
694 lines
27 KiB

#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include "optick.h"
#include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp"
#include "DataSpec/DNACommon/GX.hpp"
#include "hsh/hsh.h"
#include <hecl/CVar.hpp>
#include <hecl/Runtime.hpp>
#include <zeus/CColor.hpp>
#include <zeus/CTransform.hpp>
#include <zeus/CVector2i.hpp>
#include <zeus/CVector2f.hpp>
using frame_clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
namespace metaforce {
extern hecl::CVar* g_disableLighting;
class CLight;
class CTimeProvider;
enum class ERglLight : u8 { Zero = 0, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven };
enum class ERglLightBits : u8 {
None = 0,
Zero = 1,
One = 1 << 1,
Two = 1 << 2,
Three = 1 << 3,
Four = 1 << 4,
Five = 1 << 5,
Six = 1 << 6,
Seven = 1 << 7
enum class ERglEnum { Never = 0, Less = 1, Equal = 2, LEqual = 3, Greater = 4, NEqual = 5, GEqual = 6, Always = 7 };
enum class ERglBlendMode { None = 0, Blend = 1, Logic = 2, Subtract = 3 };
enum class ERglBlendFactor {
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
SrcColor = 2,
InvSrcColor = 3,
SrcAlpha = 4,
InvSrcAlpha = 5,
DstAlpha = 6,
InvDstAlpha = 7
enum class ERglLogicOp {
Clear = 0,
And = 1,
RevAnd = 2,
Copy = 3,
InvAnd = 4,
NoOp = 5,
Xor = 6,
Or = 7,
Nor = 8,
Equiv = 9,
Inv = 10,
RevOr = 11,
InvCopy = 12,
InvOr = 13,
NAnd = 14,
Set = 15
enum class ERglCullMode { None = 0, Back = 1, Front = 2, All = 3 };
enum class ERglAlphaFunc {
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
Equal = 2,
LEqual = 3,
Greater = 4,
NEqual = 5,
GEqual = 6,
Always = 7
enum class ERglAlphaOp { And = 0, Or = 1, Xor = 2, XNor = 3 };
enum class ERglFogMode : uint32_t {
None = 0x00,
PerspLin = 0x02,
PerspExp = 0x04,
PerspExp2 = 0x05,
PerspRevExp = 0x06,
PerspRevExp2 = 0x07,
OrthoLin = 0x0A,
OrthoExp = 0x0C,
OrthoExp2 = 0x0D,
OrthoRevExp = 0x0E,
OrthoRevExp2 = 0x0F
struct SViewport {
u32 x0_left;
u32 x4_top;
u32 x8_width;
u32 xc_height;
float x10_halfWidth;
float x14_halfHeight;
float aspect;
/// GX global state
extern ERglEnum gx_DepthTest;
extern bool gx_DepthWrite;
extern ERglBlendMode gx_BlendMode;
extern ERglBlendFactor gx_BlendSrcFac;
extern ERglBlendFactor gx_BlendDstFac;
extern ERglLogicOp gx_BlendOp;
extern bool gx_ColorUpdate;
extern bool gx_AlphaUpdate;
extern bool gx_DstAlpha;
extern float gx_DstAlphaValue;
extern ERglCullMode gx_CullMode;
extern std::array<zeus::CColor, 2> gx_AmbientColors;
/// End GX state
extern SViewport g_Viewport;
struct SClipScreenRect {
bool x0_valid = false;
s32 x4_left = 0;
s32 x8_top = 0;
u32 xc_width = 0;
u32 x10_height = 0;
u32 x14_dstWidth = 0;
float x18_uvXMin = 0.f;
float x1c_uvXMax = 0.f;
float x20_uvYMin = 0.f;
float x24_uvYMax = 0.f;
SClipScreenRect() = default;
SClipScreenRect(bool valid, int32_t left, int32_t top, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t dstWidth,
float uvXMin, float uvXMax, float uvYMin, float uvYMax)
: x0_valid(valid)
, x4_left(left)
, x8_top(top)
, xc_width(width)
, x10_height(height)
, x14_dstWidth(dstWidth)
, x18_uvXMin(uvXMin)
, x1c_uvXMax(uvXMax)
, x20_uvYMin(uvYMin)
, x24_uvYMax(uvYMax) {}
SClipScreenRect(const hsh::rect2d& rect) {
x4_left = rect.offset.x;
x8_top = rect.offset.y;
xc_width = rect.extent.w;
x10_height = rect.extent.h;
x14_dstWidth = rect.extent.w;
SClipScreenRect(const hsh::viewport& rect) {
x4_left = rect.x;
x8_top = rect.y;
xc_width = rect.width;
x10_height = rect.height;
x14_dstWidth = rect.width;
SClipScreenRect(const SViewport& vp) {
x4_left = vp.x0_left;
x8_top = vp.x4_top;
xc_width = vp.x8_width;
x10_height = vp.xc_height;
enum class ETexelFormat {
I4 = 0,
I8 = 1,
IA4 = 2,
IA8 = 3,
C4 = 4,
C8 = 5,
C14X2 = 6,
RGB565 = 7,
RGB5A3 = 8,
RGBA8 = 9,
CMPR = 10,
RGBA8PC = 16,
C8PC = 17,
CMPRPC = 18,
#define DEPTH_FAR 1.f
#define DEPTH_SKY 0.999f
#define DEPTH_TARGET_MANAGER 0.12500012f
#define DEPTH_WORLD (1.f / 8.f)
#define DEPTH_GUN (1.f / 32.f)
#define DEPTH_SCREEN_ACTORS (1.f / 64.f)
#define DEPTH_HUD (1.f / 512.f)
#define DEPTH_NEAR 0.f
#define CUBEMAP_RES 256
