C14X2:
x1c_gxCIFormat = GX::TF_C14X2;
case ETexelFormat::RGB565:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_RGB565;
case ETexelFormat::RGB5A3:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_RGB5A3;
case ETexelFormat::RGBA8:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_RGBA8;
case ETexelFormat::CMPR:
x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_CMPR;
u32 format = (x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C4 || x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C8 || x0_fmt == ETexelFormat::C14X2)
? x1c_gxCIFormat
: x18_gxFormat;
/* I have no idea what they're doing with that last argument... */
xc_memoryAllocated = GXGetTexBufferSize(width, height, format, mips > 1, static_cast<u8>(mips > 1) & 11);
x44_aramToken_x4_buff.reset(new u8[xc_memoryAllocated]);
/*x44_aramToken.PostConstruct(buf, xc_memoryAllocated, 1);*/
void CTexture::InitTextureObjs() {}
void CTexture::CountMemory() {
if (xa_28_counted) {
xa_28_counted = true;
sTotalAllocatedMemory += xc_memoryAllocated;
void CTexture::MangleMipmap(u32 mip) {
// TODO(phil): Mangle mipmap
u32 CTexture::TexelFormatBitsPerPixel(ETexelFormat fmt) {
switch (fmt) {
case ETexelFormat::I4:
case ETexelFormat::C4:
case ETexelFormat::CMPR:
return 4;
case ETexelFormat::I8:
case ETexelFormat::IA4:
case ETexelFormat::C8:
return 8;
case ETexelFormat::IA8:
case ETexelFormat::C14X2:
case ETexelFormat::RGB565:
case ETexelFormat::RGB5A3:
return 16;
case ETexelFormat::RGBA8:
return 32;
return 0;
u32 CTexture::sCurrentFrameCount = 0;
u32 CTexture::sTotalAllocatedMemory = 0;
} // namespace metaforce::WIP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#pragma once
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CGraphics.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CGraphicsPalette.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Streams/CInputStream.hpp"
namespace metaforce::WIP {
class CTexture {
class CDumpedBitmapDataReloader {
int x0_;
u32 x4_;
int x8_;
u32 xc_;
bool x10_;
int x14_;
void* x18_;
enum class EClampMode {
enum class EAutoMipmap {
enum class EBlackKey {
static constexpr bool sMangleMips = false;
static u32 sCurrentFrameCount;
static u32 sTotalAllocatedMemory;
ETexelFormat x0_fmt = ETexelFormat::Invalid;
u16 x4_w = 0;
u16 x6_h = 0;
u8 x8_mips = 0;
u8 x9_bitsPerPixel = 0;
bool xa_24_ : 1 = false;
bool xa_25_hasPalette : 1 = false;
bool xa_26_ : 1 = false;
bool xa_27_ : 1 = true;
bool xa_28_counted : 1 = false;
bool xa_29_ : 1 = false;
u32 xc_memoryAllocated = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CGraphicsPalette> x10_graphicsPalette;
std::unique_ptr<CDumpedBitmapDataReloader> x14_bitmapReloader;
u32 x18_gxFormat = GX::TF_RGB565;
u32 x1c_gxCIFormat = GX::TF_C8;
/* GXTexObj x20_texObj */
EClampMode x40_clampMode = EClampMode::Repeat;
/* CARAMToken x44_aramToken */
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> x44_aramToken_x4_buff;
u32 x64_frameAllocated{};
void InitBitmapBuffers(ETexelFormat fmt, s16 width, s16 height, s32 mips);
void InitTextureObjs();
void CountMemory();
void MangleMipmap(u32 mip);
static u32 TexelFormatBitsPerPixel(ETexelFormat fmt);
CTexture(ETexelFormat, s16, s16, s32);
CTexture(CInputStream& in, EAutoMipmap automip = EAutoMipmap::Zero, EBlackKey blackKey = EBlackKey::Zero);
const void* GetConstBitMapData(s32 mip) const { /* TODO: get bitmap data for specified mipmap */ return nullptr; }
void* GetBitMapData(s32 mip) const { return const_cast<void*>(GetConstBitMapData(mip)); }
} // namespace metaforce::WIP

View File

@ -244,6 +244,37 @@ enum BlendFactor : uint16_t {
enum TextureFormat : uint32_t {
TF_I4 = 0x0,
TF_I8 = 0x1,
TF_IA4 = 0x2,
TF_IA8 = 0x3,
TF_RGB565 = 0x4,
TF_RGB5A3 = 0x5,
TF_RGBA8 = 0x6,
TF_C4 = 0x8,
TF_C8 = 0x9,
TF_C14X2 = 0xa,
TF_CMPR = 0xE,
TF_Z8 = 0x11,
TF_Z16 = 0x13,
TF_Z24X8 = 0x16,
CTF_R4 = 0x20,
CTF_RA4 = 0x22,
CTF_RA8 = 0x23,
CTF_YUVA8 = 0x26,
CTF_A8 = 0x27,
CTF_R8 = 0x28,
CTF_G8 = 0x29,
CTF_B8 = 0x2a,
CTF_RG8 = 0x2b,
CTF_GB8 = 0x2c,
CTF_Z4 = 0x30,
CTF_Z8M = 0x39,
CTF_Z8L = 0x3a,
CTF_Z16L = 0x3c,
struct Color {
union {
uint8_t color[4];

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ CIOWin::EMessageReturn CStateSetterFlow::OnMessage(const CArchitectureMessage& m
CResLoader* loader = g_ResFactory->GetResLoader();
CAssetId worldId;
for (const auto& pak : loader->GetPaks()) {
if (*(pak->GetPath().end() - 6) == '0' + m->m_warpWorldIdx) {
if (*(pak->GetPath().end() - 5) == '0' + m->m_warpWorldIdx) {
worldId = pak->GetMLVLId();

View File

@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ void CMain::Init(const FileStoreManager& storeMgr, CVarManager* cvarMgr, boo::IA
bool found = false;
for (const auto& pak : g_ResFactory->GetResLoader()->GetPaks()) {
if (*(pak->GetPath().end() - 6) == '0' + m_warpWorldIdx) {
if (*(pak->GetPath().end() - 5) == '0' + m_warpWorldIdx) {
found = true;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ COutputStream::COutputStream(u8* ptr, s32 len) : x8_bufLen(len) {
COutputStream::~COutputStream() {
if (x8_bufLen < 64) {
if (x8_bufLen > 64) {
delete[] xc_ptr;

View File

@ -6,13 +6,10 @@ CTextInStream::CTextInStream(CInputStream& in, int len) : m_in(&in), m_len(len)
std::string CTextInStream::GetNextLine() {
std::string ret;
while (true) {
while (!IsEOF()) {
auto chr = m_in->ReadChar();
ret += chr;
if (ret.back() == '\r' || ret.back() == '\n') {
if (ret.back() == '\r') {
if (ret.back() == '\n') {