Vulkan coordinate fix

This commit is contained in:
Jack Andersen 2016-07-01 17:45:47 -10:00
parent b3e981763b
commit f31f2113f4
2 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

View File

" vtf.uv = uvIn[gl_VertexID];\n"
" vtf.color = colorIn * mulColor;\n"
" gl_Position = mv * mvMtx * vec4(posIn[gl_VertexID], 1.0);\n"
" gl_Position = FLIPFROMGL(gl_Position);\n"
static const char* GLSLFSReg =

View File

" vtf.color = colorIn * mulColor;\n"
" gl_Position = mv * vec4(posIn, 1.0);\n"
" gl_Position = FLIPFROMGL(gl_Position);\n"
static const char* GLSLSolidFS =
" vtf.uv.xy = uvIn;\n"
" vtf.color = mulColor;\n"
" gl_Position = mv * vec4(posIn, 1.0);\n"
" gl_Position = FLIPFROMGL(gl_Position);\n"
static const char* GLSLTexFS =