#define CUBEMAP_MIPS 6
static s32 sNextUniquePass = 0;
namespace CTevCombiners {
struct CTevOp {
bool x0_clamp = true;
GX::TevOp x4_op = GX::TevOp::TEV_ADD;
GX::TevBias x8_bias = GX::TevBias::TB_ZERO;
GX::TevScale xc_scale = GX::TevScale::CS_SCALE_1;
GX::TevRegID xc_regId = GX::TevRegID::TEVPREV;
struct ColorPass {
GX::TevColorArg x0_a;
GX::TevColorArg x4_b;
GX::TevColorArg x8_c;
GX::TevColorArg xc_d;
struct AlphaPass {
GX::TevAlphaArg x0_a;
GX::TevAlphaArg x4_b;
GX::TevAlphaArg x8_c;
GX::TevAlphaArg xc_d;
class CTevPass {
u32 x0_id;
ColorPass x4_colorPass;
AlphaPass x14_alphaPass;
CTevOp x24_colorOp;
CTevOp x38_alphaOp;
CTevPass(const ColorPass& colPass, const AlphaPass& alphaPass, const CTevOp& colorOp = CTevOp(),
const CTevOp alphaOp = CTevOp())
: x0_id(++sNextUniquePass)
, x4_colorPass(colPass)
, x14_alphaPass(alphaPass)
, x24_colorOp(colorOp)
, x38_alphaOp(alphaOp) {}
}; // namespace CTevCombiners
class CGraphics {
struct CProjectionState {
bool x0_persp;
float x4_left;
float x8_right;
float xc_top;
float x10_bottom;
float x14_near;
float x18_far;
struct CFogState {
hsh::float4 m_color;
float m_A = 0.f;
float m_B = 0.5f;
float m_C = 0.f;
ERglFogMode m_mode;
static CProjectionState g_Proj;
static zeus::CVector2f g_CachedDepthRange;
static CFogState g_Fog;
static std::array<zeus::CColor, 3> g_ColorRegs;
static float g_ProjAspect;
static u32 g_NumLightsActive;
static u32 g_NumBreakpointsWaiting;
static u32 g_FlippingState;
static bool g_LastFrameUsedAbove;
static bool g_InterruptLastFrameUsedAbove;
static ERglLightBits g_LightActive;
static ERglLightBits g_LightsWereOn;
static zeus::CTransform g_GXModelView;
static zeus::CTransform g_GXModelViewInvXpose;
static zeus::CTransform g_GXModelMatrix;
static zeus::CTransform g_ViewMatrix;
static zeus::CVector3f g_ViewPoint;
static zeus::CTransform g_GXViewPointMatrix;
static zeus::CTransform g_CameraMatrix;
static SClipScreenRect g_CroppedViewport;
static bool g_IsGXModelMatrixIdentity;
static void DisableAllLights();
static void LoadLight(ERglLight light, const CLight& info);
static void EnableLight(ERglLight light);
static void SetLightState(ERglLightBits lightState);
static void SetAmbientColor(const zeus::CColor& col);
static void SetFog(ERglFogMode mode, float startz, float endz, const zeus::CColor& color);
static void SetDepthWriteMode(bool test, ERglEnum comp, bool write);
static void SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode type, ERglBlendFactor srcFac, ERglBlendFactor dstFac, ERglLogicOp op);
static void SetCullMode(ERglCullMode mode);
static void SetAlphaUpdate(bool value);
static void SetColorUpdate(bool value);
static void SetDstAlpha(bool enabled, float alpha = 0.f);
static void BeginScene();
static void EndScene();
static void SetAlphaCompare(ERglAlphaFunc comp0, u8 ref0, ERglAlphaOp op, ERglAlphaFunc comp1, u8 ref1);
static void SetViewPointMatrix(const zeus::CTransform& xf);
static void SetViewMatrix();
static void SetModelMatrix(const zeus::CTransform& xf);
static zeus::CMatrix4f CalculatePerspectiveMatrix(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar,
bool forRenderer);
static zeus::CMatrix4f GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(bool forRenderer);
static const CProjectionState& GetProjectionState();
static void SetProjectionState(const CProjectionState&);
static void SetPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar);
static void SetOrtho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar);
static void FlushProjection();
static zeus::CVector2i ProjectPoint(const zeus::CVector3f& point);
static SClipScreenRect ClipScreenRectFromMS(const zeus::CVector3f& p1, const zeus::CVector3f& p2);
static SClipScreenRect ClipScreenRectFromVS(const zeus::CVector3f& p1, const zeus::CVector3f& p2);
static zeus::CVector3f ProjectModelPointToViewportSpace(const zeus::CVector3f& point);
static zeus::CVector3f ProjectModelPointToViewportSpace(const zeus::CVector3f& point, float& wOut);
static void SetViewportResolution(const zeus::CVector2i& res);
