Metal fixes

This commit is contained in:
Jack Andersen 2019-03-03 18:45:22 -10:00
parent 54f0724de5
commit ed4ebf0af1
8 changed files with 27 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if(MSVC)
/IGNORE:4221 /wd4018 /wd4800 /wd4005 /wd4311 /wd4068
/wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4200 /wd4305 /wd4067 /wd4146 /wd4309 /wd4805
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /AI\"$ENV{PROGRAMFILES\(X86\)}/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/Common7/IDE/VC/vcpackages\" /AI\"$ENV{PROGRAMFILES\(X86\)}/Windows Kits/10/UnionMetadata\"")

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static hecl::Backend::ExtensionSlot g_ExtensionSlots[] = {
{1, BlockNames, 0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One,
hecl::Backend::ZTest::Greater, hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, true, false, true},
/* Thermal cold shading */
{1, BlockNames, 0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Original,
false, false, true, false, false, false, true},
/* Normal lit shading with alpha */

View File

@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ extern const hecl::Backend::Function ExtensionPostFuncsMetal[];
" float fogZ, temp;\n" \
" float fogZ;\n" \
" float fogF = saturate((lu.fog.A / (lu.fog.B - (1.0 - vtf.mvpPos.z))) - lu.fog.C);\n" \
" switch (lu.fog.mode)\n" \
" {\n" \
" case 2:\n" \
" fogZ = (-vtf.mvPos.z - lu.fog.start) * lu.fog.rangeScale;\n" \
" fogZ = fogF;\n" \
" break;\n" \
" case 4:\n" \
" fogZ = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * (-vtf.mvPos.z - lu.fog.start) * lu.fog.rangeScale);\n" \
" fogZ = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fogF);\n" \
" break;\n" \
" case 5:\n" \
" temp = (-vtf.mvPos.z - lu.fog.start) * lu.fog.rangeScale;\n" \
" fogZ = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * temp * temp);\n" \
" fogZ = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF);\n" \
" break;\n" \
" case 6:\n" \
" fogZ = exp2(-8.0 * (lu.fog.start + vtf.mvPos.z) * lu.fog.rangeScale);\n" \
" fogZ = exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fogF));\n" \
" break;\n" \
" case 7:\n" \
" temp = (lu.fog.start + vtf.mvPos.z) * lu.fog.rangeScale;\n" \
" fogZ = exp2(-8.0 * temp * temp);\n" \
" fogF = 1.0 - fogF;\n" \
" fogZ = exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF);\n" \
" break;\n" \
" default:\n" \
" fogZ = 0.0;\n" \
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ extern const hecl::Backend::Function ExtensionPostFuncsMetal[];
"#ifdef BLEND_DST_ONE\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, float4(0.0), saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
"#else\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, lu.fog.color, saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, lu.fog.color, saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
static std::string_view LightingMetal =
@ -100,13 +100,7 @@ static std::string_view LightingShadowMetal =
" float4 linAtt;\n"
" float4 angAtt;\n"
"struct Fog\n"
" int mode;\n"
" float4 color;\n"
" float rangeScale;\n"
" float start;\n"
"struct LightingUniform\n"
@ -221,7 +215,7 @@ static std::string_view DisintegratePostMetal = FOG_STRUCT_METAL
static std::string_view ThermalColdPostMetal =
"static float4 ThermalColdPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, constant LightingUniform& lu, float4 colorIn)\n"
"static float4 ThermalColdPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, float4 colorIn)\n"
" return colorIn * float4(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75);\n"

View File

@ -470,8 +470,6 @@ vertex VertToFrag vmain(constant VertData* va [[ buffer(1) ]],
constant VertData& v = va[instId];
vtf.color = v.colorIn * particle.moduColor;
vtf.uvScene = v.uvsInScene;
vtf.uvScene.y = 1.0 - vtf.uvScene.y;
vtf.uvScene.w = 1.0 - vtf.uvScene.w;
vtf.uvTexr = v.uvsInTexrTind[vertId].xy;
vtf.uvTind = v.uvsInTexrTind[vertId].zw;
vtf.position = particle.mvp * v.posIn[vertId];

