Add input visualization, protect first 7 object slots from deletion

The first 7 slots in the game are related to the player, we don't want to allow anyone to delete them because the game *will* crash
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2021-05-30 00:52:20 -07:00
parent 48ad17b274
commit d9b7229e79
Signed by: Antidote
7 changed files with 178 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "Runtime/World/CPlayer.hpp"
#include "ImGuiEngine.hpp"
#include <imgui_internal.h>
namespace ImGui {
// Internal functions
@ -199,12 +201,16 @@ void ImGuiConsole::BeginEntityRow(const ImGuiEntityEntry& entry) {
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Highlight", nullptr, &entry.ent->m_debugSelected)) {
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4{0.77f, 0.12f, 0.23f, 1.f});
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delete")) {
// Only allow deletion if none of the objects are player related
// The player objects will always be in the first 6 slots
if (entry.uid.Value() > 6) {
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4{0.77f, 0.12f, 0.23f, 1.f});
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delete")) {
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, textColor);
@ -426,7 +432,7 @@ void ImGuiConsole::ShowAboutWindow() {
void ImGuiConsole::ShowDebugOverlay() {
if (!m_frameCounter && !m_frameRate && !m_inGameTime && !m_roomTimer && !m_playerInfo && !m_areaInfo &&
!m_worldInfo && !m_randomStats && !m_resourceStats) {
!m_worldInfo && !m_randomStats && !m_resourceStats && !m_showInput) {
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
@ -561,6 +567,139 @@ void ImGuiConsole::ShowDebugOverlay() {
ImGuiStringViewText(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Resource Objects: {}\n"), g_SimplePool->GetLiveObjects()));
// Code -stolen- borrowed from Practice Mod
if (m_showInput && g_InputGenerator != nullptr) {
auto input = g_InputGenerator->GetLastInput();
if (input.x4_controllerIdx == 0) {
ImDrawList* dl = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImVec2 p = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
constexpr float leftStickRadius = 30;
p = p + ImVec2{20, 20}; // Pad p so we don't clip outside our rect
ImVec2 leftStickCenter = p + ImVec2(30, 45);
constexpr float dpadRadius = 15;
constexpr float dpadWidth = 8;
ImVec2 dpadCenter = p + ImVec2(80, 90);
constexpr float rightStickRadius = 20;
ImVec2 rightStickCenter = p + ImVec2(160, 90);
constexpr float startButtonRadius = 8;
ImVec2 startButtonCenter = p + ImVec2(120, 55);
constexpr float aButtonRadius = 16;
ImVec2 aButtonCenter = p + ImVec2(210, 48);
constexpr float bButtonRadius = 8;
ImVec2 bButtonCenter = aButtonCenter + ImVec2(-24, 16);
constexpr float xButtonRadius = 8;
ImVec2 xButtonCenter = aButtonCenter + ImVec2(24, -16);
constexpr float yButtonRadius = 8;
ImVec2 yButtonCenter = aButtonCenter + ImVec2(-12, -24);
constexpr float triggerWidth = leftStickRadius * 2;
constexpr float triggerHeight = 8;
ImVec2 lCenter = leftStickCenter + ImVec2(0, -60);
ImVec2 rCenter = ImVec2(aButtonCenter.x, lCenter.y);
const auto zButtonCenter = rCenter + ImVec2{0, 24};
const float zButtonHalfWidth = triggerWidth / 2;
const float zButtonHalfHeight = 4;
constexpr ImU32 stickGray = IM_COL32(150, 150, 150, 255);
constexpr ImU32 darkGray = IM_COL32(60, 60, 60, 255);
constexpr ImU32 red = IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 255);
constexpr ImU32 green = IM_COL32(0, 255, 0, 255);
// left stick
dl->AddCircleFilled(leftStickCenter, leftStickRadius, stickGray, 8);
float x = input.ALeftX();
float y = -input.ALeftY();
dl->AddCircleFilled(leftStickCenter + (ImVec2{x, y} * leftStickRadius), leftStickRadius / 3, red);
dl->AddLine(leftStickCenter, leftStickCenter + ImVec2(x * leftStickRadius, y * leftStickRadius),
IM_COL32(255, 244, 0, 255), 1.5f);
// right stick
dl->AddCircleFilled(rightStickCenter, rightStickRadius, stickGray, 8);
float x = input.ARightX();
float y = -input.ARightY();
dl->AddCircleFilled(rightStickCenter + (ImVec2{x, y} * rightStickRadius), rightStickRadius / 3, red);
dl->AddLine(rightStickCenter, rightStickCenter + ImVec2(x * rightStickRadius, y * rightStickRadius),
IM_COL32(255, 244, 0, 255), 1.5f);
// dpad
constexpr float halfWidth = dpadWidth / 2;
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(-halfWidth, -dpadRadius), dpadCenter + ImVec2(halfWidth, dpadRadius),
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(-dpadRadius, -halfWidth), dpadCenter + ImVec2(dpadRadius, halfWidth),
if (input.DDPUp()) {
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(-halfWidth, -dpadRadius),
dpadCenter + ImVec2(halfWidth, -dpadRadius / 2), red);
if (input.DDPDown()) {
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(-halfWidth, dpadRadius),
dpadCenter + ImVec2(halfWidth, dpadRadius / 2), red);
if (input.DDPLeft()) {
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(-dpadRadius, -halfWidth),
dpadCenter + ImVec2(-dpadRadius / 2, halfWidth), red);
if (input.DDPRight()) {
dl->AddRectFilled(dpadCenter + ImVec2(dpadRadius, -halfWidth),
dpadCenter + ImVec2(dpadRadius / 2, halfWidth), red);
// buttons
// start
dl->AddCircleFilled(startButtonCenter, startButtonRadius, input.DStart() ? red : stickGray);
// a
dl->AddCircleFilled(aButtonCenter, aButtonRadius, input.DA() ? green : stickGray);
// b
dl->AddCircleFilled(bButtonCenter, bButtonRadius, input.DB() ? red : stickGray);
// x
dl->AddCircleFilled(xButtonCenter, xButtonRadius, input.DX() ? red : stickGray);
// y
dl->AddCircleFilled(yButtonCenter, yButtonRadius, input.DY() ? red : stickGray);
// z
dl->AddRectFilled(zButtonCenter - ImVec2{zButtonHalfWidth, zButtonHalfHeight},
zButtonCenter + ImVec2{zButtonHalfWidth, zButtonHalfHeight},
input.DZ() ? IM_COL32(128, 0, 128, 255) : stickGray, 16);
// triggers
float halfTriggerWidth = triggerWidth / 2;
ImVec2 lStart = lCenter - ImVec2(halfTriggerWidth, 0);
ImVec2 lEnd = lCenter + ImVec2(halfTriggerWidth, triggerHeight);
float lValue = triggerWidth * input.ALTrigger();
dl->AddRectFilled(lStart, lStart + ImVec2(lValue, triggerHeight), input.DL() ? red : stickGray);
dl->AddRectFilled(lStart + ImVec2(lValue, 0), lEnd, darkGray);
ImVec2 rStart = rCenter - ImVec2(halfTriggerWidth, 0);
ImVec2 rEnd = rCenter + ImVec2(halfTriggerWidth, triggerHeight);
float rValue = triggerWidth * input.ARTrigger();
dl->AddRectFilled(rEnd - ImVec2(rValue, triggerHeight), rEnd, input.DR() ? red : stickGray);
dl->AddRectFilled(rStart, rEnd - ImVec2(rValue, 0), darkGray);
ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(270, 130));
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextWindow()) {
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Custom", nullptr, m_debugOverlayCorner == -1)) {
m_debugOverlayCorner = -1;
@ -623,6 +762,9 @@ void ImGuiConsole::ShowAppMainMenuBar(bool canInspect) {
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Resource Stats", nullptr, &m_resourceStats)) {
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Show Input", nullptr, &m_showInput)) {

