
131 lines
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#pragma once
#include "Runtime/Collision/CCollisionSurface.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Particle/CElementGen.hpp"
#include "Runtime/World/CActor.hpp"
#include "Runtime/World/CDamageInfo.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
class CAnimationParameters;
class CSnakeWeedSwarm : public CActor {
enum class EBoidState : u32 {
Raised = 0,
Raising = 1,
Lowered = 2,
Lowering = 3,
enum class EBoidPlacement : u32 {
None = 0,
Ready = 1,
Invalid = 2,
Placed = 3,
class CBoid {
zeus::CVector3f x0_pos;
EBoidState xc_state;
float x10_loweredTimer = 0.f;
float x14_zOffset;
float x18_speed;
// x1c unused
float x20_scale;
constexpr CBoid(const zeus::CVector3f& pos, float zOffset, float speed, float scale)
: x0_pos(pos), xc_state(EBoidState::Raising), x14_zOffset(zOffset), x18_speed(speed), x20_scale(scale) {}
constexpr const zeus::CVector3f& GetPosition() const { return x0_pos; }
constexpr EBoidState GetState() const { return xc_state; }
constexpr float GetLoweredTimer() const { return x10_loweredTimer; }
constexpr float GetZOffset() const { return x14_zOffset; }
constexpr float GetSpeed() const { return x18_speed; }
constexpr float GetScale() const { return x20_scale; }
constexpr void SetState(EBoidState v) { xc_state = v; }
constexpr void SetLoweredTimer(float v) { x10_loweredTimer = v; }
constexpr void SetZOffset(float v) { x14_zOffset = v; }
constexpr void SetSpeed(float v) { x18_speed = v; }
zeus::CVector3f xe8_scale;
float xf4_boidSpacing;
float xf8_height;
float xfc_;
float x100_weaponDamageRadius;
float x104_maxPlayerDistance;
float x108_loweredTime;
float x10c_loweredTimeVariation;
float x110_maxZOffset;
float x114_speed;
float x118_speedVariation;
float x11c_;
float x120_scaleMin;
float x124_scaleMax;
float x128_distanceBelowGround;
// u32 x12c_ = 0;
std::vector<CBoid> x134_boids;
bool x140_24_hasGround : 1 = false;
bool x140_25_modelAssetDirty : 1 = false;
bool x140_26_playerTouching : 1 = false;
zeus::CAABox x144_touchBounds = zeus::skInvertedBox;
CDamageInfo x15c_damageInfo;
// x178_ / x19c_: vectors of CSkinnedModel*, not needed
rstl::reserved_vector<std::unique_ptr<CModelData>, 4> x1b0_modelData;
CModelData::EWhichModel x1c4_which;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<zeus::CVector3f>> x1c8_boidPositions;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<EBoidPlacement>> x1cc_boidPlacement;
u16 x1d0_sfx1;
u16 x1d2_sfx2;
u16 x1d4_sfx3;
CSfxHandle x1d8_sfxHandle;
TLockedToken<CGenDescription> x1dc_particleGenDesc;
// TLockedToken<CGenDescription> x1e4_; both assign to x1dc_
std::unique_ptr<CElementGen> x1ec_particleGen1;
std::unique_ptr<CElementGen> x1f4_particleGen2;
u32 x1fc_;
float x200_; // unused?
float x204_particleTimer = 0.f;
CSnakeWeedSwarm(TUniqueId uid, bool active, std::string_view name, const CEntityInfo& info,
const zeus::CVector3f& pos, const zeus::CVector3f& scale, const CAnimRes& animRes,
const CActorParameters& actParms, float spacing, float height, float f3, float weaponDamageRadius,
float maxPlayerDistance, float loweredTime, float loweredTimeVariation, float maxZOffset, float speed,
float speedVariation, float f11, float scaleMin, float scaleMax, float distanceBelowGround,
const CDamageInfo& dInfo, float /*f15*/, u32 sfxId1, u32 sfxId2, u32 sfxId3,
CAssetId particleGenDesc1, u32 w5, CAssetId particleGenDesc2, float f16);
void Accept(IVisitor&) override;
void ApplyRadiusDamage(const zeus::CVector3f& pos, const CDamageInfo& info, CStateManager& stateMgr);
std::optional<zeus::CAABox> GetTouchBounds() const override;
void AcceptScriptMsg(EScriptObjectMessage, TUniqueId, CStateManager&) override;
void PreRender(CStateManager&, const zeus::CFrustum&) override;
void AddToRenderer(const zeus::CFrustum&, CStateManager&) override;
void Touch(CActor&, CStateManager&) override;
void Think(float, CStateManager&) override;
void HandleRadiusDamage(float radius, CStateManager& mgr, const zeus::CVector3f& pos);
float GetWeaponDamageRadius() const { return x100_weaponDamageRadius; }
void AllocateSkinnedModels(CStateManager& mgr, CModelData::EWhichModel which);
void FindGround(const CStateManager& mgr);
zeus::CAABox GetBoidBox() const;
int GetNumBoidsY() const;
int GetNumBoidsX() const;
void CreateBoids(CStateManager& mgr, int num);
zeus::CVector2i GetBoidIndex(const zeus::CVector3f& pos) const;
bool CreateBoid(const zeus::CVector3f& vec, CStateManager& mgr);
float GetBoidOffsetY(const zeus::CVector3f& pos) const;
float GetBoidOffsetX(const zeus::CVector3f& pos) const;
void AddBoidPosition(const zeus::CVector3f& pos);
void CalculateTouchBounds();
void EmitParticles1(const zeus::CVector3f& pos);
void EmitParticles2(const zeus::CVector3f& pos);
void RenderBoid(u32 idx, const CBoid& boid, u32& posesToBuild) const;
} // namespace metaforce