static void SetViewport(int leftOff, int bottomOff, int width, int height);
static void SetScissor(int leftOff, int bottomOff, int width, int height);
static void SetDepthRange(float near, float far);
static CTimeProvider* g_ExternalTimeProvider;
static float g_DefaultSeconds;
static u32 g_RenderTimings;
static void SetExternalTimeProvider(CTimeProvider* provider) { g_ExternalTimeProvider = provider; }
static float GetSecondsMod900();
static void TickRenderTimings();
static u32 g_FrameCounter;
static u32 g_Framerate;
static u32 g_FramesPast;
static frame_clock::time_point g_FrameStartTime;
static u32 GetFrameCounter() { return g_FrameCounter; }
static u32 GetFPS() { return g_Framerate; }
static void UpdateFPSCounter();
static hsh::owner<hsh::render_texture2d> g_SpareTexture;
static const std::array<zeus::CMatrix3f, 6> skCubeBasisMats;
static void InitializeBoo(hsh::surface surface) { g_SpareTexture = hsh::create_render_texture2d(surface, 3, 3); }
static void ShutdownBoo() { g_SpareTexture.reset(); }
static void ResolveSpareTexture(const SClipScreenRect& rect, int bindIdx = 0, bool clearDepth = false) {
hsh::rect2d wrect = {{rect.x4_left, rect.x8_top}, {rect.xc_width, rect.x10_height}};
g_SpareTexture.resolve_color_binding(bindIdx, wrect);
if (clearDepth)
hsh::clear_attachments(false, true);
hsh::set_blend_constants(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, gx_DstAlphaValue);
static void ResolveSpareDepth(const SClipScreenRect& rect, int bindIdx = 0) {
hsh::rect2d wrect = {{rect.x4_left, rect.x8_top}, {rect.xc_width, rect.x10_height}};
g_SpareTexture.resolve_depth_binding(bindIdx, wrect);
hsh::set_blend_constants(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, gx_DstAlphaValue);
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a564c;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5698;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5e70;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5ebc;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5f08;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5f54;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5fa0;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass804bfcc0;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a5fec;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a6038;
static const CTevCombiners::CTevPass sTevPass805a6084;
template <class VTX>
class TriFanToStrip {
std::vector<VTX>& m_vec;
size_t m_start;
size_t m_added = 0;
explicit TriFanToStrip(std::vector<VTX>& vec) : m_vec(vec), m_start(vec.size()) {}
void AddVert(const VTX& vert) {
if (m_added > 3 && (m_added & 1) == 0) {
m_vec.reserve(m_vec.size() + 3);
template <class... _Args>
void EmplaceVert(_Args&&... args) {
if (m_added > 3 && (m_added & 1) == 0) {
m_vec.reserve(m_vec.size() + 3);
template <class T>
void Draw(T& binding) const {
binding.draw(m_start, m_vec.size() - m_start);
struct ViewBlock {
hsh::float4x4 m_mv;
hsh::float4 m_color = zeus::skWhite;
void setViewRect(const hsh::rect2d& root, const hsh::rect2d& sub) {
m_mv[0][0] = 2.0f / root.extent.w;
m_mv[1][1] = 2.0f / root.extent.h;
m_mv[3][0] = sub.offset.x * m_mv[0][0] - 1.0f;
m_mv[3][1] = sub.offset.y * m_mv[1][1] - 1.0f;
void finalAssign(const ViewBlock& other) {
m_mv = other.m_mv;
m_color = other.m_color;
struct TexUVVert {
hsh::float3 m_pos;
hsh::float2 m_uv;
enum class AlphaMode { NoAlpha, AlphaWrite, AlphaReplace };
template <AlphaMode Alpha, hsh::BlendFactor BF>
struct AlphaSrc {
static constexpr hsh::BlendFactor Factor = BF;
template <hsh::BlendFactor BF>
struct AlphaSrc<AlphaMode::AlphaReplace, BF> {
static constexpr hsh::BlendFactor Factor = hsh::One;
template <AlphaMode Alpha, hsh::BlendFactor BF>
struct AlphaDst {
static constexpr hsh::BlendFactor Factor = BF;
template <hsh::BlendFactor BF>
struct AlphaDst<AlphaMode::AlphaReplace, BF> {
static constexpr hsh::BlendFactor Factor = hsh::Zero;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using BlendAttachmentExt =
hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::SrcAlpha, hsh::InvSrcAlpha, hsh::Add, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::SrcAlpha>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::InvSrcAlpha>::Factor, hsh::Add,
hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using AdditiveAttachmentExt =
hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::SrcAlpha, hsh::One, hsh::Add, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::SrcAlpha>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::One>::Factor, hsh::Add,
hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using MultiplyAttachmentExt =
hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::Zero, hsh::SrcColor, hsh::Add, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::Zero>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::SrcAlpha>::Factor, hsh::Add,
hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using SubtractAttachmentExt = hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<
hsh::SrcAlpha, hsh::One, hsh::ReverseSubtract, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::SrcAlpha>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::One>::Factor, Alpha == AlphaMode::AlphaReplace ? hsh::Add : hsh::ReverseSubtract,
hsh::ColorComponentFlags(hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using InvDstMultiplyAttachmentExt =
hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::Zero, hsh::InvDstColor, hsh::Add, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::Zero>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::InvDstAlpha>::Factor, hsh::Add,
hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <AlphaMode Alpha = AlphaMode::NoAlpha>
using NoColorAttachmentExt =
hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::Zero, hsh::SrcColor, hsh::Add, AlphaSrc<Alpha, hsh::Zero>::Factor,
AlphaDst<Alpha, hsh::SrcAlpha>::Factor, hsh::Add,
(Alpha != AlphaMode::NoAlpha ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using BlendAttachment = BlendAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using AdditiveAttachment = AdditiveAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using MultiplyAttachment = MultiplyAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using SubtractAttachment = SubtractAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using InvDstMultiplyAttachment = InvDstMultiplyAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
template <bool AlphaWrite = false>
using NoColorAttachment = NoColorAttachmentExt<AlphaWrite ? AlphaMode::AlphaWrite : AlphaMode::NoAlpha>;
#define FOG_SHADER(fog) \
float fogZ; \
{ \
float fogF = hsh::saturate(((fog).m_A / ((fog).m_B - this->frag_position.z)) - (fog).m_C); \
switch ((fog).m_mode) { \
case ERglFogMode::PerspLin: \
fogZ = fogF; \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspExp: \
fogZ = 1.0 - hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspExp2: \
fogZ = 1.0 - hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspRevExp: \
fogZ = hsh::exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fogF)); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspRevExp2: \
fogF = 1.0 - fogF; \
fogZ = hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF); \
break; \
default: \
fogZ = 0.0; \
break; \
} \
#define FOG_SHADER_UNIFORM(fogUniBuf) \
float fogZ; \
{ \
float fogF = \
hsh::saturate(((fogUniBuf)->m_A / ((fogUniBuf)->m_B - this->frag_position.z)) - (fogUniBuf)->m_C); \
switch ((fogUniBuf)->m_mode) { \
case ERglFogMode::PerspLin: \
fogZ = fogF; \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspExp: \
fogZ = 1.0 - hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspExp2: \
fogZ = 1.0 - hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspRevExp: \
fogZ = hsh::exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fogF)); \
break; \
case ERglFogMode::PerspRevExp2: \
fogF = 1.0 - fogF; \
fogZ = hsh::exp2(-8.0 * fogF * fogF); \
break; \
default: \
fogZ = 0.0; \
break; \
} \
#define FOG_OUT(out, fog, colorIn) \
out = hsh::float4(hsh::lerp((colorIn), (fog).m_color, hsh::saturate(fogZ)).xyz(), (colorIn).w);