View File

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ struct FogUniform
float4 MainPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, constant FogUniform& fu, float4 colorIn)
float fogZ;
float fogF = saturate((fu.A / (fu.B - vtf.position.z)) - fu.C);
float fogF = saturate((fu.A / (fu.B - (1.0 - vtf.position.z))) - fu.C);
switch (fu.mode)
case 2:

View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ struct VertToFrag
static float4 MainPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, constant LineUniform& line, float4 colorIn)
float fogZ;
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - vtf.position.z)) - line.fog.C);
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - (1.0 - vtf.position.z))) - line.fog.C);
switch (line.fog.mode)
case 2:
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ struct VertToFrag
static float4 MainPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, constant LineUniform& line, float4 colorIn)
float fogZ;
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - vtf.position.z)) - line.fog.C);
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - (1.0 - vtf.position.z))) - line.fog.C);
switch (line.fog.mode)
case 2:
@ -671,10 +671,10 @@ struct VertToFrag
float4 color;
static float4 MainPostFunc(float4 colorIn, constant LineUniform& line, float FragCoord)
static float4 MainPostFunc(float4 colorIn, constant LineUniform& line, float4 FragCoord)
float fogZ;
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - FragCoord.z)) - line.fog.C);
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - (1.0 - FragCoord.z))) - line.fog.C);
switch (line.fog.mode)
case 2:
@ -850,10 +850,10 @@ struct VertToFrag
float4 color;
static float4 MainPostFunc(float4 colorIn, constant LineUniform& line, float FragCoord)
static float4 MainPostFunc(float4 colorIn, constant LineUniform& line, float4 FragCoord)
float fogZ;
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - FragCoord.z)) - line.fog.C);
float fogF = saturate((line.fog.A / (line.fog.B - (1.0 - FragCoord.z))) - line.fog.C);
switch (line.fog.mode)
case 2:

View File

@ -247,8 +247,11 @@ fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]],
texture2d<float> noiseTex [[ texture(1) ]])
float4 noiseTexel =, vtf.randOff));
float2 indCoord = (vtf.indMtx * float3(noiseTexel.r - 0.5, noiseTexel.a - 0.5, 1.0)).xy;
float indScene = dot(sceneTex.sample(samp, vtf.sceneUv + indCoord), kRGBToYPrime) + 16.0 / 255.0;
float2 indCoord = (float3x3(vtf.indMtx0, vtf.indMtx1, vtf.indMtx2) * float3(noiseTexel.r - 0.5, noiseTexel.a - 0.5, 1.0)).xy;
float2 sceneUv = vtf.sceneUv + indCoord;
sceneUv.y = 1.0 - sceneUv.y;
float indScene = dot(sceneTex.sample(samp, sceneUv), kRGBToYPrime) + 16.0 / 255.0;
float4 colorOut = vtf.colorReg0 * indScene + vtf.colorReg2 - vtf.colorReg1 * noiseTexel.r;
colorOut.a = vtf.colorReg1.a + vtf.colorReg1.a * noiseTexel.r + vtf.colorReg2.a;
return colorOut;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"static float4 MainPostFunc(thread VertToFrag& vtf, constant LightingUniform& lu, float4 colorIn)\n" \
"{\n" \
" float fogZ;\n" \
" float fogF = saturate((lu.fog.A / (lu.fog.B - vtf.pos.z)) - lu.fog.C);\n" \
" float fogF = saturate((lu.fog.A / (lu.fog.B - (1.0 - vtf.pos.z))) - lu.fog.C);\n" \
" switch (lu.fog.mode)\n" \
" {\n" \
" case 2:\n" \
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"#if %d\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, float4(0.0), saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
"#else\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, fog.color, saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
" return float4(mix(colorIn, lu.fog.color, saturate(fogZ)).rgb, colorIn.a);\n" \
"#endif\n" \