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ private:
bool m_areaInfo = m_cvarCommons.m_debugOverlayAreaInfo->toBoolean();
bool m_randomStats = m_cvarCommons.m_debugOverlayShowRandomStats->toBoolean();
bool m_resourceStats = m_cvarCommons.m_debugOverlayShowResourceStats->toBoolean();
bool m_showInput = m_cvarCommons.m_debugOverlayShowInput->toBoolean();
int m_debugOverlayCorner = 2; // bottom-left
const void* m_currentRoom = nullptr;

View File

@ -28,13 +28,16 @@ void CInputGenerator::Update(float dt, CArchitectureQueue& queue) {
input |= kbInput;
kbUsed = true;
m_lastUpdate = input;
queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateUserInput(EArchMsgTarget::Game, input));
/* Send straight keyboard input if no first controller present */
if (!kbUsed)
if (!kbUsed) {
m_lastUpdate = kbInput;
queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateUserInput(EArchMsgTarget::Game, kbInput));
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ public:
/* This is where the game thread enters */
void Update(float dt, CArchitectureQueue& queue);
CFinalInput GetLastInput() const { return m_lastUpdate; }
} // namespace metaforce

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ struct CVarCommons {
CVar* m_debugOverlayShowResourceStats = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugOverlayShowRandomStats = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugOverlayShowRoomTimer = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugOverlayShowInput = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugToolDrawAiPath = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugToolDrawLighting = nullptr;
CVar* m_debugToolDrawCollisionActors = nullptr;

View File

@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ CVarCommons::CVarCommons(CVarManager& manager) : m_mgr(manager) {
m_debugOverlayShowRandomStats = m_mgr.findOrMakeCVar(
"debugOverlay.showRandomStats", "Displays the current number of random calls per frame"sv, false,
hecl::CVar::EFlags::Game | hecl::CVar::EFlags::Archive | hecl::CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly);
m_debugOverlayShowInput =
m_mgr.findOrMakeCVar("debugOverlay.showInput"sv, "Displays user input"sv, false,
hecl::CVar::EFlags::Game | hecl::CVar::EFlags::Archive | hecl::CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly);
m_debugToolDrawAiPath =
m_mgr.findOrMakeCVar("debugTool.drawAiPath", "Draws the selected paths of any AI in the room"sv, false,
hecl::CVar::EFlags::Game | hecl::CVar::EFlags::Archive | hecl::CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "Runtime/GameGlobalObjects.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Input/CInputGenerator.hpp"
#include <zeus/CMatrix4f.hpp>
extern "C" const uint8_t NOTO_MONO_FONT[];
@ -171,6 +173,24 @@ void ImGuiEngine::Begin(float dt, float scale) {
io.KeySuper = True(Input.m_modifiers & boo::EModifierKey::Command);
memcpy(static_cast<bool*>(io.KeysDown),, sizeof(io.KeysDown));
#if 0
if (g_InputGenerator != nullptr) {
auto input = g_InputGenerator->GetLastInput();
if (input.x4_controllerIdx == 0) {
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_Activate] = input.DA();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_Cancel] = input.DB();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_DpadLeft] = input.DDPLeft() || input.DLALeft();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_DpadRight] = input.DDPRight() || input.DLARight();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_DpadUp] = input.DDPUp() || input.DLAUp();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_DpadDown] = input.DDPDown() || input.DLADown();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_LStickLeft] = input.ALALeft();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_LStickRight] = input.ALARight();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_LStickUp] = input.ALAUp();
io.NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_LStickDown] = input.ALADown();
for (const auto c : ImGuiEngine::Input.m_charCodes) {