#define FOG_OUT_UNIFORM(out, fogUniBuf, colorIn) \
out = hsh::float4(hsh::lerp((colorIn), (fogUniBuf)->m_color, hsh::saturate(fogZ)).xyz(), (colorIn).w);
template <ERglCullMode CullMode>
struct ERglCullModeAttachmentExt {
using type = hsh::pipeline::cull_mode<>;
template <>
struct ERglCullModeAttachmentExt<ERglCullMode::None> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::cull_mode<hsh::CullNone>;
template <>
struct ERglCullModeAttachmentExt<ERglCullMode::All> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::cull_mode<hsh::CullFrontAndBack>;
template <>
struct ERglCullModeAttachmentExt<ERglCullMode::Front> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::cull_mode<hsh::CullFront>;
template <>
struct ERglCullModeAttachmentExt<ERglCullMode::Back> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::cull_mode<hsh::CullBack>;
template <ERglCullMode CullMode>
using ERglCullModeAttachment = typename ERglCullModeAttachmentExt<CullMode>::type;
template <ERglEnum Compare>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::Never> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::Never>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::Less> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::Less>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::Equal> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::Equal>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::LEqual> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::LEqual>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::Greater> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::Greater>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::NEqual> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::NEqual>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::GEqual> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::GEqual>;
template <>
struct ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<ERglEnum::Always> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::depth_compare<hsh::Always>;
template <ERglEnum Compare>
using ERglDepthCompareAttachment = typename ERglDepthCompareAttachmentExt<Compare>::type;
template <ERglBlendMode Mode, ERglBlendFactor SrcFac, ERglBlendFactor DstFac, ERglLogicOp Op, bool AlphaWrite>
struct ERglBlendModeAttachmentExt {
using type = hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<>;
template <ERglLogicOp Op, bool AlphaWrite>
struct ERglBlendModeAttachmentExt<ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, Op,
AlphaWrite> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<
hsh::SrcAlpha, hsh::InvSrcAlpha, hsh::Add, hsh::SrcAlpha, hsh::InvSrcAlpha, hsh::Add,
hsh::ColorComponentFlags(hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(AlphaWrite ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <ERglBlendFactor SrcFac, ERglBlendFactor DstFac, ERglLogicOp Op, bool AlphaWrite>
struct ERglBlendModeAttachmentExt<ERglBlendMode::None, SrcFac, DstFac, Op, AlphaWrite> {
using type = hsh::pipeline::color_attachment<hsh::One, hsh::Zero, hsh::Add, hsh::One, hsh::Zero, hsh::Add,
hsh::CC_Red | hsh::CC_Green | hsh::CC_Blue |
(AlphaWrite ? hsh::CC_Alpha : hsh::ColorComponentFlags()))>;
template <ERglBlendMode Mode, ERglBlendFactor SrcFac, ERglBlendFactor DstFac, ERglLogicOp Op, bool AlphaWrite>
using ERglBlendModeAttachment = typename ERglBlendModeAttachmentExt<Mode, SrcFac, DstFac, Op, AlphaWrite>::type;
class GraphicsDebugGroup {
/* Stack only */
void* operator new(size_t);
void operator delete(void*);
void* operator new[](size_t);
void operator delete[](void*);
explicit GraphicsDebugGroup(const char* name, const zeus::CColor& color = zeus::skWhite) {
zeus::simd_floats f(color.mSimd);
CGraphics::g_BooMainCommandQueue->pushDebugGroup(name, f.array());
~GraphicsDebugGroup() { CGraphics::g_BooMainCommandQueue->popDebugGroup(); }
#define SCOPED_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_GROUP(...) GraphicsDebugGroup _GfxDbg_(__VA_ARGS__);
} // namespace metaforce